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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2737902 No.2737902 [Reply] [Original]

You move into a new house. You are fresh out of college and just took a job offer in a different city. You live by yourself and you feel ronery just going to the office and back home day after day. One day a loli and her mother knock on your door. The loli has thrown her ball into your backyard and wants it back. You let the loli go to the backyard to retrieve the ball and you start talking with her mom. You find out she's single and that her husband cheated on her. She finds out you're here all alone and she suggests that you come over to their house for dinner.

Do you

[ ] Go over and try to befriend the single mom and her loli

[ ] Say fuck it, you have better shit to do like playing VNs or browsing /jp/

[ ] Go over and try and seduce the mom. You figure since she is single she must be lonely.

[ ] Go over and seduce the loli

[ ] Go over and befriend the loli and try and become her big brother

[ ] Cross dress and go over and try and become the loli's onee-sama.

>> No.2737905

I'm not interested in either MILFs or lolis. I'd probably go over for dinner to be polite, maybe make friends with them.

>> No.2737908

[x] Hide the thread

>> No.2737909

[x] Go over and try to befriend the single mom and her loli

>> No.2737910

[X ] Say fuck it, you have better shit to do like playing VNs or browsing /jp/
It's better to do nothing.

>> No.2737911

[X] Go over and try to befriend the single mom and her loli

>> No.2737915

[x] Genuflect

>> No.2737917

This is scary. I just took a job in San Francisco and got an apartment. I hope a situation like this brews up. I'll probably befriend the mom and loli. I'm too much of a wuss to go seduce...plus I dunno how.

>> No.2737918

So, what game is this picture from? A horrible rape eroge?

>> No.2737919

[x] Lock the door before the loli comes back, rape her before the police comes/the neighbour breaks the door.

>> No.2737938

>I hope a situation like this brews up.
I've got some bad news.

>> No.2737941

You find out she's single and that her husband cheated on her. She finds out you're here all alone and she suggests that you come over to their house for dinner.

Yes, because in real life that will be a smooth transition in conversational topics.

>> No.2737950

[X] Jump into the lake.

>> No.2737951


How would you know that? You've never had a real conversation with anyone in real life.

>> No.2737954

The ball could land on the balcony.
It's a stretch, but no reason to lose heart!

>> No.2737959

I consider our conversations to be real enough.

>> No.2737955

[x] Go over and try and seduce the mom. You figure since she is single she must be lonely.

I would do my best, at least.

>> No.2737953

[x] Wake up

>> No.2737960

[x] Laugh maniacally as the loli gets eaten by my shark, then eat the girl.

>> No.2737965

I would make her eat my shark, if you catch my drift.

>> No.2737980

Would you eat my shark?

>> No.2737981

☑ Go over and try to befriend the single mom and her loli

I wrote a wall of text trying to justify my answer but 4chan ate it. I guess in the end what I wanted to say was that there's no harm in making a friend.

>> No.2737987

[X] Go over and try and seduce the mom. You figure since she is single she must be lonely.
[X] Cross dress and go over and try and become the loli's onee-sama.

These two.

>> No.2737989

[ ] Cross dress and go over and try and become the loli's onee-sama.

>> No.2737994

[x] Cross dress and go over and try and become the loli's onee-sama.

>> No.2737997
File: 32 KB, 400x375, shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Cross dress and go over and try and become the loli's onee-sama.

>> No.2738008

[ X] Cross dress and go over and try and become the loli's onee-sama.

This one. Then I could teach the loli how to cook. And the mom would come in while we were having a cooking session and the loli would excitedly say "look mommy onee-chan is teaching me how to make fillet minon" and the mom would giggle and say "oh anonymous-chan, thanks for always taking care of little loli-chan. you'll make a wonderful wife someday..."
Then I'll blush and say "n-no way..." in my head, but secretly ponder the idea.

>> No.2738010

>[x] Wake up

>> No.2738014

[x] I put on my robe and power armor

>> No.2738016

[X] Be a decent human being and join them for dinner, thanking them for welcoming you into the neighborhood.

>> No.2738020

[X] Go over and try to befriend the single mom and her loli
Something to break the monotony.

>> No.2738025

[x] Go over and try and seduce the mom. You figure since she is single she must be lonely.

I'd try, but I'm fairly certain it'd end up

[x] Say fuck it, you have better shit to do like playing VNs or browsing /jp/

>> No.2738033

>You move into a new house. You are fresh out of college and just took a job offer in a different city. You live by yourself and you feel ronery just going to the office and back home day after day. One day a loli and her mother knock on your door. The loli has thrown her ball into your backyard and wants it back. You panic, barely grasping what they want from you. You retrieve the ball and hand it over to the loli, while staring downwards and mumbling 'H-here y-you go'. The mother is visibly creeped and hastily thanks you before running off, lest you deecide to rape them or somesuch.

[ ] Post on /jp/ about it

[ ] So ronery ;_;

[ ] Genuflect

>> No.2738034

followed by
[x] Go over and try to befriend the single mom and her loli
possibly then followed by
[x] Go over and try and seduce the mom. You figure since she is single she must be lonely.

and possibly become the loli's new father

>> No.2738035

[x] I take off my glasses. I know I can kill.

>> No.2738043

[x] Force sexual intercourse or other sexual activity upon my female servant, without her consent.

>> No.2738045

[x] Bribe the mother to raise her disposition towards me.

>> No.2738051

[x] Pay $350 to hug the mother for four hours and to occasionally say "I love you" while looking into my eyes.

>> No.2738059


>> No.2738067

[ ] Pet the loli and HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH

>> No.2738075

Source for OP's pic?

>> No.2738117

[ x] Go over and try to befriend the single mom and her loli
Fuck yes free food.

>> No.2738119


>> No.2738125

I don't know why, but I think op pic come from some horrible raep game

>> No.2738131

>Fuck yes free food.
And here I thought I was the only one thinking this.

>> No.2738139

>some horrible raep game
All rape games are horrible. Because rape is horrible. So yeah.

>> No.2738147

not OP, but according to http://e-shuushuu.net/image/78337/ the game is "girigiri love"

I think it's this : http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=16450
but I don't see the mother on that list...

>> No.2738150


Well that, like, your opinion, man

>> No.2738187

thanks anyway dear Anon

>> No.2738188

[X] Go over and try to befriend the single mom and her loli
[X] Go over and befriend the loli and try and become her big brother
[X] Go over and seduce the loli
[X] Marry loli
[X] Good end

Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

Also, where did the whole "HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH" thing start?

>> No.2738199


Is the picture:
a) Drawn in typical anime style?
b) Feature an innocent, vaguely aged woman?

If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, then that character is probably raped at some point.

>> No.2738222

[ ] Try to get some more sleep.
[ ] Go get breakfast.
[ ] Rape the maids.
