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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 600x500, boring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2736636 No.2736636 [Reply] [Original]

Ghost thread! Move along you meatbags, nothing to see here, this is a discussion for us ghosts.

I just thought of something. What if we install StupidFilter to guard our precious ghost board? I am against nazi mods deleting posts and banning people, but it's perfectly okay (in my eyes) if a soulless program does that. System would be simple: poster's comment is run through filter (see http://stupidfilter.org/demo.php for examples), and if it's considered stupid, he gets a message that his post is not worthy. It will filter very short posts with no information ("LOL'.", "u mad", "gb2/b/"), posts with many grammatical mistakes, not properly capitalized posts and such.

It will not save us from all stupidity, but maybe it's worth the try?

>> No.2736638

Fuck you.

>> No.2736638,1 [INTERNAL] 

Although this thing is not very fit 4chan discussions. Posts consisting of just a link to some site are always considered stupid for example.

>> No.2736645

Reported, fuck off back to your shitty ghost board where you can suck more tripfag cock.

>> No.2736645,1 [INTERNAL] 

And >>2736638 was not detected as stupid as well...

Maybe it's not a good idea after all...

>> No.2736645,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2736657

thread hidden

>> No.2736673

Write a client that operates as a FF plug in with a key distribution system. Client leaves real content in plain text, but autohides posts which haven't been signed by the plug in.

>> No.2736693

There already is a script like this on greasespot. I'm talking about improving board quality by disallowing unworthy people to post, not filtering existing posts. Making people write "I am gravely not amused" instead of "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF".

>> No.2736694

Usually, ghost threads are deleted right after they're made, but yeah! Auto-censors are bad. They lack the human touch.

>> No.2736704

fuck you cockhead!

>> No.2736707

> They lack the human touch.

That's the magic. Human won't attend to every post with same zealous diligence (even snacks). Look at our janitors. Deleting good threads and laving all shit as it is. Don't trust human a machine's job!

>> No.2736715

Just as an example of how liberal the filter is, not a single post in this thread was considered stupid (except for >>2736645,2 which, well, actually is).

>> No.2736725

>I'm more hardcore than you peasants because I use /jp/ archive.

>> No.2736733

Get out of /jp/ and stay in the ghost board.

>> No.2736750

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.2736760

nice work

>> No.2736776

Ah, finally, first "Text is likely to be stupid" post

>> No.2736788

I usually just use the ghost board to post "why was this thread deleted?"

>> No.2736796

See you soon on the ghost side then.

>> No.2736796,1 [INTERNAL] 

Well, at least he's trying to improve the ghost board. Unfortunately there's no need for something like that any more. Now that the Meru impersonator and Athens are gone the ghostbros are in perfect harmony. Though I must confess I'm starting to miss some of the circlejerk threads. And this is not to say they were the only people creating tripdrama.

I just tested the stupidfilter. It's absolutely brilliant. If only /a/ and /v/ had something like that. No scratch that, if only the entire Internet had something like that. The stupidfilter actually makes people think before posting.

The stupidfilter combined with something like /r9k/'s filter would be capable of filtering /b/'s stupidity.

>> No.2737201

I'm just wondering if it's capable of catching sarcasm like "herf derf, Cirno is a baka xD."

>> No.2737227

That kind of sarcasm is bad too.

>> No.2737227,1 [INTERNAL] 

It's not a bad idea, but >>2736796,1 is right, ghost mode is peaceful as of late.

It has room for improvement, and never underestimate the will of people to get around what they feel is unfair filters.

Run your bad sentence through a thesaurus, pass filter. That on top of the fact that only one post out of the entire thread was deemed likely to be stupid.

Oh, another circumvention tactic. Short sentence followed by a paragraph or two pasted from a random paper.

>> No.2737227,2 [INTERNAL] 

Disregard that, and do it. (That is, assuming our admins have enough spare time to implement such a feature). It certainly wouldn't hurt any thing.

I wonder if the stupidfilter could be combined with the 4chan filter so /a/nons could use it to hide some of their shitty threads. I guess technically the 4chan filter already allows people to filter stupid post, it just lacks the functionality of checking for bad punctuation and grammar.

>> No.2737296

Is the ghostboard still being used as a personal dramaboard or is it better now?

>> No.2737296,1 [INTERNAL] 

Too bad every single word or sentence in Japanese is classified as stupid.

>> No.2737311

Why not check yourself, moron.
But yeah, it's way better now.

>> No.2737324
File: 266 KB, 500x700, Bird brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things like this give me hope for the future of the Internet. Imagine in the year 2030 when scripts like the stupidfilter have been implemented in every forum/message board on the Internet. With something like that even gaia would be bearable. And if it was capable of being customized to filter bad trolling attempts and spam, it would be perfect.

>> No.2737335

Ever since the Meru impersonator left the ghost board has been drama free. Which is a good thing and a bad thing. I kinda miss some of the e-arguments.

>> No.2737335,1 [INTERNAL] 

Without a doubt it needs some work. But it's definitely a good start. Imagine a decade from now once filters such as this are more advanced.

I just wonder what should happen to post that fail to pass the stupidfilter. Should they be disregarded, or should the post go through and the post would be marked as 'a stupid post'.

>> No.2737362

>/jp/ should become /r9k/ bloxxxx

>> No.2737366

Censorship is not cool, bros.

>> No.2737387

I'm pretty sure an optional script to block stupid shit, that isn't 100% perfect and that nobody is forcing you to use it doesn't counts as censorship.

>> No.2737389

Now I finally know why this thread received such a hostile reception. /jp/ers think this thread is referring to them.

>/jp/ should become /r9k/ bloxxxx

1) This filter has nothing to do with /jp/. This thread was created for the ghost board.

2) This filter is completely different from the /r9k/ filter. This filter is targeted towards grammar while the /r9k/ filter sets a higher emphasis on originality. Apples and oranges, really. Have you even tested it before jumping to conclusions about it?

Op should have deleted this thread as to not invite confusion.

>Bird brain.png

>> No.2737401

They're just your usual summer wannabe trolls. Ignore them.
As for this thread, I'm all for it. If only it could be implemented on /jp/ itself.

>> No.2737402

Indeed, you're supposed to deleted the tread on the start if it's going to be a ghost thread.

>> No.2737409

We could, you know, test it in the ghost board first. Since it contains everything posted here. But that would kill the purpose of the archive.

>> No.2737427

Wouldn't it only affect the new posts there, though? At least that's how I understood how it works: by stopping people from posting stupid stuff, but not hiding the already useless posts.

>> No.2737435

Why the hell is this thread still here?

You're supposed to delete your thread after you make it, OP.

>> No.2737438

Middle sized boards like /jp/ and /tg/ don't need this filter. A filter such as this should be reserved for /a/ /b/, and /v/ (i.e. the boards with higher immigration). If only moot knew about this filter.

>> No.2737439

Sure, but you could also run it on already existent text.

>> No.2737444


It's too late to do anything for those boards.

>> No.2737444,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2737461

Forcing everyone to type like cultured gentlemen isn't going to change the fact that, at heart, they're all morons.

>> No.2737496

Maybe we should bother moot about this filter. /a/ and /v/ could really use a filter like this.

>> No.2737564

Moot doensn't want to drive the idiots away, they do stupid things like click on ads and earn him money.

>> No.2737579

We could make it non-compulsory, like add a button that says, "I don't care, submit my comment anyway" to prevent lame circumvention tactics, and maybe let users have posts that are submitted anyway hidden. This is not a technique to fight people who want to harm the community anyway, we can't fight them; what we can do, is to educate, or just give ourselves a little protection from clueless idiots which are in plenty on every corner of the Internet.

About what >>2737296,1 said, "Too bad every single word or sentence in Japanese is classified as stupid.", well, this is not a real problem at all, we could detect if there are kanji in text, and if there are, disable check completely. We're not building an iron wall (because for people who do want to circumvent filter, there are PLENTY of other ways. Point is, if you did research, you are not a clueless idiot and there's nothing this system do for/against you).

I am against censorship as well (much more than you), but this is far from censorship. You may want to read StupidFilter FAQ, it answers a lot of questions (I especially like Number Four: "Isn't filtering stupidity elitist?" -- "Yes. Yes, it is. That's sort of the whole point."). Very inspiring.

Also, i think i'm going to work on a greasemonkey extension that will let you apply this to /jp/ automatically, user-side, just hiding stupid posts (or adding THIS POST IS STUPID text), for testing purposes.

>> No.2737590

I-it's not like I want you j-j-jackasses to p-participate or anything!! I j-just forgot the deletion code okay!?

>> No.2737595

These threads are always fucking stupid.

>> No.2737614

Yes it might; or it might to make them consider moving to another place that would more happy to accept them.

>> No.2737619

Like you

>> No.2737619,1 [INTERNAL] 

>This is not a technique to fight people who want to harm the community anyway, we can't fight them; what we can do, is to educate, or just give ourselves a little protection from clueless idiots which are in plenty on every corner of the Internet.

Ok, I'm convinced. Use the experimental platform that is the ghost mode and see how much of the past internal posts are deemed unacceptable with it. It would help to see the real impact it could have.
And a user-side thing for 4chan could be good. Maybe instead of hiding them completely or mark them in a way that the eye is drawn to it, just make it less visible. Or devowel it.

Interesting, "ur mom" is not stupid.

>> No.2737619,2 [INTERNAL] 

I submitted a correction. This is an outrage.

>> No.2737619,3 [INTERNAL] 

Now that I've actually taken sometime to think about the full implications of such a filter I am indifferent towards its approval. While it's true that such a filter would be convenient for 99.9998% of all websites, it would serve little to no purpose on the ghost board. We ghostbros have been insulted for many things, but bad grammar is not one of them.

Our problems stem from the 'forum effect' i.e. the practice of ignoring the content of the post and focusing only on the person that delivered the post. I guess it should come as no surprise that Anonymous would be a minority on a board that was created by a tripfriend. But I guess by saying this I'm ignoring the very nature of tripfriends. Like it or hate it, this place was a lot more lively with the constant tripdrama/circlejerk threads.

Which brings me to my next point. Since this is a growing community the quantity of our post is much more important than the quality of our post. Now's not the time to be creating walls. If a user wants to join us we should be happy with their participation (i.e. as long as they aren't bothering anybody). The stupidfilter could be feasible one year from now once the ghost board has increased in immigration. Just for the record, I'm perfectly fine with the filter, I just don't want you to lose any sleep implementing something that would have little effect on the ghostboard. It would actually be a chore to find one ghostbro amongst us with bad grammer

>i'm going to work on a greasemonkey extension that will let you apply this to /jp/ automatically, user-side, just hiding stupid posts
This is a brilliant idea. Again, this filter would serve little purpose on the ghost board but its implications on /a/ and /v/ could be life changing. If it works good enough I might even start browsing /a/ again. You should test it on the ghost board for a month before seeing if it's feasible on /a/.

>> No.2737619,4 [INTERNAL] 

Let me give you some advice. If (and when) you release the aforementioned greasemonkey script you have to tread carefully with your method of delivery. Whenever you make a thread about grammar there's usually an unstated assumption that you're referring to the reader. This usually results in replies such as:


And that goes double for the newcomers that arrived here in summer. Also, while looking through some of the post from above my 'samefag' senses were tingling. It looks like you've made an enemy, Russia.

>> No.2737619,5 [INTERNAL] 

>Also, i think i'm going to work on a greasemonkey extension that will let you apply this to /jp/ automatically, user-side, just hiding stupid posts (or adding THIS POST IS STUPID text), for testing purposes.
Yes. Please do.

>> No.2737619,6 [INTERNAL] 

You mean your ``paranoia'' senses.

>> No.2737619,7 [INTERNAL] 

Look at these post:


Notice how angry they are. If that's not the same person then I don't know what it is.

>> No.2737619,8 [INTERNAL] 

>u mad
>Text is not likely to be stupid.

>> No.2737619,9 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty effing great idea truly. Jesus dearest Christ I hate stupid internet lingo so much.

Also make the british-english as the default so we do not have to bear with yanks and their absurdities.

>> No.2737619,11 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, I think that guy is robotech as well.

>> No.2737619,12 [INTERNAL] 

In /ck/ too, please. Not that anyone ever posts.

Tell me, what was the last thing any of you guys cooked? You mum still cooks and does the dishes for you, does she not?

>> No.2737619,13 [INTERNAL] 

This morning I cooked an omelet.

>> No.2737619,14 [INTERNAL] 

u mad

>> No.2737619,15 [INTERNAL] 

>you're still the only person on /jp/ that correlates mailto:sage with vein-bursting anger.
Hmm, I wonder why...

>Fuck you.

>Reported, fuck off back to your shitty ghost board where you can suck more tripfag cock.

>thread hidden

>fuck you cockhead!

>Get out of /jp/ and stay in the ghost board.

>This thread is an eyesore.

[sarcasm]Yeah, I guess it was foolish of me to associate sage with 'vein-bursting' anger.[/sarcasm]

You're lying to yourself if you believe 4channers wield sage in the same way that the 2channers/pooshlmers use it.

>> No.2737619,16 [INTERNAL] 

It's not the same person, okay? Many people may be angry with me, the thread I posted is not suitable for /jp/ at all.

>> No.2737619,18 [INTERNAL] 

>You're lying to yourself if you believe 4channers wield sage in the same way that the 2channers/pooshlmers use it.

You're kidding, right? /jp/ is one of the last boards where sage can be used in a civil manner. Those that don't are late immigrants and the result of years of /b/ decay.
Well, at least it used to be that way. The board flows, behaviors change.

Now for matters that really concern us, I think you should go ahead and deploy it ghost side. It's an experimental area after all, and perhaps it will make the place look better boardside, dispel the view that this is tripfag drama central.

>> No.2737619,19 [INTERNAL] 

I guess in the end we both stand correct. You argue that most of the time people only use sage to prevent unworthy threads from being bumped. While I argue that most of the time people have sage in their email fields when they're angry.


I guess there's some truth to your words, however...



>> No.2737619,20 [INTERNAL] 

But both of those still fall under the 'I don't feel like bumping this' clause. If using sage means you're angry, I'd be the angriest person on board, but I'm not. Just treat sage as the non-bumping function that it is. Be practical and discard all other associations.

Don't trust a machine with a human's job! I've played with the demo and it's not very useful. Pretty much the only way you would trigger it is by slamming your head on your keyboard repeatedly. If you're going to implement it, then something like in >>2737579 would be fine. Warn the person that their post might be stupid and ask for a confirmation. 'This post is stupid. Do you still want to submit?' A test GM extension would be nice though.

Unrelated: How's that tagging system coming along?

>> No.2737619,21 [INTERNAL] 

>Suigin !YUsuiginy.
Sage for Suigin.

>Just treat sage as the non-bumping function that it is. Be practical and discard all other associations.
Well, that much would be obvious I would hope. I don't recall telling you I was a moron.

>But both of those still fall under the 'I don't feel like bumping this' clause.
But they also fall under the 'I'm mad at you' clause. As seen in those links, 4channers have turned sage into a verb. Unlike on pooshlmer some people here use sage for thread voting (e.g. sage for x thread/user). And given enough time I could find any tripfriend in this thread using sage in its improper context:


As moot said, sage isn't for thread voting. It should never be posted outside of the email field. In my opinion, as long as some Anons continue to misuse it, it should be word filtered to 'don't bump'. Just because you, Eksopl, and Jones use it properly does not necessarily mean /jp/ers use it properly. Just take a scroll down this page and see for yourself:


>> No.2737619,22 [INTERNAL] 

Sage = 'no bump'

So let me try to bring some sense into our bastardization of sage.

>Sage for Suigin
Translates to:
>No bump due to Suigin.

Why do some Anons feel the need to tell people they aren't bumping a thread. They act as if bumping a thread is considered a treat.
>"No bump for you, you troll."

I guess everybody likes getting their thread bumped so when they're told they're not getting a bump it's supposed to get under their skin, perhaps?

Can anybody make sense out of this use of sage:

And most of the time when 'sage for x' is used in an argument, people continue to post in said argument. So if they think the thread isn't worthy of being bumped, why do they continue to post in the thread? (Recently moot tried to circumvent this use of sage by forcing people to wait a few minutes before being able to sage again).

>> No.2737619,23 [INTERNAL] 

sage for suigin

>> No.2737619,24 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2737619,25 [INTERNAL] 


Just one of the many ways /jp/ tries to reinforce on its userbase the correct use of sage.
What are we discussing anyway? The original point that sage equates anger is moot by now.

sage is the way to say "I don't feel that _my own_ post needs to bump this". /b/ and other fast boards use as an effective downvote, since it will be gone to page 2 in a minute without a bump.

Furthermore, REDACTED

Ok, I'll take it easy. No point to argue after all. Plenty of posters misuse sage, but it doesn't mean anger. The content of the post is what determines the actual poster's anger and position.

>> No.2737619,26 [INTERNAL] 

1-6 'sage for's isn't so bad especially when compared to the thousands of posts /jp/ receives daily. Sage can be used for anything. 'I mad' is merely a subdivision. Also, http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/2473/imad.png

>And most of the time when 'sage for x' is used in an argument, people continue to post in said argument.
Are you suggesting that one 'sage for x' should kill the thread off completely? There's more than one person posting on /jp/, you know.

The only important field is that comment/image field. Stop minding so much.

u mad?

>> No.2737619,27 [INTERNAL] 

I hate culture janitor threads.
>Something that stopped potentially retarded posts and made people enter a captcha or something like that.
>and made people enter a captcha
Aside from this thread that is the most stupid idea I've read today.no offense. Anyways, please don't.

Also, sage.

>> No.2737619,29 [INTERNAL] 

To be fair, a lot of those TNHSWs are quite silly.

>> No.2737619,30 [INTERNAL] 

It's not on purpose, Idon't know what has happened to me in the last few months so, sorry.

>> No.2737619,31 [INTERNAL] 

I almost agree. Not that it's the stupidest thing I've heard today, but that captchas suck.
They're so irritating, forcing you to refresh the page and retype your post because too much time has passed since you loaded the page.

Sure, that makes people less likely to post their inane "u mad" posts, but it punishes walls of text much more than one-liners.

The only real merit to captchas that I see is the way they sometimes spell out funny words.

>> No.2737619,32 [INTERNAL] 

If your post is deemed stupid by something that hardly ever filters out anything like StupidFilter, you deserve to input a captcha to prove you're not a retard.

>> No.2737619,33 [INTERNAL] 

>Let's clean up 4chan" threads are always retarded. I only glanced over it and originally thought the OP was Anon of Neo-Russia, though. But seriously, if you seriously need a filter to browse /jp/, you're a complete and utter pussy. How do you watch YouTube videos without going into a seizure? You might want to give this whole "Internet" thing a break if your susceptibilities are so high.
I'm tired of people downplaying the importance of 4chan. No matter how much times you sarcastically say "the Internet is serious business" it'll never change the fact that most of us here have wasted months out of our lives browsing it. 4chan is the ultimate time suck. No MMORG, RPG, FPS, Anime, Visual Novel, or multiplayer game will ever come close to the amount of time you've wasted on 4chan. Is it wrong to try to protect the website you've invested hundreds of hours into? Is it wrong to try to preserve the last good (western) otaku forum on the Internet? Asocial people (such as ourselves) are elitist by nature. There's a reason why we hate society. There's a reason why we avoid our family/friends. If 4chan starts to become shitty, what makes you think we wont avoid it. There's a reason why you no longer watch that genre of anime. There's a reason why you no longer play that video game franchise.

>> No.2737619,34 [INTERNAL] 

4chan is already shitty and we still come here, so yeah.

>> No.2737619,35 [INTERNAL] 

Most of us claimed we would never stop browsing /a/.

>> No.2737619,36 [INTERNAL] 

...and I was one of those.


>> No.2737619,37 [INTERNAL] 

Do you know what a grammarian is? These people generally will insult you or your family for accidentaly making a spelling mistake. While this group as a whole are not necessarily elitists, those Grammarians who think themselves better people than others because they know the language better ARE elitists.

The power given to them was that they know the language very well, and strive to improve the status quo of those around them in terms of grammer and spelling. This in itself is perfectly ok, but to lord it over others and think yourself a better person than another because of it IS elitist.

>> No.2737619,38 [INTERNAL] 

I hate the whole final solution mentality. "If we remove X demographic group, everything will be better around here." I remember when people started noticing /b/ going to shit and they started trying to figure out the root of the problem with /b/. There were many theories, but as you can see now, no one really managed to find working solutions.

The motivation behind trying to remove all bad posters is simply perfectionism, an effort to preserve a complete pure board, which you should know is impossible, because there will always be some barbarians who find their way in.

And taking away the bad posters won't increase the amount of worthwhile content, only the percentage of it, but not the amount. Most likely we'd just have an overwhelming of mediocre posts. The most effective way to improve the general enjoyability of this board is to make more worthwhile content. And this is something everyone can do, instead of complaining to someone else and think they've made an effort. Stop acting so dignified just because you can identify bad posts, the only way to be of any value to this community is to be a good poster yourself.

>> No.2737619,39 [INTERNAL] 

>Is it wrong to try to protect the website you've invested hundreds of hours into?
Holy shit!
That post made me think that I've yet to see an ebay auction of someone's tripcode.
I wonder how much people would pay for pygma or Zun!bar's trip.

>> No.2737619,40 [INTERNAL] 

The only tripcode anyone would pay more than $5 for would be WT Snacks's.

>> No.2737619,41 [INTERNAL] 

But I already have his tripcode.

>> No.2737619,42 [INTERNAL] 

Why are you such a liar?

>> No.2737619,43 [INTERNAL] 

lol, newfags cant W.T. Snacks tripcode

>> No.2737619,44 [INTERNAL] 

Well, Raul-kun, I must pledge that there will not be anything executed in civil manner in this board or anywhere unless you respond to my messages in a civil manner.

I do not know, I can do lots of things but is that truly necessary now that you got this board barely blooming? I just care of the /ck/ really.

>> No.2737619,45 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, stop threatening my brother.

>> No.2737619,46 [INTERNAL] 

Well, this is an oddity. I have no recollection of typing this post at all, even though I would genuinely doubt that anyone bothers to come up with such disturbing impersonation.

Wonder if it is from the same IP as I have at the moment?

>> No.2737619,48 [INTERNAL] 

It is severally odd... Supposedly I made this post yesterday night? Wonder if someone is hijacking my lappie or what?
There are lots of post like this recently?

>> No.2737619,49 [INTERNAL] 

It's true, Meru.
Your computer obeys me, now. Looking through your history has been rather interesting, I must say.
Don't bother trying to remove my control from your machine. The only thing that can unzombify you now is a complete wipe.

>> No.2737619,50 [INTERNAL] 

lol wat... "sara"

If this is true, what site am I browsing now besides 4chan and this one?

>> No.2737619,51 [INTERNAL] 

It was a "Naturally, I knows the hacker" joke, you uncultured she-whale.

>> No.2737619,52 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe she's got multiple personalities, that would explain a lot.

>> No.2737619,53 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ is actually using the ghost board properly:

>> No.2737619,54 [INTERNAL] 

>Yamaku Man
Gensokyo Man was better.

>> No.2737619,55 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, that's the moderator I know.

>> No.2737619,56 [INTERNAL] 

It finally just hit me.

Yamaku Man = Gensokyo Man

>> No.2737619,57 [INTERNAL] 

He's not, I asked him on ghost /a/.

>> No.2737619,58 [INTERNAL] 

If I remember correctly, he just liked Gensokyo Man when it was on /jp/. They're not related otherwise.

>> No.2737619,59 [INTERNAL] 

Since this is a ghost thread, I thought I'd mention for whoever mods this place that there's plenty of CP thumbs around the /a/ archive lately. Go to /a/ and search for the text "permabanned" for some of them.
