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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 141 KB, 542x402, panty-fetish-shrink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2718028 No.2718028 [Reply] [Original]

So a good example of this would be the Japanese having a major fetish for panties.


>> No.2718057

The only people who DON'T have a panty fetish are fags.

>> No.2718068
File: 423 KB, 1024x800, girl-murderer.1205777344775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what has become of trolling on /jp/? Say it isn't so.

>> No.2718097
File: 53 KB, 640x480, ass.1231474420850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2718101

Most of the pics of traps i've seen thanks to /jp/ have panties on - meaning fags love panties even more than heterosexuals. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.2718102

is that cropped from a bigger image?

>> No.2718117

How am I trolling?

Also now that I've watched the video I must say that it's pretty shitty. It's like Psych 101, or even just common sense.

>> No.2718121

Fetishes keep things interesting and, as far as fetishes go, panties are really tame. They do offer a lot of variation; plain white, lacey, striped, checkered, and anything else really.

>> No.2718130
File: 4 KB, 100x120, mary_san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you'd watched the video, you'd know that a fetish is actually a sexual attraction to an inanimate object, while attraction to the something alive is something else. I need the contents of panties to be satisfied. That doesn't make me a fag. It just means I don't have a fetish.

>> No.2718148
File: 180 KB, 883x1094, small_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is nothing but /prog/∩/a/. Almost no one here has taken psych 101.

>> No.2718170

I took a high school psychology class. But then again, I failed it.

>> No.2718177

I think most people at least know of Pavlov right? That's really all she is talking about.

>> No.2718180
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, ass-run.1208915970652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2718185

She has an OK rack, and I like hearing her talk about sex.

>> No.2718205


She has a really ugly face, though.

>> No.2718226

It actually varies a lot depending on her expression. She switches back and forth from fugly to fuckable a lot in the video. I need to find one where she's pursing her lips in a smile most of the time.

>> No.2718240


What are you going to do about her voice? She sounds like Laura Ingraham.

>> No.2718252

Only younger and full of knowledge about sexuality.

>> No.2719495
File: 84 KB, 640x480, pantsu-distraction.1195183425271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2719528


God damn, her voice is fucking annoying.

>> No.2719540
File: 35 KB, 360x750, Saxophone_alto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unless she likes woodwinds and it was a Freudian slip.

>> No.2719545

not a woodwind

>> No.2719547


The saxophone (also referred to simply as sax) is a conical-bored transposing musical instrument considered a member of the woodwind family. Saxophones are usually made of brass and are played with a single-reed mouthpiece similar to the clarinet. The saxophone was invented by Adolphe Sax in 1841. He wanted to create an instrument that would both be the loudest of the woodwinds and the most versatile of the brass, and would fill the then vacant middle ground between the two sections. He patented the sax in 1846 in two groups of seven instruments each. Each series consisted of instruments of various sizes in alternating transposition. The series pitched in B♭ and E♭, designed for military bands, has proved extremely popular and most saxophones encountered today are from this series. A few saxophones remain from the less popular orchestral series pitched in C and F.

>> No.2719555
File: 98 KB, 950x1174, fat-rape.8c928b93ac094a54076d58e285d2a8ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 minutes 15 seconds.

>> No.2719557


>> No.2719558

I got wood though.

>> No.2719561

Don't forget that fetishes can also be combined, panties+feet is a personal favorite.

>> No.2719573
File: 169 KB, 600x839, shiny-buttocks.1180908477218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell kind of sense does that make? You might as well choose bras and fingernails.

>> No.2719577

So why do people get tired of certain fetishes? Sexual disassociation? 'Hey, this isn't actually sex'?

>> No.2719601
File: 540 KB, 767x1000, mikugross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bras and fingernails.

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.2719634

I don't think I've ever grown tired of a fetish, I just keep picking up new ones.

>> No.2719692

kinda interesting part about it being considered a mental disorder if the association is with something morally reprehensible, and the use of "feeling bad" as a sign of this. nothing you couldn't really figure out on your own, but somewhat relevant to the loli and rapelay discussions you see around here now and again.

>> No.2719717

Something being morally reprehensible doesn't make it a disorder. It's only a disorder if it causes you enough stress to keep you from living a relatively normal life. It's just that if something is considered morally reprehensible in your society then the likelihood of it causing you significant stress is increased. I think the lady was trying to imply this, but if she wasn't then she doesn't know her psychology.
