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2736668 No.2736668 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know if this has already been discussed, but I didn't see it in the one monster Umineko thread that I read. Anyways,

the development with Kinzo being dead from the start of every game creates an interesting problem. It's obvious that the scenes with magic can be considered complete bullshit, but because there were scenes during the family conference with a living Kinzo interacting with other humans and nothing supernatural happening (even if you discount the scene in Ep4 with Krauss and Natsuhi because Kinzo is throwing Krauss around with one finger, there are others), which implies that any scene shown through the 3rd person omniscient narrator could potentially be fake. Even if you say that only scenes that have elements which have been declared impossible in red need to be considered fake, there's no way to know if any of the other scenes will eventually be contradicted in red.
In short, I now think that only game piece Battler narration is reliable.

>> No.2736684

Took you quite a while, Sherlock. Notice how magical stuff never happens when Battler is present?

>> No.2736696

only game piece Battler narration is reliable.
That was pretty much obvious from the start. It's also interesting to know that Battler never sees Kinzo when he's alive, so even 'Goldsmith' can be easily said not to be the original Kinzo.

>> No.2736710

I'm talking about things like, for instance, George proposing to Shannon. There wasn't any reason to doubt any of the non-magical scenes until this.

>> No.2736717

The only problem I see with Battler's narration was that he saw school-girl Beatrice, given that there's only 17 people on the island. And I don't like the Shannon=Kannon theory at all.

>> No.2736722
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>> No.2736732

The game basically slapped you in the face with that fact in the 3rd game where Hideyoshi and Eva cuddling in the room scene was bullshit. There might have been similar earlier instances too.

>> No.2736741

Yeah, I'm curious where 'Beatrice' comes from in EP2, since she doesn't count as an extra character, which must mean that she's one of the 17, which means that Kinzo painted the picture in the hallway with that person in mind.....


>> No.2736762


well that has basis because Battler knows and believes that George and Shannon are an item, and the same for Kanon and Jessica.

>> No.2736766

Schoolgirl Beatrice in Episode 2 doesn't really matter, since Battler never sees her. Episode 4 is different; when he talks to her on the balcony I'm pretty sure he hasn't started drinking yet, so there isn't even that.

>> No.2736802

I'm assuming it must've happened due to the ring being on Shannon's finger during EP1.

Unless, you know, she said no to George, he murders her and he puts the ring on her himself. But how likely is that?

>> No.2736854

>But how likely is that?
>Author: Ryukishi07

>> No.2736894

The realization that Kinzo is already dead actually clears some things up. Clearly, everyone who lives and works in the mansion would already know this, with the possible exception of Gohda. Jessica might not either, but I've got my own ideas about that...

So the scene in Episode 1 where Natsuhi spoke to him was a confabulation. In Episode 2, there never was a scene where Rosa spoke to him. She got a gun out of his room, and when she came back she was acting a bit differently, as though perhaps she just realized she just became the next in line for the headship. And Kinzo got tossed in the furnace right at the start in Ep3.

Given the circumstances, I'm gonna say the scene where 'Kinzo' appeared before the family was total bull. I don't even think it was someone else taking the name of 'Kinzo', because seriously, if it wasn't one of the siblings, do you REALLY think they'd accept that? Like that theory that Kanon is the real Battler and took the headship, inheriting the name Kinzo. The siblings would throw a fit. Granted, most of them died there, but still I have trouble believing that someone took on Kinzo's name. And if that really were the case, wouldn't someone have figured out a way to hint at that over the phone?

>> No.2736938

Is there any generally accepted reason as to why the hell Nanjo is on the island given that Kinzo is dead

>> No.2736942

Keeping up appearances I think. The family seems to trust Nanjo, so when HE says 'Oh yeah, Kinzo is still strong but he could drop any day now' they just eat it up without a word.

>> No.2736948

Nanjo is helping the murder(s) fake their death

>> No.2736953

From a story perspective, it's critical that there be a doctor on the island in order to confirm that the victims are actually dead and are not faking their deaths (though he could act as an accomplice and lie)

As for an actual reason in the story.. no clue. He's probably been there so long that nobody really questions him being there. Which just casts more suspicion on him, really.

>> No.2736961

Nothing can be trusted. Not even the Red Text tells the truth.

>> No.2736966

Krauss mentions to Natsuhi that both Genji and Nanjo are on their side, so he's part of the cover-up at least.

>> No.2736968

Does revived Beato count as human though?

>> No.2736981

If you're anti-fantasy, she can't be anyone but human. And her being there at all is only a problem for anti-fantasy.

>> No.2736994

Most likely Shannon and Kanon as well. They have almost free access to his study.

>> No.2738562

No, Natsuhi said to Krauss.

>> No.2739014

I was wondering, are the majority of /jp/ Umineko fans looking forward to, fearing the worst, or simply don't care about the anime adaption?

>> No.2739027
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>> No.2739031

Is there a list of Umineko facts anywhere?

>> No.2739036

Spoilers and a pic too big for 4chan.

There is no way that the anime will ever have a scene as ridiculously awesome as this. Therefore we can say that the anime will be inferior to the game, but we can't be sure how good it will be in the first place.

>> No.2739080

If it's anything like the OP image it will be fucking amazing. Anyone got info on this pic?

They better not cut anything good out to fit it into 26 eps. Preferably, I'd like Episodes 3 and 4 to have at least 10 episodes each but the current state of modern anime in general is pretty sad considering they feel the need to force everything into small amounts.

>> No.2739093

CGI Dragon

>> No.2739125

> I was wondering, are the majority of /jp/ Umineko fans looking forward to, fearing the worst, or simply don't care about the anime adaption?

I can't speak for /jp/, but for myself
Looking forward to-The witches fight in episode 3, the resistance in the later part of episode 3 and the tests for the head onward in 4. Only because these should benefit the most from being in anime form

Worried- The excessive censorship (possibly remedied by the AT-X raws about ten days after the original raws). The main reason is this is plot critical, and if they need to censor to the point of altering plot details, then it would be of great concern. It is possible they might not even show decapitated corpses, but farther more there are many far more violent scenes that are sure to be censored significantly. More importantly though, a bigger concern is how the red (and later blue) text is done and the whole game world in general

Don't care- don't care enough to post.

>> No.2739130



That pic made me realize that the true reason he couldn't repeat it in red was because there are confirmed people with multiple names, Kanon and Shannon. Thus, wording wise it was impossible for him.

>> No.2739142

Realistically, I would guess something like this
Episode 1- 1-4
Episode 2- 5-10
Episode 3- 11-18
Episode 4- 19- 26

>> No.2739145
File: 11 KB, 640x480, FUCKYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only thing the animu won't be able to follow up to is the BRICK SHITTING CUM BUCKETING endings of Ep 2 and 4

>> No.2739152
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I dont really care. But that doesnt mean I will not watch it when it comes out. Although considering how long and talkative Umineko is,I wont really be surprised if they fail to explain some things and scenes like introducing the devils proof just skip the explaination and has Battler just outright understanding it from the moment its used. Otherwise each "Episode" would take like 10-20 episodes for the anime.


Clearly you're forgetting Kinzo's MANLY speech to the family about his views on them. That was one scene I can't wait to see animated and voiced out. I imagined it in my head while going through that part in EP4,shit was awesome.

>> No.2739156
File: 375 KB, 800x600, e93b61089154563ea3c895774b8c3fb9d585d19f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's pic is just fanart, it's not the same art style they seem to be going with in the anime. that artist is fucking good though, he has a bunch of cool umineko art like that. pic related.
Also.... are you guys sure they've confirmed its gonna be 26ish episodes or is it assumed b/c of the length of the higurashi anime? I'm concerned because even though this might mean shit, the ANN website for the anime says they have the episode titles for 13 episodes only.
can anyone shed some light on this? I can't research it very well myself if the info is out there, seeing as how I can't read moon

>> No.2739158

Who else read Kinzo's lines in Norio Wakamoto's voice?

>> No.2739163



>> No.2739170

It really all depends on their approach to the pacing of the anime.

Hopefully they've learned their lesson from Higurashi that jamming 6 arcs into 26 episodes and then stretching the hell out of 2 arcs over another 24 is really silly.

It's inevitable some plot details will be lost, but they can minimize the damage by being smarter with how many arcs they choose to cover in a season.

>> No.2739172

Is it just me or did anyone else fucking thought "HOLY SHIT I NEED TO SEE THIS ANIMATED" when Ange showed up in the fake Golden Land near the end of ep 4 and started tearing it apart, while Beatrice was desperately telling her to stop to keep maria from leaving her? Also, Beatrice begging Battler to kill her, while skewered with blue fucking truth

>> No.2739187 [SPOILER] 
File: 408 KB, 640x800, 04d776394b807e596f7238e172440c82c2ec4069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2739196


I did. It was most epic in ep 4 with him raging and yelling.

>> No.2739205

> he has a bunch of cool umineko art like that.
Hanokage is a woman, and this image was drawn by her and her friend, Kurumi Suzushiro(Beato, Lambda and Bern are Kurumin's work).

>> No.2739209

A lot of series' start out with just 13 episode titles. I guess they could simply animate the first 2 Episodes but considering the increasing length of Umineko Episodes it's possibly a sixth or less of the entire story. I'm pretty sure they announced it a year ago so they must have done more than just 13 episodes in this time.

>> No.2739216

More of this art?

>> No.2739217
File: 433 KB, 800x1119, 36e6d4cc0c047a7df12f6927b4488d970bd05c78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm didn't know that. I fucking love her shit though.

>> No.2739223


I did throughout all of my time reading Umineko. It was awesome.

On a related note, the voice talent is very promising. I'm particularly liking:
Mikiya as George
Takano as Eva (lol this will be awesome)
Kana/Alicia as Jessica

>> No.2739225

I've heard quite a bit of bitching about the meta-world but ever since it was introduced I've felt it just made Umineko more awesome. I seriously hope the anime won't try to cut it out, I can't see it making any sense if they did.

>> No.2739239
File: 127 KB, 498x650, 2f40150f795722cf1e3e68f356b0adef88f3633f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has entirely too much fucking art. I used to have her website bookmarked, but I can't seem to find it now. anyone have it?

>> No.2739260


>> No.2739285

thank you kindly

>> No.2739289

They already casted Beatrice and designed her costume (the one which she wears only in the Meta-World)

>> No.2739290


>> No.2739302

>casted Beatrice

I'm definitely buying her figure when it comes out.

>> No.2739304

this is the one that I was looking for, actually, found it following some links on that website. http://hano.pepper.jp/

>> No.2739308

You seem to confuse Hanokage with Kurumin.
>>2736668 and >>2739239 are Hanokage's.
>>2739217 is Kurumin's.
>>2739156 is their collaboration.
>>2739260 is Kurumin's website.

Here is Hanokage's website.

And their Pixiv ID.
(Hanokage) http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=49138
(Kurumin) http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=8065

>> No.2739396

Oh, my mistake. I didn't bookmark Hano's site due to the way they draw faces bothers me greatly.
