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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2684733 No.2684733 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to NEET threads?

>> No.2684742

/jp/ is filled with normalfags now

>> No.2684761

I think it always was. They have just started showing their true colors.

>> No.2684762



Also wtf is Alabaster playing in TANO*C 9th STRIKE E&W report please? :o

>> No.2684770

/jp/ project thread? awesome

>> No.2684777

Well it is summer afterall. The best we can do as NEETs is wait and hope for the best.

>> No.2684778

I'd like to know too, but it'd be nice if you could ask without looking like such a faggot.

>> No.2684802


My bad :<

Someone can tell me what song is Alabaster playing in the TANO*C 9th STRIKE video please? Thank you.


I'm bored...

>> No.2684812

Good question
Yea summer NEET threads aren't really hitting the target audience.

>> No.2684818


Rule 3: Don't use smilies - Smilies aren't accepted in /jp/, please refrain from using them. We are all heartless bastards who don't want to see what kind of faces you make IRL while posting (This also applies to reaction images, if you want to post them so badly go to /a/ or /v/) Exceptions: ;_; (Life-like texture ;_;), 2ch smilies and ransmirk.jpg

>> No.2684827

Until it's over, I'm going to devote more of my time towards things to better myself. Cooking and taking it easy extra come to mind.

>> No.2684830

Also, what are you guys even talking about?

>> No.2684842


I want to start writing again.

>> No.2684858

Surely not fanfic.

>> No.2684867

This song:

>> No.2684893


Nope, erotic /d/ fiction.

>> No.2684898

We all got shipped to Dubai.

>> No.2684909

Since ZUN!bar decided to stop being a NEET, it's no longer fashionable.
Get with the times guys, start picking up girls and having a social life.

>> No.2684935

Pfft, that's lame. Just get a shitty job and be unsocial in what little free time you have left.

>> No.2684945

Quiet, Zun!bar.

>> No.2684947

I did that, but found myself not using the money I was earning. There was no point in going. I decided to quit and live a nice indoor life for the summer. Bought myself a nice air conditioner and some air fresheners, feels good relaxing in my room.

>> No.2684951

Hi, my name is ZUN!bar and I graze every last one of you.

>> No.2684952

We got tired of them.

Also, no matter how much advice you receive in a NEET thread you'll always return to your NEET/hikikomori ways.

I'm currently e-dating a f​emanon.

>> No.2684954

Whatever. Ill be fucking all the fine bitches you cry about and letting them pay my bills while youre working at mickie dees. Shit, and ill still be a NEET. How fucking awesome is that?

>> No.2684964


>> No.2684977
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>> No.2684979


>> No.2684982

Funny, I was watching About A Boy today and thought that it was a good idea of how void a NEET life really is.

>> No.2684994
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I suspect many may have been defeated.
I know I was now that I'm (somewhat) back in school.

>> No.2685016

We've all heard it before, but that doesn't make it untrue.

Summer, KS, the natural death of a board, all of these things have ruined /jp/. These people just come in here, not even attempting to understand us, and start making all these horrible threads without putting any thought into them. Don't tell me "Well, it says 'All things Japanese welcome' so it's ok to post it here" because I know why this board was made, I was here to witness it in its first hours, and I don't want to here about how you're going biking with your girlfriend and fucking in the woods and you need to know a good hotel to stay at. I've never been to Japan and neither has 99% percent of the board. A true /jp/ user will hardly leave their house, let alone their country.

Where will we go from here? I don't know. /jp2/ was a failure; argue all you want about its purpose, but we can all agree it wasn't made to be an exclusive tripfag hangout.

>> No.2685013

they kept becoming normalfag vs neet or athens threads so we stopped having them

>> No.2685023

Pretty sure he is playing his track Void off Hardcore Syndrome 2.

I don't really know why people like Alabaster, he is boring compared to pretty much everyone else on the Hardcore Tano*c CDs.

I am thinking of buying USAO's Kick's for Liberation as well as either RoundWaveCrusher's Tales of Rapes, Maids and Hardcore or J-core Masterz Vol 4 but i can't decide which I want more.

>> No.2685026


>> No.2685027

Fuck that.
By prematurely declaring the board dead and gone you effectively turn it. We can't let ourselves be overrun, even if the menace is not really that big.
Don't overreact and remember that you have an obligation to educate and form posters into our ways, without being an arrogant twat about it.
Anciennete Oblige, motherfucker.

>> No.2685048

I really don't understand how this was so catastrophic.

>> No.2685049

Uh, okay...

>> No.2685063

I like Katawa Shoujo, and I've been here as long as /jp/, too (which isn't very long).

No sage for self-defeatist bullshit. Self-defeatist bullshit is what this forum was made for, after all.

>> No.2685065


>> No.2685081

Don't know what the fuss is about, /jp/ has always gone through "good and bad" phases from the beginning - that tend to be variable for each user. Blame it on summer.

>> No.2685093

It was spammed at first, but more than that, now any KS thread causes trolls to flock to them. You can't even have a normal discussion about the game without it going to shit.

>> No.2685103

It seems a lot of the KS threads have actually been on /v/.

>> No.2685116

I warned about the closet normalfag invasion and nobody fucking listened!

>> No.2685119


And that's where they belong.

>> No.2685120

It attracted posters from shittier boards like /a/ and /v/.

>> No.2685135

I've noticed alot of our good threads have been non-touhou, non VN threads like those threads that start out bitching at how we hate girls dressing as sluts and then turns to a thread about bringing back classy hats and suits for everyday wear.

>> No.2685162

The same could be said for all Touhou and VN threads. Idols could be said to belong on /s/ or /mu/ or whatever shit they do (i don't know not my shit). Japanese related stuff belongs in /trv/ generally, the rest has other boards it belongs to.

What is your point, other than being a pompous asshole that doesn't seem to remember being sagebombed/ shitstormed / trolled every time anything they liked was posted in whatever board it actually belonged in.

>> No.2685169

Other than /b/ and /r9k/, there hasn't been a shittier board than /jp/ in a long time.

>> No.2685182

/jp/ has been slow all day. It doesn't even feel like the weekend.

>> No.2685188

Bring back normal skirts. Enough of this mini-skirt bullshit.

>> No.2685192
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Forgot my image

>> No.2685195
File: 37 KB, 317x286, SHIKIOLDCHAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bringing back classy hats and suits for everyday wear.
I happen to agree there, my good man.

>> No.2685199
File: 283 KB, 706x1000, 1243460850931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of you shut your filthy mouths..., unless you want this to become _another KS_ shitstorm.

KS (like it or hate it) belongs on /jp/ along with all of the other VNs. It's also a VN that's based on a Japanese artist's sketches. And if you recall moot's sticky: "/jp/ will be a board for all of the weeaboo stuff that lacks its own board."

Something tells me the op created this thread because he wanted to have a NEET thread; not a whine about /jp/ thread. Now let's have a NEET thread. Leave the meta threads on the ghost board where they belong.

>> No.2685206
File: 901 KB, 800x1137, 1238436558615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Classy threads are much appriciated.

>> No.2685213

I think you missed the point of >>2685162 as you basically restated what I did, only you quoted the moot post as well.

>> No.2685224

Then why the fuck are you here?
