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File: 138 KB, 864x1419, Playng Manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
269365 No.269365 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck yes supporting the world economy. You should too!

>> No.269374

Anon, supporting the world economy? That is madness......

>> No.269380


>> No.269381

I downloaded it, but I'll buy it at some point. Is that fine?

>> No.269393

Oh you.

>> No.269396

>I'll buy it at some point
When you win the lottery, right?

>> No.269399


>> No.269400

How long is it?

>> No.269402

How do I fap?

>> No.269413

I will buy it as soon as an uncensored voiced version of the game is released here in America with a superior translation compared to the internet translation.

>> No.269424
File: 210 KB, 1280x960, 1206120772427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, but I buy good game.

>> No.269441
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 1206120906894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, come on, it's not that expensive. It's buyable, at least. $100 is about £50, which is only slightly more than a normal game here anyway.

Also, Saber is mai waifu, of course I would buy her game.

>> No.269446

19 Pages...

>> No.269469

So why is it that we see all sorts of shitty porn with shitty plot games translated but never any of the VNs that are good for something beyond fap material?

>> No.269552


I should clarify this as "officially translated". 9 out of 10 non-fan VN translations are shitty porn with shitty plot games, all of the good ones we have to wait for fan translations of.

>> No.269560
File: 72 KB, 810x648, 1206121773871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have to buy what's already mine.

>> No.269564


because they're more fucking expensive
because some of the companies just don't want them translated (see KEY)
because, unfortunately, sex sells

Those 3 off the top of my head

>> No.269589

I'd have to be out of my mind to spend 100$ on something like this.

>> No.269615

Or have so much money that you have no idea what to do with it ...

>> No.269609

Hey i am i'm giving my ISP money so i can be on the internet to download stuff!

>> No.269634

I'm not rich, but I'm gonna buy it. If it was $150 - $200 I'd understand the complaints from everyone.

How much is a normal game in America anyway? They're £40 here, which is about $80 I guess.

>> No.269644

Because Hirameki is dead.

>> No.269646

Seems to work out just under £30 every time I import one (don't buy UK games any more, had enough of being shafted), sometimes £25.


>> No.269655

PS3 and 360 games launch at $60 USD.
Wii games release at the old standard of $50.
Ever17 was $40.

>> No.269656

Maybe they shouldn't have used that godawful DVD format.

>> No.269657



>> No.269658

Normally $40-$60.

>> No.269666

>How much is a normal game in America anyway?
PC about 30-50$

>> No.269667


Key doesn't want their shit translated?

Why not?

>> No.269674

those assholes pretty much ran their scripts through babelfish anyway. I'm grateful they brought Ever17 and PoI over here and all, but goddamn, I expected at least a little more effort on their end.

>> No.269675

Let's take into account that new games cost 50$ but old ones drop in price and FSN is OLD ... that should drop it's price by 25-50% but for some capitalist reason it dosent...

>> No.269680

"grip cock, pull back, push forward, ???, PROFIT"

>> No.269685

JAPAN HATE YOU! Get used to it!

>> No.269690

Hirameki said they asked Key and Type Moon about licensing costs for their games, but they were ridiculously high.

>> No.269697
File: 70 KB, 450x525, 1206123053518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that means this is a double in price then. I guess I can see where the complaints are from.

Oh well, Saber is all the reason I need to own it.

>> No.269699

I'm pretty sure only one or two Hirameki staff members were native English speakers.

>> No.269700
File: 29.00 MB, 1600x1200, 1206123073737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm already supporting the world economy!

>> No.269703

Well, duhhhhhh....
That's like going to goddamn EA and asking for cheap licensing.

>> No.269712
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1206123156589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So has anyone attempted to play this Lycee TCG shit? I've seen it sitting on amazon for a month or two and its starting to annoy me.

I've played some TCGs in the past... played them to the point of enjoyment and monitary waste, but never to the point of obession...

I don't think I'd be able to find anyone nearby who'd play this with me, but I may buy it just because it's TM.

>> No.269717

>cheap licensing
You cant put that in one post the universe is going to aspolad

>> No.269724


Yeah, E17 is the one example I can recall of a decent VN that got an official translation, but they did a shit job of it.

I mean, christ, they didn't even catch all of the fuckups in the script from when they changed the name from "Youth" to "Kid", so all instances of "you then" became "Kiden". Among other issues (changing someone addressing someone by last name to by first name because in America they'd be on a first-name basis at that level of familiarity is fine normally, but when you hear "Kuranagi-san" and you read "Takeshi" it kinda throws you off a bit.) A damn shame, too, because if they actually did a decent job of it it could have done a lot for non-ero VNs as a whole over here.

>> No.269739

I thought the AnimePlay DVD line was a genius idea. Play visual novels on any DVD player? Sounds awesome.
But then I actually got my hands on Hourglass three years ago, and damn. Incompatibilities, clumsy password saving, and forced auto mode just ruined the whole thing.

>> No.269741
File: 183 KB, 640x960, 1206123339698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you knows the hacker?

>> No.269760
File: 97 KB, 864x1473, 1206123474276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god more Playng Manuals.

>> No.269763


Doesn't surprise me. Thinking about it, that + the fact that VNs like Fate and Clannad have a shitton more text than the usual shitty porn with shitty plot VNs are the main reasons why we don't get any of the good ones- the ones we do see are shit, but they're probably cheap to license and translate so they don't have to sell much to turn a profit. Licensing and translating something like Tsukihime or Clannad would be a *huge* risk when there's no real proven market for those sorts of games here.

>> No.269784

There is no world economy.<span class="spoiler" onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFF';" onmouseout="this.style.color=this.style.backgroundColor='#000'" style="color:#000;background:#000">

Importing is shitty for most Americans now. I can't afford it any more.

>> No.269790

Nice Manual.

>> No.269794

Don't Kidink that Hirameki deserves at least a little credit in how they rewrote the haiku password to be a haiku in English?
So they lost some of the True path hints in the translation. At least they figured it was a haiku.

>> No.269795

$100 for a readan game. No thanks, I wait a few months for new games that are only $50 to drop price, and those are ones I can play immediately out of the box instead of waiting a year or two for HF to be fully translated and another year waiting on message to make a patcher.

>> No.269818
File: 11 KB, 161x214, 1206124074335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes.
If by "know" you mean "have sex with."
