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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2688094 No.2688094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>TO ALL WEABOO FAGORTS:If you thik that Japan is "TE UBER KEWL KAWAII ISLANDS " And the States are "SUPER-BAKA", which basically all of you think both, you are in for a surprise:JAPAN IS NOT ALL ANIME, COSPLAY, NINJAS, SAMURAI, SWORDS AND ROBOTS. IT IS A SOCIETY OF WORK. OF HONOR. OF MARIMITE AND TRADITIONAL PASTS. Logic question: How much do you learn about American cultrure from Spongebob Squarepants? None? Yeah, it works the same with Anime: THAT IS NOT REAL JAPAN. Any of you in High School? Well, try their workload. You would never get to play your games or watch your Lucky Shit. you would be suicidal. Oh, and Postwar Nippon? Still dependent on the States. Look at the Nikkei 225. Yes. THE SAME AS WALL STREET. You have the Allies to thank for it.So, basically, Japan is a little hardworking boy getting his lunch money stolen by America, the bully. Go over there and all REAL ASIANS will hate you. OTAKU ARE THE LOWEST FORM OF LIFE NEXT TO NOVA EMPLOYEES AND SHRINE OWNERS.SO WATCH YOUR AZUMANGA AND THINK YOU ARE ASIAN. YOU STILL WILL BE HATED BY THE REAL ASIANS. LIBERATE /jp/ FROM YOUR WEEABOONESS. LET US 'CULTURAL ENTHUSIASTS' TALK ABOUT THE REAL NIPPON: TOKUGAWA, AKIHITO, HIDEYOSHI, TSUUTENKAKU, WESTERNIZATION, THOSE THINGS! NOT KONA AND NARUTO AND INUYASHA! THEY ARE NOT REAL! YOU LEARN NOTHING FROM ANIME. GET OVER IT!OTAKU VS. JAPANESE:SELF-CENTERED VS. SELFLESSEGOTISTICAL VS. HUMBLEDISGUSTING VS. CLEANFAT VS. NORMAL BMIENVIRONMENT-KILLING VS. ENVIRONMENT-PROTECTINGYOUARENOTNIHONJIN!!!!kthxbye.

It's been a long journey with "Walter-chan" versus /touhou/, from first post above to me editing my own ED article to me finally becoming the weeaboo, and I have come to know and enjoy you.

Eventually I will lay Walter to rest, but I don't know what to do after that.

>> No.2688102

Encyclopedia Dramatica is dumb and you are dumb.

Rather than bothering to read your wall of text, I'll just minimize this thread.

>> No.2688108

I am not a weeabo and I would like to discuss matters related to Japan on this board.
Is this so much to ask?

>> No.2688116

Yes, you annoying individual.

>> No.2688128

Oh, I remember being like you.

>> No.2688129

Word up yo, sage

>> No.2688155

>me editing my own ED article
Wasn't that deleted?

It means you're shit, even for ED standards. That has got to hurt.

>> No.2688217

an amerikkkan saying that other country is destroying the enviroment? oh lol
