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2699530 No.2699530 [Reply] [Original]

So Final Fantasy XIV is going to be a new MMO. Who here is going to be playing it?

>> No.2699537

I kind of enjoyed XI until I had to start looking for groups.

>> No.2699540

I will.

Yeah, I will.

I'll play FFXIII and FFvXIII (and even FFaXIII if I can acquire it), too.

I love the entire Final Fantasy series and fuck if I give a damn about the internet's opinion.

>> No.2699545

So like 20 minutes after you started?

Been playing FFXI for 5 years myself, but gotten so tired of it last year or so. Any source on the FFXIV info?

>> No.2699548

5 mins in.

>> No.2699552


E3 2009.

>> No.2699569

No, but I'm hoping SE will set up a free server for FFXI like Sega (sort of) did with PSO when PSU came out.

>> No.2699572
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>> No.2699574

I enjoyed FFXI until I start playing it.

>> No.2699576

Will it have NA servers? Probably not.
Will it have PVP servers? Probably not.
So am I willing to play a laggy pve game where the Japanese players are blatantly catered to and will be given every advantage and will exert their full xenophobia to keep non-Japanese out of all end game content?
No thanks Square.

>> No.2699587

>Will it have NA servers? Probably not.
This is more of a good thing in some eyes

FFXI isn't bad because it has mixed servers, it's bad because many of the JP players are blatant racists against the NA players. So while a lot of NAs are willing to work together regardless of nationality to get shit done, JPs would rather not do anything at all rather than work with the NAs.

>> No.2699590

PS3 exclusive, lol.

>> No.2699603

It is ALWAYS a bad thing when you ping 500-1500 to the Japanese servers.
It means zero chance of claiming mobs and much less enjoyable gameplay.

>> No.2699606

Fuck that noise. 90% of FFXI's suck factor at the moment comes from being held back by the PS2. The only way to play an MMO is on the PC. Fucking retards SE.

>> No.2699607

Getting anything done with auto-translate is a pain in the ass, and JP ONRY has more to do with practicality than racism. If you know Japanese well, most players are completely willing to party with you. And it's not like there's not enough western players for that to make any difference anyway.

>> No.2699613


Well this time it can't be held back per se... since it's only being released on the PS3.

>> No.2699611

Like anyone who claims contested mobs in FFXI isn't using a bot anyways

>> No.2699618

I played FFXI from '06 to '08 and never experienced noticeable lag outside of the main cities, and I stole mobs from nips all the time.

>> No.2699619

>free server
Yeah, I'm sure that the company that charges you monthly for each character you have + each expansion you have installed would set up something for free

>> No.2699622

Actually, it was doomed the minute SE touched it. They have the magic touch. They turn can turn gold back to lead. Fucking amazing.

>> No.2699624

You should come to Ramuh, we've probably got the worst JP racists I've ever seen. Terrible attitudes, willing to drop parties if NAs join, etc. It's really sad.

>> No.2699668

I'm not paying 500 dollars to play a MMO
They have A LOT of mistakes to make up for from FFXI although I bet the first year or so would be lots of fun on there.

>> No.2699693


>> No.2699702

the first year was like the worst in FFXI, terribly balanced jobs, tons of bugs and glitches, ridiculous ideas like the insane exp needed to cap, etc

>> No.2699719

No thanks, I'm allergic to console MMOs

>> No.2699724

I'll fap to the porn.

>> No.2699741

I can dream ;_;

>> No.2699778

There's no way this isn't coming to the PC at the some point. The delay for a PC release is actually a good thing, as by the time it comes out for us most of the major problems will be ironed out.

>> No.2700111

Enjoy your xenophobic Japs and retarded grindan.

>> No.2700143

but there will be a pc-version

>> No.2700152


>> No.2700180

not maybe, confirmed

>> No.2700182

Maybe as in, I might play.

>> No.2700213

I already spend $100 a month on Mabinogi, no thanks.

>> No.2700221

Has there been any information released about it other than its existence?

>> No.2700230

Why is /v/ posting their game threads on /jp/?

>> No.2700245

They shouldn't give the MMO's their own number. If they want to use the Final Fantasy franchise, then fine, it's their right, but it makes no sense to give it its own number as if its the same as any of the 1 player linear story-focused RPGs that came before. Having similar characters and themes shouldn't automatically include it in the numbered Final Fantasy series, just like the last one shouldn't have been included.

>> No.2700252

Confirmed, as in you WILL play

>> No.2700276

Threads only last a few seconds with all the spam.

>> No.2700343


>> No.2700364


Shut up.
I hate you people.
It's part of the series.

>> No.2701215

The missions in FFXI had a linear story just like every other Final Fantasy.

>> No.2701261

Considering Mabinogi is a better game than FFXI and I don't have to pay for it if I don't want to, why would I want to pay for yet another FF MMO?

>> No.2701273

I absolutely loved XI. I quit only because it was sucking time away from school. I'll graduate soon enough, don't think there's anything that'll keep me off XIV

>> No.2701281

Mabinogi had more bots than any game I've ever played. Enjoy.

>> No.2701282

I might play it, but FFXI sucked for me because THERE WAS NO ONE AROUND by the time I picked it up. Everyone was off being level seven hundred or some shit and there was no one for my poor little level 10 WHM to group with.

>> No.2701311
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So you can fix your weapons properly.

>> No.2701331

Never played anything other than private servers, Guild Wars or WAR have you.

>> No.2701510

Buh? I've played FFXI, Dungeons and Dragons Online, International Ragnarok Online (no pservers), and Trickster in addition to a few Korean MMOs for a week or three including Mabinogi, Lunia, Wonderland Online, and a few others I can hardly remember.

Mabinogi still has more bots than I ever saw in an MMO. Running through town was a constant spamfest of bots.

>> No.2701537

MMOexpert (has played over 67 MMOs Last played: ai Sp@ce)

>> No.2701544

And yet these hands...

>> No.2701555
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You retards, look on the official site. It's PC/PS3, not just PS3.


>> No.2701595

That's because in Mabi those are the ONLY places the bots can function. They can hunt raccoons and the foxes in north Tir, work on life skills, and spam messages ... that's about it. Every other MMO they can run around dungeons and shit all over the rest of the games games maps due to how the games run. I know some of the GMs in some games such as WoW and a few others (I think L2 was one, but I don't remember. Its been so long) I know will take bribes to let you bot with out interference.

>> No.2701645

Mabinogi is also unplayable for anyone who doesn't live within two minutes' walk of the servers. Lol @ getting killed by a wolf because you actually can't trigger your next attack before you get hit because the game lags so damn much.

>> No.2701659

Stop playing on wireless, and disable the Nagle algorithm if you use WinXP.

>> No.2701666


>> No.2701703

Same here, bro. I'll happily purchase it, play it for a day, and then never touch the game again. Just like what I did for FF11.

FF11 had some beautfiul art direction. It's still probably the best seen in an Online Ronery Game yet. The amount of actual story present was impressive as well.

>> No.2701721


oh god me too. you have my sympathy.

>> No.2701736

Does anyone know if Pygma-chan plays any MMO's? Or is she going to? I want to play a game with my Pygma-chan.

>> No.2703431

Having seen SE go downhill for years, I doubt they are getting anything right these days.

Without having played XIV (or even seen it) I'd dare say they have 256 hour monster pops for 0.0001% item drop rates.

>> No.2703440

It's going to suck compared to WoW anyway, just like every other MMORPG. I'm going to laugh at how much Blizzard will neglect Diablo 3 when it comes out.

>> No.2703447
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>256 hour monster pops for 0.0001% item drop rates

It's sad because it's true.

>> No.2703457

Its not that things suck compared to WoW, its just that everyone else everyone knows plays WoW so they do. WoW actually is a very mediocre game. It is proof that you can ride on pretty much popularity and doing the bare minimum. There are plenty of games that are better examples of an all together better game, but I guess that isn't what matters.

>> No.2703487

>terribly balanced jobs
Yeah, the thing I hate most about games is when they're balanced.

>> No.2703510

Played XI when there was already nobody playing it. It sucked ass that you have to find people before you can get going. You can't get by on your own at all.

I have no problems no JP players because I can speak the language. Also, the quests kinda eat up a lot of time.

And this game tries to promote anti-hikikomori-ism.

Might play on PS3. I just don't know where to connect if there's separate JP, EU or NA servers. Asia server want!

>> No.2703517

I give you 20$ if you dare to play that!

>> No.2703520

Like Guild Wars right?

>> No.2703531

>If they want to use the Final Fantasy franchise, then fine, it's their right, but it makes no sense to give it its own number as if its the same as any of the 1 player linear story-focused RPGs that came before.

That is the trick they use. There are people who simply buy every single game because they don't want to miss a number in a series.

>> No.2703535

Like any number of games. WoW is just what happens when you take what every game did well and put it all together only you do it half ass.

Guild Wars excels at many things and sucks at a few things, but I would hardly call it a prime example.

>> No.2703895

Alot of people bitch about the forced grouping in FFXI, but after playing WoW for some time, I kind of prefer it. By forcing people to group, you are also forcing them to LEARN HOW TO PLAY THEIR FUCKING CLASS. If you haven't played WoW, you probably have no idea how many people get to the level cap without the slightest clue what to do in a group or raid. And level 80 is NOT the time to start learning.

>> No.2703907

A New Online Epic Begins

>> No.2703943
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Hey guys, I play EVE, victimise me instead

>> No.2703946

QFT but finding a decent group takes a lot of time. No wonder people resort to games like WoW where they can go solo.

Or buy high level characters.

>> No.2703951

But EVE is actually a decent game.

>> No.2704055
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The story in FFXI was awesome, but progressing through it was a pain in the ass.

I will say that beating Omega Weapon and Ultima Weapon was so fucking satisfying, and the "Distant Worlds" cutscene at the end of CoP was ;_;.

>> No.2704084

FFXI also had great music.

>> No.2704092

Although i go on /jp/ i stay away from eastern MMO's.

MMORPGS are possibly the one thing that the west does right.

>> No.2704108

I disagree with that statement.

>> No.2704114

If they put RvR combat between Players, FFO2 will be the greatest commercial MMORPG ever.

>> No.2704124

EVE is an awesome concept with poor implementation.

>> No.2704409

>poor implementation

Only an end user would come to that conclusion

>> No.2705225

I'm not, since I don't play shit.

>> No.2705240

That's cool bro you can have your own opinion.


>> No.2705285

JP parties dislike NA players because many NA players are complete retards, don't know how to SC/moderate hate, and usually are gimped. Basically, shitty players.

I never got kicked from JP parties and they were always friendly to me, even one where I didn't know how the fuck to get to the camp for like 10 minutes since it was a new zone for me. And I was using the least desirable job: THF/NIN. I don't blame them at all: I have always had flawless parties with JP players but had a ton of terrible NA parties. Even with low exp mobs they keep it up with continuous pulling and remain positive.

>> No.2705290


>> No.2706112

Thanks. Sadly asian mmorpgs suck after the first couple of levels too. At least the ones I played.

>> No.2706487

>mmorpgs suck after the first couple of levels


>> No.2706498

>mmorpgs suck

Even better.

>> No.2706554

EVE is very good, just crushingly hard to get into to the point of being horribly unfriendly.

>> No.2706570

I like to say that where other games have a learning curve, EVE has a learning cliff.

But the view from the top of the cliff is quite nice.

>> No.2706621

I've actually had very good experiences as with jp players. They were the ones that taught me how to SC even though I was just some shitty thief at the time. The terrible NA players didn't give a shit about SCs so I didn't even learn about them until my first jp party.

>> No.2706690

I started FFXI shortly after ToAU came out, and since then have managed 6 75s (with 7th on the way, 72 right now) and started plus capped numerous subjobs, so I don't know where all the BUT THAR IS NO ONE 2 PLAY WIT ME AT LOW LEVELS comes form unless you look for party in somewhere retarded and at like 4 AM. With the NA ONRY flag up. And on PUP.

>> No.2706703

that's probably because skillchains are fucking dead and the only parties that use it in exp are the JPs who are stuck in 2004 with everyone using /nin

>> No.2706715

Except this was when I first played FFXI, 3 months after NA release.

>> No.2706718

The best MMO I've ever played remains Dungeon and Dragons Online. I played it for about 6 months and loved every bit of it. Almost none of the shit you have to put up with in every other MMO with the best community I ever met playing an MMO. If only I had an income to play ...

>> No.2706720

Oh well in that case carry on, that was back when NAs were the retards instead, haha

>> No.2707335

I have to say the same...considering that this isn't the first game to have some fucked up things, still, it was nice. I haven't tried the Renewal, might want to play it yourself, they'll put 4th ed stuff along with the original.
Also, EVE is the original OGame, but boring. I prefered Anarchy Online, even if it was as stupid as EverQuest and WoW.

>> No.2707364
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I will be playing, and I can't fucking wait.

Played FFXI for about 3 years.

>> No.2707442

So Elvaans don't have long necks anymore. Why is that?

>> No.2707447

New and upcoming medical advancements.

>> No.2707501

New World that bears some similarity to Vana'diel
