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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2699581 No.2699581 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2699581,1 [INTERNAL] 

Does anybody even care?

>> No.2699640
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You no rike video gaems?

>> No.2699658


what does pippy longstocking have to do with this

>> No.2699663
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>> No.2699669

F/SN Game for the PSP!

>> No.2699687

There is one.

>> No.2699700

/jp/ gets excited during comiket, not E3.

>> No.2699711

>/jp/ = one person

>> No.2699721 [DELETED] 

>Implying that a board made for VNs and Touhou (moot agreed etc) would be excited for anything but Comiket.

>> No.2699716 [SPOILER] 
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New FF7?

>> No.2699717

Piss off.

>> No.2699725

I'm sure he meant "the people of /jp/ who don't need to get out"

>> No.2699756

So, people that play games need to get out?
Great logic you have.

>> No.2699767

Nope, just /v/ posters

>> No.2699842

I said nothing about /v/.

>> No.2699860

You guys are worst than /v/.

>> No.2699874

worst than

>> No.2699878,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know what that is.

>> No.2699878


Melty blood for the DS!

>> No.2699878,2 [INTERNAL] 

It's a sort of "new products show" for computer games companies to show off their upcoming stuff.

>> No.2699878,3 [INTERNAL] 

Dear Eksopl, please ban this >>2699878,1 female.

>> No.2699878,4 [INTERNAL] 

Then I change my answer to no. I don't own any gaming consoles and my laptop is too old to play any PC game released nowadays.

>> No.2699878,5 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't own any gaming consoles
Are you a girl?

>> No.2699878,6 [INTERNAL] 

Stop sidetracking! There's enough old games on the PC to last me my lifetime.

>> No.2699878,7 [INTERNAL] 

I don't own any gaming consoles either.
Where do I pick up my new vagina?

>> No.2699878,8 [INTERNAL] 

There's no problem with not owning a PS3, 360, or Wii (i.e. the next generation doesn't really matter). But to not own any of the older generation consoles is disturbing.

If we were to count the sells, innovations, and media of the video gaming industry, PC games only represent 5% of the industry. I argue one cant call themselves a 'video gamer' if they've never touched a console or handheld system.

>> No.2699878,9 [INTERNAL] 

Gameboys are portable gaming consoles.

Surely you at least had one of those.

>> No.2699878,10 [INTERNAL] 

Anyways anyone know if something went down on nintendo's press conference in this year's E3?
There's this thread on /a/ that seems to imply something happened but noone explains.

>> No.2699878,11 [INTERNAL] 


To play vidya gaems as a child, I had to emulate them inside an emulation of Windows on my dad's Mac (yes, that's as stupid as it sounds) or play with a friend's console.

>> No.2699878,12 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Their new pulse gimmick was pretty shitty, and their Mario Galaxy 2 announcement wasn't enough to make up for their lack of 1st party games. I guess the only good thing that happened at Nintendo was the announcement of the new Metroid game.

>> No.2699878,13 [INTERNAL] 

Let me sum it up for you:

Xbox 360
8 AAA titles.
Exclusive Metal Gear 4 spinoff (starring Raiden).
Final Fantasy 13.
Halo 3 spinoff.
New motion detector hardware codenamed the 'Natal' that's going to be a successor to the Wii-remote.

5+ 3rd party games directed towards casual gamers and toddlers.
Mario Galaxy 2.
New 3rd person, 3D Metroid game that's being developed by Nintendo and Team Ninja.
New hardware that detects the user's pulse.

6+ 3rd party games of undetermined quality.
More Final Fantasy 13 footage.
Sony announced the exclusive rights to Final Fantasy 14.
A new PSP called the PSP-GO.
A new motion detector software that looks to be a lot more sophisticated than the Wii-mote.

Even though I'm a Sony and Nintendo fanboy I'm going to have to give this one to Microsoft. Micro$oft is using the same questionable business practices to do to Nintendo and Sony what they've done to the software industry. I guess if you cant beat em, buy em. But putting that all aside, I have to say I was fairly impressed with Natal. Unlike Sony's motion detecting (wii-mote ripoff) hardware, Microsoft is trying to move us into the next steps of virtual gaming. One can only imagine what playing an eroge would be like with the Natal.

>> No.2699878,14 [INTERNAL] 

Are you poor or something?

>> No.2699878,15 [INTERNAL] 

>Exclusive Metal Gear 4 spinoff (starring Raiden).
Damn, that might've made it worth hanging onto my Xbox 360.

>Mario Galaxy 2.
>New 3rd person, 3D Metroid game that's being developed by Nintendo and Team Ninja.
Maybe awesome.

And nothing decent from Sony, that's a shame.

>> No.2699878,16 [INTERNAL] 

This (not the Mac part). My parents disliked video games for some reason, so we never got a game console. Any 'gaming' I did was on my friend's gaming systems. He had a lot of them. Nowadays, I'm just content with playing old things on my outdated laptop.

>> No.2699878,17 [INTERNAL] 

I was in the same boat for most of my childhood. Late in the N64's lifetime my grandma finally convinced my parents to buy an N64 for my sister and I. Then the next generation I was old enough to work and buy my own Xbox, which ruined my social life and led me to where I am today. So my parents were probably right to keep me away from video games.

>> No.2699878,18 [INTERNAL] 

>And nothing decent from Sony, that's a shame.
There was GT:Portable, though even though I'm a HUGE fan of the series, I wont buy it just because They made me wait so long for it.(I mean FUCK!, I bought the PSP on release date just because I wanted that game and they plan to release it 3 psp redesigns later! FUCK THEM)

GT:Portable? more like Duke Nukem FOREVER Racing Portable, AMIRITE?!

>> No.2699878,19 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you buy a game? just download it.

>> No.2699878,20 [INTERNAL] 

Cuz I have them monies.

>> No.2699878,21 [INTERNAL] 

Well I don't like racing games nor do I own a PSP anymore.

>> No.2699878,22 [INTERNAL] 

Gotta say, the PSP has been the console I've played the most. Best choice I ever made.

>> No.2699878,23 [INTERNAL] 

Games that had neat updates:
Bioshock 2 MULTIPLAYER, Tekken 6 with Trailer #2, Vandal Hearts 3, Dissidia.

NOTE: I'll always want to molest Alisa. Never failed me once.

>> No.2699878,25 [INTERNAL] 

A new 3D Zelda for the Wii has been confirmed.

>> No.2699878,26 [INTERNAL] 

Day 2 is repetitive and boring. Going to sleep.

>> No.2699878,27 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't this day 3?

Microsoft was day 1.

Nintendo and Sony was day 2.

And today is day 3.

>> No.2699878,28 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2699878,29 [INTERNAL] 

lol, I couldn't quit peeking. They are showcasing this awesome RE which could be any better, if it weren't a fucking arcada shootan...Wii game.

>> No.2699878,30 [INTERNAL] 

Oh yeah, and this one was said to follow the story of RE2, my favorite, as a spin-off. Fancy.

>> No.2699878,31 [INTERNAL] 

My family hit the middle class around the same time I hit puberty, so yeah, pretty much. Also >>2699878,16 to some extent: my mother hates television, videogames, everything.

"Sage" for stupid /blog/ post.

>> No.2699878,32 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2699878,33 [INTERNAL] 

If only it stayed dead forever.......

>> No.2699878,34 [INTERNAL] 

How unprofessional...

>> No.2699878,35 [INTERNAL] 

I miss /jp/ already.

>> No.2699878,36 [INTERNAL] 

Same. Isn't it sad.

>> No.2699878,37 [INTERNAL] 

And it's up again!

That was a short downtime, but it sure gave me a scare.

>> No.2699878,38 [INTERNAL] 




>> No.2699878,39 [INTERNAL] 

