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2735943 No.2735943 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Japan have such impractical toilet seats?

>> No.2735948

Most of the backward world has that style of toilet. They get worse the more of a shit hole of a country you get into.

>> No.2735957

What's so impractical about it? Can't squat down fatso?

>> No.2735961

Because they sort of got left behind on the loop. After getting rightfully bombed the sense out of, they adopted the civilized style of toileting instead of the barbaric, old school, shit on the floor method. One could say that this became a bit too late, because we all know how practical ass wiping robots are, right? They know how to shit on the floor and leave their dookie just hanging there, but cant whipe their own asses. Nips are in an eternal time loop, somewhere in between futuristic, mind blowing innovation and ancient practice thats just plain old stupid.

Did i mention that the crazy nips worship shit? Unchi is a very grave matter in Nipland.

>> No.2735968
File: 25 KB, 510x381, gaijin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the reason why asian people are slim.
american should have this style of toilet.

>> No.2735978

Actually, Japan might be the only first world country to use this style of toilet still. The only other places you see them are third world countries. Still not as bad as some of the stuff I saw when I was in Turkey.

>> No.2735987

Japan endorses both styles of toilets. The public ones still have that terrible design though.

>> No.2735993

So, how to take a shit Western poeple who loves outdoor camp or something like that. They bring portable western toilet with them?

>> No.2736009

Nope. Thats why we have you asians, spics and niggers for. Aint nothing like a good ole campfire barbecue and a good ole dump-in-the-mouth. I particularly like Japanese toilets, they tend to really enjoy being used as a toilet.

>> No.2736012

Or use leaves, pine cones, or other shit. Seriously, city dwellers lack imagination when it comes to taking care of things outside the city. No, staying in a lodge in the middle of bum fuck nowhere is NOT roughing it.

>> No.2736017

You only find those in shitty out of the way places.

Or old cheap dumps.

>> No.2736026

I've seen them in places not so out of the way. very annoying to use. I usually just hold out for a better facility.

>> No.2736028
File: 115 KB, 1024x779, gaijin (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol barbarian. do you think barbaric post is cool or something? You are barbarian like this Caucasian.

>> No.2736036

Shitty out of way places? Old cheap dumps? Yeah, that about describes Tokyos subway system and its public toilets.

>> No.2736037

You know, if I was going by the sheer volume of scat I see in their porn, I would almost say he was right. Also tongue toilet paper.

>> No.2736066

in fact, >>2735943 style of toilet is easy to clean for the people who have to. They can clean floor and toilet at once. So they don't have many western style toilet in public toilet.

>> No.2736073

The Turks are so accustomed to shitting on the floor like animals that they even retrofit civilised toilets with weird board things that let them squat on the seat.

>> No.2736077

Neither is really that bad if done properly and regularly. They both get awful if you let them build up. For western toilets you get them preped for their scrubbing (ie. you start theri soaking in sanitizer and what not) while you are doing the floor. Then you come back with the brush and scrub them down, mopping up around the base (which you should have left alone during your moppings.

You do Japanese style toilets much the same when you do them en-mass for a public place. Typically the stuff you use for the toilet itself is not the same as what you use on the floor (though sometimes it is for the area around the toilet)

>> No.2736082

Thats not far from the Turk toilets I saw. The female ones were Two foot impressions (for your feet) and a hole for you to piss and poop in. there was a pull cord for water. There was nothing to wipe with.

Whenever I went out while I was in Turkey I made sure to use the bathroom before leaving.

>> No.2736089

In third world countries they just shit on the ground. Really easy to clean up. By your logic, this must be better, right?

Yeah, I think they expect you to take your own paper or rags or whatever out with you. Crazy stuff.

>> No.2736096

Not sure, I don't plan to go back, and I never bothered to inquire.

>> No.2736119

The public toilets in a small city on Kyushu were Western style so I highly doubt the squat ones are in use much

>> No.2736128


I think in these cases, you're expected to carry around a bottle of water with you with which to wash yourself. Because a bit of water at low velocity is enough to remove all waste, according to them.

>> No.2736134

western style is not rare. but generally speaking, Japanese do not think squat style is inferior. so if they have 2 private space, it is natural that they have the one is squat the other is western style.

>> No.2736135

That's an interesting thing to know. Unfortunately I think my days of traveling are done. I think Ireland, the US, and Scotland are the only places I'll ever be seeing anymore.

>> No.2736191

IIRC, the squatting position is supposed to be more healthy somehow.

>> No.2736210

It depends on the type of toilet. A Western Style toilet is healthier for you. However, you are right, if you are going to use that type a toilet squatting is FAR healthier, especially if you are female. Which still puts these above some of the Eastern Europe ones that I was talking about where you can't even really squat to use properly, they are designed to be used (or so I'm lead to believe) standing up.

>> No.2736265

Everyday is an Alice thread.
