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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2708777 No.2708777 [Reply] [Original]

This child was born in Japan

does that make her Japanese?

>> No.2708794

No. Membership in the Japanese Nation-State is a sociocultural hodgepodge that requires ethnicity, a common background, shared values and not being a twat who takes up half the goddamned subway car with her oversized stroller thing.

>> No.2708799

no, but being raped by japanese does

>> No.2708802

What does her passport say?

>> No.2708800

she's adorable...

usually I don't find white girls attractive, so maybe she IS japanese.

>> No.2708803

she's adorable...

usually I don't find japanese girls attractive, so maybe she IS white.

>> No.2708806


her clothes are too brightly coloured to be a Japanese child

>> No.2708810

she's adorable...

usually I don't find girls attractive, so maybe she IS my one and only.

>> No.2708817

she's adorable...
I usually don't find 3d girls attractive, so maybe she is 2d

>> No.2708818

of course

Certain (very vocal) pockets of Japanese society still operates on the racial homogeneity fallacy

However the mainstream consciousness is starting to accept "Japaneseness" as a thing beyond race, as well as seeing ethnic Koreans (who look Japanese, live in Japan, were born in Japan and speak only Japanese) as Japanese, even if the law does not.

>> No.2708820

this thread is now doomed.

>> No.2708836

She looks to big for that stroller

She should be walking

Lazy loli is lazy

>> No.2708838

>not being a twat who takes up half the goddamned subway car with her oversized stroller thing.


>> No.2708840
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>> No.2708849

If Japanese people move to America, live in America and have a child in America, that child is American.

Same with every other country in the world.

To suggest that Japan is somehow "special" is retarded.

>> No.2708884

Jus soli isn't accepted everywhere, but I'm fairly certain Japan is one of the places where it is.

>> No.2708889

>Jus soli

>> No.2708902


>> No.2708915

Hell, sometimes the Japanese don't consider the people who were there before the Japanese people ever even arrived as not being Japanese.

Try and work that out.

>> No.2708918

Just like how Native Americans aren't real Americans?

>> No.2708919

Yeah, like that.


>> No.2708934

Japan? Racist?

Do tell.

>> No.2708988

You can get Japanese Nationality if you want. if you have job. you can speak and read Japanese. you have been in Japan more than 5 years.

>> No.2709003

Japan is a jus sanguinis state, meaning that it attributes citizenship by blood, not by location of birth. Article 2 of the Nationality Act provides three situations in which a person can become a Japanese national at birth:

When either parent is a Japanese national at the time of birth
When the father dies before the birth and is a Japanese national at the time of death
When the person is born on Japanese soil and both parents are unknown or stateless

>> No.2709005

The Minister of Justice must approve all applications for naturalization. Review of an application generally takes about one year.

The criteria for naturalization are provided in Article 5 of the Nationality Act:

Continuous residence in Japan for five years or more
At least 20 years old and otherwise legally competent
History of good behavior generally, and no past history of seditious behavior
Sufficient capital or skills, either personally or within family, to support oneself
Stateless or willing to renounce foreign citizenship

>> No.2709022

I want to be stateless. It'd be like taking my hikki status to the next level.

>> No.2709023

I guess that's what happens when your entire civilization has lived on it's own little island for it's entire life.

Australia had a similar attitude too, White Australia policy and all the rest, but the fact that we had such a large coastline made us becoming part of Asia inevitable.

Japan has a small coastline.

>> No.2709025

I heard that Germany Nationality law is the same to Japan. Many Turk were born and live in Germany but if they do not want to be German, they have been Turk.

>> No.2709042

have been and will be Turk.

>> No.2709059

Birthplace isn't good enough for citizenship in the UK.

I remember Ireland had a lot of trouble with immigrants going there to have children and get IE and EU citizenship.

>> No.2709063

Many Korean who live in Japan misunderstand Japanese National law. They think that they have Japanese Nationality. and Korean who live homeland misunderstand it too. This is the reason why Korean insist that Japanese are racists. But, as you see>>2709005
it is easy for them to be Japanese. In fact, some Korean Japanese become diet lawmaker.

>> No.2709099


No. Doesn't work for males either.

Fucking sucks I tell you, having fat pigs for parents even though being born in a decent country.

>> No.2709105
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stop talking like a jap kid, you twat.

>> No.2709110
File: 323 KB, 1006x1204, Japan-IJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she must inlist in the IJA first.

>> No.2709115
File: 25 KB, 250x300, fw39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is Japanese pro football player. His name is HAVENAAR MIKE. He was Dutch. His parents and siblings became Japanese when he was young. He is Japanese so if he has a child, s/he is Japanese.

>> No.2709120




>> No.2709123

He was chosen young national team of Japan. So he is Japanese.

>> No.2709122

So it's THAT EASY? Come on /jp/, let's all go to Japan and become pro football players! ^_________________^

>> No.2709325

I'd Japanese her

if you know what I mean

>> No.2710047


>Stateless or willing to renounce foreign citizenship

What the fuck. This is news for me, I know several countries that allow dual citizenships, I've looked into it.

>> No.2710080

Right, many countries do permit dual citizenships. But Japan is not one of them. To obtain Japanese citizenship you must renounce all foreign citizenships. Likewise, you cannot maintain your Japanese citizenship if you obtain citizenship elsewhere.

The one exception to this is children under 18 with unusual circumstances involving parents of different nationalities (i.e. one japanese parent, one foreign) where the parents are dead or missing, or other similar conditions. However, at 18 the child must renounce one of the citizenships - they can choose to be Japanese or they can choose to be a foreigner, but not both.

>> No.2710105

fucking ugly white gaijin scum they are so out of place

>> No.2710514

lol no. Caucasian is not rare at all when you get on a train in Tokyo.

>> No.2710581

Japanese don't say "citizen" or "citizenship". They just say Japanese or not. They don't say HAVENAAR MIKE has Japanese citizenship. They just say HAVENAAR MIKE is Japanese.

>> No.2710604

It'd be cool if you could be a citizen of multiple countrys.

>> No.2710614

>renounce all foreign citizenships

The US hs the same rule, though I hear it isn't at all enforced.

>> No.2710647


Everyone does that. How many foreign-born naturalized citizens are actually thought of as "Americans" by the average populace? Not many, I imagine. Maybe ones who were babies when they immigrated.

They still have a legal concept of citizenship.

>> No.2710836

Wait, if I may segway a bit here, before asking all kinds of questions about citizenship and whatnot, how does OP know she was born in japan? She doesn't look mix at all. No asian/white kids gets that much white out of it. And she looks pretty old to have been born there. I realize the mom and/or parents could be living there, but thats pretty rare for a couple to not only birth but also raise their kid in a foreign country. Unless her parents did decide to premanently live there, in which case this is the next Havenarr Mike. So I have to ask is OP's question just a pondering using this pic as an example, or is there proof?

>> No.2710855



It's "segue"

>> No.2710872

Just because it's rare doesn't mean it never happens, in fact it means that it has to happen at least sometimes. But yes, he could just be proposing a hypothetical situation. It's not like it really matters because this is a shit thread.

>> No.2711170

I don't know. but most of nations must have laws about baby who is born in outside of their nations. perhaps parents should submit the registration of a birth to the embassy of their nation.

>> No.2713198

>If Japanese people move to America, live in America and have a child in America, that child is American.
>Same with every other country in the world.

America is special. Most countries aren't as tolerant of immigration as America is.

>> No.2713211

Nationality wise yeah.

but no one will ever believe her because she' not ethnically.

>> No.2713266

1. No, Japan doesn't accept Jus Soli (You're not Japanese just because you were born there)
2. You are only required to "make an effort" to renounce your foreign citizenship. Lots of Japanese-Americans just tell the government that they tried or say they did, and keep both.
3. >>2710836, Check out ASIJ, St. Maria International school, etc...

>> No.2713299

Only with certain countries are you allowed to have dual citizenship. Good example are Americans who served in the French Foreign Legion.

>> No.2713720

There are more than one million Japanese in my country and most of them in my state, so I'm getting a kick out of this.

>> No.2713805


formally, the US does not permit dual citizenship, either

they just are too lazy to verify

>> No.2713803

'Sup, how's the weather in Sao Paulo?

>> No.2713903

I don't know. I'm in Orange County.

>> No.2713983

Why? Are you crazy? If you want to be Japanese. It is not so difficult. Japanese are not racists. Many other countries has the same rule to Japan.

>> No.2714012

This is a funny picture.

I am saving this to my 'funny pictures' folder for when I want to laugh again, and possibly share it with others.

>> No.2714045
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>> No.2715603

> formally, the US does not permit dual citizenship, either

Unless you're a jew, in which case dual israeli citizenship is A-OK.

>> No.2717752


>> No.2717892

> Japanese are not racists.
If I had saved reaction images, I would definitely use one right now.

ok ok, I kid. But some of them do.

>> No.2717890

yea thats what he said, congrats u can read.

>> No.2717995
File: 111 KB, 350x272, 1159651777075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese are not racists

good one kid

>> No.2718062

Stop listening to podcasts and go back to school.

>> No.2718071

Americans are not racist.

>> No.2718146
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>> No.2718150
File: 46 KB, 500x375, Korean woman Asiana Air Inchon Airport Seoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2718156
File: 44 KB, 313x480, jang-donggun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2718161
File: 39 KB, 388x450, ent_kimheesun_0723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2718171
File: 38 KB, 434x550, 17sr73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
