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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2669250 No.2669250 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese news topics /28 may
A legal action that did the manufacturing sales prohibition of EROGE in Japan was fixed by the instruction from the United States.

>> No.2669265

reword this shit please

>> No.2669278

It blames the Korean.

>> No.2669285

Japan prohibited manufacturing and sales of eroge.
It is an instruction from Uncle Sam.
Weak Japanese Government permitted it.
It decided today.

>> No.2669295


>> No.2669297

You've got to be trolling. Where did you hear this?

>> No.2669298

Why so interested in fucking with other countries when you can't fix your own problems?

>> No.2669305

I saw the news in Japan. It was 6:00PM.

>> No.2669311


3/10. Nice try but economy doesn't work that way.

>> No.2669313

trollin too hard

>> No.2669314

They can, and its easy. But do you know how hard it is for them to swallow the idea of making things like scrap metal a strategic resource? We have the means and its retardedly easy to put forth, but they won't fucking do it because ... well god knows why. I guess they like shipping all our shit over seas and buying the same shit back at a higher cost (right along with the jobs that go with what ever processing would have been involved in that). Take care of the transportation system ... oh right .. yeah we don't want to make the jobs for doing that either ... that would be counter productive wouldn't it. Pay your own damned people to do the work and then they will spend more and the problem will slowly solve itself ..

>> No.2669322

The problem is the people who run the companies don't want to pay. That's why they opened trade with China in the first place.

>> No.2669328

New York-based international human rights organization Equality Now

>> No.2669330 [DELETED] 

This. The problem is nobody wants to pay now, even if it means paying infinity more later.

>> No.2669333

No shit.

That's why you make it a fucking stratigic resource. Once you do, they are forced to import the steel or whatever or have the scrap processed inside the US.

>> No.2669337

the new ban includes eroge magazines also.

>> No.2669342

Does this have anything to do with 円より子?

I won't believe it until I see some proof though.

>> No.2669350

HAHA, you pedophiles got so tied up with people trying to take away your loli that you didn't see this coming.

>> No.2669351

Awesome. Maybe eventually, /jp/ will be forced to actually discuss non-weeaboo Japan.

>> No.2669354

No, then it will just be VN and touhou all the time.

>> No.2669367

陵辱系 <- rape games banned.

>> No.2669371

goodbye shokushu

>> No.2669372

This is a fuckin' nightmare.

>> No.2669382

why? They are just rape games

>> No.2669384
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>> No.2669385

I'll believe it when I see some sources.

>> No.2669390

No more rape bus?

>> No.2669394

Best news I've heard in ages.

>> No.2669404

Because now we won't have an inordinate amount of rape doujins?
No more "I'll rape you 'till you like it!"?
No longer will they give their traditional greetings?

>> No.2669410

Not those fuckers again.

God, I'm so sick of this crocodile moral outrage over something as harmless as eroge while there's still under-age children in Africa with dead, half-formed fetus in their insides left over from the time their uncle decided to wake them up and rape them until the morning came.

I mean, Christ, where is your sense of priority you innefficient fucks? Efficiency is essential. Lives depend on it, and if you're going to label yourselves the saviours of small children...fucking save them, you shit head, but don't go around assaulting fantasy figures. That's like banning Johnny Depp because you want to end piracy in Somalia. It's fucking absurd, you pricks.

>> No.2669423

Was on TV about an hour ago


>> No.2669425


>> No.2669429

Africa is beyond help ... the help it needs isn't humanitarian, its colonization.

>> No.2669445

well...on june 2, the government is going to require all maufacturers of "rape" games to stop development and sales of those types of games.


>> No.2669451

Do you really care about them? Or are you just pretending to? I don't think you really do. No one does.

>> No.2669452

You know what I mean. Simply, they're lazy. They're attacking something that looks like the problem, but isn't the problem.

It's like firing on a scare-crow when there's a real sniper at the end of the corridor, then rewarding yourself on a job well done.

>> No.2669453

Help them using the very thing that screwed them up?

>> No.2669458

They banned them because some people in Westminster complained? I thought Japan had stopped answering to the British Empire at least a hundred years ago.

>> No.2669463

You watch, today rape games, then slowly everything else that doesn't align to their peachy Christian morals.

>> No.2669464

So consensual is still fine?

>> No.2669465

The term you're looking for is "scape-goat".

>> No.2669467

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile; pretty soon, more and more types of erotic content will probably be banned from eroge.

>> No.2669468

Then by 2012, they have won. Everyone ends up brainwashed. That is the end of humanity.

>> No.2669469

200 companies? lol
and thats probably the only type of game they make. another hit to the japan economy.

>> No.2669473

No, actually, I do care. I think it's horrible, and I'm appalled that organisations that have the funds and resources aren't working toward the solution of real problems. They're all too busy masturbating.

>> No.2669474

Decolonisation was what screwed them up. Things were much better under the watch of the European powers.

>> No.2669477

you're a fucking idiot.
Africa is screwed up because it is no longer colonized.

>> No.2669479
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Okay, so the 凌辱 genre is like 'assault' games. Where does the line go though? I'm thinking of tentacle stuff like Jibril series and so on.

I'm pretty sure some clever Japanese game makers will again figure out a way to sidestep these nonsense laws.

>> No.2669487

That's a pretty shitty comic bro. Just letting you know.

>> No.2669489

You are aware that the original sex therapists were catholic priests?

>> No.2669492

Just like they've side stepped those silly censorship laws.

>> No.2669496


Thanks for making me sleep in rage tonight.

>> No.2669497

This is it, the Rance series is finished. After over seven games, Rance has finally be killed by politicians.

>> No.2669499

It's focused on video games that's purpose is attacking and raping. Stuff like conquering games are fine and fantasy is alright. What's outlawed is basically "you're a teacher and you rape your students" or "You're a janitor and you rape the students" or "You're a crazy old man and you rape the girls in alleys"

>> No.2669504

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.2669509

/jp/ Eroge_Expert has just fainted and was rushed to a hospital.

>> No.2669512

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.2669516

So can we have more MC material? It can easily bypass the rape aspect and make everything "consensual"

>> No.2669519


Are you familiar with the concept of the Overton Window?

>> No.2669520

Nobody wants that.

>> No.2669525

All sex is rape in Japan.

>> No.2669529

As many people said on 2ch and Futaba, this will probably only amount to an additional disclaimer at the beginning of eroge telling you that in addition to the "middle school" actually being a college and all the characters over 18, the "rape" is all just consensual SM play or virtual reality or something...

But yeah, this is a step in the wrong direction. This kind of bullshit needs to be fought tooth and claw, bricks through windows and riots in the streets. Get out there Anonymous, do your thing.

>> No.2669530

So let me get this games showing sexual assault are banned?

Put a disclaimer saying that all sex is consensual and bam problem solved. Same sort of half-assed work around that worked when they banned pubic hair too.

>> No.2669534

Also, I like how Japan is still Amerika's bitch. Someone go over to 2ch and Futaba and rub it all in the Elevens' faces.

When you're done you can even mock them!

>> No.2669536

Banning pubic hair was a good thing though.

>> No.2669539


Beat me to it.

Over here porn stores get raided a lot for obscenity shit, someone complains and the cops bite. The cops do something half-assed and the owners do something half-assed, and the next day they're back to business. It's just how things go in the porn business.

>> No.2669540

Can we have them ban videos depicting sexual assault as well? That would be funny as hell.

>> No.2669546


hurf durf

>> No.2669550

Japan is the little bitch in the back of the classroom who does what anyone tells her to do because she is afraid of the possibility of there being consequences.

>> No.2669551


The Manufacture and Sale of Rape Games Prohibited

Japanese-made "rape" games, in which women are treated violently, have recently come into trouble with British parliament and other organizations. It looks as though a decision to prohibit the manufacture and sale of rape-themed computer games has become clear.

"People who like it REALLY like it. I agree with the plan. This [genre] is like...20% [of sales]."

This genre that supposedly makes up 20% of the industry will be completely prohibited. Just how did such a deeply popular genre come to be banned?

It all started with one game. In the game "Rapelay", the player molests girls on a train. Violence, impregnation, and abortion can be forced on them, from the little sister all the way up to the mother.

This shocking game was viewed as a problem in February by Britain's parliament, and this month a USA-based international organization has started to call for the prohibition of sales of this game.

It wasn't a problem before, but now it has grown to a problem the game industry can not ignore.

[What people are saying on the streets of Akihabara:]
"I can't believe they're going to ban it. I can't believe they decided to."
"I don't think it's really funny. Even though I've always gone for pure things, I wanted to try different genres."

On June 2, an examination committee will revise judgement criteria and roughly 200 companies will enforce the ban on rape games.

>> No.2669561

So they will soon ban 3D porn, it is worst than eroge.

>> No.2669564

Your ideas are intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.2669570

What can we possibly do to fight back?

I was raging and thought "I'M GOING TO GO WRITE A HUNDRED RAPE STORIES EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT EVEN MY FETISH" but realized that'd be pretty worthless.

I wish that Handley guy hadn't rolled over like a little bitch and plead guilty. We needed a big win for free speech.

>> No.2669572


Yes I love classroom analogies when describing international affairs

>> No.2669569 [DELETED] 


Yes I love classroom when describing international affairs

>> No.2669573

It's almost as if it's a scenario.

A scenario... for RAPE

>> No.2669583

>On June 2, an examination committee will revise judgement criteria and roughly 200 companies will enforce the ban on rape games.

Those being eroge companies right?

This is going to be pretty impossible to enforce on doujin circles.

>> No.2669590
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What? magazines like push and the such?

>> No.2669595

I do. That fetish needs more love.

>> No.2669599

Sauce for this? The article posted in this thread only mentioned software, nothing else.

>> No.2669608

Foreigners seeking to change japanese culture!?

>> No.2669615

It's just rape porn games. You can still watch your animated rape porn while reading rape doujins. I don't really see what the fuss is about.

>> No.2669620

Fuck your America. Why can't you keep your Christian bullshit inside your own border ?

>> No.2669621

Another fun point:

A huge number of BL/yaoi games involve rape, and if something like this actually goes through there's likely to be a lot of resistance from the fujoshi community as well.

Of course being fucking feminist bitches, the people pushing this shit are likely to turn a blind eye to anything targeting a female audience.

>> No.2669622

Europeans fucking with Japan.

>> No.2669624

>This is going to be pretty impossible to enforce on doujin circles.
Doujinshi conventions prohibit the sale of improperly censored doujinshi and inspect copies before the circle is allowed to open their booth for sales. I doubt they play all the way through VNs, but even if doujin circles could get away with it, most circles would probably not want to get into any trouble and self censor.

>> No.2669626

>Japanese politicians or American Christfags

I don't think so Tim.

>> No.2669631

Also there hasn't been any official announcement of anything yet, only TBS's story, so it could just be the bullshit mass media trying to stir up trouble by honk honk-ing about nothing.

>> No.2669635

What's funny is that American politician are allowed to push something in a foreign country which would be struck down by the supreme court in America.

Enjoy your fascism.

>> No.2669637

Then you obviously don't know anything about modern Japanese politics. Google 円より子 and try again.

>> No.2669638

So when should we expect an Inquisition?

>> No.2669643

The LDP can't be considered even remotely feminist. Of course they're going to lose the next election but apart from the communist party the opposition is the same.

>> No.2669645

Witches, communists, pedophiles.
Humans never learn.

>> No.2669647

It isn't really "for women" so much as "against perverts".

>> No.2669649

Madoka Yoriko is a feminist witch and is the source of a lot of this anti-otaku stuff.

>> No.2669651

You guys talk of American pressure as if members of the diet would have strong objections to banning rape in games otherwise.

No politican especially in Japanese politics would defend porn.

>> No.2669652


The version I had noted the remark "elicited laughter"

>> No.2669653

Also, LDP =/= DPJ

>> No.2669662

We don't expect them to defend porn. We expect them to be apathetic to it as they have mostly been for decades.
If it weren't for America nothing would have happened.

>> No.2669663

I'd laugh at the comment, too. It's obvious it's a tongue-in-cheek joke. He basically said "well at least some Japanese men still have balls."

>> No.2669668


Except that Doujin circles, especially established ones, will have very good reason for being scared away from this. There's a reason we still have censor bars.

No, it's very disconcerting, from here they can really clamp down on any game content potentially. Love Death 2 is now illegal, and what about the rape scenes in Tsukihime?

This is very dangerous shit.

>> No.2669671

Most of the anons have a general feeling that they should have a god given right to fap to what ever they feel like fapping to at the time. Be it a little girl kept in a closet, a dead hooker in a trunk, or some good whole some porn you might have found stashed in your father's closet, it doesn't matter. However the minute you try to take away any of these, no matter how vile or disgusting it might may be, they raise a holy hellish whine and act like there is some reason they are special or that their fetish is special and sacred and shouldn't ever be touched. Like it was meant for them.

>> No.2669676

So, do you think that politicians should be allowed to control what we do in private?

>> No.2669681

so what if its illegal in Japan? It doesnt affect us. Sure there wont be rape scenes anymore, but its not ''dangerous''.

>> No.2669685

>Also, LDP = DPJ
Fixed that for you, sonny.

>> No.2669689

I've been raised by the educational system to 'tolerate' other countries cultures. But as soon as the big shots don't like it, they enforce their own cultures on the people they're telling their children to tolerate? I don't know if this is even true or not...

Also, does this mean Tsukihime will become illegal now? You know, in case you come across Kohaku in that one scene and decide to rape her, or Arcueid? And Shiki tells Ciel he'll rape her if she doesn't let him go. Or is it just the production and selling them that's banned? Not actually possessing them, like that CP thing?

>> No.2669690

You don't have a problem with at least a quarter of the visual novels you've always planned to play suddenly disappearing off the face of the earth? And don't you want your Tsukihime remake?

>> No.2669693


>> No.2669694

Thanks grandpa.

>> No.2669698

I believe they will just release a SFW version as was done for FSN.

>> No.2669700
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Oh, I think we all know what the Tsukihime Remake will be like.

>> No.2669702

what I read said production and selling. They might iron it out later to make it owning as well, but I doubt it.

>> No.2669705

No problem, Timmy.

>> No.2669707

Dudes I said you long ago the times are turning fascist and the next step will be the internets. Plans have been done since at least a whole decade to change the shape of our beloved medium into a under 18 zone only (remeber the UN says every person under 18 is labeled as a child). This won't happen because the fags in question care about chuldren but because they lose control over the minds of the people and the corporations want to squeeze the last amount of money you have and ban with the coming laws all illegal distribution of copyrigh material.
The endgame is a worldwide filter and cenzoring system like in China. The EU will be the first ones (Germany decided doing it behind the scenes, France is coming next), Australia and some scandy scums have already their system at work - the US is working behind the scenes and patch work around the problem (Cyberbullying act) until they release the big solution

>> No.2669708

It doesnt affect VN:s which are already out, right?(well expect that you cant buy them). And usually the rape scenes arent needed OR can be made legal in some way.

>> No.2669709

We SHOULD have a right to fap to whatever the hell we want. It's fabricated; not real. There is no victim. If there is no victim, there THERE IS NO CRIME.

>> No.2669713

So far, the only thing on the table is the ban of production and sale of rape games. The ban is being carried out by the game industry itself, meaning there is no actual legal power to prosecute consumers for simple possession and distribution.

>> No.2669715


Try that again in proper English please.

>> No.2669716

UK, Australia and America think otherwise.

>> No.2669721

also it is not only for fap material, but the same applies for every book/movie/work of fiction ever made.

>> No.2669723
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No, Anonymous, you are the crime.

>> No.2669729
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This is dumb.

You can only blame the weak-willed Japanese government, though- There will always knee-jerk christians complaining about everything, but there's no need to actually listen to what they say.

>> No.2669733

They obviously can't retroactively punish companies for producing rape games yet. And you're right, what is most likely to happen is token "SHE SECRETLY LIKED IT" mentions, akin to "EVERYONE IN THIS GAME IS OVER 18 NO REALLY" disclaimers in American localizations.

>> No.2669734

Even if they are not titled "assault" games, many eroge have rape/forced sex scenes which would be obviously affected. Producers will either find a workaround for this like how they did before or 2ch will raise hell

>> No.2669736


Banning books? In my UK. What is this I don't even

>> No.2669739


Don't they usually do that anyway?

>> No.2669740


No they whine because there's people that can be thrown in jail for the trivial act of making animated figures rape each other.

My point is that they need to put this into perspective. Were they really pressured to do this, do people here think that japanese politicans were sitting there going "Damn those pesky Americans spotted our rape games"? It's not that big of a issue to people who don't consume these a lot.

>> No.2669743

The funny thing is there should be enough users on 2ch angry enough to do something about it.

Oh who am I kidding.

>> No.2669745

The only thing that will probably outright disappear are games like Rapelay where the entire point is raping, as opposed to visual novels where rape is just one of many incidents.

>> No.2669749
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Why is today a day of rage?

>> No.2669754

You either contribute or shut up and leave, mickey mouse

>> No.2669756

As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.

-Commissioner Pravin Lal, "U.N. Declaration of Rights"

>> No.2669765

People in this thread are complaining about the abuse of civil liberties, not evil Amerikkka.

>> No.2669767

ITT- children pretending to be adults bitching about things they don't understand.

>> No.2669768

>2ch will raise hell

I doubt it. While 4chan is full of retards those retards tend to follow their words with (equally retarded) actions.
2ch just don't work that way. You will never see anything like chanology from 2ch.

>> No.2669770

I've been doing that since the start of the thread, "dude".

>> No.2669773

Ones this is setup additional restrictions will come up. The pron industry would love to provide all those lost-in-2D miserables with some nice products :3

>> No.2669779

What exactly there to understand? Conservative Japanese government using complaining gaijin's as an excuse to eliminate 20% of the Japanese porn industry, declares moral victory, people BAAAAAAW (me included).

>> No.2669783


No there are plenty of people complaining about the apparent use of western hegemony in this.

>> No.2669785

They did before actually. They do not work like 4chan. They put mangaka into depression, had people kicked out of their positions, singlehadedly quadrupled eroge sales of certain titles with excess spamming. Accept it or not they are the target audiance. They have a lot of say about these things

>> No.2669790

No you have been acting like a tard. Period.

>> No.2669791

Then we can only hope they proceed as hoped.

All of us on the outside can do nothing but hope and RAGE.

>> No.2669796

I prefer to laugh at all of you raging over things like this. You will still get your toys, you will just have to find a new way to get them.

>> No.2669797

Dude, don't cenzor me.

>> No.2669801


You know based on what you've said, you're basically saying anyone not speaking English is acting like a "tard." I know what you actually mean, sure, but...

>> No.2669804

I don't even fucking like rape games, but I still rage over this. Censorship is a Bad Thing, mmkay?

>> No.2669808

Maybe I just want to RAGE. I dislike uncertain futures.

>> No.2669813


The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil.

-Sister Miriam Godwinson, "The Blessed Struggle"

>> No.2669817

Another reason for me to feel like the hostile "other" whenever I walk into an eroge section?

I feel like chewing my hands off right now.

>> No.2669818


>> No.2669819

When I wasn't a very big reader, I still raged over books being banned. The way I see it, the more sensitive we are to something, the more likely we are to do real life harm when we see it. The target audience will get the games whether or not they're illegal, in most cases, so if we're more sensitive to games (Read: retarded and do things we see in fiction IRL), we're more likely to actually go out and rape that girl in the street.
How many of you played GTA and thought it'd be cool to steal a car, beat up the guy driving it, then go do drive bys before you tossed yourself out of a helicopter and sailed to the floor...? Yeah, exactly, and that's because we've excepted murder.
Cba to find the link, but someone in the article said "Japan is too expecting of rape," or something. Well I'm 'accepting' of murder - I'm not pretending it doesn't fucking happen - but I still don't think it's right.

tl;dr Did I get your attention with a tl;dr? Oh, well I cba.

>> No.2669823


Pfft believers I always have a planet buster set aside for you god fearers.

>> No.2669824
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>> No.2669827


accepted, rather.

>> No.2669831

Go right ahead. I will chortle jovially at your vexation.

>> No.2669841

I don't care what you believe in, just believe in it.
- Shepperd Book

>> No.2669842

About 90% of the urls in the censorship list over here in Finland have nothing to do with childporn, and a small chunk of them is not porn at all.

>> No.2669845

>>planet buster
>>Commissioner Pravin Lal

Yeah right. Get off my lawn you peace-keeping son of a bitch.

>> No.2669846

When I talk about belief, why do you always assume I'm talking about God?
-Shepperd Book

>> No.2669857

The real frustrating thing is there's nothing we can do.
We can't go out and protest in the name of free rape in pornography.
We can't create petitions and send them to leaders, not that petitions ever did anything in the first place...
It feels like a real sticky bind.
In some countries protest would be possible, but not in Japan. I don't think anyone will protest over this one.

>> No.2669866

haha, you're being raped by someone else's game. HOW DOES IT FEEL!

>> No.2669867

>>2669857 We can't go out and protest in the name of free rape in pornography.
I don't see why not?

>> No.2669877

That would require courage.

>> No.2669879


You seriously don't see why? It's social status. No one wants to be labeled as a person who campaigns for rape. If you went out and protested about bans on loli, people would immediately think you were a pedophile, for example. And, even if enough people tried to protest, no officials would touch it for the same reason.

>> No.2669880

This is going to get you as far as I got picking fights with the anti-abortion activists in the quad at school.

>> No.2669889

btw the german gov was recently going after Paintball with the argument it wasn't an approriate sport for civilized pepüöe. It is said that Paintball will be banned this year and some feministic scum whores want to go even further and not only ban / restrict even more brutal video games but label video games with the "risk of making minors addicted" playing them like WoW (was mentioned in particular) into the same category.
As of now it seems that the last proposel won't come through, but the restrictions of brutal video games even though Germany has one of the strictest regulation systems with media is still undecided.

The custom and morale police went public after the one shooting some month ago and was proposing new bans on a daily basis. It was said that the restriction of the "free internet" was their most wanted operation and discussions are going on since weeks about the lasr details of laws and the technical details of the censorshipt infrastructure

>> No.2669890


It's not a human rights violation... If I remove it from the charter

>> No.2669896


Oh you clever devil.

>> No.2669905

So eroge that doesn't involve rape is ok?

>> No.2669926
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this is worth a bump

>> No.2669929


Feels terrible, man.

>> No.2669935

Surely they can't take down every eroge company.

>> No.2669937

OH NO I'LL HAVE TO DOWNLOAD MY EROGE! Oh, that's what I do anyway.

>> No.2669940

You could make rape games. And give them away for free.

>> No.2669942


Can't download them if

>> No.2669947

But /jp/ can't make eroge! We lost our creative half during the succession from /a/...

>> No.2669959

Oh right, I misread the OP as banning the sale of eroge outside Japan. OP sentence makes no sense. meh

>> No.2669960
File: 321 KB, 806x1000, moe 21827 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking rageing here!

To be honest I don't give a shit about rape games, but, I'm worried that they will move to eroge in general (not just rape games)!

>> No.2669964

So is 2ch raging because some idiots american complain and whine over rapelay and got the whole eroge raping genre banned?

>> No.2669966


I don't even want to know what sort of "creativity" they have.

>> No.2669969

I'm not saying that the creativity was left on /a/; it just sort of dissolved into the ether, I think.

>> No.2669978

I don't see any rage threads on 2ch. They're just taking it easy...

>> No.2670000


>> No.2670002

Mornin', slowpoke

>> No.2670007


"rape games" are in trouble, yes.

>> No.2670014

They left 4chan completely, because they realized 4chan was shit that no longer deserved the time wasted on it.

>> No.2670016

Does this also include rape h-anime or rape doujins?

>> No.2670020

ya know what, technically theyre "raping" the otakus

>> No.2670023

No. Only software.

>> No.2670024


they seem to be targetting interactive media at the moment, because obviously these have mind-altering powers on those who play them.

>> No.2670026


>> No.2670027

557: 2009/05/28 21:33:28 PGjKG7bc0 [sage]
643 名前:名無したちの午後[sage] 投稿日:2009/05/28(木) 21:01:19 ID:2ENO16As0


>> No.2670028

So Japan just got an American cock rammed deep in its tender legislation. How appropriate.

>> No.2670041

I asked a representative of an eroge company today, but he said it sounds like they're going to inspect 60% of eroges in the latter half of June orz
It doesn't sound like there's an out for rape/violence, unless they somehow negotiate one.
Well, he said once the heat dies down, we might see the regulations relax.

>> No.2670045

21:10:50: 581 名前:名無したちの午後[sage] 投稿日:2009/05/28(木) 22:59:47 ID:Hjkf+Pf80

1位 cross†channel →アウト
2位 戦国ランス →アウト
3位 マブラヴ →アウト
4位 この青空に約束を →アウト
5位 パルフェ →知らん
6位 マブラヴオルタ → アウ
7位 Fate/staynight →アウアウ
8位 つよきす →セフ?
9位 遥かに仰ぎ麗しの →知らぬ
10位 Ricotte →セフ?
11位 大番長 →アウト
12位 Routes →知らん
12位 うたわれるもの →アウト
12位 デモンベイン →アウト
21:11:01: この先生き残るには…


>> No.2670049

anyone gonna be suprised of the rape crime rises by 100% overnight?

>> No.2670051

>officials inspecting 60% of eroge
So they'll be done by...


>> No.2670054


It doesn't count just the rape and violence but everything that isn't consensual sex are NG

>> No.2670056

Sorry, I think it was more like "60% of eroges going on sale in the latter half of June will be inspected"

>> No.2670065

No, it said that 60% of eroges going to sell after June won't pass the inspection (as in are NG and will never be on sale)

>> No.2670072


By "out" does it mean banned?

>> No.2670073


I came this close to punching a hole through my monitor.

>> No.2670078

Why aren't the japanese taking to the street and protesting at akihabara?
I mean what right does the american have to say that japan can't sell eroge game?

>> No.2670080


>> No.2670081
File: 35 KB, 214x213, 1203668771846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60% of eroges going to sell after June won't pass the inspection

This is the first time I've ever actually RAGE'D. Jesus Christ.

>> No.2670082

Shit, seriously? How can they even enact this ban so quickly? It's not fair, the companies had no idea this would be a problem when they were producing these games. They should set the ban later.

>> No.2670088


>> No.2670091

OK, Ok, if I read the article right, this is just a legislative, plan, nothing more, nothing has gone through, right, nothing is rubber-stamped yet, right? right?

>> No.2670096

But what titles are likely to be in that 60%?

>> No.2670101

Aren't there two of these committees, CSA(Nitro+ is with them) and the other one? Does it apply to both or what?

>> No.2670102

FSN - Sakura rape scene
Saya no Uta - Saya rape scene
Tsukihime - Kohaku/Arc rape scene

I mean what is the chances that eroge doesn't have rape scene, I am pretty sure more than 60% eroge have rape in them.

>> No.2670104


>> No.2670106


>> No.2670108

Shit, and so many eroge I'm looking forward to comes out the next couple months. I'm really hoping they pass without having to remove any content.

>> No.2670111

But are they really going to sit down a play eroge in order to seek out rape scenes?

>> No.2670116


My dream job!

>> No.2670122

About time. Rape is played the hell out anyway.

>> No.2670123

Actually, I think I'm raging more at Japan's OVERREACTION. All they had to do was make a token effort to stop selling obvious rape fetish games, but leave other games where rape isn't the main selling point alone, because it's not like the groups raising a big stink about them even read or know about a random rape scene buried in the middle of a 50+ hour game. In like a fucking year they could've probably gone back to quietly selling rape games anyways.
Now we're going to see actual economic destruction for game companies.

>> No.2670124

There's a lot of confusion now let's get a few things down right:
The article says it's a software INDUSTRY self-regulating body making this decision. I'm not sure what this means. What constitutes the "industry" パソコンソフト業界? Major publishers? which ones? Have they all been bought out by a larger media software conglomerate and I didn't notice?

Would any doujin groups be affected?

I'm confused.

>> No.2670126

But do you think that VN:s like Saya no Uta, tsukihime and FSN should be banned because they conain a rape scene?

>> No.2670127

Reminds me of Brave New World. The controllers had an awesome job.

>> No.2670135

but-but-but... what about Rapelay2?

>> No.2670136


>> No.2670137

Companies will be forced to stop selling their VNs, or remake "safe" versions of VNs, which they probably won't do for old/obscure titles.

>> No.2670147

Is Chaos;Head safe?

Are guro titles safe?

>> No.2670150

Yes, because people will take to the streets and publicly protest that they want to play games in which they rape and berate women.
And no problems will arise from this.

I'm not in favor of this legislation, but come the fuck on.

>> No.2670162

What are you talking about? You are insultung the pax amerikka and their zionist and aristocratic minions. You should show some respect and ask yourself what right Japan has to disobey their masters.


>> No.2670164


From the looks of it it ISN'T legislation.
It's Industry self-regulation.
But that's what I don't understand. Since when has the software industry had such a governing body big enough to aford to chop a toe off it's foot, and why would it do it?

If we're only talking about a handful of mainstream publishers that don't have much presnece in the market, then they won't be able to trim the market substantially.

That's what the article doesn't explain.

>> No.2670165

>How can they even enact this ban so quickly?

Uh ? Feminist groups have been bitching and compelled the US government to put pressure on Japan since the start of the year.

>> No.2670179

New thread.
