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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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27316882 No.27316882 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27332194

None of that stuff is old enough to be nostalgic about.

>> No.27332373

That's not how nostalgia works.

>> No.27332678

Do you get nostalgic for yesterday?

>> No.27333439

12 years ago was yesterday, okay. xD

>> No.27333686 [DELETED] 


Japanese do not buy into the reiwa propaganda.

It is the Ranwa Era.

Ranwa Era.

There is order in chaos, harmony in random.

That means fate is in your hands no matter what.

>> No.27334660

long time no see my nigguh

>> No.27335870
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>> No.27336277
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>> No.27337944

Might as well be.

>> No.27338531
File: 436 KB, 500x500, 1552614168704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fascinated by people like you, to me days feel like eternity, I barely recognize who I was a year ago. What kind of a headspace do you need to be in to feel like 12 years is something that passes quickly? Do you even recognize you from 12 years ago?
I've spoke before with guys on /a/ that were arguing that cowboy bebop isn't oldschool, when I mentioned that if you were in your teens during bebop you would be in your 30s and 40s today, a bunch of them acted like reality just dropped on them, is that just the case? are you in a stagnant environment and no longer feel the passage of time?
I'm not asking to be mean, I'm seriously fascinated and want to hear your answer.

>> No.27340419

not him but it feels like the last 2 or 3 years have been 10 or 15 with how fast things move now.

>> No.27341212

Do you mean because of global reasons? I'm more talking out of personal reasons, I genuinely feel like I do so many things that a month feels like years.
I we are talking globally, I don't feel like things have been different, it feels like every year had a million and a half defining event, doesn't feel like much has changed there.

>> No.27344334
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>AoC !pkzejWGkfw
what the FUCK is going on
I want to say everything will be back to normal next week but nothing has been normal since the month started.
What's next? White Ren?
Will mugen pay us a visit again?

>> No.27344466

I recognize 80% of that image.
And most of them have met their end.

>> No.27345817

Hey, can someone get the guy hanging from the ceiling? When you die, you lose control of your bowels. That guy will piss and shit everywhere.

>> No.27346111

>Do you even recognize you from 12 years ago?
I'm basically the same.
>are you in a stagnant environment and no longer feel the passage of time?
Yes. Literally nothing of interest has happened since 2014 at least.
I am also in my 30s and was an adult by the time 4chan even was created, so I don't even think of 4chan as something really as nostalgic as I do childhood things.
As for Cowboy Bebop, it's one of those near-turn of the century anime like Excel Saga, FLCL, Digi Charat, Nurse Witch Komugi, and Azumanga. It's old, but not truly 80s-mid90s old school. It's the same kind of argument going on on /vr/ with the new systems that were allowed. Early 2000s and mid 2000s(like 2007-2012 really) has its own feel as well, but old school anime is like stuff involved in pre-broadband internet otaku culture times. Old school 4chan for me would be like 2003-2005, after that it was trash until /jp/ was made and then trash again from 2009 onwards.
>to me days feel like eternity
This is the case for me sometimes too, but what is eternity really? If you live eternally, then 1 day, 1000 days, 100,000,000,000 days, it's all the blink of an eye when compared to your lifespan. The times I liked in 4chan, in MMOs, in my youth, they seem like they happened over the course of an eternity, but when I actually look at them they were usually spans of about a year or so. The only opposite effect is when I felt I dropped Tree of Savior quickly and it wasted its potential but it had really been 3 or so years of playing it by then, betas included.

But the stuff in that image really is too recent, or maybe too active might be a good word. It feels like being nostalgic for Mario when Mario still gets content. (although I recognize Tenchi Muyo, for instance, gets content and I am nostalgic for that.) I also don't really like many anime from ~2006 to ~2011 (or from like the last 5 years) so I really don't have nostalgia for them. I also don't have nostalgia for tripfags. What happened lately, did all the /jp/ spinoffs finally die from Coronavirus or something?

>> No.27346232

>did all the /jp/ spinoffs finally die from Coronavirus or something?
They're busy banning everyone to kill the traffic there. They're all stagnant wastelands of blogposting last I checked, but that was circa 2 years ago. I'm willing to bet they're still stagnant blogposts that haven't been updated in a year or even half that.

>> No.27348037

I wish komica isn't that convoluted to browse, especially with the images.
No one is dying, he is just training his neck

>> No.27351745
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>I'm basically the same
>yes literally nothing of interest has happened since 2014 at least
I think I nailed down the culprit, then.
In my opinion, childhood doesn't inherently make something nostalgic. I think the factor that triggers nostalgia comes down to sentimental attachment to times of growth or hardship. Nostalgia comes from revisiting the "friends along the way" be it people, media, or places.
I started reading yotsuba at the start of this year, I started reading yotsuba after one of the most stressful weeks of my life. I watched sdf macross &dyrl for the first time some time around the turn of the year, I was pretty much starving at that point.
To me, the feeling of nostalgia derived from distant childhood works and these are indistinguishable. Not because of the style or the release date.
Nostalgia is born from growth, neurons and dopamine sending warm feelings and shocks down your spine, because this was a part of you becoming stronger, better.

Oldschool, first and foremost, everyone starts off as perceiving oldschool as what came before they were born or when they were very little, by this feeling, there are now adults, even past college, that shows like lucky star for them would have been airing when they were kids, single digits.
Merriam-Webster defines oldschool as :
>characteristic or evocative of an earlier or original style, manner, or form
At this point, anime never looks like haruhi or macross frontier, but, you can tell the evolution that happened from them, the artists that built on learning from them. Even if to you, 80s will always feel oldschool and 00s will always feel new, the idea of 00s, being oldschool is perfectly acceptable.
Moreover, things seldom tend to feel old in our community, we rewatch and cherish older works and give them the respect they deserve, or things like film, a lot of viewers will straight up not watch anything that's over a decade old, let alone something from the 80s, often talking to people who usually view films about anime that's just a few years old and they will resist watching it.

This was interesting for me, since it confirmed a suspicion, thank you for answering. Please consider letting the people who want to feel nostalgic do their thing. I think that growing as a person, challenging yourself for new things, and trying to grow in new direction gives life that feeling of an eternity and that satisfaction of growth and nostalgia, I would wholeheartedly urge you to try and have those in your life.

>> No.27352903

holy shit are you full of the typing equivalent of hot air.

>> No.27378504

Dude, I'm nto about to readl all that shit. That's coming from someone who uses up all 5000 characters in the post field.
Post Kona instead.

>> No.27399100

he's dead, jim

>> No.27401411

That was a beautiful post anon, thank you.

>> No.27435056

mugen isn't dead. he recovered.

>> No.27436116
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>> No.27511469

>Do you even recognize you from 12 years ago?

>> No.27531999
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>> No.27547740


>> No.27551409
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But why?

>> No.27579278

Don't bully him, he isn't smart enough yet to know that isn't done here.

>> No.27587539

That needs to be my harem! So hot!
