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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2694648 No.2694648 [Reply] [Original]


Is this what those Nips actually believe? Did they rewrite their history books?

Goddamn faggots STARTED the war by bombing the U.S. Not to mention evacuation flyers were dropped for the two atom bombs days ahead, and we didn't bomb civilian towns. They make us look like the Nazis.

>> No.2694652

Oh, boy, a /n/ thread!

>> No.2694658
File: 75 KB, 435x600, US_flag_burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bombs killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945, roughly half on the days of the bombings.
>In both cities, the overwhelming majority of the dead were civilians

>> No.2694664 [DELETED] 

OP here. Bookmark the best board, far superior to Retardchan in every single way:

www. ANON TALK .com


>> No.2694673

We killed more with standard incendiary bombs. I don't see the difference.

>> No.2694675 [DELETED] 

OP here. Bookmark the best board, far superior to Retardchan in every single way:

www. ANON TALK .com


>> No.2694678

>They make us look like the Nazis.
Was just passing by.
Do you really think that world treat US better than nazi?

>> No.2694683

Oh for fuck's sake. Don't start this shit again.

>> No.2694685

I wasn't referring to the atom bombs, dipshit.

Those were dropped on heavy industry cities which unfortunately had civilians in them because the Japs built them there because they were using the civilians as a human shield for the factories. Like I said, flyers were dropped for the civilians to evacuate and in the end millions of lives were saved.

This shitty anime is implying that the US had random air strikes on civilian towns and bombed residential areas.

>> No.2694686

You think that's good, you should see their stance on the rape of nanking.

>> No.2694687

/jp/ - World War 2 discussion / General

>> No.2694688
File: 30 KB, 349x351, Hiro4..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americafag love country?

You want patriotism? You want world love you?

Too bad. Here bomb. Fuck you.

>> No.2694691

Do you really expect them to write a story about WW2 where they were clearly the villains and not twist the story a bit in their favor?

>> No.2694698


>> No.2694699

What is OP's snapshot from anyway?

>> No.2694703

Is this North Korea talking?

If Japan said that we would make them eat their words from a dog bowl and laugh.

>> No.2694708

Code Geass R2

>> No.2694711

Shoo, shoo.

>> No.2694719

/jp/ has been pretty cool today. Stop shitting it up.

>> No.2694727
File: 261 KB, 1000x769, Tokyo_1945-3-10-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans never firebombed the shit out of residential areas.

>> No.2694737

Code Geass takes place in an alternate universe anyway, they can believe whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.2694747 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 231x354, barbaric korean3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no. Gook.

>> No.2694745

implying the US didnt.
the US wanted to win the war, regardless of lives. Read Unit 731 and stick your patriotism and justice up where it belongs.

>> No.2694755

People of a nation have rose colored view of nation's past actions. Noted.

>> No.2694760

We killed tons of civilians. Hell, LeMay himself said he would've been treated as a war criminal if the US had lost.

But that's war for you.

>> No.2694763

>they were using the civilians as a human shield for the factories

LOL so that they can kill their own workforce powering those factories amirite? Your country wanted to take down those factories, and didnt care about anything else. I'm not saying the USA should have, Im just saying did not. And do you build your factories in places where there are nobody to work them?

Jesus christ Amerifags are either stupid, or amazing trolls.

>> No.2694768


>> No.2694775

No, but you also don't tuck your military targets in amongst your civilians as they did. We aren't talking putting them on the outskirts of the city here. They made it so that to bomb the factories you would have to kill the civilians around the factories. This is hiding behind your civilians.

>> No.2694781

lol it was a total war. QQ more fags

>> No.2694793
File: 29 KB, 600x394, gustavbomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say the yellow devils what they will, I would like to state that there would have been better ways to handle the post-war situation. Something rather like the dutch did with yon South-African bushfolk. Or then, perhaps a touch more nuclear fire.

>> No.2694796

Not all of us are. Its just that the number of your average ignoramus vastly outweighs the number of intelligent people.

>> No.2694807

Yes. It's called "we firebombed the hell out of Tokyo and they couldn't even rebuild it until the 1960s".

Basically, everybody fucked the shit out of everyone else in WW2. There's a reason it was called the war to end all wars. Pretty much everyone ended up with their cities in tatters and economically depleted, except for the US.

>> No.2694810

everyone who takes any part in any war ever is pretty much caught in an ethical black hole , srsly stop trying to justify yourselves. You sound like furfags claiming to be better than pedophiles, sure, maybe, but do you really want to remind us?

>> No.2694814

War is shit and nobody wants to see their country as the bad guys.

Too fucking bad.

>> No.2694835

What country are you from? You are probably from one that we saved. It is amazing to me how dumb foreigners are these days. All they are good for is calling people dumb and whining.

>> No.2694838

The firebombing of Tokyo killed from 200,000 to 1 million civilians, though most people agree it was something like 300,000 in one night. Simply put, the US WAS TARGETING CIVILIANS. M69 napalm bombs were designed specifically to burn down Japanese-style houses (they built replicas in the desert and bombed them with all kinds of different designs). The B-29's in front dropped a sort of circle of bombs around the area that would be attacked on March 9-10, 1945, so that no one could escape the wall of flame, and then the bulk of the planes came in and dropped their bomb loads (each B-29 could carry some 20,000 pounds of bombs). Why is it hard to believe that the filthy Allies were just as willing to mass murder civilians as any other military? The British were massively fire bombing German cities since 1942. And Curtis LeMay, who took over the US Army Air Force strategic bombing of Japan early in 1945, came to that position specifically by advocating attacking civilians instead of industry (which is what his more humane predecessor had done). He was happy when he heard of the massive casualties in the Tokyo firebombing raid of March 10, and said something about every Japanese being a target. So all in all, don't believe the kike propaganda about the precious, kind little Allies. They killed a lot more civilians than the Axis did.

>> No.2694845

Not to mention American rape of Japan women and mutilate of Japan dead. I think very barbaric.

>> No.2694847

That tactic is only useful in our postmodern era with all the moralfags around. In those times, human shields would serve no purpose. Sorry, your military killed civilians knowingly and purposely. Sure, they had to, that much is true, but to say that it was a Japanese tactic is stupid. And what is a military target? Is the whitehouse a military target? Is it in the middle of the city? Does it have civilian buildings around it?

Sorry about that. Of course, not all Americans are stupid. Just this one in particular in this whole thread it seems.

>> No.2694849

I am Native American. but you call us Indian.

>> No.2694854

Don't forget we used to carpet-bomb German cities to break their will and production capacity.

The idea was to scare the civilians into running from their job for fear of death. Works pretty well

>> No.2694855


>> No.2694858

Unless you're Japanese, apparently.

>> No.2694861


Fucking hell I hate people like you. "We saved?" I am sorry were you enduring all the shit of WW2 just for these people? No, I didn't think so. Stop attributing your countries fucking history to yourself. You're a disgusting failure and an embarrasment to all that you're attributing yourself too. Seriously bro, fucking grow up.

Wow that was pretty intense, sorry for any spelling errors.

>> No.2694863

>M69 napalm bombs were designed specifically to burn down Japanese-style houses

How the hell do you design a bomb to destroy WOOD? I'm pretty sure that any bomb could take out a Japanese house with the same effectiveness.

>> No.2694867 [DELETED] 


>> No.2694866

>the US had random air strikes on civilian towns and bombed residential areas.

That's exactly what the US did. Curtis LeMay turned US bombing policy away from attacking industry to specifically targeting residential areas. And when it wasn't strategic bombers, US fighters on patrol would look for all targets of opportunity on the ground, meaning ANYONE CAUGHT OUTSIDE. US pilots have never denied this. Also, random naval gunfire from battleships was hitting Japan constantly, aimed simply at inhabited areas without regard to where exactly they hit. Why is it so hard for Americans to believe that the official plan (had Japan not surrendered) of the Allied forces was to simply exterminate the Japanese indiscriminately during the ground invasion (that fortunately for everyone never happened).

>> No.2694869

I always find myself raging at this. Goddamn Americans, Indians are from India.


>> No.2694873
File: 116 KB, 700x724, 1657984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody hates America. Korean and Islamic extremist will kill all American except native American.

>> No.2694870


>> No.2694876

rape by the military happens regardless of nationality. Only hypocrites will point at others and say "They did it but we were too honorable to have done that!"

>> No.2694877

Are you really this fucking stupid?

>> No.2694881

The german city I live in, with a mere population of around 200.000, was bombed.

There was no factory or anything here.

>> No.2694882

Concussive blasts don't necessarily burn things down; incendiaries will without a doubt.

Same reason you don't use firebombs on concrete; it's just not as effective.

>> No.2694884

I hope you're American, then at least I would know that at least ONE of you knows your history.

>> No.2694890


>> No.2694891
File: 62 KB, 625x472, hero of korea (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heroes will kill all American, especially WASP.

>> No.2694892

Why do you think we think its hard to believe. The Japnese did the exact same shit, but the Japanese were still worse about it. Excuses were not made on our behalf about it and we never deny what we did.

>> No.2694894

The bomb had an initial penetrating part, then once it got through the roof it fired a spray of gasoline/napalm in all directions, and finally upon hitting ground level it detonated and ignited the flammable cloud. And as I said, they went out to the weapons testing ranges in the desert, built replicas of Japanese houses, and tested different bomb designs to see which one burned them down more efficiently.

>> No.2694895

/jp/ - War never changes....

>> No.2694897

>Not to mention Japanese rape of Chinese women and mutilate of Chinese dead. I think very barbaric.

Fixed. As for the US occupying force in Japan... hell, I'd want to fuck somebody too if I was throwing my guts out at sea for months at a time. Karma's a bitch.

>> No.2694898

Uhh, I think you need to reread the thread buddy.

>> No.2694901
File: 103 KB, 549x604, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our honorable Hulk Hogan will kill all American.

>> No.2694906

What were the resources that the Germans were bombing when the went after London?

>> No.2694907

>initial penetrating part,
I remember from somewhere they were designing the bombs to not detonate when they struck the tile ceilings, but I recall it being a simple delayed fuse...
