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2729211 No.2729211 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, does Nasu's writing and stories remind anyone of Lovecraft?

>> No.2729229

No, but it does remind me of a high school writing class.

>> No.2729224

Nasu is too shit to be compared to Lovecraft.

>> No.2729246

No taste.

>> No.2729252

in b4 shitstorm

>> No.2729258

Nasu is terrible.

>> No.2729266

protip: Everyone in high school writing class used third person because it was easier.

>> No.2729276

I cheated - Regardless of the assignment, I just wrote essays. I can't do creative writing for shit (surprisingly), but I'm great at essays, so I'd get C's on the assignments at worst even though I woudln't even do the right work ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2729282

I guess it's just cool to hate Type-Moon works now.

hurr durr, it's shit if it's mainstream

>> No.2729283

I used first person. Always thought third person was bland and boring.

>> No.2729285

Lovecraft is horribly racist and xenophobic, Nasu is Japanese.

>> No.2729293

I used first person because I'm a self centered egocentric bastard.

>> No.2729302

So no difference?

>> No.2729309

I always chose to write essays at the exams (dunno about how it works in your country, but here you've usually got ~3 options for a theme) and I got straight A's with maybe two or three exceptions through my whole time in high school.

And I can't do creative writing to save my life.

>> No.2729319

I first thought I removed my trip and forgot, lol. As for how it works here, really depends on what it is, and the teacher/professor/whatever.

Some of the more standardized testing let you pick from a few options, but a lot of English courses and such the teachers would force you to do creative writing.

Final grades I did pretty good in the end, and when it was an assigned essay I'd usually get a top score, but they didn't want to give a good grade to someone for doing something they decided without any consent lol

>> No.2729323

Trolling! In this thread!

Exclusive! Only found here!


>> No.2729327

Well either way, my point is that doing stories all in first person like Nasu does is evidence that he is a decent writer.

>> No.2729329

So the Haruhi novels are an epic masterpiece.

>> No.2729333

Third person with free indirect speech.

>> No.2729338

Not all of his work is in first person.

>> No.2729368

So does he suck or not?

>> No.2729393

Why don't you try reading some of his works and deciding for yourself, instead of believing trolling that you see on /jp/.

>> No.2729432

Whats the point in knowing it sucked AFTER reading it?

>> No.2729447

Lovecraft reads like a bad comic book. Nasu? I'm sure you know.

>> No.2729466

I liked them.......

>> No.2729488

What? Writing in a first person view point now makes you a good author? Jesus Christ, the bar sure has been lowered a lot.

>> No.2729513

Caster's Book, anyone? Lovecraft in Nasuverse?

>> No.2729520

'The journey is more important than the destination.'

>> No.2729538

ITT we have never read Lovecraft.

>> No.2731140

Nasu is the werst fucking writer Japan.
