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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2693232 No.2693232 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /jp/,

I'm looking for some VNs and anime, maybe manga to show a lady friend of mine. We've been meeting for coffee and seeing movies together, and we've gone to each other's homes more than once and shared our hobbies. I was quite surprised to find that she likes anime, and she thought my figs lined up were "really really cute". Yes, she's my significant other.

I got her to watch Tora Dora, and she loved it. She seems to like Umineko, too, which she's playing through. We watched Wolf and Spice together, and although she didn't LOVE it she watched it through to the end and thought it was okay.

Recommendations? Yes, women like this DO in fact exist. I'm sure any /jp/edo can find one if they do some careful searching and act boldly now and then.

Any help is appreciated.

>> No.2693237

>>Yes, she's my significant other.

Way to beat around the bush.

Show her Kanon and AIR, if you think she'll judge it by the quality of the story and not by the quality of the artwork.

>> No.2693235

Bible Black.

>> No.2693244

OP, you are the western representation of Densha Otoko.

Suggesting K-ON!

>> No.2693241

The Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.2693250


But seriously. Have her play Ever 17, unless you think she has a horribly short attention span. No porn in there.

>> No.2693251

Since OPs girl apparent is going through Umineko and likes it I'm guessing she passed this test with flying colors already.

>> No.2693253

Don't show your sister VNs and anime, you horrible person you. Do you want her to grow up like yourself?

>> No.2693264

>>Yes, women like this DO in fact exist.

I could care less, but I'd have to care in the first place. Naa, I'd rather spend my money on myself and watch anime. Good luck to you, if you're so wealthy that you'll still be wealthy when you lose half your money to divorce or lawsuits, go do what you want.

Personally, I think you're trolling.

>> No.2693266


What the fuck? Sailor Moon? Cardcaptor Sakura? This seems more like an ANIME NEWFAG pack to me.

>> No.2693270

You know this might sound crazy but I could use some help too. My significant other, for some reason, loves how nerdy I am yet is not particularly nerdy herself. I'm slowly showing her anime and watching hentai with her. She would like to play some VNs with me and maybe watch some more anime. The problem is, she's pretty elitist. Not that she can't enjoy something sort of stupid like Haruhi or whatever but ideally it would be something a little better in a general sense. Any ideas?

>> No.2693275

They're both pretty fun shows though.

>> No.2693284

>>I think you're trolling

/jp/ trolls are much more obvious.

>> No.2693288

>>a lady friend of mine
Your mother?

>> No.2693294


Bitter virgins.

More power to you, OP.

>> No.2693302

"Rape! Rape! Rape!" by Valkyria. It's a wonderfully touching VN that tackles rape with tact and class. It shows the effects of rape on a macro and micro scale, both how it affects society and the individuals, including the rapist, the rapee, and their families and friends. Yes, there is porn, but it's always secondary to the plot and only serves to develop the characters and enhance the story. Every ending left me in tears as it both warmed my heart and chilled my soul with the rollercoaster-ride of ups and downs that the story so brilliantly wove.

>> No.2693308

>>bitter virgins

Project much?

>> No.2693311


>> No.2693315

Gore Screaming Show

>> No.2693319
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>bitter virgins

>> No.2693323

Goddamn pattern, can't never unsee it.

Just follow the flow. It gets hard if she sees it as a insurmountable list of 50 series to get through. Just go with themes and the current mood. She's for some light comedy go with Azumanga or something. More relaxing or to fall asleep next to each other, Mushishi or Kino's Journey. That sort of thing.
Gauge what interests her and continue from that.

>> No.2693324

Seriously, she likes Umineko. When she's finished you could suggest Saya to her or something, but right now I don't see what you need help with.

>> No.2693328

Clannad? Planetarian? Higurashi? Ever17? Air?

Those were what my wife tends to recommend (other than Umineko and Song of Saya)

>> No.2693346

OP, I recommend this

>> No.2693345

This is a (very) nice heart warming game. It will move your heart.

>> No.2693349


>can't never unsee

A triple negative? Get the hell out of here.

>> No.2693371

So you think OP has ill intents towards his lady friend and just wants to bone her from top to bottom? Get out /b/tard. /jp/ers are gentlemen.

>> No.2693406

no thats not all
>shaman king

well you really suggested the shittiest package possible >>2693250

>> No.2694364

Seriously now, id she really exists then she is just trying to act nice towards you which means that she doesn't have anyone more normal right know, but I bet she still keeps searching while fooling you into the believe of accepting you and all of your nerdy hobbies. This is how women work, you better do your homework pal.

>> No.2694388
File: 141 KB, 750x1107, ocean_of_piss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend getting her to read Hell Season. The story follows the "strongest juvenile delinquent" as he watches over the devil king's son (and future devil king) with the destruction of the world hanging in the balance.

Pic related.

>> No.2694402

Fuck that. You make her read "My Balls" and score mad pussy naahmean? Fuckin herb!

>> No.2694405

>Fuckin herb!

Go back to 1994 East Coast

>> No.2694407

Anything by Key. Bitches love Key.

>> No.2694415

I got my girlfriend to play Planetarian and Saya no Uta. She loved both of those VNs.

But she was already a nerdy, touhou-loving gal, so this wasn't that much of a surprise.

>> No.2694423

>I'm looking for some VNs and anime, maybe manga


>to show a lady friend of mine


>> No.2694428
File: 277 KB, 629x475, kawaiibishiedesune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>act boldly now and then

This thread gave me hope until I reached this part and remembered why I hate women.

I suggest showing her NHK ni Youkoso. If she can see the obvious similarities between you and the protagonist and still wants to be with you, then you've found one of the only women worth your time. GJ.

However, if she resembles one of the women in this image, I suggest you get out of there fast.

>> No.2694430

>she was already a nerdy, touhou-loving gal


>> No.2694429

I recognize that link. I don't even have to click on it. That's that NTR game, isn't it?

>> No.2694444

Oh and for the record, I suggest the manga over the awesome novel and the sub-par anime, simply because it has the best Misaki.

>> No.2694462 [DELETED] 

OP here. Bookmark the best board, far superior to Retardchan in every single way:

www. ANON TALK .com


>> No.2695431

seriousfag here
azumanga daiou (anime)
yotsuba (manga)
fruits basket (ethier)

she will fall in love with these.

becareful of
suzumiya haruhi
naruto < not even an anime but whatever
elfen lied

or anything with violence, unless she likes it, TAKE IT EASY BRO and dont get her wrapped into it dont make it your lives and watch it less and less trust me, you both will enjoy it more

on another note:
enjoy your surprise penis. I would.

>> No.2695546

fuck anime show her your grazing skills

>> No.2695560

What's wrong with Death Note? Bitches love Death Note.

>> No.2695562

My girlfriend likes ecchi, hentai and yaoi anime series, she has an horrible taste. I prefer loli porn unanimated, in VN or manga format.

Good luck OP.

>> No.2695715

>I got her to watch Tora Dora, and she loved it

Gee OP you sure are one hell of a troll.

>> No.2696364

mushishi is a beautiful anime to watch

>> No.2696374

i watch all type of anime with my gf, from hentai to w/e.
and oriental movies, Crows, Volcano High School, etc
