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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2722474 No.2722474 [Reply] [Original]

Aion preorders came out. Anyone joining me for tower of eternity mmorpg August?

>> No.2722496

too busy playing Mabi

>> No.2722493


>> No.2722511

So that means it costs money?...

>> No.2722537
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But I'm already playing the Chinese version...

>> No.2722540

maybe, if I find a job.

>> No.2722551 [DELETED] 

Anyone playing Steampunk?

>> No.2722559

Anyone playing Neosteam?

>> No.2722562

Every MMORPG and FPS is the same.

What makes Aion so interesting?

>> No.2722574

The graphics are really detailed.
I guess that's about it, though.

>> No.2722584

Maybe, played a bit on the chinese servers. It's playable but nothing I would devote years of my time to like I did with FFXI.

I'll probably wait for FFXIV.

>> No.2722587

>Every FPS is the same.

>> No.2722599

Looks like another grinding game to me.

>> No.2722641

Top tier: Quake 3, Painkiller, CS 1.6
Mid tier: ET, CoD2, TF2, CSS
Shit tier: CoD4, Warsow
Not worth mentioning tier: The rest.

>> No.2722654

If you've played it, how was it? Like WoW, or some generic awesome asian shit, or is it actually unique?

>> No.2722656

I take it you play CoD4 or TF2? Because yeah, those are casual games.

>> No.2722652

I like how that doesn't include several of the best FPS games.

>> No.2722649

Actually, FPS is pretty much THE genre of casuals, so you're a hypocrite.

>> No.2722659


I am currently working on a new theory: MMORPGs = the modern FPS.

Let's take that "Teamed Fortress 2" game for example. You log on with your account, choose your character class, and then play a mind-numbingly dull (easy) game with a bunch of 14 year olds in your party/team. And as a bonus you get some loud voice chat with your fellow teammates. Also, the longer you play, the more rewards you unlock.

Same genre is same.

>> No.2722664

Not if you're pro at it. If you're pro it doesn't matter genre. But if you're just normal then you're a casualfag.

>> No.2722670

Quake 3 is by far the best FPS game ever made. Any CPMA players on /jp/?

>> No.2722671

A pro at pointing and clicking. Amazing.

FACT: Anyone who plays FPS should be banned from /jp/.

>> No.2722681

That's not something you just thought up, most FPS games for awhile now have been a mix of FPS and RPG, and you don't need to include the "MMORPG" as the term MMO just refers to anything online with a shit ton of people. So an FPS in that case would just be an MMOFPS mixed with an MMORPG rather than an FPS thats like an MMORPG. ಠ_ಠ.

But yeah, it's not a good troll nor a new theory. Online FPS games have had RPG elements mixed in for some time now.

>> No.2722691

>implying that FPS games only consist of aiming

>> No.2722702

and none of those games comes close to quakeworld

>> No.2722712

Ah, I totally forgot about quakeworld. Yeah, that's right up there together with Quake 3.

>> No.2722724

Hi Meez.

>> No.2722744
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>Top tier:
>CS 1.6

>> No.2722753

anyone playing in the beta this weekend?

>> No.2722783

Shit tier:

FPS and MMO fags posting on /jp/

Low tier:

Anonymous tier:
Everything else.

>> No.2722810

Any competitive ET players on /jp/?

>> No.2722824

Preorder = old news
I've already preordered my collector's edition like week ago

>> No.2722841

Dunno about who casual fps games are but Unreal Tournament 2004 is at least loads of fun

>> No.2722868

Judging from the meme spouting on crossfire, plenty.

>> No.2722878

I don't really browse crossfire anymore, TosspoT hates my guts so whenever I make a new account I'll get banned within a few days anyway.

>> No.2722913

I only know 3 players including myself who play ET and browse /jp/, I really wouldn't be surprised if I find out I know you.

>> No.2723094

They're not hard to find. Three of them are quite obvious. So far I know perfo, aza and meez browse /jp/, maybe tekoa, maybe fredd. There are also some others who might browse /jp/ but I forgot their names.

>> No.2723162

First three are correct, I don't think teKoa browses /jp/ and I think fredd browses /a/.

>> No.2723209

What the fuck, can anyone tell me if Aion is anything new.

>> No.2723235

Just a question, but what does /jp/ think is the best mmo (thats free to play)? I just downloaded Mabinogi but haven't really gotten into it yet.

>> No.2723278

MMO? I enjoyed Albatross18 for quite a while.

>> No.2723289

I don't think I've ever been obvious about my identity in a post on /jp/. Fuck you, liar.

>> No.2723302
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You tell 'em.

>> No.2723330

Aion isn't anything new. It's Lineage II, Guild Wars and WoW all wrapped up into the CryEngine so it looks pretty.

>> No.2723366
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>> No.2723774

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.2724004

Alright, well thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.2725746
File: 122 KB, 333x481, Skills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah mabinogi

>> No.2725754

I was going to play it before I realized how fucking unbalanced it was. Top 100 players on the server become god-mode characters that can annihilate groups of the opposing faction with ease, shit looks stupid. I'm sticking with HellMOO.

>> No.2725772

Also, buying the collector's edition actually gives you in-game benefits, significant ones. How like NCSoft.

>> No.2725779

Hahahahaha, faggot.

>> No.2725787

Haha, enjoy paying hundreds of dollars to companies that deliver sub-par content in an already sub-par game while I enjoy mimee that has devoted admins who push out consistent, fun content in a game too complex for graphics.

>> No.2725808

Well actually, MMORPGs are shit and I don't pay for them. But, yeah. LPMUDs are better.

>> No.2725826

What the fuck is this shit doing in /jp/.

>> No.2725832

I've been playing the chinese version lately, but from what I have experienced I doubt I will bother with the english version straight away. The pvp is absolute shit, there is a severe lack of quests and combat isn't that fun. Flying is also complete bullshit as you can only fly in certain zones, there is a limit to how long you can fly and it has a fucking cooldown as well.

>> No.2725851

Considering how they're discussing anything completely not related to /jp/ at all, dunno. I only see people trying to play Mabi just in time, since derp and half of the guys seem to have given up for a while, the game is directionless without someone attending it. Good for everyone else, or people that don't give a fuck, I guess.
Hey, and...anyone care to explain to me how the fuck is a game about real focusing/aim clicking=MMORPG?

Also, reported.
