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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2709845 No.2709845 [Reply] [Original]

It's sad being a princess.

>> No.2709871


>> No.2709873
File: 83 KB, 634x480, 1228014631270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail Princess Kako!!

>> No.2709875
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It is sad being confused for a robot girl.

>> No.2709880

so ronery ;_;

>> No.2709883

Princess Hikkikomori, Princess ronery

>> No.2709896

I'd treat her like a princess.

If you know what it mean.

>> No.2709899


Her institution may be lacking in actual merit...but she's so adorable!

>> No.2709904

sup Hayate

>> No.2709905

Anyone have the link to that princess mako imageboard?

>> No.2709911
File: 5 KB, 148x126, japaneserobotbeingcute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2709917


Well excuuuuuuUUUUuuuuuuse me, princess.

>> No.2709922
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>> No.2709937


more videos

>> No.2709938

looks like a 40k space marine.

>> No.2709949

everybody knows 40k is moe

>> No.2709956

If the God-Emperor of Nihon was my dad, things would be different around here.

>> No.2709959
File: 71 KB, 624x480, it's sad being a cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad being a cow.

>> No.2709980

Indeed. You wouldn't be allowed online, and would have been taught manners.

>> No.2709997
File: 177 KB, 400x450, lolimarine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are blind, anon. This a 40k sphess mehreen.

>> No.2710022

Do we know anything about her, apart from what's on Wikipedia?

Is she being groomed toward politics or something, who IS she really?

>> No.2710046

She can sew and do figure skating.

That's about all we know..

>> No.2710057

Better than being groomed toward boring science.

I wish I were a princess.

>> No.2710090

If America had royalty, I bet they'd still be rude as fuck.

>> No.2710114
File: 55 KB, 285x418, han1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why be a princess, when you can be the one to seduce her?

That's my plan for life, /jp/.

>> No.2710130

Only Han Solo space pirate can seduce a princess, which I doubt you are.

>> No.2710137

>Japanese imperial family
>involved in politics


>> No.2710152

Ahh, but I CAN be /jp/...

I CAN be.

Say I can be ;_;

>> No.2710155

Now I'm wondering how a royal family could even have come about in the US. Was there ever a royalist movement in the early history of the United States?

>> No.2710160

>Han Solo space pirate


He was a smuggler, not a pirate. There's a huge difference.

>> No.2710179

After the Revolutionary War, officers of the Continental Army were disgruntled and were angry at the Continental Congress for the way they were treating the Army. The congress wasn't treating them badly on purpose, but there weren't any funds to go around and soldiers wanted their pay.

A group of officers then formed up together and planned to stage a coup d'etat and place George Washington as monarch. When Washington heard of this he became furious. Before the whole thing went down, Washington assembled the officers and gave a speech that put the officers to tears. Thereafter they repented.

I don't remember any of the details, this is the gist of it that I remember, you should google it.

>> No.2710180

Yeah, this guy obviously needs to browse Wookiepedia more.

>> No.2710187


>> No.2710189

Wow, awesome. So if Washington had been just a little more power hungry, there could have been a monarchy in the US, eh?

>> No.2710194

You would know he was a smuggler if you watched the movies themselves. You don't need some wiki.

>> No.2710207

I was kidding, fellas.

>> No.2710209


Eh, it probably wouldn't have lasted long. Washington had no children of his own, there was a nearly two-century long democratic tradition in the American states already and king or no, the country had no money.

>> No.2710211

>In Founding Brothers, Joseph Ellis wrote that Washington was "the American Zeus, Moses and Cincinnatus all rolled into one." Ellis observed that, in voluntarily relinquishing power despite seeming indispensable, Washington "became the supreme example of the leader who could be trusted with power because he was so ready to give it up." In so doing, George Washington established the "elemental principle" that "presidents, no matter how indispensable, were inherently disposable."

We have been lucky to have had George Washington, I wish more people would appreciate him. He was the ideal American.

>> No.2710216

Yeah, I guess so. Still, it's fun to imagine.

>> No.2710223

Indeed, he was a gentleman and a true believer. I'm not even from the US, and I respect him well.

>> No.2710232
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enough talk of filthy democracy, back to the hereditary elect peasants.

>> No.2710238

what's wrong with their faces? they've got all the wrong genes!

>> No.2710240

whats the matter faggot too uguu for you?

>> No.2710241

uguu was never kawaii

>> No.2710242


>> No.2710244

in which case i stand corrected.

too kawaii for you, faggot?

>> No.2710246

no, you were right, too uguu quality and not kawaii at all

>> No.2710252

I'll show you. One day I will seduce the princess, and then I will be awesome like Rasputin and they'll write songs like this about me:


>> No.2710278

so you want to die by poisoning?

>> No.2710281

He died by drowning, after getting poisoned and shot.

Rasputin was a badass.

>> No.2710285

Exactly. Who wouldn't want to be like Rasputin?

>> No.2710290

Rasputin is proof that you don't have to be good looking to be charismatic.

>> No.2710292

Another exactly.

So there's hope for us all yet. The princess shall be mine.

>> No.2710385
File: 24 KB, 512x614, kako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2710419

Imagine this: a squad of burly American soldiers gang-raping the young Japanese princess.

>> No.2710428

Can't have that in a Japanese EOCS eroge.

>> No.2710430

I would not tolerate such a lascivious assault on the purity of the young ma'm.

I would challenge each and every one of them to explain their actions, and doubting that they can come upon any reasonable excuse, they would soon shy away.

Then I get reward sex.

>> No.2710435


>> No.2710452


fuck you

>> No.2710456

You have crossed the line, into the danger zone.

>> No.2710458


>> No.2710463

she is a descendant of evil HIROHITO
unit 731 anyone?

but I <3 her, maybe the wickedness is inside her head? who tells....

>> No.2710476



>> No.2710509

i love her.

kako? more like, ka-waii-ko.

>> No.2710517

I wished our princesses were as cute as kako-sama

>> No.2710540

Where you from that has princesses?

>> No.2710646



>> No.2710655


>> No.2710657

I want to seduce her and then post proof on 2chan.

It would be the ultimate troll.

>> No.2710658

I had no idea you were still a monarchy. But then again, I'm American, so I shouldn't even know where you live.

>> No.2710747

Give it twelve years.

>> No.2711114

Never kiss and tell, anon. Do you have no dignity?

>> No.2711123

>It would be the ultimate troll.
Trolls have no dignity.

>> No.2711146
File: 305 KB, 566x800, 1235525654155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Marines~

>> No.2711156

Well, sir, a true seducer does. So we may be glad this troll shall never succeed in his pursuit.

Now, gentlemen such as myself however, with a reputation to gain....

>> No.2711172

how would you even get near her? she's like a prisoner of her handlers.

>> No.2711183

Ahah! Well, you see...I would...


A little help, /jp/?

>> No.2711191
File: 252 KB, 683x1000, moe 43915 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need any princesses seduced?

>> No.2711233


do this

>> No.2711258

You'd either have to create a hole in Palace security and break in, or just straight kidnap her, neigther of which are too great for seduction... but on the other hand, if you kidnap her, she might see you as a savior...

>> No.2711293

I'd rather find a way into the circle of the family, if only on the periphery.

For example, I could become involved in my countries politics and find a way to be made youth ambassador and hope that an occasion emerges in which the Japanese imperial family comes into question and allows me to sow the first seeds of a protracted seduction.

Something like how the dirty old Rasputin, a man of little blood significance, did.

>> No.2712959

Post pictures when you succeed k?
Or film her saying: JayuPee Issu Guraito

yeah lets post that on 2ch

>> No.2713243

>>2711293 politics ... royal family
Yeah but this isn't the nineteenth century anymore. Really, royalty hasn't been relevant since after World War I.

In before butthurt britons. No one cares about your stupid Prince William.

>> No.2713707

Will do, bro.

Maybe not, but cozy national youth ambassadors often have to meet with figures of little significance. Birds of a feather, honestly....

>> No.2713726


I've always wondered about royal families. They don't seem to really do anything. So they're basically just for show now?

>> No.2713749

Sadly you're more likely to actually come in contact with her by doing something crazy like breaking in than by any legal/official means.

And when you're inevitably caught, I wouldn't want to be you.

Assuming you just break in you'll probably just be imprisoned for a while, the subject of great media infamy and then expelled and blacklisted from the country after American officials have to go out of their way to save your stupid ass.

Sounds like fun actually.

>> No.2713799

More like

>> No.2713813

Fuck that's catchy.

>> No.2713831

u mad reaction image

>> No.2714339

go for it

>> No.2714345

Quick! Someone draw this!

>> No.2714490

Somehow, I don't think a media frenzied kidnapping is conducive to a successful seduction.

Unless you count stockholms syndrome.

>> No.2714521
File: 13 KB, 478x358, kakohansolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, /jp, what do you think? Do you think a princess and a guy like me...

>> No.2715202

Naruhito (1960-)
- Aiko (2001-)
Fumihito (1965-)
- Mako (1991-)
- Kako (1994-)
- Hisahito (2006-)

>> No.2715260

Is she a virgin?

>> No.2715280

Are you a virgin?

>> No.2715339


>> No.2716276

So /jp/ do you think royalties like her ever masturbate?

Has she any privacy to do so?

Do her bodyguards/etc know that she does?

Does she browses the internet, and perhaps /jp/, and perhaps this thread?


Do you think there are officials who will openly say: No you can't marry her because you are WHITE?

Does she shaves herself, or is there someone who does that for her, if so, tell me the whole story.

Thank you /jp/

>> No.2716388



>> No.2716461

>So /jp/ do you think royalties like her ever masturbate?

yes, i do.

>Has she any privacy to do so?

i'm sure she can do it in bed at night, or in the shower.

>Do her bodyguards/etc know that she does?

they probably suspect.

>Does she browses the internet, and perhaps /jp/, and perhaps this thread?

she maybe browses internet, probably not. almost certainly doesnt know about 2ch, let alone 4chan.

>Do you think there are officials who will openly say: No you can't marry her because you are WHITE?

yes, very, very many and many will agree with them. royal blood, and all.

>Does she shaves herself, or is there someone who does that for her, if so, tell me the whole story.

no. japanese do not shave. let alone royalty who doesnt get to get laid.

>> No.2716481


w/ about leg hair etc?

>> No.2716490


>> No.2716496

probably shaves that, because she does ice skating. maybe somebody helps her.

>> No.2716563
File: 15 KB, 477x355, hanlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2716979

she pretty

>> No.2716985

