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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2720862 No.2720862 [Reply] [Original]

Another morning of dreary monotonous life of browsing /jp/ and feeling lonely. What do you have to look forward to today anons?

>> No.2720868

2 projects.
I'll get to it eventually.

>> No.2720871


>> No.2720872

Beer and
with friends.

>> No.2720873
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Well, we can always hope for an Umineko surprise.
Other than that, not really very much.

>> No.2720870 [DELETED] 
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Having sex with my husband and cleaning out the refrigerator after taking a long nap.

>> No.2720876

I am going to play Devil Summoner 2. Should be good times.

>> No.2720877

10:43 AM, hitting the sack in 10 minutes. Wake up around dinnertime like usual.

>> No.2720882
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Hey, how is it, by the way? I haven't started it yet.
It's just sitting there unopened on my desk.

>> No.2720885

I'm at work. Tis boring, nothing to do today. Probally gonna call up some friends to hang out later. Mmmm maybe. Might just stay home again.

>> No.2720887

Going to catch up on Berserk and then study some Nihongo.

>> No.2720888

I like it because the battles are a lot more fast-paced then the first one.

Also, I like the story better then the first one, but I guess that's a matter of opinion.

>> No.2720889

Paperwork. And Coraline dvdrip is out, alright.
I've been waiting to watch that for months.

>> No.2720892

I'm going to play the Aion beta, and start up Cross Edge on PS3. I only rented it, so if it sucks (like most people say it does) I don't really mind too much.

>> No.2720894

I've prepared a supply of caffeinated beverages and will be using them for attempts at a new high score on Espgaluda. Hoping to break 30mils. Caffeine helps with concentration...

>> No.2720897


If it's better than the first one, I'll spring for it.

>> No.2720899
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Good to hear!
I'll start it up once I finish my projects for this weekend, maybe.

>> No.2720904
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Just do it.
The packages with the Raidou Frost plush- is that a limited thing?
If so, you should get it soon. He's cute.

>> No.2720906
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Summer holiday yeeeeaaah

And I'm gonna go see Guthrie Govan

>> No.2720907

I have to be at the office at 12 and do some grunt work for my company's merger. I guess I'll blast touhou music while I do it.

>> No.2720949

I studied for a bit and now I'm playing some Monkey Island.

>> No.2720961

I have a free coupon for Kara age at a Japanese restaurant but it's limited to orders over $15...and I have noone to go with.

>> No.2720965
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Which one?

As for myself, I have work. Shit sucks. At least I have Armored Core 4 for when I finish. May Greenfield (´A`。)

>> No.2720975

Go to work, go to the grocery store, pick up a couple beers and a pack of smokes, call the sushi restaurant and hassle them a little bit about the chef position they're hiring.

A pretty typical day.

>> No.2720980

Head down to the library and pick up more books. Just finished Murakami's After Dark so I'll probably be checking more of his shit.

>> No.2720987


Enjoy your contemporary emo teen series.

>> No.2720992

Get Hard Boiled Wonderland next.

>> No.2720994

I-I'm looking forward to my Ace Combat download ;_;

>> No.2721024

Read some Umineko before family comes over for a reunion.

>> No.2721028

I'm looking forward to understanding special relativity.

>> No.2721037

Studying for the Financial Accounting portion of the CPA test for the next month or so.

>> No.2721042


I am starting to suspect I know you in real life...

>> No.2721068

I have to take my imouto to the California's Academy of Science. I should be leaving whenever she finishes getting ready.

>> No.2721071

More programming on my Crysis mod. Will probably also play some HanaOto later.

>> No.2721075

>take my imouto to the California's Academy of Science
To do what?

>> No.2721080


They have exhibits and aquariums there. And she needs to write a report for school about it.

>> No.2721082

Exercise and lose weight. I'm 130 and 5'6. I feel fat...

>> No.2721085

Oh, I thought she was some sort of science major or something.

>> No.2721091


Haha, she's only 10 years old.

>> No.2721099

I was thinking about going to a car show, but now I think I'd rather sit here chainsmoking, /jp/ing, and Killing Flooring all day.

>> No.2721103

Unlikely, but I'm curious.

>> No.2721106

I need to go buy some touchup paint and use it on my car.

>> No.2721110

Another SF anon? I'll meet you there. I promise not to harass your imouto with my midi trumpets.

>> No.2721113


You live in the Bay Area?

>> No.2721117

Nope. Guess not.

>> No.2721122

/jp/ Academy of Science meetup? I'll see you guys there.

>> No.2721129

The Minkowski tensor is such a motherfucker.

>> No.2721130


Ahhh too bad. I knew another girl in college that loves Murakami and always recommends Hard Boiled Wonderland to whoever will listen to her.

>> No.2721140

Finishing up some code for a game I'm making as a school project, then maybe some Touhou and TF2.

But first, /jp/.

>> No.2721146

I'd get along with her, then.

>> No.2721216
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I'm going to go jogging a few minutes. It always feels nice. After that, I have to get ready to practice dancing for my a debut[lolFilipinos]. Then I have to spend a few hours lounging around with normalfags and pretend I know what the hell they're talking about. For now, I'll spend it here though.

>> No.2721250

smokin weed
playing ff12
not working
maybe re-watch all of k-on so far

>> No.2721259

>smoking weed

REPORTED. To the police. Enjoy your jail time.

>> No.2721264

Only normalfags smoke weed.

>> No.2721276

He *is* a normalfag. And I somehow get the feeling he came here from /a/.

>> No.2721280

I got some new pens and pencils and the post today and ate a microwaved cheeseburger

>> No.2721293



>> No.2721429

today was going to be awesome - i had stuff coming from amazon to look forward to. it all went to shit when i went to the store for pizza and alcohol, the only line the store had open at the time was being managed by a girl. in retrospect i should have asked for the store manager to ring me up, but i can't really fault myself as i was so upset at the time. now it doesn't matter what comes in the mail, i'm too shaken up to go downstairs and get it. ;_;

>> No.2721469

Find something to look forward to

>> No.2721516

Get out.

>> No.2721638

Since I just finished my last finals yesterday, I'm probably gonna start playing Empire Total War all day today. That and mess with my MTG decks.

>> No.2721652

Dude, bro, can't you just tell him to type properly? This angry attitude toward everything ruins /jp/.

>> No.2721654

elitist much

>> No.2721658

>being reasonable
Get out.

>> No.2721672

Is it really so elitist to expect people to use English correctly?

>> No.2721674

No, just some idiot that got offended for having a 10 year old kid's grammar and spelling.

>> No.2721680

Being able to type properly is not elite.

>> No.2721683

Yes, it is.

But elitism is not necessarily bad. Anyone who thinks it is only thinks so because they don't have the mental capacity to keep up with the elite.

>> No.2721693

Do you really expect internet posts to be held to the same level of quality as an essay? If so you really are just being an arrogant prick. On the other hand, in the work place and when writing papers writing should be carefully thought out and there should be little to no mistakes in grammar and spelling.

>> No.2721700

It's called not being a fucking normalfag.

>> No.2721707

I expect posts on /jp/ to have a higher quality of writing than posts on YouTube or GameFAQs.

>> No.2721708

Yes. It is only natural for those who wish to communicate to do so in the best manner possible.

>If so you really are just being an arrogant prick.
Only insofar as a great athlete is being an "arrogant prick" when he competes in the Olympics instead of smashing his legs with a sledgehammer.

>On the other hand, in the work place and when writing papers writing should be carefully thought out and there should be little to no mistakes in grammar and spelling.
Get out of /jp/.

>> No.2721718

Having a job is hardly succeeding at life or being a complete normalfriend.
Calm down.

>> No.2721719

If writing in a normal manner is what you call "Essay quality", I have to say you shouldn't try writing anything else than forum posts, lest people make fun of you.
There shouldn't be any mistakes in grammar and spelling anytime, because you're supposed to have gone through middle school before having any worthwhile position in society.

>> No.2721727

I agree with everything but with the job thing.
Trying to survive isn't being a normalfag.

>> No.2721728

>succeeding at life
>worthwhile position in society
Really, /jp/, you make me disappoint. Whatever happened to NEET pride?

>> No.2721732

Writing like a 12 year old isn't anything worth being proud of.

>> No.2721738

>Trying to survive isn't being a normalfag.
No, but treating the "workplace" as if it's some sort of sacred shrine where you must put forth your all is.

>> No.2721739

What the hell? nobody here wants to actually be a worthless NEET.
Unless you're rich, that is.

>> No.2721742


Hey I have an office job and I'm still a shut in. I don't talk to anyone at work unless I have to. I'm always in my cubicle. I eat lunch alone if I even do eat. I listen to Touhou remixes in my cubicle and noone gives a shit.

>> No.2721745

Of course not. That's my entire point. Are you confused?

>> No.2721747

Sometimes when you write essays in a more informal, colloquial manner, bending or breaking the rules intentionally, it can give your writing some voice of its own instead of being monotonous, dry, uninteresting, etc.

>> No.2721756

There's a difference between style and writing like a child, grammar and spelling errors are not the kind of thing which can be seen as innovative.

>> No.2721758

>nobody here wants to actually be a worthless NEET.
Thanks for proving my point. It wasn't like this before... Sure, there were always those people who didn't want to be NEETs, but the majority used to be proud.

>>2721742, see >>2721738.

>> No.2721759

Even if you're writing informally, or colloquially, you would still use correct grammar.

>> No.2721761

Comma splice? What a hypocrite.

>> No.2721766

Using a comma kind of broke your credibility. Unless, of course, that was your plan all along?

>> No.2721769

If I remember correctly, there was some writer who would never capitalize his Is. Don't know his name or if he even exists. The mind plays tricks on you sometimes.

>> No.2721770

They're actually not considered as errors where I live.

>> No.2721771

I'm a proud NEET. Those interviewers can go take a long walk off a short bridge, I'm not going to suck up to them just to get a job.

>> No.2721773

Read Finnegan's Wake. Regarded as a great novel but punctuation and grammar is lacking.

>> No.2721774

Not always. For example, people use sentence fragments often while speaking, and using them in an essay can give you some voice (provided, of course, you are doing it intentionally and in a way that helps the essay, not because you are a twelve year old who doesn't know better).

>> No.2721777


No such thing as a proud NEET. Only a NEET that wants company to suffer with his misery.

>> No.2721778

No, but getting angry at people who forget simple one-letter-words is. Prick.
At least forgetting an "I" isn't as bad as writing complete crap like "would of been" or "they're is no difference".

For the topic, drinking beer has been the best thing all day.
Even more enjoyable than playing Touhou or piano. Dammit.

>> No.2721780

Who the hell would be proud of that?
If i remember correctly, those anons you're talking about even knew they were just lying to themselves.

>> No.2721787

Did you even read the post? He used "I" a lot, but he didn't properly capitalize it even once.

>> No.2721795

Possibly because you're actually living for your own happiness instead of some undefined and arbitrary "success."

>> No.2721798

I don't care about people who forget to capitalise and 'I' here or there. The person in question didn't capitalise any of them, it was obviously not a case of forgetting.

I'm meaning at least capitalising 'I' and the first letter of the beginning of a sentence.

>> No.2721799

>Even more enjoyable than playing Touhou or piano.
You're fucking shitting be, nothing is more enjoyable than that.
Also, beer is normal tier.

>> No.2721803

Because you aren't a corporate whore working a dead-end job and wishing for death.

>> No.2721805

Sentence fragmentation is like splitting infinitives in that only the hypercorrect will tell you it's wrong.

>> No.2721807

What if his definition of happiness doesn't include staying in his room all day ?

>> No.2721808

I don't get what you mean

>> No.2721811


Is this some NEET-rage kicking in?

>> No.2721819

You're new here, huh?

NEET = Not currently engaged in Employment, Education, or Training.

It has nothing to do with whether or not you're in your room.

>> No.2721820

I guess you're right, I don't work, i don't need to. But I study.

>> No.2721825

Oh boy, perfect case of forgetting an I, stupid Shift.

>> No.2721827

I usually tend to avoid and shun people who use capitalization and punctuation in MSN or IRC, because they look like complete fags. On a board, forum, or any website at that, I expect people to use punctuation and shit, though.

>> No.2721841

Hm. So what you're saying is that you're an anti-intellectual?

>> No.2721843

>I usually tend to avoid and shun people who use capitalization and punctuation in MSN or IRC, because they look like complete fags.

Maybe they are just touch-typists. Have you considered that?

>> No.2721853

Seconded, I'm kind of obsessive compulsive with that kind of things.

>> No.2721856

No, I'm saying that I am against people who try to impress people with their fancy writing over something as silly as MSN. It's only Americans who do this, though, and I only have a few American friends.

>> No.2721860

Come on, touch typing in this day and age?
I refuse to believe it.

>> No.2721865

Not the guy you quoted, but when people use proper capitalization in a fast-moving chat, it makes them look like an attention-whoring faggot. Imageboards are an entirely different story.

>> No.2721866

Really? My Swedish and Australian friends all type correctly and use MSN.

>> No.2721868

I'm dicking around with a webclap script for use on my site. Mostly got it to work.

Have to get shit done for my AX artist table. Feels bad man.

>> No.2721871

That's because you hang out with faggots, congratulations.

>> No.2721872

>I usually tend to avoid and shun people who use capitalization and punctuation in MSN or IRC
That's hardly fair. People type the way they're used to and you're delusional if you think typing 'lyk dis' takes less time than 'like this'.

>> No.2721875

So they look like attention-whoring faggots because they don't waste extra time and effort to force themselves to type incorrectly.


>> No.2721876

I type the same way on MSN as I do on /jp/. Also, I'm not American. I don't do it to impress anyone though, it's just how I type. I'm not going to change my typing style on MSN, and no one I talk to there cares.

>> No.2721878

Y'know, if you're not working or studying, yet don't spend most of your time in your room, there is a quite high likelyhood that you're a bum.
I don't think being a hobo is anyone's idea of happiness.

>> No.2721885

>extra time and effort to force themselves to type incorrectly.
You're dumb.

In before you imply that you're a better typist because you automatically type with perfect grammar even when typing casually and/or as fast as possible. Nevermind, you already did.

>> No.2721901


>> No.2721902

It's not like butchering the english language takes less time than correctly using it. Faggot.

>> No.2721905

Just accept you're an idiot for thinking typing correctly all the time is stupid. It just shows culture.

>> No.2721907

>if you think typing 'lyk dis' takes less time than 'like this'
Of course not, it does not have anything to do with it taking less time. It's like the other anon said, people who use capitalization and punctuation over MSN have this aura around them that says "I'm a huge faggot, I probably won't meet your expectations but I'll try my best to outclass you anyway." Of course, this is all subjective.

>> No.2721910

There's a difference between not going back to correct spelling or grammar errors and not bothering to press the shift key before you type "I."

>> No.2721913

Seeing as how typos make me reflexively reach for the backspace key without even thinking, no, but it still takes more time to prevent myself from doing what comes naturally.

>> No.2721915

What the hell are you thinking?

>> No.2721922

hanging out with my dad
he just had surgery

>> No.2721919 [DELETED] 

Stoicism isn't about being a bum, stop butchering philosophy. You might be trying to refer to Epicurism.

>> No.2721928

I take my time typing correcting. Then again, my typing speed almost has observable relativistic effects.

>> No.2721930

It's not about being a bum. It's about being whatever and being happy with it.

If you're a stoic, you'd be equally as happy as a bum or a CEO, because you don't let such unimportant details hinder your happiness.

>> No.2721931

Stoicism isn't about being a bum. Stop butchering philosophy. You might be trying to refer to Epicureanism.

>> No.2721939

Aren't you getting tired of baiting us like that?

>> No.2721941

Sounds like an inferiority complex to me. It's one thing to rage over shorthand, but it's another to rage over normal typing. What, can't read normal words? What ever happened to the 'as long as it gets the point across' idea?

>> No.2721948


>> No.2721959

Maybe I'm just seeing trends which aren't there, but several posts in this thread about correct use of language have included obvious mistakes.

>> No.2721966

Are you enough of a stoic to shrug when faced with the choice "Would you rather be a bum or a CEO ?"
I don't think so.
If avoiding suffering is the logical course of action in the case of Epicureanism, then, when faced with the alternative, one would be inclined to choose the life leading to the least amount of suffering, that is, not living on the street.

>> No.2721967

Like what?

>> No.2721976

Funny how easily this thread got derailed.

But why the fuck are you guys even talking to people over MSN or IRC?

>> No.2721983

Comma splices and using present continuous in completely senseless situations, to name a few.

>> No.2721989

i don't about the others, but I only use MSN to get works done, so they're not actually my fiends.

>> No.2721991

Only normalfags assume everyone follows the exact same philosophy, you know.

Believe it or not, I'd rather be a bum, since being a CEO takes too much effort.

>> No.2721996

It's not that, most of the time when I meet people that type with capitalization and punctuation I feel they are not worthy of my time. I don't know, it just makes me think they're either casual gamers (as most of the new people I meet play a game I play), boring assholes, or normalfags.

>> No.2722002

Drinking Hefeweizen alone on a Saturday evening doesn't really qualify as normal tier. I'd rather get high on succes in SA, but today is just a bad day for things involving my hands, except for masturbation perhaps.

>> No.2722003

Casual gamers, boring assholes, and normalfags all type lyk dis.

>> No.2722005

If you believe that your philosophy is not the only one, then surely you can accept that one's philosophy dictates him to believe that happiness is to be reached through hard work and dedication to reaching difficult goals instead of slouching all day.

>> No.2722009

>>It's not that, most of the time when I meet people that don't type with capitalization and punctuation I feel they are not worthy of my time. I don't know, it just makes me think they're either casual gamers (as most of the new people I meet play a game I play), boring assholes, or normalfags.

>> No.2722012

I have never met anyone that shortens their words like that apart from British chavs who I avoid like the plague.

>> No.2722013

What? everyone I know on MSN are fucking idiots who type like they had never gone to school.

>> No.2722015

Just because there isn't only one philosophy doesn't mean there isn't only one correct philosophy, bro.

Any philosophy which involves acceptance of today's society is almost certainly wrong. I have never met a happy person with a job.

>> No.2722032 [DELETED] 

Nothing except for sleep.
The only person who I have ever truely loved broke up with me. We're still friends but it's just not the same.
My best friend is going to move away soon.
I don't ever really do anything out of the house anymore unless I'm pretty much forced to.
So ronery. ;_;
*curls up in a ball and sobs*
I don't even have a job to keep me occupied throughout the day and I haven't gone to college.
I'm absolutely hopeless. ;_;

>> No.2722036

Go cry yourself to sleep, faggot.

>> No.2722040

How do you meet those people? I only meet people when they start going to our vent out of nowhere and play games with us. If they talk like retards, I'll have them banned, and if they type like retards (hasn't happened yet) I'd have them banned too.

>> No.2722043

How could this happen to you?

>> No.2722044

>*curls up in a ball and sobs*
>I haven't gone to college
Ok, now you need to get the fuck out of here.

>> No.2722046

That is to forget that stoicism never claimed that one shouldn't work. The point is that determinism is omnipresent and you cannot go against, and that you can only be happy by accomplishing your duty without whining about the events which don't suit you.
And to say that no working person can be happy is simply preposterous. I don't know what kind of people you have met, but I have never met an unemployed person that is content with their situation, while I have most certainly seen people who gladly go to work.

>> No.2722058

Old high school "friends" that keep harassing me and university work fellows, which are obligatory.

>> No.2722059
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I'd say something nice like "Don't worry, you still have us" but that's not really true and it won't actually make you feel any better.

Do something to get your mind off how much your life sucks. Fap, play a game, read, anything.

>> No.2722066

>I have never met an unemployed person that is content with their situation
I can safely discredit your entire post based on this alone.

>> No.2722093

>I have most certainly seen people who gladly go to work.
Which doesn't necessarily mean they're happy, does it? In fact, they could be gladly going to work only because they've put themselves into a position where everything outside of work is even shittier. They could just be afraid of the consequences, so that the "happiness" is actually just a denial of a deep inner fear. Et cetera.

>> No.2722094

I believe after typing "I have never met a happy person with a job.", your credibility isn't at its heighest either.
Try being unemployed in a country without social security, we'll see if you can enjoy yourself.

>> No.2722180
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Getting to read some interesting things in my spare time. Life is good.

>> No.2722200

"I'm happy because you wouldn't be under these specific circumstances!"

I'm sorry, what? Are you retarded?
