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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2707541 No.2707541 [Reply] [Original]

This got me started on Mahou Shoujo, which in turn led me to bishoujo, which in turn brought the light of moe to my eyes, which in turn got me interested in Touhou and VN, which led me to be a social recluse.

What is to blame for you being on /jp/?

>> No.2707546

>which led me to be a social recluse.
I keep hearing things like this on /jp/.
Is it strange that I was always the way I am?

>> No.2707549

I would have to say Tenchi Muyo. That really got the ball rolling in my weeabooism. I didn't really like DBZ when all my friends were obsessing over it. I was obsessing over Ayeka and her ojou-sama attitude.

>> No.2707550


>> No.2707555

Same here.
I always prefered staying at home since I was a kid.

>> No.2707556


Even before I was a big faggot weeaboo, I was a recluse. The weeabooism just helps you to escape into a stupid delusional dreamland where your bros are your bros and don't ever betray you, and the girls are both pure and slutty at the same time and in the right ways.

>> No.2707557

The internet!

>> No.2707560

same here. then someone pointed out that aeka's english VA sounded like a old hag. the dub version never sounded the same after that.

>> No.2707561

I haven't the slightest clue how I came to be here.
I suppose that when you don't take responsibility in life, it's only natural to wash up somewhere.

>> No.2707562

I only became a recluse in college. In high school I was always out with friends at the mall or playing frisbee or video games.

>> No.2707566

I got sick of /a/ sucking and took my chance to get away when moot created this board.

>> No.2707567
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Sailor Moon also. I had another friend that like it. We even bought the Sailor Moon TCG and played with it. Fucking broken as shit. We went back to MTG.

>> No.2707571

Both of my parents were extremely introverted nerds. They introduced me to JRPGs as soon as I could read, and it just snowballed from there.

>> No.2707574

Nope. Before I got into weeaboo shit I locked myself in my room reading and playing video games.

>> No.2707576

I met touhou before because a jap and his flashes.
And, to be honest, I blame a friend, which in fact, was one of the original developer of the GECKO GameCube emulator. He and I knew about touhou from 2006...ok, sure, IOSYS, secondary casuals, you guessed it. But, at least, we weren't faggots.

>> No.2707579

>weren't faggots


>> No.2707581

Here, less attention whoring.

>> No.2707590

My blame lies solely on Queen Millennia.

>> No.2707591


You played that shit too? I never found another person that played aside from cons.

>> No.2707598

Cardcaptor Sakura. That also brought me into yuri. Sweet sweet Tomoyo x Sakura...

>> No.2707603

I remember that. Tuxedo Mask was broken as all hell.

>> No.2707625
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>> No.2707641

Huge post incoming, 1/2. Never done this before.

2002 I was a poorfag underageb& who enjoyed the usual childhood animus, but was more interested in books, though I was unable to buy them (And at 13 I was too retarded to pirate shit). I read the few I could and, while searching for a leaked copy of books before they were made because I was fucking stupid I found fanfiction. I read through thousands of them.
Harry Potter was easily the biggest, and within 2 years I finished off everything that I would of liked, even after branching out into different genres and pairings. I decided to look for the next biggest thing.
Turned out to be Naruto. So I go and youtube the eps because I'm a 15-16 year old with a download limit and bad understanding of torrents. Read the fanfictions, and the mango because of it.
While searching for the mangas online, I found sites with tonnes of different series', and expanded my horizons. Pretty much abandoned fanfiction over the next few years. Nowadays I only go back to read the updates for one story (Denarian Lord if anyone gives a shit).
I was content with just reading, never discussing, because as the Harry Potter fandom taught me, people are fucking stupid most of the time, and unless you find a good community, you'll be dealing with idiots for a long time.

>> No.2707645

So I continued, reading, occasionally watching. Then, a few months before the scientology raids I came across a raid from /b/. Interested, I read and found out who was doing it and went there. Found it kinda funny, and then I noticed the little buttons at the top. Went to /a/, and noticed people talking about shit I knew, and shit I wanted to know about. The community visibly degraded, and I'd visited when it was already a decomposing corpse according to most.
Then, in January this year, some guy posted a bigass rant about how the misuse of sage pissed him off, and I agreed. I'd gone to other *chans, and noticed their use of it, and found it wasn't used for showing distate for a person or comment. He mentioned he was going to /jp/, because THEY knew how shit worked. Good idea bro, I'm coming with.

And that's how I ended up here. Sorry about the huge post, I recounted this a few days ago in an inner-monologue, and felt I had to type it up at the coincidental topic.

From HPfag, to fanfictionfag, to not-really-Narutard-but-fan-of-it, to /b/-goer, to /a/-poster, to /jp/-browser. I've been everything you hate at one point.

Thank God for Anonymous posting, huh?

>> No.2707654

>Denarian Lord
I've read that. Thank god for anonymous posting indeed; I'd never admit that with my tripcode on.
Harry Potter / Dresden Files crossover fanfiction, how embarrassing.

>> No.2707666
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I can't remember how I started. Well, I remember I saw Vampire Hunter D, Riding Bean, and Akira back almost twenty years ago, but... I dunno. Buying Figures, dakimakura and galge/ eroge from Japan is recent, as is my scanlating.

>> No.2707668

For me it was Sailor Moon too. I fell in love with Sailor Venus...she was my waifu. I was 9 at the time, Sailor Moon was on UPN 44 and I always recorded it. When she died at the Day of Destiny episode I think that was the first time I cried because of an anime...;_;

>> No.2707671

I've been on 4chan for a while, started on /b/ years ago, saw how shit it was and went to /v/. At this stage (maybe 2 years ago) I'd never seen an anime or heard of any /jp/-related stuff, until one day I stumbled across a VN thread on /v/ (think it was YMK). I decided to play it, then went to /jp/ to find others, and got into Touhou and the like. It was only after this that I got into anime, so I imagine that's backwards from the way pretty much everyone else goes.

>> No.2707693

It's still a good read. I was giddy when Harry decided, "Hey, fuck that dragon." And then proceeded to fuck it using a penis made of Winter.

But yeah, the idea is embarrassing. Got me into Dresden though, so it's got my thanks.

>> No.2707715

The thumbnail of OP made me think that was Kaguya and Keine cosplay.

>> No.2709182

I'm here atm only because I have a break from my Japanese input today :v

Tl;dr the reason why I'm here is because I saw an IOSYS flash and became curious about the series, which led me here(originally /a/).
