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2733080 No.2733080 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished Hisui's route.

So why does all the bad things happen to Kohaku? ;_;

>> No.2733091

Bitch deserves it.

>> No.2733093

You just finished Hisui's True route, go play the good.
And also shes already dead inside, so yeah.

>> No.2733098

She isn't nearly kavaj enough, she deserves to die. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2733104


>> No.2733116

I fucking knew it. Du gamla du fria på dig din bedrövliga halvfikus

>> No.2733133

At least now everyone should be happy since they got their beloved confirmation that Shiki can kill servants.

>> No.2733143
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She finally gets happiness in the true end of Tsukihime, so no worries.

>> No.2733164


>> No.2733168

Kohaku goes out like a boss.
There's nothing cooler than stabbing yourself in the heart after single-handedly orchestraiting the death of an entire family.

>> No.2733177

That's what happens when you play the tragic heroine instead of doing something about it, and no, obsessively planning a ridiculus vengeance against someone's kin just because you're a shell of woman does not count.
Seriously, I pitied more Sacchin than her.

>> No.2733182

God dammit, why did you have to remind me.

>> No.2733191

It was hardly ridiculous vengeance, considering what happened to her.

>> No.2733212

I don't get how you mean ridiculous.

If you mean that her plan was convoluted or unlikely to work, it probably only seems that way because of all the shit that happened to fuck it up.

if you mean it was going too far, well. People often react in similar ways when something bad has happened to them.

>> No.2733221
File: 198 KB, 640x480, Kohaku - needle time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, she's a shell of a woman by her own admission, but that doesn't stop her from being creepy awesome, masterminding her vengeance like that and manipulating the cast with guilt and drugs.


>> No.2733241

She can lock me up in her basement anytime.

>> No.2733248

Yeah, claiming vengeance on your enemy's kin is stupid, especially when your enemy is dead and won't notice a fucking thing nor care.
As for what happened to her, yeah it's sad and all, but she's the one who decided to go on with the "I am a doll" bullshit, she claimed she acted different roles and none of them was her true self, but surprise, people are made of multiple faces and she was as normal as a normal person can get.
But she couldn't give up baaaaawing about the past and the end result was Tsukihime.
Seriously, you're worse than Sakura fans, it's so obvius but you keep denying.

>> No.2733259


>> No.2733284 [DELETED] 

Roa and Makihisa are the only ones that can be blamed for the things that occurred in Tsukihime. Roa for Near Side, and Makihisa for Far Side, with them being responsible in part for the other paths, as well.

Nobody else held any lasting blame for it all.

And Kohaku doesn't whine about any of it like Sakura does. She just takes the only course of action that makes sense to her and goes with it. Sakura was emo, in that she had others who would help her through things if she had just asked, but she rejected them even after being asked if she wanted help. Kohaku had nobody, and by the time she could've seriously asked for help, she was already broken and nothing would've been changed by asking for help, anyway.

Also, Kohaku redeems herself and the others by being the one who gives up on revenge when someone finally deigns to notice and trying to save everyone, forgiving the child of the man that hurt her for so long, and always protecting her sister by taking the pain in her place while having nothing. Sakura just keeps going on until she gets redeemed by Shirou, basically murders people until she is forced to stop, all the while trying to lay her blame on a sister who was unrelated to it all.

Also, even in Hisui's path, where everyone dies because of Kohaku's manipulation, at least she has the decency to only kill those involved in it and then off herself. A worthless revenge, but at least it was private.

>> No.2733302



Who even gives a shit? They are both as slutty as eachother.

>> No.2733306
File: 269 KB, 640x481, 1231854245480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixing broken goods is extremely moe

>> No.2733310


Kohaku blames the right people, and doesn't involve innocent bystanders.

And even better, Kohaku changes.

>> No.2733316

...The word slut is not even mentioned in that post.

>> No.2733326

From what I remember, Shiki's involvement in Tsukihime's plot begins with his bloodline persona cutting Arcueid to pieces, and that was stimulated by Kohaku by putting the knife in his jacket and using drugs.
If that didn't happen and Kohaku didn't decide to involve him into her vengeance, Shiki would've been obvius of all the events, also thanks to both Akiha and Ciel, they were constantly trying to protect him.

Her mind was never broken to the point she couldn't turn back given her willpower, or when wouldn't have had her change of mind or the sunflowers ending, but she still went on with her tragic heroine stuff, wich justified her every action, in way similiar to how Dark Sakura justified hers because she was abused blah blah. Why didn't she ask Akiha for help, she was burning with guilty feelings, why didn't she ask her sister for help ?
Also, "Making sense" to her is still nonsense for a normal person, it doesn't make sense getting vengeance on someone's kin, especially if he's dead.

The only one really responsible for her pain was Akiha's father, every one beside him were just dragged into her mad vengeance.

>> No.2733327
File: 154 KB, 640x480, Yuka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better fix.

>> No.2733328

Much as I love Kohaku, there's a problem with your post.
Kohaku didn't hesitate to involve innocents. By freeing SHIKI, she set him loose on the city's inhabitants. She even went out of her way to work him up into a killing frenzy. Of course that was to get him and Akiha to double K.O., but you can't deny that Kohaku involved innocent bystanders.

>> No.2733349

She's the craziest woman in Tsukihime, and that really says something. She's probably better off dead.

>> No.2733353


My bad, I saw Kohaku and Sakura being aruged about in a tripfag post and assumed it was about slut status. It is generally a safe assumption.

Still, the context still stands. They are both batshit insane, both have had a shitty childhood ruined by rape and pain, both sought to kill the ones who ere the cause og their suffering and both involved innocent people in their actions for revenge.

Neither is a "better" person. It all comes down to personal taste. People who try and bend what happens in the plots to accomodate their "who is officially "better" arguments are just fucking retarded.

>> No.2733363
File: 127 KB, 600x800, fujino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, a TM broken goods argument thread, this is new and original!

Fujino > Kohaku = Sakura

>> No.2733365
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>> No.2733378

Well, they actually have both different circumstances, treatment and actual options.
And in simple plot summary, one was broken for a Loooong time, the other snaps during her story.

'Better' is not something you can really judge for these cases, but who you can sympathize more with, it's feasible.

>> No.2733386

>and that was stimulated by Kohaku by putting the knife in his jacket and using drugs.
I think you're a little off there. Shiki's Nanaya bloodline is what caused him to go berserk at the sight of Arcuied. Not Kohaku's drugs. She hadn't touched Shiki at all by that point. Hadn't considered the possibility of her instigating it by giving him the knife though... I just accepted it as fact that Makihisa left it to him in his will. It makes perfect sense. Actually, to the best of my recollection of the plot, what would she stand to gain out of giving Shiki the knife and pushing him to become a killer? As I recall, she wanted to involve him as little as possible and was disappointed by his return because there was no way he could live there and NOT be involved.

>> No.2733391


You could argue that Sakura holding out and not "breaking" when Kohaku did is evidence of Sakura being a stronger person. Sakura also didnt plan any of what happened including the killing of innocents, where Kohaku was actively planning her revenge. unleashing SHIKI on the town in full knowedge that people would die.

Lets be completely frank here, it was Kohaku's fault that SHIKI was able to attack Sacchin. She would have lead a normal life and Shiki wouldnt have had to kill her if Kohaku hadnt let SHIKI out.

>> No.2733397


At last, something I can agree with!

Fujino > Other broken goods

>> No.2733404


>Kohaku's fault that SHIKI was able to attack Sacchin

....Fuck. I'd never thought of that before...god-fucking DAMN IT Kohaku...

>> No.2733400

Actually, it's Roa(if we are to believe his words, though it makes sense, since Roa is the one that gives Shiki the RAPE,VIOLATE feelings throughout the story, while Shiki is usually just a killing silent machine on his own)

>> No.2733410

Well, that's a very fine question of responsibility. In Sakura's case, she was the one actually doing it, eating those people. It was a "shadow", but it was still very much her. All that hatred was her out there eating people.

In Kohaku's case, she just let SHIKI out. It's not like she aided and abetted his actual carrying out of his crimes. It's the same kind of fault you'd get if Shirou beat someone, but decided not to kill them and let them go, and they kill someone again. SHIKI was gonna do what SHIKI was gonna do.

But I concede your point. She was "very indirectly" responsible for SHIKI's murders. However, Sakura was directly responsible for her own murders. She had a reason to, yes, but so did SHIKI. And he's considered the villain, here, when he was only doing it because of his heritage and the Reincarnating Rapist Roa.

>> No.2733417


>Kohaku's fault that SHIKI was able to attack Sacchin

Well...this moves Kohaku to the bottom of the > list...

>> No.2733419

Yeah, otherwise she just gets eaten up by Roa.

Anyway, their circumstances, treatment, and hopes the could cling are pretty different to pass judgement so easily.
Kohaku didn't have a semblance of normal life (Sakura could actually go to school, for example).
But Kohaku didn't get WORM treatment (unless Makihisa did some weird shit not needed for his rejuvenation)

>> No.2733426

Before you guys get too much further into all this rubbish, it's Makihisa's fault that SHIKI is still alive, to begin with. He was the one that locked SHIKI up. It's his fault he didn't kill him, to begin with.

The stupid old bastard was probably planning on using him for something, as I doubt he let him live out of emotional attachment, considering he smote him the moment he inverted the first time.

And it's also Makihisa's fault for completely ruining Kohaku, leading to her decision to release SHIKI.

Culpability rests with Makihisa!

>> No.2733430

quit faking it bitch, you ain't sopposed to feel anything

>> No.2733436

You're a little confused here, the Shadow is Avenger's will wishing to be born and feeding to realize that wish, it's not related to Sakura's will, she's just the vessel the shadow uses to come into being.
However she is somewhat responsable for her actions towards the end of the game, letting herself be controlled by the shadow's corruption because feeling evil most likely made her feel good.

As for your Kohaku-Shirou example, that's terrible, it's more like the kind of fault you'd get if Shirou freed his servant and let him roam the city sustaining his existance by feeding on human souls.

>> No.2733437

It's actually Shiki's fault, his assassin incest genes should have let him trump over SHIKI's demon impulse and tear apart the fucker using a rusted coin's edge.

>> No.2733438

Hmm, I can see that. Thing is, he also experienced similar emotions ONLY when he thought he saw Akiha's crimson hair. This led me to believe that Nanaya's careful breeding had created an instinctual killing intent towards non-humans in their bloodline. Using the idea that Roa's hatred for Arcuied was being received by Shiki that early in the Near Side routes, it makes even more sense, I think. Roa's hatred for Arcuied pushed Shiki's Nanaya instincts over the boundaries of his willpower and self-control. The same did not occur for Akiha, despite the flaring of his Nanaya instincts, because SHIKI had no hatred for Akiha at that point in the story. The lack of emotions flowing through the SHIKI/Roa-Shiki mindlink allowed Shiki to suppress his Nanaya instincts.

>> No.2733455

Simply put, Shiki on his own has a single directive:
Non-Humans are your enemy.
Kill them as fast as possible (or in certain cases, run the fuck away, you will die).

Extra shit after that it's due to the link he has with his brother, whether Roa has surfaced or not.

Excluding when Shiki goes crazy in a few bad ends.

>> No.2733465

You're kinda missing the point here, if Shiki was influenced subconsciously by SHIKI/Roa, then he would've raped Arcueid, not killed her, because it's revelead in the story that Roa pretty much didn't care about anything beside waiting for "her", he was tsundere for Arcueid.

>> No.2733471

>Yeah, otherwise she just gets eaten up by Roa.
Your supposition or truth? Yeah, she never appears again in the Near Side after being attacked by SHIKI/Roa, but I had presumed that it was because her emotional ties with Shiki weren't as strong on the Near Side, since they didn't share that scene where Shiki promises to protect her.

>> No.2733478

Actually, I meant 'eaten by Nero'.
In the hotel attack.

It's not like he becomes Roa's puppet, he just has a voice that mixes with his own weird mindset. That's why he has particular thought of 'violate her make her mine' and almost jizzes himself while dissecting her.
Roa could not figure out he was in love, I doubt he knows what sex is (the last statement is more of a joke, btw)

>> No.2733488

Damn, you might be right, I didn't think of that, this actually makes this theory stronger.

>> No.2733502

It's not as much a theory as a fact.
However, how exactly Shiki is affected, why and which situations can only be understood AFTER you go through all the routes.

Roa admitting sending you the impulse(Ciel), how you see what Shiki sees(Hisui), how feelings and even lifeforce are channeled in between(Akiha), how being drugged and losing will makes you almost a puppet (Hisui and Kohaku) and how the Nanaya instict works (multiple routes) have to be combined.

Even a few bad ends give you clues.

>> No.2733506

Angry Manjew's influence, but the shadow was a reflection of "her". And she liked it.

Well, that'd be nice, but Shiki was just a shota at the time. He had the training, but not the weapon.

>> No.2733517

You are right.
It's Kiri's fault for not killing Kouma and Makihisa!

>> No.2733543

It's Koumas fault for being incredibly overpowered.

Considering what he was up against, Kiri did extremely well.

>> No.2733551
File: 75 KB, 844x602, 916154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, man. I can forgive Kiri. Him vs. Kouma was a proper badass fight. Kiri was retired for years and still almost beat Kouma, who was fighting in his prime.

And he almost beat him with an awl.

Shiki will never be half as awesome as his dad was, and Shiki is pretty awesome.

>> No.2733557

No, Kiri did the right thing by losing. If he had won, there could be no Akiha route.

>> No.2733560

op here, fuck you guys for spoiling the whole thing.

>> No.2733561

Akiha was already born, so it'd be, Shiki grows up, gets forced to face Akiha, then manages to comment on her small breasts.

Ungodly awesome fight ensues, then sex.

>> No.2733562

Speaking of, I finally sat down and finished the Akiha route.

I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Even if the ending was a little bit depressing.

>> No.2733570

Who would save Akiha from SHIKI if Shiki isn't around?

>> No.2733574

Suddenly, no Hisui route!

>> No.2733575

Ah, my favourite route.
Don't wanna sound too much like a faggot, but where did you guys get all that info about Kiri and Kouma?

>> No.2733582

Kagetsu Tohya has an extra story with Kiri as the main character.

It culminates in him and Kouma having a fuckawesome fight.

>> No.2733587
File: 151 KB, 1252x948, NanayaVsKouma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kagetsu Tohya, sidestory.

>> No.2733592

Ah, I see.
In that case I'll read it myself in a few days. Since I started playing it a few days ago. That is, if I can get past days 1.

>> No.2733594

They might not even be in the same household if Makihisa got shanked by Kiri. They might grow up separately, taken care of by branch family members. SHIKI probably in the main household, with Akiha somewhere else.

>> No.2733629

Oh, there's also the possibility that without Shiki around, SHIKI couldn't get Akiha to escape her Tutor.

>> No.2733645

About SHIKI... depending on the storyline, the one who freed him varies, right?

Arcueid and Ciel routes = Roa (Freed himself)
Akiha route = Akiha
Kohaku & Hisui routes= Kohaku.

Or someone did free him on near side? I dunno.

>> No.2734523

seriously, this

>> No.2734669

Just wondering... why is it OP doesn't get problems posting cute dying girls while my post on the other hand magically disappears... I go now...

>> No.2734672

shiki can kill servants
