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2731721 No.2731721 [Reply] [Original]

How would you rank the Umineko episodes so far?

For me I'd say 3 > 4 > 1 > 2

3 was a blast. It had so much going for it and I really liked Eva-Beatrice.

4 was good but the first 1/3 drags with it being nearly all Maria and Ange back story. If it wasn't for the slow 1/3 then it might have beaten 3.

1 took a while to get started but had amazing atmosphere since it was the first. You didn't know what was going to happen.

Even though 2 is last, I enjoyed too. It introduced the red text and Battler's phoenix scenes but the scenes weren't as good as 3 or 4's and it didn't have 1's atmosphere.

>> No.2731733

Dunno yet, I'm only at the part in 4 where the people in the guesthouse are locking themselves up.

But so far 3 > 4 > 1 > 2, like you.

>> No.2731739

4>3>2>1, here.

Each one has topped the last.

The first wasn't very interesting, though. At least, not in the way the others are interesting.

>> No.2731744


Get off of /jp/
Finish ep 4
Change your rating

>> No.2731746

4 > 1 > 3 > 2

I really liked the introduction of the characters in 1 and how much my initial reactions to each of them twisted throughout the following episodes.

>> No.2731755

>Finish ep 4

I would if it was not 6:29 AM and I were not about to pass out.

>> No.2731757

Pretty much the same as TC, but I can't really say that I can rank episode 1 properly. It was unique that it can actually be a standalone episode I can't compare it to the rest.

>> No.2731762

2 is good but it doesn't really have any awesome moments in particular. The mystery is pretty good in it, though.

>> No.2731767

>going to sleep at 6:30


>> No.2731774


im prolly alone in this but i really liked rosa in 2, in ep1 she seems a bitch that hates her unwanted daughter and basicly just hates her ruining her name, in ep 2 you got allot more background on rosa, the ending when she goes through any lenght to save maria and goes badass killing goatheads left and right really did it for me
3; I liked eva- beatrice but at the same time it didn't do it much for me, it seemed too much foccuses on "aha witches exist and there isn't a thing you can do to deny it" the only really good parts in this is the cruelty eva beatrice shows and the magic fights between virgilia and beatrice, the story itself seemed kinda the lesser part of this chapter.
and finally ep1, don't get me wrong just cause its the last doesn't mean i hated it, but it was an introdutction chapter, not much is known throughout the storyline here besides a witch killing people (you never actually see murders done here if im not mistaken? been a while)

>> No.2731778


But I need to go to sleep before the giant radiation ball comes for me.

>> No.2731780

Same ranking.

Episode 4 had tons of epic (and somehow overwhelming 3), but the first part was a terrible drag.
I like Maria and Ange, but Ryukishi abused too much the Flashbacks and Flashforwards that it became really a filler at times.
Well at least, it gave a very nice character development and background for these 2.

If the pace was a bit better (same content but shortened/changed in its execution), it would have blasted completely episode 3.

>> No.2731785

4 > 3 > 1 >2

>> No.2731788


>> No.2731793


>im prolly alone in this but i really liked rosa in 2

A lotta people think she redeemed herself during WORLDENDDOMINATOR.

And then recondemned herself during Ep 4.

>> No.2731794
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I liked the episode 13 because of the killer lolis.

>> No.2731791

lol figures i forget to command on ep 4, well agreed with op for the most part, first part was kinda meh (although its ment more as an ange background storyline) but after thats done it really kicks up and it has allot of amasing parts that you just can't help but love this episode

>> No.2731799

Ange and the boatguy are the only interesting people from the future. Even then, holy shit, Ange did a whole lot of repeating when it came to the nature of magic.

>> No.2731801

omg kanon was so kawaii in episode 8! he's such a bisshie ^_^

>> No.2731806

3 > 4 > 2 > 1

What's with all the people liking 1 better than 2 recently? When 2 just came out everyone was all OMG SO MUCH BETTER THAN 1.


>> No.2731811


Santa Krauss was only in Episode 78, though.

>> No.2731812

Stop that, there's still a month before that shit begins.

>> No.2731816

I always liked 1 better than 2.

>> No.2731817

Anti-mystery people who never try to search any hints might feel boring with it.

>> No.2731826

Huh wait no. Indeed a lot of people liked Episode 2 because of "deliciously EVIL beato" and the red.

But a lot of people also fell asleep with the execution of George/Shannon and Jessica/Kanon relationships.
Heck the intro/prologue of episode 2 was really slow.

Episode 1 had to introduce every character and it crafted very well the mood.

>> No.2731834

Really? I always thought 2 was the worst out of all of them. 1 was awesome in that you had no idea what was coming. And that it read more like a real mystery novel than power level battles.

>> No.2731837

I'm not anti-mystery, but fuck whenever the game switched to Ange's world I was bored to tears. It had such a dead atmosphere.

>> No.2731838


>> No.2731858

4 was just...a bit too silly for me to take seriously. I'm anti-mystery and all, but.. jesus.

Therefore 3>4>1>2
