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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2675965 No.2675965 [Reply] [Original]

Last night, I was going through my music folder, deleting this and that (tired of Mosaic.WAV popping up in my playlist). I came across one specific MP3 with a filename that seemed to spark something in my memory.

It was one of those hypnotizing tracks that I think I got off of here, or off of Futaba. I was kind of tired and in the mood to experiment, so I put it onto my MP3 player and went to bed.

For the first 10 minutes or so, I was skeptical. It didn't really seem to be working, although the girl's voice was very cute. Then I decided to give the track the benefit of the doubt and just play along. The next thing I knew, I could feel it working. Everything she said just felt like magic. I could actually feel the crisp breeze of the forest she described for me. I started to think that it was a very nice experience, and that it would lead to a pleasant dream.

By the time the hour was up, I was a girl in a pink leotard masturbating with a giant vibrator. When I snapped out of it, there was semen all over myself and the sheets.

I've never felt so violated in my life.

>> No.2675996

Cool story, bro.

I dreamt my cat was somehow with me again and I spent the day in bed snuggling with her, listening to her purr. She was so soft and warm ;_;

>> No.2676005

Cool story, bro.

And damn, Fortune Summoners fanart is almost non-existent; danbooru doesn't even have a tag for it and pixiv only has a handful of images

>> No.2676006

Cool story bro.

>> No.2676012

Cool story, bro.

I got shot in the face by a gang of hassidic jews right before the game, cornered and anally raped by a pack of stray dogs which somehow managed to shit down my throat, fell down some stairs and landed on my back, threw up in a geyser of blood, shit, and vodka all over myself, and was dragged into my bedroom, and while I was being beaten by several arab terrorist suicide bombers, I managed to jack off onto my computer and 1cc PCB and IN lunatic.

>> No.2676014


I need a decent walk-through of Fortune Summoners.

>> No.2676017

wat song? i wanna try

>> No.2676019

link to mp3 or it didnt happen

>> No.2676032

come on bro, post the mp3

>> No.2676042

mp3 plox

>> No.2676051

I think he's talking about Futari no Mojipittan.

>> No.2676067

I played it using AGTH+ATLAS and used the Japanese guide at
http://www20.atwiki.jp/lizsoft/pages/35.html and
(I actually didn't need to translate the guide much, mainly just wanted the maps)

>> No.2676098

Mosaic.WAV is awesome.

>> No.2676123

I'm not uploading an 80MB mp3.

>> No.2676134

why not? It will take some time, but someone will keep this thread bumped

>> No.2676153


Okay, I found the link.

Keyword is 0721

>> No.2676172

It's good that you're moving on from bad Jpop like Mosaic.WAV, but this isn't a good direction to be moving in either.

>> No.2676214

So does this actually work?

>> No.2676228

Currently downloading at 310kb/s

>> No.2676255

What's this moonrune shit. How to d/l this?

>> No.2676266


0721 in the top box, the captcha number in the bottom box.

>> No.2676269


And on the next page, click on the download link.
As to which link this one is, it is left to the reader to solve.

>> No.2676273

/x/ has threads about these files constantly, none of them work.

>> No.2676320
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>> No.2676363

Fuck, it's in Japanese.

>> No.2676363,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2676363,2 [INTERNAL] 

