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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2733920 No.2733920 [Reply] [Original]

Well dudes within the next day or so I shall be heading on a sojourn to Maryland for about a week or so. Not takin' the Laptop and won't be fucking around with the internets. I'm also probably not going to be interested in meeting any fellow /k/tards from Murrlyn as I won't bringing any guns with me aside from my CCW and even then I don't anticipate any shooting or plinking. I may post a few witticism before I go...but I been looking forward to it. Mary-land is a shit hole, but there's still stuff to do. Maybe I might go to Baltimore and get hassled for being a sk8erboi or something lol. No not really...I think Paul Blart got fired for that shit. Anyways...looking forward to my trip...where I'm going the redneck ratio should be low and while there are a bunch of niggers...it won't bother me because I just need a break from the methheaded fucking rednecks.

Anyways some things to get off my chest and some Hotaruisms before I go....sticky, screencap, whatever. Just some Hotarusexuality to tide you over before I make my way to I-75.

Guns in general dude..there is more to life like Music and food. Sometimes even women. But really don't spend too much time listening to women. They all say the same shit and it's never worth listening to.

That said if any Maryland faggots(a hateful word I don't like to use too often) happen to Zero me. Respect my chill time, be white about it, and if we happen to enter a conversation my Occupation, beliefs, and other things are not proper form. I'd sooner talk about the weather, my favorite bands, and how nice it is to be in a different part of the US for a while

>> No.2733929

Hotaru Maniac copypasta thread?

Eww, no thanks.

>> No.2733969
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