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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2675002 No.2675002 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2675013


>> No.2675016

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>> No.2675019
File: 14 KB, 443x443, what ilya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banned for being pedo?

/jp/ will be empty...

>> No.2675029

This is heaven my friends.

>> No.2675034

Report submitted this window will close in 5 seconds ...

He goes too far. Most of /jp/ is playfully pedo in that none of us actually are pedo we just like loli a little and mildly joking about it.

>> No.2675038

Rika tripfags likes to have a word with you.

>> No.2675041

Is that what you really belives?

>> No.2675042

He's not even a real pedo, just a one-trick pony troll.

>> No.2675044

That's not really the point, he can be a pedo all he likes. He was banned for spamming /jp/ with off-topic shit, that off-topic shit just happened to be related to pedophilia.

I have 10GB of CP, lets see if I get banned.

>> No.2675051

mind sharing?

>> No.2675060

You must be new

>> No.2675062

What? I don't have any CP.

>> No.2675061


Mandy is a good vid, seen the older pics of her a her sis when she was a bit younger, Dark Robbery is good too. (Dark Studios). Best one. Hmm that would depend on mood . Seen just about all of them, that have been shared publicly).like the kelly vids , though theuy are all short (under 5 minutes , unless a compilation). babyj , Lucy, are also well know. Tara is probably one of the MOST popular, and most controversial (a Love hate relationship, for most lol- he was a a-hole ). No more though-he was arrested in June. Sandra is MOST FAMOUS as far she is considered N N..( but her 'fer studios 'and alot od pics are nude from her Russian site-and the homemade ones by her photgraph and her Mom -a 'Sandra wantabe' lol ). Anya (AKA) Dasha probably the most Famous of the nude models. LS (Lolita Studios) probably the GREATEST lolita site for polished , proffessionalism . BD (Branded Dolls) also very famous. You could go on with the HC such as the Vicky vids, k-girl, Peach girl-t1e,t2e),Inga and the k-series ,Ann, (Holiday,trying,etc. like Masha Day. the 'O' DVD's , probably one of my favorites are the ' Valya' tapes. Kimmy, (St Petersburg vids), LOTR -lord of the Rings -luliplant'. the 'lilu -wingnut' compilation is excellent. Veronica (and her sis ,in some) are very good, and many , to many to mention, like Jenny as another example short but sweet !!!-and one of the few , who really likes to show how much she likes her pets ;) and -another fav of mine and SC of course LS, BD as mentioned, Hotlolis, lolisonly, and a ton more, NN of couurse Sandra, especially her 'Fer studio vids-(two her in white , and in red) Newstar girls such as Diana , AIY model and a million more too so hard to say but just a few above i could think of off the top of my head.

>> No.2675065

You didn't write that. I just looked it up.

>> No.2675076

ITT Investment banker trying to fit in by pretending to be a pedo.

>> No.2675078

No. I'll stick to my belief that nobody's actually pedo here we just like acting like it for the lols.

>> No.2675079

ITT Invisible Sky Magician trying to fit in by pretending to be a pedo.

>> No.2675080
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>> No.2675081

Sad, isn't it? He pretends to be a pedo by reposting the same old shit all the time, but his pedo power level is too low.

>> No.2675084

This isn't /b/. People don't "do things for the lulz."
