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File: 133 KB, 470x590, 1238566335747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2691356 No.2691356 [Reply] [Original]

I was at the outdoor shooting range today and I put this little Shanghai up at 7 meters as my target. A little loli shooting her grandpa's 1911 asked for a sheet of that cute doll to shoot at. I gave her one and she asked what was her name. I told her Shanghai and she drew in a speech bubble saying "Please don't shoot me" and then her grandpa nailed it down for her as a target. Firearm'dHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH.

>> No.2691362


>> No.2691365

/jp/ - Random

>> No.2691367

Danmaku practice.

>> No.2691371


Because I hate Shanghai. And I was feeling like a real weeaboo so I used her as a target. The funny thing was, noone thought it was weird. They just thought I was trying to sell that shit to little girls to shoot.

>> No.2691373


How does a loli even handle a 1911. Shit a .45 would knock her back.

>> No.2691385

...and then Anon learned how to pick up lolis at the shooting range.

>> No.2691387


The recoil on the 1911 isn't THAT bad.

>> No.2691392

>Because I hate Shanghai.


>> No.2691398

>outdoor shooting range

Filthy American.

>> No.2691400


She doesn't do shit. So I'll shoot her as much as I want to vent my frustrations.

>> No.2691405


Enjoy your facist gun control laws you dirty European.

>> No.2691409


Shoot her with some buckshot. No way she can graze all that shit.

>> No.2691413
File: 358 KB, 500x500, 07c4903a17c6c894ca6eca8899914b3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then suddenly Shanghai turned EX. Prepare to be caved mother fucker!

>> No.2691418
File: 70 KB, 536x536, 1206801995472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2691440

You forgot many European nations, and also Australia. Guns have fuck all to do with a country's oppression.

>> No.2691443


There's nothing on earth that can stand up after getting hit with some buckshot.

>> No.2691446

Fat people?

>> No.2691455

It's a troll image, what do you expect?

>> No.2691457

Don't listen to hollywood; There aren't any handguns that can knock you off your feet when firing.
You can hurt your wrists if you don't know how to deal with recoil, though.

>> No.2691472

sounds cute. did you kidnap her and take her back to your lair afterwards?

>> No.2691473
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>implying countries like Australia and Britain AREN'T police states

Nice try, limey.

>> No.2691477

post shot grouping or it didn't happen

>> No.2691480


No she asked me for the rest of my Shanghai print outs. Maybe next time I'll print out some Chen and see what happens...

>> No.2691503

>little loli shooting her grandpa's 1911

Jesus... USA is horrible.

>> No.2691512


You have to have pretty shitty grip if you get injured from recoil. In fact, you shouldn't even be shooting if your grip is that terrible cuz that means you don't know what the fuck you are doing.

>> No.2691516

All girls should know how to shoot. That and ride horses.

>> No.2691519


And take pics.

>> No.2691520

ITT: Anons with tiny p0n0s

>> No.2691526
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>> No.2691528


in b4 mugen arrows

>> No.2691531
File: 373 KB, 900x817, 1228542843260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EX-Shanghai, you say?

>> No.2691532
File: 30 KB, 590x460, 1243518832955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet you couldn't hit the strongest

>> No.2691533

>loli shooting

wtf~! Remind me never to go to Amerika.

>> No.2691537

I'm still waiting for a decent argument FOR gun control.

>> No.2691544

what, afraid of lolis packing heat when you attempt to rape them?

>> No.2691547
File: 86 KB, 653x700, d2ebeae556a8be13d1c697751fe4ca36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If little girls with guns are wrong, then I don't want to be right.

>> No.2691548

of course no. The bullet would freeze just before it reach her head.

>> No.2691551

Putting guns in the hands of crazies lets them kill more people than they would ordinarily be able to.

>> No.2691555
File: 81 KB, 620x600, 1182803503693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's important not to let law-abiding citizens have guns. They might start committing crimes if they can legally obtain weapons.

>> No.2691560


This image makes no sense

>> No.2691561

>They just thought I was trying to sell that shit to little girls to shoot.

Holy shit. How many little kids were at the shooting range?

>> No.2691563

not really.
The thought of seeing a loli holding a gun is kind of ... arousing.

>> No.2691564


>Because I hate Shanghai.


>> No.2691566


Exactly how does gun control PREVENT crazies from getting guns put in their hands?

Also, responding to a troll post.

Hotaru Maniac is NOT representative of your average OPERATOR.

>> No.2691567

bros I have been PUMPING IRON so I can handle a high caliber handgun. when I get Christian Bale ripped ( dude from that movie that Urobochi Gen wrote a kickass vn for ) I will acquire a THOMPSON CONTENDER. when I strap that beast on my two smokin waifus will know shit got real.

>> No.2691570


Hmmm...I just might. But it'll be a while before I go shooting next time. Fucking box of 50 .45's is like 30 bucks.

>> No.2691571

Letting crazies out of asylums in the first place is dangerous, every citizen should be confined to a padded room.

>> No.2691572

.22s are recession-friendly.

>> No.2691573


Alot actually. I counted 3 or 4 whole families there. There is also a BBQ and picnic area at the range. Some of the little girls were actually pretty fucking good shots. This one girl put a pretty nice grouping around bulls eye with a couple dead center with a little 4 in. Rough Rider. Weird giving a little girl a SA revolver...

>> No.2691574

It's like I'm really on /k/

>> No.2691577

That's, uh, the whole idea.
You know, gun control, as in controlling guns?

Also, responding to a troll post.

Oh, I see. No need to waste time trying to talk to you then.
Enjoy your right-wing kook board, you right-wing kook you.

>> No.2691579

Do the same for Flandre, please.

>> No.2691582


Weeaboos can like guns too you know...

>> No.2691583

Not to mention you have taken away the only real voice they had against you in the first place. Sure they can speak at you, but words don't get things done when they just get drowned out by people who are complacent and willing to give the government all their power.

The hidden purpose of the 2nd amendment is that it protects us from our own government. Our at least it used to. I'm not so sure it does anymore with all the twisting and shit that goes on on the hill.

>> No.2691584

/k/ - /newpol/ + /tohou/

>> No.2691587

Oh yeah? I feel like I'm in /b/, with 50% less trolls, and without CPs.

>> No.2691589

Which is why even a weeaboo can talk about guns in /k/.

>> No.2691595

>can talk about guns

>> No.2691596


At least it's /jp/ related. Touhou is the centerpiece of this thread. Well shooting at them that is...but we do that in the games anyways so I don't see what's wrong with this thread.

>> No.2691605

I'm jealous. The only guys at my local ranges are hicks and gangsta asian kids.

>> No.2691608


I find it more weird that you are fucking posting Touhou characters as targets. How the fuck did you even come up with that idea?

>> No.2691610

I feel sorry for you. The hicks are alright, but damn ... to have to shoot with the asian ganstas.

>> No.2691611


To get good at lunatic mode, just like you play hard mode to get good a normal.

>> No.2691612

>enemies from a shooting game
>shoot at them

>> No.2691616


Why don't I see people at ranges posting up Halo bad guys or aliens as targets?

>> No.2691617

they don't all have cool shades and sailor moon dolls?

>> No.2691619


I get hicks and nigga gangsters. They even shoot sideways and get the rangemasters pissed at them.

>> No.2691622

I've use a Michael Moore target before.

>> No.2691627

Wait till one of them nails themselves in the face with an ejected casing. That's always funny. I've also seen people kicked out for doing that too, faster than the assholes using machine gun ammo.

>> No.2691629


I've seen Bugs Bunny targets before.

>> No.2691632

>shoot sideways
Do they even hit anything?
His troll-fu has weakened in recent years.

>> No.2691642

What did the loli look like? How old would you say she was? Cute?

>> No.2691643
File: 79 KB, 400x271, 1206804599501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this image is related

>> No.2691651

The logic that says that guns should be restricted is the same logic that says surgeons should go to jail for cutting people

>> No.2691655


Maybe 9. She did pout when she missed. I kept looking over to her lane to see her pout. I almost HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGHED but I remembered I had a gun in my hand and I couldn't put it to my chest.

>> No.2691660

It's also about little girls shooting things. It's definitely /jp/-related

>> No.2691662

Actually, it's much closer to the prohibition of alcohol and narcotics.
Sounds good on paper, but really not such a great idea.

>> No.2691671


This thread would be better if it was a little sister shooting things.

>> No.2691688
File: 183 KB, 800x600, 1225070507065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would feel an overwhelming desire to pet her if I saw a loli pouting. But she had a gun right? So maybe I wouldn't...

>> No.2691698

That doesn't even make sense and please stop trying to derail this thread into a gun control shitstorm.

>> No.2691708

Yeah, let the idiots kill themselves at last.

>> No.2691740

All little sisters should be taught to shoot. Everyone should be taught to use a gun to defend one's self and to hunt if need be.

>> No.2691778

except that it doesn't work that way. gun control doesn't stop violence. they just use something else, and people have a lower ability to defend themselves against attackers.

>> No.2691783

So, what guns do we weeaboo faggots own/shoot? I've got a S&W 915 from my aging grandfather, a Ruger Mk III I bought for plinking, and two Moist Nuggets to start a historical collection, utilize for (then) cheap ammo, and get into rifles.

I'd pull them out and take pictures alongside Strawberry Marshmallow or Gunslinger Girl, but it's late, I just took a shower and got into pajamas, and I don't want to go to bed smelling like gun oil.

>> No.2691800


OP here. I got a Mosin Nagant since /k/ loves it so much, a Smith and Wesson model 22 I was firing at the range and a Marlin 60 I got as my starter gun.

>> No.2691815

SMLE, M1A1, M1903, Colt M1909

>> No.2691819

It doesn't affect people's ability to defend themselves because nobody is going to bother to carry around a weapon wherever they go unless they are a police officer or something.

>> No.2691826
File: 394 KB, 600x790, v_china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to have access to a gun, but I do not want others to have access to guns.
nobody has rights.

>> No.2691832

lol, right. you go right along thinking that.

>> No.2691844


Heritage Rough Rider .22LR and a .40 glock. I love my Rough Rider more. Fucking single action is sexy. Makes me feel like Revolver Ocelot when I shoot this thing.

>> No.2691859

When you outlaw guns, the only people who carry weapons are the criminals and the police. Have fun standing there not defending yourself while you wait for the police who won't be making it in time to help you (while no one else can really help you either because they have been disarmed as well).

>> No.2691863


Actually, quite a few US citizens go out of their way to apply for CCW permits, with very positive results.


Please don't just dismiss this source because of its title: it actually cites virtually all of the facts and statistics that it quotes.

>> No.2691867

Why are Americans so psychotic?

>> No.2691868
File: 181 KB, 800x500, e76a2d8e38c89aef4cdaa36de2a81ea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>gun control doesn't stop violence. they just use something else
Close but wrong. They just acquire guns illegally. All gun control does is strip guns from the hands of law abiding citizens. If gun control is the law, and someone does not intend to follow the law, what's going to keep them from breaking the law to get a gun?
Nobody carries around a gun because it's illegal to do so in most states. Enjoy your delusional image of reality.

>> No.2691881

I've only ever had a .308 Winchester, but I sold that because I needed the cash.
Haven't bothered to get a new gun.

>> No.2691886


It's a country that's basically either been in constant war or depression.
And now both!

>> No.2691888


I shoot my dad's Mauser C96 that he got from my grandpa when he served in the KMT army in WWII. It's the only gun you can shoot sideways and not get shit for it at ranges.

>> No.2691891


>> No.2691897

It has nothing to do with laws, people are just lazy. I accidentally leave my wallet at home all the time, and there are people who forget to bring their car keys with them. Nobody is going to bother taking something they don't even use most of the time, like a gun.

>> No.2691899


You can ask this question and seem cleverly critical because the rest of Earth isn't psychotic at all, am I right? British police state, /jp/ topics that we all know and love, LOL AFRICA, ALLAH ACKBAR 40 VIRGINS, etc.

Anyway, responding to another troll post.


I saw one of those with a .22 magnum cylinder when I went to buy my Mk III. I'm sort of kicking myself for buying the Mk III because it's heavy (scrawny Filipino nerd arms + bull barrel), it's difficult to field strip, and single action is looking more and more badass. Top it all off with the Mk III costing ~$300 and the Rough Rider going for ~$150, and I feel REALLY stupid.

>> No.2691923

right ... because freedoms should only apply to the ones that YOU want to have ... like your pedoshit, pornography, and piracy. grow the fuck up.

>> No.2691927

Piracy isn't legal.

>> No.2691937
File: 153 KB, 1024x768, 1214140894428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet, all it takes is one person that didn't forget it during a hostile situation.

You're also forgetting another factor. People won't forget things when they think they need them. If for example, a neighborhood has a high murder rate or is simply "unfriendly" don't you think citizens might be more willing to carry a gun with them?

Simply saying "LOL PEOPLE WILL FORGET IT LIKE THEIR WALLET" is not even a half decent excuse for gun control laws.

>> No.2691957

America is a third world nation?

>> No.2691962

Britain and Japan are?

>> No.2691965

Yes, as are Britain and Japan. You suck at trolling.

>> No.2691970

>And yet, all it takes is one person that didn't forget it during a hostile situation to turn it into a firefight.

>> No.2691982
File: 333 KB, 468x640, hinapresent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun Fact: All the people in this thread who want tighter gun control have UK IP addresses

>> No.2691987

No, because people always assume crime only happens to other people. Even if they did, do you think the average individual would be willing to kill another person?

>> No.2691989

and here I would have guessed a few were american liberturds

>> No.2691993

Sup Britfags and Ausfags. Enjoying your bandwidth cap?

>> No.2691997

It sure looks like one.

>> No.2692001

Been there, done that. Added a bead to my rosary and said more Hail Marys.

>> No.2692014

That "if I have a gun I can defend myself better" argument is so flawed... In 90% of cases you get attacked by someone you can't even think about the gun, and if you do, you can't use it anyway because it's usually close combat.

>> No.2692024

>you can't use it anyway because it's usually close combat.
Hello, I guess you've never gotten into a fist fight before. Why don't you step back little boy.

>> No.2692026


Cite a source: gunfacts.info has cited sources, you should too!

>> No.2692060

Never used a gun as a melee weapon before? its a wonderful weapon as long as you aren't between say 5 and 15 feet of your assailant. As soon as you are in melee range its a wonderful blunt weapon, but between those two distances you don't have time to react to things like a knife (however, that would only be from someone who knew what they were doing, and you wouldn't have much of a chance if they didn't want to give you one anyways.).

>> No.2692286
File: 258 KB, 983x967, 2313505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And yet, all it takes is one person that didn't forget it during a hostile situation to turn it into a firefight.

Better a firefight than a one-sided massacre

God you suck at this argumentation thing.

>> No.2692290

I'm glad I started a shitty debate about guns.

>> No.2692296

Massacre? Where do you live? Where I live, criminals just take whatever you happen to be carrying and leave, not murder people for fun.

>> No.2692320

>Hotaru Maniac is NOT representative of your average OPERATOR.

That's a damn shame.
Guess I'll have to take away yor guns then.

>> No.2692361
File: 47 KB, 650x565, shangai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You...you heartless monster!

>> No.2692401

You know, some of us use our guns to defend our house and property because we are a good 20 mins or more by car from our nearest neighbor and you really have no business being out here.

>> No.2692404

Geez, you people are worse than /k/, I know /jp/ gets trolled easily, but if even trolls from other topics manage to get you, this is really hopeless.
Gun control? Why the fuck do you have to argue about that now, go protest in a street, faggots.

>> No.2692406

Protest why? They can take them from my cold dead fingers.

>> No.2692413

>implying protests are effective

>> No.2692419

needs an advice dog. "protests are ineffective. vote from the rooftop.

>> No.2692422

They are if you use guns.

>> No.2692439

Carrying a gun on your person just means that anyone who tries to mug you is MORE likely to attempt to kill you, in order to prevent you from taking a shot at them.

>> No.2692447

If you say so. Also remember, gun control laws effect what you can defend your own house and property with. Your carry with you arguments are shit. They don't want you having ANY guns period.

Its called voting from the rooftop. Its generally considered a final solution to your problem.

>> No.2692449

I'm really talking about the guys who started going "guns are bad" and all, seeing the same shit all day gets annoying.
But why would anyone shoot Shanghai ?

>> No.2692462

>defend your own house and property
Because a baseball bat doesn't do a good enough job in the confined space of a house with cover that you know well but the invader doesn't?

>> No.2692481

>same shit all day
Yeah, these constant /jp/ gun control threads are getting out of hand.

>> No.2692635
File: 662 KB, 1600x1200, 1214060335980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for my ¥2.

The basis for gun control in the form of bans is twofold: 1- That it can effectively restrict access to guns, and 2- that there are no equally dangerous weapons available, and through 1 and 2 thus protect the lives and property of people.

1 is disproven by prior and current attempts to control alcohol and drugs. The only notable effects of those legal bans was a massive increase in illegal activity, of such extent that the illegal networks grew in size and power to the point where they threatened to bring down the legal systems entirely. Examples: American Mafia, Peru, Afghanistan.

2 is even easier to disprove. The standard human is always equipped with two deadly weapons- namely, their left and right fists. While less effective than firearms, a short review of the local news in any newspaper should turn up an instance where a person seriously injured or killed another through the use of their bare hands. The natural occurance of easily held blunt and edged objects magnifies the extent to which 2 is untrue.

Without 1 or 2, the conclusion that gun control in the form of bans results in an increase in personal safety is shown to be erroneous. Gun control in the form of manufacturing quality regulation, mild restriction, and basic training to establish minimum levels of skill, much like we do now for cars, may have a rational basis and achieve the desired goal of increasing personal safety.

Also, Shanghai has a bazillion magic armaments and knows how to use them. OP beware.

>> No.2692645

As much as I hate to quote a Stalone movie ... Rambo has it right ... "I've always believed the mind is the greatest weapon"

Also, sometimes the best combat deterrent is just a shot in the air when someone is in your field. I know I've had way too many people who were prowling around the area near my house (There is no other house in 15 miles, and its a few miles to the road.) who just ran off after I gave a warning shot with a rifle. There is no need for an actual confrontation, just let them know that there is a possibility of one and the thieves or (whoever they are) will scurry off like the rats they are.

>> No.2692646

>1 is disproven by prior and current attempts to control alcohol and drugs. The only notable effects of those legal bans was a massive increase in illegal activity, of such extent that the illegal networks grew in size and power to the point where they threatened to bring down the legal systems entirely. Examples: American Mafia, Peru, Afghanistan.
>legal bans

There's a difference between "gee, you might not need that AK-47 for hunting" and "all guns are illegal." The cession of regulation to organized crime as you've described only happens in the event of a universal ban, rather than restriction and whatever the strength of illegal networks in this country right now, they certainly haven't made America into Afghanistan.

>> No.2692654

You should take a look at what they are trying to make illegal in the US. They really are going after anything that holds anything more than a single round. And I'm sure they will go after those eventually as well.

>> No.2692658

Universal ban on everything Hemp is just ridiculous as trying to get rid of the plant itself. More people smoke pot because it's illegal than just for the feeling of being high.

There aren't many Satanists in the world, so everyone will do drugs if they can get away with it. Repenting to the Lord, hiding it, what not.

>> No.2692664

>2 is even easier to disprove. The standard human is always equipped with two deadly weapons- namely, their left and right fists. While less effective than firearms, a short review of the local news in any newspaper should turn up an instance where a person seriously injured or killed another through the use of their bare hands. The natural occurance of easily held blunt and edged objects magnifies the extent to which 2 is untrue.

So how do you account for the gross discrepancy between the frequency of violent crime in the U.S., in which guns are plentiful and Japan, in which they're restricted?

And do you seriously think that if guns became harder to obtain that the same amount of people would die each year? I'm well aware that violent crime would continue to occur with similar frequency, but given the physical weakness and incompetence of most of the sorts of people driven to mass murder (take a look in the mirror, /jp/) what might have been a fatal shot with a gun would only be an injury with a knife or fists.

>> No.2692673

>Also, sometimes the best combat deterrent is just a shot in the air when someone is in your field. I know I've had way too many people who were prowling around the area near my house (There is no other house in 15 miles, and its a few miles to the road.) who just ran off after I gave a warning shot with a rifle. There is no need for an actual confrontation, just let them know that there is a possibility of one and the thieves or (whoever they are) will scurry off like the rats they are.

Protip: if you're a redneck NEET living with his parents, you don't have anything worth stealing. Get over your paranoia, you're not the center of the world.

>> No.2692676

I'm sure he has a decent credit rating.

>> No.2692683

You are the gun control lobbyist's friend aren't you. Just because its legal doesn't mean you are going to get it. There is a shit ton of paper work and licenses involved in getting an assault weapon.

I assume you are going to tell me that I shouldn't be able to hunt dear with a 20mm Lahti L-39 after going through all the proper channels and filling out all the paperwork and what not? Because its really damned funny to watch soft woodland animals get hit by one, especially the exploding rounds (even more paperwork and taxes and shit).

>> No.2692685

I think there is some sort of law against doing that.

>> No.2692687

protip: cattle rustling still goes on today. Also, most of the US is farmland and we work hard for our money and that equipment is not cheap.

>> No.2692690

only if you are military, and the target is a human.

>> No.2692698

>we work hard for our money
>we work

Get out of /jp/, normalfaggot. This board is NEET only.

>> No.2692699

suck a dick, wank breath

>> No.2692705

Nowadays farmers have it easy, it's all mechanized. It's basically an industry, like any other, now.

>> No.2692714

>hunt dear

You haven't provided an explanation as to why you think it's necessary that you have a gun like that. And if someone who can't even spell a four letter word can legally obtain an anti-tank rifle despite not having a justifiable reason, any subliterate gangbanger on the street could obtain the same gun. Doesn't that strike you as problematic for anyone without a similar weapon to protect himself? Should we arm all of society just so some sociopathic hicks can get off on blowing up squirrels?

>> No.2692718

Doesn't stop people from coming onto the land and stealing shit (or vandalizing it)/planting pot/stealing cows (or letting them loosel). Most of the time here its people from the near by city with nothing to do.

However, I don't actually live on a farm, I just live out in the middle of nowhere. My situation is a bit different than most of the people around where I live as to whats going on. People come onto my land to hike (I doubt it, but that's what they claim) and hunt (there are bear and deer here along with the occasional wolf.) and I need to get them to leave to keep them from getting hurt on my property or fucking something up. As I said before, there really is no reason for them to be out here, and it is posted that they aren't to be here less they be fired upon. Occasionally, shit heads will build shit on my land and act like they have a right to squat on it or whatever.

>> No.2692721

japan would probably have a lot of crime if we gave them all our niggers, guns or not.

>> No.2692719 [DELETED] 

Do you even know what industry means?

>> No.2692726

First of all its called a spelling mistake, they are common. Second, its a class 3 destructive device ... gang bangers can not legally get them. If they could, someone is failing at the background checks or is taking bribes, at which point they would have been better off buying it illegally. Also, the gun in question is a relatively rare gun to even come across, no gang banger is going to put up the money to buy one when you could put up far less and get much more done.

>> No.2692733

a few rounds of explosive ammo for the lahti vs a crate or two AK-47s ... which one is your gangbanger going to chose? I don't think the Lahti is really even a concern of yours, or why some hick has one.

>> No.2692736

This is the ugliest argument I've ever seen.
"People who can't spell shouldn't have guns"

Are you saying in your right mind that intelligent people need weapons?

Please, stop talking.

>> No.2692738

Gun control works so well, britain's crime has risen since they started enforcing it.
Face it, gun control is not good nor bad, it is useless, because crime is in people's mentality.

>> No.2692742

i think he's saying that he wish's he could be blowing up deers with an anti-material rifle.

>> No.2692746

You know gun control is supposed to stop accidental shootings and crimes of passion right? Career criminals can get around the laws.

>> No.2692757

So instead of people shooting each other we get them stabbing each other, I'm not sure the profit is quit visible here.
I think we should ban hands.

>> No.2692784

>So how do you account for the gross discrepancy between the frequency of violent crime in the U.S., in which guns are plentiful and Japan, in which they're restricted?

Violent crime does not imply that guns were responsible, or even involved. Violent crime only implies that whatever was done, was done violently. You even admit to this yourself in your next paragraph, where you say that the frequency of violent crime would be basically unchanged. The difference in violent crime rates between the US and Japan is better explained by social differences. A better comparison would be between similar societies. Even comparison between individual states in the US can reveal a large difference in violent crime rates based on the state of gun control, and the relationship there is direct- increasing gun control resulted in increased violent crime.

The other assumption, that access to guns increases the incidence and severity of mass killings, may actually be the exact reverse. In mass shooting incidents, how many of the victims were armed with guns of their own? How many people involved besides the shooter had a gun on their person? It unfortunately appears that it is the lack of firearms that makes mass shootings possible, as nobody has the means to fight back on equal footing.

As a bit of background, I do not own a gun, or seek to obtain one. I actually find them quite distasteful. However, my subjective personal opinion is MY opinion, and I do not have the right to force it upon others through law. However much I dislike guns, when I researched the subject and came across objective evidence that bans and excessive restriction resulted in harm, I could no longer support the creation or continuation of said bans and regulation.

>> No.2692786

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>> No.2692796

I for one wouldn't mind more hand to hand combat.

>> No.2692805

I never heard of accidental stabbings or someone stabbing their wife after a heated argument.

>> No.2692820

read more news

>> No.2692823



Took me ten seconds.

>> No.2692827

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>> No.2692828

The "accidental stabbing" was a guy who accidentally murdered the wrong person. That's not what I meant at all. I haven't read the other one yet.

>> No.2692838

people accidently stab themselves and others all the time, it just isn't news worthy. Its usually from using a knife or similar to do something that its not supposed to do (such as turn screws).

Or do you mean you need it to be a fatal accidental stabbing, because that is just retarded. You would like need to be screwing something together and have the blade slip and slice your femoral artery or some shit.

>> No.2692845

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>> No.2692847

>You would like need to be screwing something together and have the blade slip and slice your femoral artery or some shit.

Which is why guns are regulated by the government and knives aren't. Nobody complains about the restrictions on car driving, I don't see why guns are special.

>> No.2692851

>fatal accidental stabbing is nearly impossible

>> No.2692854

Guns had a good regulation system going, you needed various licenses to own what you wanted. This system was a good one, worked great.

Making laws that control what types of guns are legal and what aren't is like saying what kind of car you can drive. No more SUVs because they use too much gas, or no sports cars because they go too fast. That is essentially what they are doing.

>> No.2692855

I, for one, welcome our new gun regulations.
It'll make it all the more easier to mug you.

>> No.2692859

That actually sounds like a really good idea. Why hasn't this been legislated?

>> No.2692860

OP should do a Rumia sheet and instruct the children to shoot her ribbon.

>> No.2692862

But there ARE laws saying what car you can and can't drive.

>> No.2692863

OP here. Check out this board, far superior to Retardchan:



>> No.2692865

accidental discharge requires you to actually hit someone before the round looses enough energy to be able to do significant damage. Which requires you to have it pointed it at something. YOU DO NOT POINT A GUN AT SOMETHING YOU DO NOT INTEND TO KILL.

There are already laws about this and it isn't part of gun control, they are part of gun safety training and how you are supposed to keep your gun stored (at least in some states).

>> No.2692872 [DELETED] 

This is so old you could say pretty much any electronic music is a ripoff of it.

>> No.2692874

Not really, I can drive those if I want to. I just have to make it pass the inspection first. It really isn't worth getting it to do that though. The modifications to bring it up to the safety ratings are more than the cars' original sticker usually, IIRC.

>> No.2692876

Because some of us actually have a reason to drive a 4x4 vehicle still. However, I really would like to see those, vans, and trucks banished from the cities.

>> No.2692882 [DELETED] 

Meiling's a little teapot, short and stout.

>> No.2692889

OP here. Check out this board, far superior to Retardchan:



>> No.2692894 [DELETED] 

Because is was just forced bullshit.

>> No.2692903 [DELETED] 

No it wasn't, and especially not that batoru theme from finaru fantazhi roku.

>> No.2692911

Why not? Silly gun nut propaganda.

>> No.2692910 [DELETED] 

Just because a song sounds a bit like another in the firsts seconds doesn't make a copy.

>> No.2692928


>> No.2692961 [DELETED] 

That gun etiquette, sure, but not even cops follow it.

>> No.2692972

That's gun etiquette, sure, but not even cops follow it.

>> No.2692984

And if they get caught doing it, they get reprimanded for it.

>> No.2692994
File: 15 KB, 400x202, simo-haya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an American for gun control, or at least semi and handgun control. A "law-abiding" citizen should be able to do all the manly hunting, target shooting and revolutin' against corrupt governments with a bolt action, unscoped rifle of decent caliber.
I perceive all other weapons to be superfluous and unprotected by the wording in the 2nd ammendmant, but then again the Supreme Court is against me here.

>> No.2693010

To get anything other than what you described you kind of do have to jump through a lot of legal hoops. And its set up so that you can't get just anything, you have to apply for certain types of licenses instead of one cover all and you need a damn good reason to have one (and no, shooting deers isn't a good reason to have a DD license)
