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2719078 No.2719078 [Reply] [Original]

Do newlywed waifu really have sex in wedding dresses? I thought girls are really protective of those dresses?

>> No.2719087

Not that I know of. Then again, I'm never going to get married... ;_;

>> No.2719097

Only in eroge, unfortunately.

pity, because they're awesome

Also sauce?

>> No.2719101

Considering how expensive those things are, I'd refuse to have sex with my waifu until she took it off.

Good thing I'll probably never get married, huh?

>> No.2719100


If I was a girl, I'd consider marrying you.

>> No.2719106

Beats me, man.

>> No.2719109

Well, just going by the style, it's obviously Carnelian, which sort of narrows it down.

I don't know my Carnelian very well though, so I don't know the exact game.

>> No.2719112

Sorry, but I have standards.

>> No.2719114


>> No.2719115


>> No.2719118

i has a boat

>> No.2719122

No, because him taking the dress off is a fairly symbolic thing.

Of course, some people just want to get down as quickly as possible, and may skip that step.

>> No.2719123

What's the point though? She'll just stash it in the attic and let it gather dust, might as well get some kinky sex out of it.

>> No.2719126


>> No.2719132


I got married about a month ago, and i can so no she didnt wear it for our wedding night, but she still had on her veil, her garder, and had on some langire that was made too look like a wedding dress, only you know, half not there and easily removable.

>> No.2719137

I'll probably get married in front of a judge or something, no wedding dress required.

>> No.2719139


You know what? That was mean.

>> No.2719172

You can't get married in front of a judge you tool, you can only divorce in front of them.

You get married in front of a celebrant.

>> No.2719175

You know what's more mean? Setting your mate up for failure. If it's not going to work, then simply say no. It saves everyone time and reduces the potential guilt.

>> No.2719184



>> No.2719189


Not that it matters, it'll never happen anyway.


I have trouble saying no to people.

>> No.2719193

If by some miracle I get married I would definitely want to have sex with her wearing it. But if she didn't want to I guess I would have to respect her wishes.

>> No.2719196
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You're suppose to say no in a more tactful way though.
See this is a problem with 3D, this is why real women only exist in 2D nowadays

>> No.2719221

A quick action leads to a quick reaction. By being 'tactful', you're only creating potential "um, but, well, maybe" situations. What's the point in slowly freeing someone?

>> No.2719224

My first sexual experience will be while wearing a wedding dress. Not a girl but still ...

>> No.2719234

Turn up to the drycleaners with her dress with jizz all over it, with a sly smile on your face.

>> No.2719249

3D no.


>> No.2719255

>By being 'tactful', you're only creating potential "um, but, well, maybe" situations

No, that's not what tactful mean. A tactful response would be firm but considerate of the other person's feelings.

>> No.2719271

Yeah, consideration would surely drive a wedge between people! Being abrupt allows for fewer loose ends. There's nothing to hold onto; you say "bitch", rationalize, and move on.

>> No.2719276

>Considering how expensive those things are, I'd refuse to have sex with my waifu until I put it on.


>> No.2719296

If I get married I'm nailing my wife in her wedding dress. No excuses no exceptions. A girl looks no hotter in her life than in a wedding dress.

>> No.2719301

What do they wear in Japan when not doing a Western-style dress? A kimono or something?

>> No.2719312

If you'd even consider getting married, you're probably on the wrong board.

>> No.2719326


Just because I'm considering doing it doesn't mean it'll ever happen in a million years. But if the chance arises then yes, I would love to marry someone of the opposite sex that isn't offensive to look at and doesn't annoy me too much.

>> No.2719341

loljelus azz faggt cuz he aint got no wife
fukkin homo

>> No.2719384

There's being abrupt and then there's being a jerk. Tact is the difference between "no" and "no, but thank you". That, and "Sorry, but I have standards" isn't abrupt, (which would be "sorry but no") or quick or any of your other justifications, because you tacked on those last four words purely to be hurtful.

>> No.2719415

But by being hurtful, you force people away! Here, I'll make a chart:

Positive | Approachable
Neutral/Tact | Semi-approachable
Negative | Unapproachable

If you want to ward people off, you're better off using a sharp tongue. Whatever, nothing good ever comes out of God.

>> No.2719437 [DELETED] 

Athena was pretty hot.

Anyway, your vacillating. Is your position "be an antisocial asshole so people leave you alone?" (in which case, why are you on a message board of all things? Fuck off and go lurk somewhere). Or is it "shoot them down quick so they don't get the wrong impression?" (Because that was your first position).

>> No.2719442

Athena was pretty hot.

Anyway, you're vacillating. Is your position "be an antisocial asshole so people leave you alone?" (in which case, why are you on a message board of all things? Fuck off and go lurk somewhere). Or is it "shoot them down quick so they don't get the wrong impression?" (Because that was your first position).

>> No.2719449

It's shoot them down quickly so as to not trap them with something bad (everything being in the marriage context, of course).

>> No.2719486

Then there's no call to be an asshole. Just say thanks but no thanks and walk away.

>> No.2719503

That would work if it wasn't for the fact that people are delusional. "Well, that wasn't so bad. Maybe I can get her to like me with time." By hissing and clawing, you'll mark yourself as bad and people will move on and replace the whole "what if" issue with a "what a bitch; I can do better".

>> No.2719518

In which case that's their problem. But burning bridges just blocks up the river with the wreckage, and the debris can damage other bridges.

>> No.2719536

I see wedding dresses as beautiful, but not sexy.

No love lost if she didn't want to keep it on.

>> No.2719549


Negative people are like a chemical reaction...once you overcome that initial hill of effort/work, it's all smooth sailing.

positive people? it's so hard to connect with them unless they got some inner demons shit going down.
and inner demon shit in reality isn't something you want to go near, despite what galgames may suggest.

>> No.2719553
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good thing i have bridge insurance!

>> No.2719562

Female spotted.

>> No.2720449

...I seriously doubt that i'll ever get married.

I can't feel love.
