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2713732 No.2713732 [Reply] [Original]

Which season of Higurashi is more faithful to the VN?

Which season did you like more?

>> No.2713733

doesn't matter. compartmentalize and view them as separate from the game. You will be better off.

>> No.2713737
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I like both the anime and the VN.

>> No.2713745
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>Which season did you like more?

I srsly don't think you even need to ask that question...

>> No.2713748

I wanted a longer version of that scene.

>> No.2713751

S2 is more faithful.

I liked Kai more, as it had more of Rika in it.

>> No.2713764

I thought the first season was alright, but too repetitive. I only kept going because I heard the 2nd season was great(which I liked better).

Is the Higurashi VN worth playing? I don't like the character designs. They're not kawaii desu like in the anime.

>> No.2713767

>S2 is more faithful.

>> No.2713770

Play the PS2 version

>> No.2713777

Wasn't there a way to rip the art off for the PC version?

>> No.2713786

Are you referring to the absence of za warudo? Its pacing was closer to that of the vns though.

>> No.2713800

There is a patch out for the PC that put the PS2 art and another for the sound.

>> No.2713823
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I loved Kai.

Black Takano is the best.

>> No.2713924

How accurate was the final arc in Kai compared to the VN?

>> No.2713930

No, he's corrrect. Kai was a lot more faithful of an adaption. A lot more material was cut in season one. They were selective with the cutting time, cutting away everything that wasn't horror and violent which gave people a false impression of the series. Kai portrays the mood and feel of Higurashi a lot better than season one. Higurashi was never about mindless killing and killer lolis

>> No.2713932

doesn't matter, play the game.

>> No.2713944

wait, what?
it wasn't? I knew about the world travelling and stuff.
but how could it not be about killing.

>> No.2713948

Very accurate. Here's the big changes that I think of off the top of my head

Takano calls Hanyuu a monster after seeing her horns and that's what restores her memory.

Mion fights Okonogi in hand-to-hand to buy some time after being found in the mountains

Rika freezes time when Takano fires the bullet. Takano thinks she missed but Rika shows to Hanyuu the bullet in her hands.

It's revealed that Takano escaped from the Irie facility after being captured

>> No.2713949


>> No.2713950

kk tell me when the whole thing is translated

>> No.2713951

Its not to the extent that the anime portrays it as. They take one aspect of the game and make that pretty much the main focus.

>> No.2713962


It's a mystery.
Remember Keiichi's letter?
"Figure out what happened here. That's all I ask."
You were supposed to wonder WHY they were going insane (if they even were), and what in the hell was the relations between the worlds ("Rules X, Y, and Z").

>> No.2713969

i always thought the anime was about figuring out who did the killings?

>> No.2713970

So the last arc sucks just as much in the VN? ok just wondering. Higurashi without mystery or any real suspense (Shion and her bodyguard go into a gunfight and come back uninjured? wtf) is pretty lame
Rei is awesome though

>> No.2713976

The keyword is mindless. Higurashi had killing but it was never the focus of the series. About 30-40% of every arc had slice of life stuff, the club members having fun. The killings don't occur until Watanagashi. This fleshed out the characters a lot more. It made you not want to see them going crazy later on. Higurashi is a tragedy and is about overcoming hardships. In the first arc for example it took a lot more to convince Keiichi that his friends were against him. In the anime, he just found out that they were hiding a murder from me and immediately suspected them. In the visual novel, he tried really hard to convince himself that he's crazy and his friends aren't bad but things kept happening which lead him to believe otherwise. Sseason one's pace was ridiclously fast. It didn't have time to build up or develop anything. A good example is how fast Shion falls in love with Satoshi. It doesn't feel natural at all.

>> No.2713981

I haven't played the VN (I don't speak moon), but I fucking hated the animu. I only got up to about episode 14 or so, but it was just repetitive LOL VIOLENCE and nothing that was actually interesting.

>> No.2713991

The first arc of the VN is translated. Go read it.

>> No.2713995

Moron. You can't have a mystery when you're trying to answer everything. The whole point of the answer arcs is answer the questions. And a mystery without a solution is lazy writing. There's no point of a mystery if there's no answer. I hate when authors make a mystery and don't answer it. Dur, it's up to the fans because I can't think of anything good.

>> No.2713998

The way the animu handled the answer arcs was shit, though. "Let's have an entire episode where Rika explains shit" HURRRR

>> No.2714003

Why would I want to play a single arc of a mystery VN?

>> No.2714007

If you cared about the story and mystery then you would have enjoyed that episode because it answers questions that's been going on since the beginning of season one. Sounds like you just want killing and action and don't want explanations. Higurashi isn't for you. Go watch Naruto or something.

>> No.2714014

The fact they answered everything was fine, but that last arc was way too long and absurd with the way they defeated Takano and her goons.

>> No.2714018

No. He's right. It was fucking stupid.

>> No.2714023

I said the way they handled it, fucknut, not that they answered questions at all.

>> No.2714019


The anime failed to properly convey that Satoko is a master of traps.

>> No.2714021 [DELETED] 


The log scene lasted about 8 seconds. You can only use something so short to prove a point. That's just troll material. And the ones who defeated Yanimu were the Banken. The club members just stalled them long enough for Tomitake to call them. If it wasn't for the Banken, they would've eventually been captured or shot just like in Minagoroshi.

>> No.2714024


The log scene lasted about 8 seconds. You can't use something so short to prove a point. That's just troll material. And the ones who defeated Yanimu were the Banken. The club members just stalled them long enough for Tomitake to call them. If it wasn't for the Banken, they would've eventually been captured or shot just like in Minagoroshi.

>> No.2714028

I agree with the other guy, the last arc felt like Home Alone

>> No.2714041

I like the first season. I picked up a random anime, which was Higurashi. I didn't know anything about it, and I watched the Onikakushi chapter late at night (first four episodes). My reaction was HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
A few months later i found out about the VN. And it was even better.

>> No.2714070


How? That was something they talked about quite a lot.

>> No.2714079

It didn't mention that Satoko had been making traps on that mountain for years. The traps the Yanimu fell for aren't traps she just set up. Without that insight, you just assume she made all that traps then which makes the situation even more absurd.

>> No.2714126

My impression of Higurashi back when I didn't give a fuck:
Animesnetwork or however the fuck was it, gave a Preview on the animu, back when it started to get fansubbed. I found a Torrent, back when I cared about Torrents and used p2p.

Season one, started fine, Animeswhatever didn't spoiler us about it but they said that they were a bit disturbed at some of the heavy violence. I kinda agreed...and thought, what the fuck? C'mon, man, why, at that certain scene, are you killing the cute girls? no, really...why don't you ask them anything beyond, 'wtfff wut u doin'? why don't you just defend yourself? why kill? god damn it, that doesn't make any sense! what a fucking crazy twist!
Some parts were reallly, really, goofy, but, after that...I started to like it. Specially because the mix of pretty and moemoe girls.
I'll admit one thing, I didn't finish watching Higurashi because I had to care about school and stuff I did. Besides, I still didn't knew anything beyond what I decided to read of the whole Preview in Animwhatever, since I didn't read it at all, of course, too lazy!
So I didn't finish watching Higurashi until close to April 2007, where I started watching it again until August. When I finished watching Season one...I was very, very entretained, and I considered the ending very happy, even if it was weird and 100% unanswered.

Now...Season 2? I coincidentally finished watching Higurashi, the day people were fansubbing Kai. I'll admit something again: I didn't finish watching it, until 2008.
Why? It's all the same shit. With manly killers/religions and more goofy scenes/chapters to top that. Not killer lolis.
Now. Why do you guys think Kai was better, as animu, besides moemoe reasons.

>> No.2714253

It had a really dramatic (in the positive sense) first anime exclusive arc.
It finally showed a clear storyline.
Watching Rika's (Satoko's in the first arc and she with Ooishi in the hospital scene) demise and Takano's past makes you cry.

No unexplained shit like Keiichi being killed in the hospital by already dead Shmion which was actually a heart attack, but DEEN didn't bother about that.


>> No.2714605

There's a perfectly adequate explanation. After all the shit K1 went through, he ended up going L5. Mr. Delicious joking about zombies was all it took for him to start hallucinating about a zombie Mion.

>> No.2714858

The most faithful arc was Onikakushi.
Other arcs were something far different from Higurashi.
Lots of Japanese Higurashi fans hate that anime, but they exceptionally applaud this arc.

I'm not talking about the anime's goodness or badness.
Simply, they were different from the original.
Those who haven't played the game tend to think that anime's sin was the lack of info. But no, they were literally "different."

>> No.2714862

Yeah, I meant that the anime never mentioned that he died on a heart attack and most higurashi anime fans still don't know that.
