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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 403 KB, 987x1220, 1577159009472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26673455 No.26673455 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26673472
File: 1.54 MB, 1279x715, 1583182221520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear
I'm excited for the CSGO stream, it's going to be amazing.

>> No.26673483
File: 1.65 MB, 977x1499, 1593276194229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had sex with Gura

>> No.26673485

>3 threads

>> No.26673486

can't wait to streamsnipe Amelia in WoWS, I'm going to make her suffer as a unicum

>> No.26673487
File: 230 KB, 600x600, 1590178545199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673488


>> No.26673491
File: 506 KB, 528x606, 1600549356286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673492

She really doesn't wanna do this, huh?

>> No.26673494

Mad Scientist, fuck off with the billion small donations.

>> No.26673496

thread too early

>> No.26673499
File: 171 KB, 439x370, watson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673500 [DELETED] 

Lurk more you fucking nigger i fucking hate you faggots posting useless questions that could've been answered if you would've just shut your damn whore mouth
>duuhhh why supacha called?
>uhhh why anti called?
>durrrr who coco is?
>uh uh sora who???
>uhhhhhhh why permission?
>what 5ch????
>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?
>*post frogman and soijak*
>WHERE DOXX??????????
>what kino means????
>what reps means????
>what naizuri?????????
>what roommate means????
>SIMP heh gotem
>uhhh just anime girl???
>jp/indie collab when???????????????
>asanagi who????
>why thread deleted after 2000?
>why live stream only?
>what freechat????
>what oishi gachokoi??
>just twitch????????
>supacha stream zzzzz????
>what ogey means????
>what rrat means????


>> No.26673503

Same, hope you didn't mind some of the semen I left over

>> No.26673504

Touhou fags seething

>> No.26673505

ASMR has always been retarded to me. It's just fucking whispering and more often than not just sounds annoying to me.
But I might change my mind if Mori ever releases any.

>> No.26673507
File: 87 KB, 636x900, 1579250649964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry everyone, I made Amelia pregnant!

>> No.26673513
File: 141 KB, 1098x1500, 20200920_165106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk Auntie.

>> No.26673514

I would kill for a HoloXCOM stream

>> No.26673516
File: 1.15 MB, 960x720, AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*glass breaks* DUN-DUN DUN-DUN DUN-DUN

>> No.26673517

Gee billy how come the meidos let you have 3 threads

>> No.26673518

All these dead touhou threads...
/jp/ cultural artifacts... destroyed

>> No.26673520

>World of Warships
God no, that game attracts the worst backseaters ever. Least comfy HoloJP streams I've ever watched.

>> No.26673522

>"Superchat is looking awfully empty!"
What did she mean by this?

>> No.26673523

Is your dick gone, anon?

>> No.26673525

this is the thread

>> No.26673528
File: 62 KB, 679x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened? Did someone donate 500? She only got 700 on the last stream with more viewers.

>> No.26673529
File: 194 KB, 496x379, horny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10Q Hentai Senpai

>> No.26673534

>Thank you Anonymous
Ha she said my name. Take that fags.

>> No.26673535
File: 159 KB, 847x1200, 20200921_011332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claim your chuuba now, no one else may ever have her!
I'll start: Mori Calliope-sama!

>> No.26673537

And you're a massive faggot if you use it on me while I'm a pilot

>> No.26673538


>> No.26673539 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, 1600583008237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara joins HoloEN pandering harder to the JOP crowd than the EOPs
>gets the shittiest mic possible for her debut because she knows simps will pay for a new one the second monetization goes up
>makes a 100k subs video to jerk her own ego despite Gura not doing one despite being twice as successful
>fake cries for 5 minutes at an inoffensive critique to wring maximum pity out of her unsuspecting audience, knowing clickbait tubers would use it to indirectly advertise her channel
>plans her bingbingwahoo stream (taking 3x as many hour slots as the other members took, btw) exactly 1 hour after Mori's first gameplay stream, knowing she'd lose track of time, knowing she'd overlap, and knowing she'd feel bad for stealing Kiara's spotlight and thus direct her viewers to Kiara's stream to boost her views yet again
>demands that the next collab be hosted on her channel to boost her views, despite her having almost nothing interesting planned
>the one interesting thing she DID have was a chart specifically created to shit on all the members more popular than her, tanking Amelia's idol rep by calling her the filthiest of whores, trying to drag Ina down the same fate, leeching off of Mori's fanbase again with her forced yurishit, and leaving Gura alone because she know Gura was the least likely to interrupt her plans
>the second the bottle points to her, and everyone down to her own artist says she be placed in the dumb slut corner just like she did to everyone else, she then turns into a spoiled brat, suddenly treating this "meme chart" extremely seriously, demanding that only she be treated as the one true perfect princess aidoru in the group

>> No.26673541

one thread has a gura lewd op and another has an op calling amelia a whore, i'd say this one is good

>> No.26673542

Maybe I should do it
*doesn't do it*

>> No.26673543
File: 1.23 MB, 2896x4096, 1600611217534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is for ____

>> No.26673547
File: 953 KB, 1000x1000, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673549
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1600225195440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN has become too powerful

>> No.26673548

Congrats bro, me and my daughterwife Gura are expecting ours in a few months.

>> No.26673550

Reminder you need to be over 18 to post on this board.

>> No.26673552
File: 708 KB, 1038x921, 1583684882862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673553

thank you fren

>> No.26673555

Raising anon's mutant bastard child with my wife Amelia!

>> No.26673556 [DELETED] 

Lurk more you fucking nigger i fucking hate you faggots posting useless questions that could've been answered if you would've just shut your damn whore mouth
>duuhhh why supacha called?
>uhhh why anti called?
>durrrr who coco is?
>uh uh sora who???
>uhhhhhhh why permission?
>what 5ch????
>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?
>post frogman and soijak
>WHERE DOXX??????????
>what kino means????
>what reps means????
>what naizuri?????????
>what roommate means????
>SIMP heh gotem
>uhhh just anime girl???
>jp/indie collab when???????????????
>asanagi who????
>why thread deleted after 2000?
>why live stream only?
>what does membership give???
>im ray0 what do i akasupa???????
>what freechat????
>what oishi gachokoi??
>just twitch????????
>supacha stream zzzzz????
>what ogey means????
>what rrat means????
>uhhrrr why mikocchi boat????
>durr what towa aloe do?????
>nurrr where superchat/membership money go??

update your stale pasta...

>> No.26673557

No, she doesn't bite

>> No.26673559
File: 445 KB, 2480x2974, Happy Tako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673561 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 2048x1508, 1600446302154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina! Ina! Ina!

>> No.26673562


>> No.26673565

The big spenders are asleep, it's seanig hours now, while the JPs still at work.

>> No.26673566


>> No.26673567

heh, now I know your name and am going to steal your identity

>> No.26673568

The only /vg/ threads that talk about Ina'nis are Fate/Grand Order and Arknights.
In both threads it reads like one or two spazzes like her and the rest don't care.
The Arknights thread likes her roommate but doesn't like Hololive.

>> No.26673569
File: 1.41 MB, 800x659, 1600404825802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the (current) top 5 entries:


>> No.26673570

But anon that's my name too...

>> No.26673572

wait for memberships

>> No.26673573

this is fucking amazing, thank you

>> No.26673574

>Gears of War player

Ok based

>> No.26673575
File: 109 KB, 234x234, 1573959793144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>empty schedule for almost all of tomorrow
I literally just got into this V-tuber thing a week ago, and I'm already feeling the withdrawal during break days. What is up with this phenomenon?

>> No.26673576


>> No.26673577

Someone hit me up with THAT clip

>> No.26673578

Amelia's voice is the first thing that's ever given me ASMR vibes.

>> No.26673581

i want to live there

>> No.26673582


>> No.26673584
File: 319 KB, 1246x2000, 1600319945668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does it feel to know that the JOPs are now the ones who are binging English-subtitled clips?

>> No.26673583

She's teasing the JOPs

>> No.26673585

>gears of war chad
Bros my heart...

>> No.26673586


>> No.26673587

I'm glad this exists.

>> No.26673588 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 600x480, ezgif-4-4e23e97faf79.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mori has an amazing singing voice and her raps are great!
Kiara is very upbeat, shines positivity around her and is a pleassure to listen to!
Ina is an extremely talented artist, very calming and inspirational!
Gura is a charming daughter that makes you want to protect her, but can also make you laugh easily!
Watson is hard working and entertaining, always looking out for others!

Theyre all great and trying their best! It's not a war between them and you should be happy for all of Hololive Myth members.

Fuck tribalistfags.
Fuck falseflaggers
Fuck doxposters

>> No.26673589

She went to the bathroom.

>> No.26673592

>Thank you anon-kun

>> No.26673591
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>> No.26673593
File: 365 KB, 550x686, 1579355138943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shaaku claimed

>> No.26673594

I'm thinking based

>> No.26673595

She won, got a huge dump of supcha

>> No.26673597

>thank you anon-kun

>> No.26673599

>Thank you Anon-kun
Which one of this was you? Was it that fag with his first dono?

>> No.26673600


>> No.26673601

Cuddling and brushing her hair after she had a shower.

>> No.26673602

>thank you, anon-kun
she thanked us...

>> No.26673603
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 1600067869318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just somehow resonates with cuteness.

>> No.26673605

ay yo that's me

>> No.26673608
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1599948124018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank you anon-kun

>> No.26673609

>thank you anon-kun

>> No.26673612


>> No.26673615

>spec ops the line
Damn that would be too based for youtube

>> No.26673614

>not appropriate

>> No.26673616

Spec Ops bros, we lost...

>> No.26673618

Is Craftopia actually any good?

>> No.26673619
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, fuck it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Based" the fucking retarded questions come so fast its hard to keep up

>> No.26673622


>> No.26673621

If I had niggers making 15, 1 dollar donations each I'd tell them to fuck off.

>> No.26673623

Thanks for claiming for me, bro. I'll be taking my wife now.

>> No.26673624
File: 907 KB, 1024x769, 1600242601912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never play melee with amelia while she gets upset at you because you keep 4 stocking her
why live bros

>> No.26673625

I hope Amelia will play insurgency or insurgency sandstrom later

>> No.26673626
File: 115 KB, 231x297, kaori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, please. At least wait until Kiara fucks up again so we can add something new to the list.

>> No.26673629

Why is amelia with cheese pizza?

>> No.26673628
File: 109 KB, 500x629, 1594794472200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rising storm anon last thread actually did it

>> No.26673630

Reminder teamates are an average of ~28 years old

>> No.26673632
File: 11 KB, 473x200, Coupon Slime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anon beat me to it be here's mine

>> No.26673633

Watch archives

>> No.26673634

go back wank to your nasuverse bs

>> No.26673636

the break days are for you to catch up with your friends/work so that you dont spiral too deep into the hole. You should be thankful

>> No.26673637

Feels good, man

>> No.26673639

>tfw kinda like Ina but Gundam Unicorn is one of her favorite anime so I'm inherently disgusted by her taste

>> No.26673640


>> No.26673641

After seeing what her roomate was up to, I'm honestly shocked how wholesome, homely and lovely Ame sounds and acts.

>> No.26673643

when she's speaking relaxed instead of "cute" she sounds really nice

>> No.26673644

>bitter virgin?

>> No.26673645

>someone else with my name donated
Free 10Q for me, cya later virgins

>> No.26673647

>thank you bitter virgin

>> No.26673649

>thank you onions

>> No.26673650

>thank you bitter virgin

>> No.26673653

been wondering, what the fuck is up with that? what made ~28 years old anons attracted to watson?

>> No.26673654

>thank you anon-kun

>> No.26673656

>Holo schedules




>> No.26673657

>thank you bitter virgin

>> No.26673659
File: 662 KB, 716x635, 1600359732163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Mori would play Mount and Blade if I sent her a akasupa recommending it?

>> No.26673661

Shes slipping in more and more gremlin sounds stream by stream. Soon we will have S**chi-reborn

>> No.26673663
File: 722 KB, 2000x2000, notlikewaachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realizing I can set my name to Nick Gurr while sending superchats

>> No.26673665

The most based of all ritual posts.

>> No.26673666
File: 142 KB, 273x287, 1600566981991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome, Amelia.

>> No.26673667
File: 13 KB, 337x109, 6346343453544545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this nigger.

>> No.26673668

I hada one peesa kicka

>> No.26673671
File: 285 KB, 795x318, watson-runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Watson Detective Agency."
>"Yeah, lemme get a large p-roni with t-sauce and uh, m-wooms."
"Sir, this is not a pizza parlor."
>"Oh, wight. Then lemme get a calzone, with uh, p-loaf and m-cheese!"
"Well at least you're not the guy who called asking for 50 large "Thanksgiving lovers" pizzas."

>> No.26673673

Just woke up. What happened with this thread?

>> No.26673675
File: 48 KB, 903x472, doesnt_stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't stream
>Popularity rank still goes up
Imagine if she weren't black out drunk

>> No.26673677

Loving and caring.

>> No.26673678


>> No.26673680

She didn't like the OVA the most, just the design of the mecha.

>> No.26673682
File: 1.38 MB, 1694x1334, 1600446750519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow is all empty, wtf are you retards going to do in these threads all day?....

>> No.26673683

I'm glad they're enjoying the holoEN girls

>> No.26673685


>> No.26673686

I'd sandbag and let her win.

>> No.26673688

I don’t wanna superchat because I always imagine chuubas hating having to thank every single one, and then they begin to despise every single name that prolongs their agony

>> No.26673689 [DELETED] 

We're currently in the Haato arc
The Haachama arc is starting to begin, the cracks are showing

>> No.26673691
File: 124 KB, 800x1044, XCOM HE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd definitely end up playing the modern XCOMs but I really wanna see them boot up OpenXCOM and suffer through classic Cyberdisks and Chrysallids

>> No.26673692


based superchat

>> No.26673693

I will love you forever if you do. Make it an Akasupa while you're at it.

>> No.26673694

she said it was her favorite Gundam, not her favorite anime.
also she said she likes the Exia, which is god-tier taste.

>> No.26673695

Nice joke, very very hard

>> No.26673698

I'm glued to her superchat reading right now because I'm slowly becoming addicted to her voice.

>> No.26673700

I don't think I can handle watching someone lose the game multiple times

>> No.26673701


>> No.26673703

thanks squidbro

>> No.26673706


>> No.26673708

she's finally translating the names, though i feel like it might be a bit too late.

>> No.26673710

She's too online for that to work

>> No.26673712

Do your reps (again)

>> No.26673715
File: 723 KB, 1647x811, rankings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I hope she steps on me."
Reminder to all that the Official Hololive EN power rankings are as follows:

Mori = Kiara = Ina = Gura = Amelia

These power rankings are final and may not be disputed or superseded.

>> No.26673714


>> No.26673717

What was that?

>> No.26673718

*clap clap*

>> No.26673719
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1600019533331s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673720

I bet she never expected her slightly inconvenient medical condition to become monetized.

>> No.26673723

>has like a hundred sound buttons

>> No.26673727

She will slip eventually or when Coco collabs with her

>> No.26673731

That reminds me, she changed the username between streams.
Bets on how long does it take her to change it again after she finishes streaming?

>> No.26673732

it's a pretty cool manga, to be fair

>> No.26673736
File: 2.93 MB, 3464x2362, EiaeDIKUMAEzixD_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If no one else will love this chicken, I will!

>> No.26673734

thank you manager-san

>> No.26673737

hit the gym

>> No.26673738

>she hates daddy-long-legs' designs
take my akasupas

>> No.26673739


>> No.26673741
File: 15 KB, 494x475, screw-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 AM

>> No.26673743
File: 1 KB, 153x41, 1569972607836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673744


>> No.26673745

Ritual poster, yet so based.

>> No.26673746
File: 466 KB, 640x640, 1600314298914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay faggots
moriXkiara docking fanart
where is it?

>> No.26673748

play video games.

>> No.26673749


>> No.26673751

>Please pronounce my name in english and japanese.

That's an expensive joke

>> No.26673754


>> No.26673753 [DELETED] 

Enemy Defense Chrysallids were some shit

>> No.26673758

Which username?

>> No.26673761


>> No.26673763

Watch your favorite JP holos

>> No.26673764


She's into a lot of old shit. In the group stream, for example, she mentioned The Sopranos, which is the kind of tv show more appreciated among people of that age.

>> No.26673765

What a cancerous chat, I should've known this would've happened when it happened to Melody

>> No.26673767
File: 139 KB, 749x900, 20200916_004223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rate Waachans streams today

>> No.26673768

Watch HoloJPs.

>> No.26673770

>thank you antis

>> No.26673771

She would know of it right? She's a /v/tard after all

>> No.26673772

Thank you Mad Scientist.

>> No.26673774

Based on references she's a similar age, though there's definitely more to it

>> No.26673777

You don't need to know, don't worry about it.

>> No.26673780

She knows how the game works anon, only way you can get by her is if she's reading too fast.

>> No.26673781
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1600310164388.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me think anons
I've been trying to figure out what generally is a 'good game to watch someone stream' and 'what qualities can a chuuba bring to the table to enhance gaming streams'
what i enjoyed so far - ina's call of cthulhu, kiara's super mario, amelia's fallguys and superliminal (i love her commentary on fps arenas but the games are shit so far), gura's musedash and dark deception, mori's tits.
the rest ranged from meh to really bad.

my thesis is as follows:
if the chuuba sucks at a game it can only be fun to watch if she's making it really funny - it's a bit far fetched but i can say that about kiara in mario64, not so much in fallguys and chicken-egg.
if she's good at the game it will be great if she's invested in it like gura in musedash, if she's just clocking in it's gonna be boring - like mori's mad father.
if she's just OK it will only be fun if it's a good\interesting\special game or if the chuuba does something really out of the box.

what say you?

>> No.26673782
File: 9 KB, 347x103, 1579015472762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26673783


>> No.26673784
File: 269 KB, 1288x1604, EiLHUZqXsAAejFH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I do.

>> No.26673785

didn't watch/10

>> No.26673786

The best

>> No.26673788

>thank you anon-kun

>> No.26673794

I love my wife /10

>> No.26673796


>> No.26673799
File: 333 KB, 600x424, 1600649628822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OHOHOHO HOW THE TABLES TURN. good for them though. Always nice to see that JOOPs like our holos.
it's better than trying to end of sentences with meow or ame

>> No.26673801

Fuck off.

>> No.26673802


>> No.26673803

Pikamee is crying on stream guys.

>> No.26673806


>> No.26673812 [DELETED] 

There's not enough ていてい moments to inspire it yet, the ones so far have been really forced.
InaAme sip is on the rise though, I recommend investing

>> No.26673816

probably have to wait till vod is out

>> No.26673820

>Yeah lets go baby poggers baby let's go dude poggers
damn, so this is what sex with Artia is like.

>> No.26673822

People better be doing their oc meme making reps

>> No.26673823

She already dodged a few of those

>> No.26673824
File: 1.27 MB, 613x489, 1577102104205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673825

Chicken reminds me of Wendys mascot in this image.

>> No.26673827

newfag-chama, please calm down...

>> No.26673829

Try Patrick Little that one should be fairly obscure.

>> No.26673830


>> No.26673831

This intheclouds faggot keeps donating like 1 dollar to get his name repeated, laugh at him

>> No.26673837

Narrativefags absolutely blown the fuck out

>> No.26673836

Is the thing showing superchat money from an extension?

>> No.26673838

the older you get the more loneliness sets in
t. late 20's

>> No.26673840
File: 34 KB, 300x381, X-COM-Terror-from-the-Deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the modern XCOMs
I genuinely can't stand the new ones. I was wondering if I had just stopped enjoying the genre but I went back to the originals and they were so much better to me. I'd pay some good money to watch them struggle through TFtD though.
I say "them" because although its deep sea themed I'd actually bet money against gura ever beating it

>> No.26673841

I got so frustrated watching her play the puzzle game that I pirated it and started playing it myself. Didn't catch the Apex stream for this very reason. P.S: It is actually pretty fun and plays way better with mouse and keyboard.

>> No.26673842

Ah yeah thats some sexy bed-talk.

>> No.26673843

You should learn from his example, anon.

>> No.26673847

Not before we get lewds of the bird.

>> No.26673849

slime watson and she said the fuck word 10/10

>> No.26673850

I doubt it

>> No.26673852

fun and cute/10

>> No.26673853

Nigga I'm just asking wtf username, did she change her apex game name or what, not what the name is

>> No.26673854

I wonder if she ever burps normally or if they’re always squeaky.

>> No.26673857

>why mikocchi boat?
Actually an interesting question.

>> No.26673859

Jerma how could you...

>> No.26673862
File: 62 KB, 691x691, 1600308016435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here numberfags, take this:

>> No.26673864

Story time with Ame

>> No.26673866


>> No.26673867


>> No.26673868
File: 863 KB, 1500x1522, Chikin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26673869
File: 146 KB, 305x298, 1600038577371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mommy Amelia is going to read us bedtime stories

>> No.26673870
File: 92 KB, 227x228, 1600596967452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zephyr monochrome
This is one of Metokur's paypiggies

>> No.26673871

You didn't pick her

>> No.26673872

Does Ina still play ffxiv?
Is it even worth getting into it if I never played it before? I do have an itch for an MMO and I can't stand the idea of ever playing WoW again.

>> No.26673874


Best senpai

>> No.26673875

Both were fun/10. Didn't expect to have fun while listening to her playing Apex either.

>> No.26673876

I did too when I played that part, god I love for the Holos to also play the best Mario game.

>> No.26673877
File: 2.68 MB, 1280x720, whl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching western japanese keemstar

>> No.26673878

>A scriptwriting contest for ASMR stream?
>I know you guys write weird things, i dont think thats gonna go well.

>> No.26673881

not a huge teamate but I appreciate her filling in an otherwise blank day

>> No.26673883

HoloEN Gen2 will have a sci-fi theme and be called HoloFuture. Screencap this.

>> No.26673882


>> No.26673885
File: 20 KB, 461x123, 1575289743248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673895 [DELETED] 

and ffxiv is the best MMO on the market if you're looking for something to scratch the WoW itch that isn't WoW

>> No.26673896

4/10. The platformer wasn't that great (she also isn't good with puzzles) and Apex is literally Apex.

>> No.26673897
File: 63 KB, 640x480, gundum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's true it's still plebian taste but more acceptable. There's approximately two good Unicorn-original designs, the Kshatriya and the Torohachi, and everything else is either borrowed or garbage.
God I fucking hate the Geara Zulu

>> No.26673898


>> No.26673901
File: 396 KB, 1000x782, Canada_Election_2019_Results_Map_(Simple).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26673903

Zion yo...close your eyes...

>> No.26673906

Nice joke, These are the real top 3 entries:


>> No.26673908

stop being weird, you're creeping the idols out!

>> No.26673909

shion yo......

>> No.26673910
File: 38 KB, 584x324, EiTWcd-WkAAdM8o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673912

How much money do I need to spend for her to read the superchat message

>> No.26673911

why are foreign countries so dumb? Having too many parties is confusing, they should just have two like America.

>> No.26673913
File: 66 KB, 796x593, 1533689820742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry buddy, you're gonna have to go through me.

>> No.26673914

Holy shit Gura's inclining!

Miko is still my oshi though

>> No.26673915

If my fav tako plays it ill have to try it after my OSRS sub runs out.

>> No.26673919

Think she also changed it mid stream, probably during that break

>> No.26673920

>sniff sniff
>hikki neet
>hic -> peko
Is she the HoloEN Peko?

>> No.26673921

She'd probably get twice as far using the mouse

>> No.26673922

If you enjoyed the game buy it. It's an indie dev not a triple A.

>> No.26673923

explain this meme. my archivefagging isn't powerful enough.

>> No.26673925

If you don't know what I was talking about it, it's better if you don't know it.
And if you really want to know, stop being a newfag. Lurk. Check the archives. Whatever you want to. I'm not gonna put the spoon in your mouth.

>> No.26673926


>> No.26673928


Got a problem faggot?

>> No.26673930

i find it cute how she'll say thanks in japanese to JOPs but everyone just gets the generic english thank you

>> No.26673931

8/10, great to watch anons sperg about her brute forcing and luck build
7/10 love 'toxic' amelia

>> No.26673933

who would amelia play in melee?
im thinking falcon for her adhd

>> No.26673934

I'm guessing Gura will probably do a SC read since she said she would, but just isn't excited at all about that so it might come up like 3 hours before it goes live. She needs to be careful not to get too blitzed reading SCs lest she pass out and miss an actually-important stream.

>> No.26673935


>> No.26673938

We're hitting 5 hours of stream, boys.

>> No.26673937

To be fair soft-locking yourself in unmodded TFTD is pretty easy if you go into the tech tree blind.

>> No.26673939
File: 252 KB, 1092x841, 270TOWIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26673941

How far behind was Gura when Shion only needed 4k more?

>> No.26673942

Johnny Rico holo when

>> No.26673943

they like to at least pretend that politics isn't just a divide and conquer game by a cabal of satanist reptoids

>> No.26673944

and then one day for no reason at all...

>> No.26673951

FFXIV is tranny filled shit, the western data centers are a daycare and the game keeps getting worse with every patch.

Just borrow an account off someone it'll be cheaper.

>> No.26673952

just lurk faggot post when you get most things

>> No.26673954

You mean Kiara? yes, Kiara is Pekora of HoloEN

>> No.26673956
File: 147 KB, 1360x768, 1551504447161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMC is THE series for Mori Calliope to stream and nothing you can say can convince me otherwise.

PS: Fuck permissions and fuck Capcom.

>> No.26673957

How come chicken doesn't make an EP...

>> No.26673959

watch JP holos
do reps
familiarize yourself with the rich and diverse culture of the radioactive wasteland known as /jp/

>> No.26673960

lurk a thousand years.

>> No.26673961

It's a very fun MMO, hard to find something else that scratches the itch when I don't have a sub

>> No.26673962

Her live2d looks sleepy

>> No.26673964

Would vote for PM.

>> No.26673968


>> No.26673969

just send when her popularity dies down.

>> No.26673970
File: 192 KB, 498x483, 1600401180006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love kiara
next stream when, I'll even take a supacha stream at this point

>> No.26673971
File: 992 KB, 1000x1126, UK_House_of_Commons_2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26673972

No, that's the one she did whilst taking a break from the slime game.

>> No.26673973

Agreed, Capcom better fucking kneel for the reaper, I want my Mori DMC streams

>> No.26673974

BigDiggerNick when?

>> No.26673977

I can only hope more anons use tomorrow's drought to craft more OC

>> No.26673979

No wonder she's so excited to move away.

>> No.26673981

the debuts were just a week ago, why does it feel way more distant?

>> No.26673982

Need one of these for a Canadian election

>> No.26673983

>thank you cunny wife

>> No.26673985

Her campaign slogan should be "Death to America".

>> No.26673987

Work, work, work. I don't even sleep. I had like 20 hours of sleep total in the last 7 days. HoloEN debut those idn't help. But it's also the tether that keeps me in grips for reality. When this teater is gone for the whole day... I don't know what will hape n to me.

>> No.26673989

See if you can get away with にいがまん or something similar, might be able to bait her with hiragana

>> No.26673993

I don't get it

>> No.26673995

>my archivefagging isn't powerful enough
stop lying retard, there's no way you didn't find it if you made the most basic of searches
lurk for a thousand years

>> No.26673997

>The way she giggles when asked to call someone trash

>> No.26673999


>> No.26674000

I wanna see Hololive play EDF together.

>> No.26674004

bowser to match her weight

>> No.26674005


>> No.26674007

I'm not getting the appeal of the english v-tubers. You know for a fact that it's just a regular western whore on the other side. But the Japanese ones are proper idols that follow the rules and are pure. You will never hear an english v-tuber singing.

>> No.26674014
File: 364 KB, 589x996, 1585805949623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered my pen tablet to draw, and sub to netflix to watch movies with Ina.

>> No.26674016 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 155x110, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia, this is the third time you've changed it. You'll never escape me. I'll always find you.

>> No.26674019

It's so cute when she struggles to read the kana names on her own.

>> No.26674020
File: 190 KB, 1772x1654, EiVNa6zUYAItX44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how everyone plays their gimmicks, especially mori and gura's reaper + shark thing. Just enought without being annoying. I wish amelia did it a little more. Chicken is cute and pretty talented language wise but how would she play into her gimmick? die and revive?

>> No.26674023
File: 184 KB, 789x954, 1589866493578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a baby! let's go dude poggers baby ! naisu

>> No.26674024

All the drama and turnarounds, the first two days were a complete rollercoaster and it took some time for Gura/Ame to find their grooves.

>> No.26674025

But the only fatty in HoloEN is Mori...

>> No.26674026

just send capcom a million fanmails if you're that invested in it.

>> No.26674027

isn't it night time for her

>> No.26674028 [DELETED] 


>> No.26674029
File: 18 KB, 534x248, 8lTFjG3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674030

She'd get more votes with "Death to China"

>> No.26674031

So is chicken gonna stream today?

>> No.26674033 [DELETED] 


>> No.26674034

Kinda agree with this isntead of >>26673901 since candaian give her a lot of SC

>> No.26674035


>> No.26674036

Jesus fuck, did you get here yesterday?

>> No.26674037
File: 26 KB, 168x191, 1600413029169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we'll have a lot of time together

>> No.26674038

Shut the fuck up purity fag. How does it feel to know even your precious jp holos have fucked someone other than you? Are you gonna cry? Go off yourself.

>> No.26674042
File: 411 KB, 692x692, 1600224316412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry, we'll have a lot of time to play all this!

Bros... she's here to stay...

>> No.26674044

It's the webm where Miko keeps saying LURK MORE YOU FUCKING FAGGOT

>> No.26674047
File: 21 KB, 112x112, 3x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

打哈欠 and 打哈欠 2 for a surprise

>> No.26674049


>> No.26674050
File: 173 KB, 467x515, 1600493526592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674052


>> No.26674051
File: 967 KB, 1366x1080, 1600020817995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the Japanese ones are proper idols that follow the rules and are pure

>> No.26674053 [DELETED] 


>> No.26674054 [DELETED] 


>> No.26674061

You guys realize after she's down with this she's coming over to my place to have sex?

>> No.26674062


>> No.26674063 [DELETED] 


>> No.26674064

she read it holy kek

>> No.26674066


>> No.26674068
File: 111 KB, 1197x890, watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll have to pay extra for that

>> No.26674069

>you'll have to pay extra for that
Ame is officially my favorite

>> No.26674070

You time traveled about a week too far in the future, we're already past that point.

>> No.26674072

Coco's burned pubes wants a word with you.

>> No.26674073

Based autism detective.

>> No.26674076

Chicken's been playing into her gimmick with the fast food shtick

>> No.26674078
File: 368 KB, 473x473, 1571983040545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674079


>> No.26674080

I feel like Kiara's gimmick is all about her relationship with Calli.

>> No.26674081

The originals are just so much more in-depth between the full terrain deformation, inventory management, and bullets actually being simulated rather than dice rolls that hit or disappear.

>> No.26674082 [DELETED] 


>> No.26674083
File: 286 KB, 572x562, 1600572145839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never hear an english v-tuber singing.

>> No.26674090

You could at least post Marine or something

>> No.26674091

>die and revive
she drops in viewers and gains them back

>> No.26674093 [DELETED] 


>> No.26674098


>> No.26674101


>> No.26674102

Said on Twitter she might do a stream later today to catch up on super chats and some mario, but hasn't scheduled one yet.

>> No.26674103

imagine dumbing down to average burger's intellect

>> No.26674106


>> No.26674110

Really? Pretty sure she was coming over to me to unlock my chastity cage and peg me.

>> No.26674112

>I don't have good musical timing
Bros...she's scarred

>> No.26674114
File: 2.91 MB, 700x392, EDF Daily Dose.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they sing the Battle Hymn of the EDF

>> No.26674115


>> No.26674116

It pretty much is. In Canada at least its always the conservatives vs liberal, and the left never seems to catch on that conservatives only vote for one party so voting for any other party other than Liberals just shoots themselves in the foot

>> No.26674117

Cute anon. Do you have experience drawing or you're just learning the ropes?
No need to make it creepier than it already is.

>> No.26674118

"World of..." car sticker is an epitome of a shit eater in my Slavland.
Only the fags who uses a gay sticker "My life, my rules" and don't know that this is the gay sticker are worse.

>> No.26674119

night blessed, ty ty

>> No.26674120

I have a hard time imagining someone with Gura's voice has had sex

>> No.26674121

Why are ironic weebs so self hating?

>> No.26674122

Hey! Leave her alone.

>> No.26674125
File: 204 KB, 816x782, 1600477815485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our only hope is that Subaru decides to play Guilty Gear on stream and invites her to play

>> No.26674128


>> No.26674127
File: 832 KB, 1075x645, 1600624143993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674134

That's literally me :)

>> No.26674135
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1600462527152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hope you're joking. This two party system is dogshit.

>> No.26674136
File: 92 KB, 1889x772, CZCupH5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger. I'm guessing it's just the fucking boat then.

>> No.26674137

Pururin was supposed to be sang like twhat she did anyway

>> No.26674139

Not really. It's usually her chat that brings it up not her.

>> No.26674140

Actual mental illness

>> No.26674141

>btfo 90% of JP holo singers
Oh nono..

>> No.26674142

It'll be a lot later today. We're going out shopping mid-afternoon.

>> No.26674143

what did she say about fighting game? i lagged

>> No.26674144

she and her followed each other for a reason

>> No.26674147

Her favorite things in life are food and sex

>> No.26674151
File: 676 KB, 1072x1500, EiaZ8cGU8AIQtWm-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is streaming tomorrow tho

>> No.26674152

ok rat

>> No.26674157

if you say stuff like that she's gonna hate us

>> No.26674158

>why are foreign countries so dumb? Having too many parties is confusing, they should just have two like America.
Because that's totally working out well for us right now...

>> No.26674159


>> No.26674161

How do you know this?

>> No.26674160

Having a dumbed down system like the us leads to an election with two idiots and and the entire country unhappy with both

>> No.26674163

Are Amelia's hiccups an actual disorder? I haven't met anyone who hiccups chronically like her.

>> No.26674164


>> No.26674166

Literally all of their collabs had Kiara proclaiming her love for Calli.

>> No.26674170

thanks calli
make sure you buy something cute for kiara, she'd appreciate it

>> No.26674173

Anonchama... your Canadian political reps...

>> No.26674174
File: 48 KB, 680x432, Ehz9KHSX0AA-QCV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really think we should stop joking with her being a whore, being her boyfriend, gangbang fics, how lewd she is, that we want her to spit on our moth, etc... I have this weird feeling that she's reading all this and that it's affecting her humor on streams...

>> No.26674175


>> No.26674176


>> No.26674177

But it does end up with funny shit happening, like that term where the NDP swept Quebec and took over as opposition

>> No.26674178


>> No.26674179

It's a guy that really hates juice.

>> No.26674180


>> No.26674181


>> No.26674183


>> No.26674182

she said the thing

>> No.26674184

I'm pretty sure she was gonna say food and booze not food and sex.

>> No.26674185
File: 150 KB, 1600x1068, ringing in ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26674186
File: 4 KB, 224x63, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674191

that's all I needed Amelia, thank you

>> No.26674195
File: 414 KB, 1200x1281, 1600549770794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674197

Ame should shitpost by setting up a huge bubba icon where the game minimap is going to be, and then when she gets in game, make it look like the map is covering him.

>> No.26674196


>> No.26674199


>> No.26674202

Blame HER for following Amelia. Amelia literally can't escape unless certain people unfollow her.

>> No.26674205

uh oh stinky

>> No.26674206

You just don't know how deep the fart merchants' jokes go, little one.

>> No.26674207


>> No.26674208

Anonchama... seats...

>> No.26674209
File: 34 KB, 427x300, d59thgc-4ae760ca-7936-4ee4-a786-90ca72d955d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674210


>> No.26674211

Said that she'd consider doing it as a collab

>> No.26674212

she was doing far longer than I

>> No.26674214
File: 8 KB, 177x283, 1600567658847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she gonna keep this shitck up forever?

>> No.26674216
File: 187 KB, 1200x1425, 1600208835619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674215

>I ordered my pen tablet to draw
After 2-3 months you will drop it.

>> No.26674217
File: 186 KB, 308x299, 1600401513012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically recoiled in sexual fulfillment at that "Ara..."

>> No.26674221

Please, she could never hate us, right?

>> No.26674223

Almost 450K views because a Holo can sing live.

Nuke vs bamboo spear...

>> No.26674225

do you know where you are

>> No.26674226
File: 58 KB, 238x228, qtwink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who do we watch now that this depraved fucking WHORE has finished?

>> No.26674228

Serious reply.
To be honest I really want to watch female streamers to mix some variety of streams that I watch. And when I found some obscure, interesting shit, they usually have their cams take 50%-70% of the screen, with their camera aimed top down making me feel like a depraved POS.

The vtuber appeal feels like I can watch female streamers without feeling that way, its like a barrier of cringe for me. Though, the chat being full gosling kind of giving me 2nd hand embarassment sometimes.

>> No.26674229

even if this happens, anon will still have 2-3 months of joy they would never have experienced otherwise

>> No.26674230

i swooned like a schoolboy

>> No.26674240

as opposed to having 5 idiots?

>> No.26674241


>> No.26674242

What stchick? She's honestly staying pretty true to herself, only real difference is she's more G-rated

>> No.26674243

I don't know, anon, women's humor is weird

>> No.26674244

If she's been lurking here long enough, she should know that these messages are just way of expressing our love.

>> No.26674246
File: 626 KB, 947x1500, 1599966405796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese ones are proper idols that follow the rules and are pure

>> No.26674247

>a single solitary ara

>> No.26674248

I have to do my sleep reps...

>> No.26674249


>> No.26674250

We can finally move on with our lives. I have a few days of assignments to finish...

>> No.26674251
File: 53 KB, 329x329, 1599961532677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amelia stops streaming
>instantly feel lonely

>> No.26674253
File: 207 KB, 950x713, ryan-gosling-snl-papyrus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot about Amestream
>tune in
>see chat full of Ara Ara~
I just missed it, didn't I.

>> No.26674255

What's THAT?

>> No.26674256

It honestly seems like one, some kind of chronic damage in her esophagus or something.

She also said she can't drink soda because it hurts her throat, which is a bit weird to be frank.. hearing that makes me think either she's delicate like a dandelion, or has to deal with some chronic thing.

It also seems like it could be a nervous tic, it always pops up in awkward pauses.

>> No.26674257

Do your reps

>> No.26674258

>your chuuba will never force you to wear her old panties and use you as a chair while she streams

>> No.26674262

Amelia was cute today too, right bros?

>> No.26674265

Amelia is NOT a whore. We are completely monogamous. :)

>> No.26674266

crown emoji
shark emoji

>> No.26674267
File: 26 KB, 622x408, 1600480141093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being horny

>> No.26674272

I only write wholesome vanilla fiction.

>> No.26674276

Now you gotta tune-in to get your other one. Amelia is a marketing genius.

>> No.26674277

No Kiara IDOLIZES pekora she isn't her, if anything she's closer in mannerism to Suisei

>> No.26674281

Watch Roberu.

>> No.26674282

Real people bodies are ugly. Real people personalities aren't always ugly.
Remove the former and I don't really give a shit who you are or what you're doing.

>> No.26674284

our son roberu

>> No.26674283

I'll fuck the dog too.

>> No.26674285
File: 260 KB, 686x522, 1600109458727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threads were really fun today, calling it a night. thanks anons.

>> No.26674287

Are we gonna see her completely wasted?

>> No.26674289

She literally explained it on stream, anon.

>> No.26674291

You sure did

>> No.26674293

Was going to watch Subaru, but then i saw that our son was streaming.

>> No.26674295


>> No.26674296

clean the house anon it's getting kinda gross

>> No.26674297

i'm no longer horny
i'm just happy

>> No.26674299

>we want her to spit on our moth
What fetish is this?

>> No.26674304

Archives for the last two Amelia's streams, if anyone needs


>> No.26674306

Funnily enough ever since I started watching EN I haven't jerked off once

>> No.26674307
File: 32 KB, 576x576, jkjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the newfags who replied to this bait

>> No.26674311

Was Amelia being serious when she said Disney tried to bribe her for $70k to become a Barbie vtuber? I'm dense as fuck and can't tell if someone is being sarcastic or not.

>> No.26674312

But Ame keeps retweeting lewd fanart...

>> No.26674314

>I have this weird feeling that she's reading all this and that it's affecting her humor on streams...
Yes, you will get the second Haachama.
It's not that Watson's inner menhera is going to disappear.

>> No.26674315

Yeah, better to get out now, dead hours are starting.

>> No.26674316

You can make someone unfollow by blocking and unblocking them on Twitter. Amelia, you're reading this?

>> No.26674317

sleepy time

>> No.26674319
File: 315 KB, 2000x2469, EiTd4HbWAAUDTVx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26674320
File: 205 KB, 1595x454, Deadbeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hour
But you know what? it's time to join Mori membership!

>> No.26674321

We all know you're going to do that whether she streams or not.

>> No.26674323

your favorite jp tuber probably has a bf

>> No.26674324

God. I keep going back and forth with Ame and Ina. I don't know which one I like more.

>> No.26674325

Please watch pikamee...

>> No.26674327


>> No.26674328

Western personalities are usually hideous though.
I'm honestly surprised how good these girls are at suppressing their urge to talk about the orange man and fentanyl floyd every stream.

>> No.26674329

Sleep tight Ame
That was a dream, anon.

>> No.26674332

These threads are free fucking (You)'s man

>> No.26674333

i love you guys, going to bed thinking of Ame

>> No.26674335

she said it was a dream she had

>> No.26674336

barbie is owned by hasbro

>> No.26674337
File: 2.30 MB, 1201x1115, 6eH6ibj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel

>> No.26674338
File: 44 KB, 611x696, D9jEudHU0AAPD66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that nervous giggling
Bros, I think HoloEN's gonna go far

>> No.26674343

true I still miss her though

>> No.26674344

Anonchama, she said it was a dream

>> No.26674347

mouth. sorry kek

>> No.26674349
File: 45 KB, 208x271, 1600319407002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three top-tier threads in a row, gotta go wagecuck tomorrow but thanks for the good times

>> No.26674351 [DELETED] 

dead hour narrative time

>> No.26674352

She said it was a dream she had..

>> No.26674360

They shouldn't have given them monetization so early, it took a lot of momentum out of their sails

>> No.26674363


Turn on japs subs so you can do your reps!

>> No.26674365

Wait what is this?

>> No.26674364

Depends. American girls, I hate. Girls from other western countries, really depends, but some have a tendency to be cool.
I do prefer Hololive's streaming though. Because they're hired by a company, there are rules and guidelines they have to follow, which prevents retardation. The 'no politics' policy helps out a lot here.

>> No.26674367

I think I like Amelia more and more.
She is the one HoloEN member that is actually a gamer.

>> No.26674368
File: 85 KB, 630x900, 1600351393151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always is

>> No.26674370

You sweet naive child...

>> No.26674371
File: 114 KB, 323x320, 1553956603498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMR murder mystery bedtime story reading.


>> No.26674373

The reason Amelia hiccups so much is its an adverse reaction to dog semen, this is my narrative.

>> No.26674374

Think I've jerked off once in the past week due to the EN debut. It's the best I've done this year and it's probably due to sleep deprivation.

>> No.26674375

I really don't understand why they keep replying.
I guess they are too new to comprehend that you don't ever reply to bait.

>> No.26674377

It's hard...
If you know what I mean.

>> No.26674378

thank you, good night!

>> No.26674380

The duck

>> No.26674384

>Do you have experience drawing or you're just learning the ropes?
I used to draw when I was younger but I haven't done any drawing in about 10 years. Watching Ina filled me with hopes and dreams. It was fun back then, and I want to start again from 0.

>> No.26674385

it's cute but i hope she stops being nervous soon, i want to hear her go all out with the singing.

>> No.26674386 [DELETED] 

I think that the whole moonmoon thing is really worrying her

>> No.26674387

Ah I can finally sleep...
It's 8:30

>> No.26674388

At least 3 EN Holos doesn't have the western mentality though.

>> No.26674389

List their pros and start from there.

>> No.26674392

I'm pretty sure they're completely barred from any politics/divisive subjects because that is instant yabee. If they cared that much that they couldn't help themselves but insert that bullshit into every single thing in life, they wouldn't have signed up for this gig.

Assuming Cover has a "no politics bullshit" policy then that should help filter out a lot of problems in the future. Not guaranteed of course but it's useful. It reminds me of how on 2chan their main /b/ (which is also 90% of the traffic on the site) specifically has a no politics rule.

>> No.26674393

Made me check senpai
Can't come soon enough, tempted to join her room mates channeles membership but dunno if she is really active anymore

>> No.26674394

just follow her and you won't need to try find her?

>> No.26674395

Kiara literally plays her character harder than anyone else in her gen, just like pekora senpai

>> No.26674396
File: 718 KB, 671x1024, Kumagawa Save the Day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Narrative time
Sorry anon but

>> No.26674397

>Get into HoloEN
>Fall for HoloCN's gremlin

>> No.26674399

I wasn't paying enough attention then. Thanks for clearing it up.

>> No.26674401

>no good streams scheduled until Amelia's CSGO stream
Fuck I guess I'll be productive for a day.

>> No.26674404
File: 223 KB, 475x473, 1600576708086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674407

>already changed it

>> No.26674408

What did it for me is when she said she was shaking and her voice is trembling at 3:44

>> No.26674409

All these girls are weebs, I don't think they care about that kind of stuff as much as your typical woman.

>> No.26674414

and if you didn't understood that vtubers != roomates it would be 4.

>> No.26674418


>> No.26674417

Already gone, let's g0o

>> No.26674420

I have the same thing, it's really not a big deal. If I drink something or even just water, I "burp" a lot and they sound exactly like her hiccups. I can also drink soda but it's a bit painful. I assumed everyone was the same way. I imagine that how it is for her as well.

>> No.26674421

>But the Japanese ones are proper idols that follow the rules and are pure
How (You) are new?

>> No.26674422

>what kind of content should I stream today?
>Oh, I know THANKYOU x N for 3 hours
>what about tomorrow? Oh how about THANKYOU x N for another 2 hours!
This shit is growth cancer.

>> No.26674428

when is kiara gonna stop being so fucking rude when speaking english

>> No.26674430
File: 1.03 MB, 790x738, bRkfYgV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a good one anon

>> No.26674431

You'd be surprised how pozzed a lot of neo-weebs are, especially female ones.

>> No.26674433
File: 155 KB, 500x375, 1600133407411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Ina would only consider a pink/gold parsing chad to be her bf
I don't know if I can get to that level

>> No.26674435

The cutest.

>> No.26674441

Amelia's only done one sc reading so far. Basically just keeps it for the end of streams now which is great.

>> No.26674446

You also have to be gacha leviathan who can keep up with her Tent Poles.

>> No.26674449 [DELETED] 

I haven't seen a single explanation as to why that clip would be a big deal?

>> No.26674450
File: 45 KB, 300x300, ___Dy5JEqSVYAEbsFk11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A big chunk of them are lonely hikki-neets or shy introverts who can't even ask for collabs.
Subaru is the most normalfag holo in the company.

>> No.26674454 [DELETED] 

I just checked again she changed it already LMAO. I swear to fucking god, if she's not reading these threads, then she's definitely sweating bullets right now.

>> No.26674457

You can find a weeb for any political opinion, though there is a bias towards extremity. I wouldn't count on it as female weebs in particular tend to be extremely pozzed due to being filtered off of communities that demand tits or GTFO.

>> No.26674459
File: 329 KB, 410x555, 1600067714115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially when her inner gremlin comes out

>> No.26674460

You bring up "pozzed" politics more than they do, ironically enough.

>> No.26674461

I am sorry Ame...

>> No.26674462

mori got the reaper gimmick not because she asked for it, but because of the bags under her eyes makes her look like she's already undead after working konbini 16 hour shifts

>> No.26674463

i dont see why she doesnt just delete it at this stage

>> No.26674467

that's how are you supposed to do it anyway

>> No.26674468


>> No.26674469

Anonchama... narratives are intentional untrue shitposting...

>> No.26674471

stop being autistic, anon. kiara's roommate is the only one that has shown any shit like that and even then she would never talk about political trash while doing her job

>> No.26674476

It's literally the most overblown shit ever, as said a hundred times its better to just not even talk about it as some retard here taking it to twitter would actually make it bad

>> No.26674477

Honestly, I couldn't tell you - I'm in it for that unhealthy quasi-friendship that formed way faster than I could expect.
I'd watch Mori do anything at this point, and I likely will, at least for a while.

>> No.26674478

more like certain crossboarder time, you can see them crawling out of the woodwork already

>> No.26674479

Going for a shower, shit, shave and then Haato.

>> No.26674484

kiara and calli are taking the day off to find an apartment to move into together

>> No.26674489 [DELETED] 

She's clearly doing it to fuck with you at this point, anon

>> No.26674492

If only Mori and Kiara would be as nice

>> No.26674493

She read them the other day too though, at the end.

>> No.26674497 [DELETED] 

Me too, but I noticed some anons saying that they saw her face somewhere. I don't know wether this is true or not, but her twitter leads to her cringe and cancer twitch anyway, so... not really a doxx per say, it's just that the meaning of word was severely modified by those retards

>> No.26674500

To be stepped on. I need a coupon!

>> No.26674501

Pure superchat readings should be done offline and uploaded as a video.

>> No.26674503

But there's no narrative there anonchama, just a statement that she's worried about it. I need a narrative to latch onto

>> No.26674511

2nd apex stream and already the champion. She is a real winner

>> No.26674513
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x3236, 1600442452126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtubers != roomates
Yes, but a part of the roommate is always present in the vtuber personality. It's not that they act 100% of the time.

>> No.26674519

It makes me proud of how powerful our girls are. I hope the JOPs enjoy them as much as I enjoyed their girls.

>> No.26674522
File: 3.24 MB, 2040x3508, 84431905_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to know what happens after the second kit kat. Also, what's in the concoction that made her forget everything. where's the lore bros

>> No.26674521

Then they wouldn't get those akasupas trying to cuck the lesser chatters.

>> No.26674524

Her Apex username. She probably changes it for off-stream play but forgot to change it when she started streaming again.

>> No.26674531 [DELETED] 

I honestly don't mind whatever she does. It's just pretty funny she's doing this now instead of before debuting. Moonmoon also talked about Amelia too on stream and almost doxed her.

>> No.26674533


>> No.26674535

That's pretty nice. I've been thinking about doing it myself, since I also used to, but lack of motivation killed the momentum. Her speech worked me up, though. Thankfully my little sister is learning too, so I might ask her to lend me her tablet from time to time.
Anyway, have a great time with it and remember, it's never too late. You can do it!

>> No.26674536
File: 146 KB, 661x623, 1600669950086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674537 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I'm sure Ame whose roommate had a literal "clown world" emote and giggled at "there's only men on the team!" is real pozzed

>> No.26674540
File: 245 KB, 385x564, whore membership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26674543 [DELETED] 

the mega folder has her on facecam

>> No.26674544

Some of them turn their SCs into a fair bit of a zatsudan however, aka free-talk/smalltalk for the many newfags here.

Basically, there's nothing at all to see on the screen but you can just have it go in the background while doing something else and maybe you'll hear a neat little tidbit or some fresh info about upcoming streams/events from it.

>> No.26674548

>tfw Apex generates more SC than slime game
Why? How could this be possible?

>> No.26674550

They should wait for the Coco house.

>> No.26674551

Reminder: if you don't donate, you literally don't matter

>> No.26674555
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>> No.26674556

The kit Kats are a work they aren't there don't believe the ding-dong diddly lies anon

>> No.26674557

>I need to know what happens after the second kitkat.
a 3rd kit kat

>Also, what's in the concoction that made her forget everything.
Gamer Juice.

>> No.26674559

Astonishingly based if true, if only Ame had good taste in games.

>> No.26674567

My libido died somewhere throughout the months of covid lockdown and the en girls are literally what revived it for me.

>> No.26674569

really needs DO U RILLY BELIB IT to be complete

>> No.26674570
File: 123 KB, 983x950, 1600566914581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Told you she'd continue you fucks,

>> No.26674571

It was actually good gameplay (as far as Apesex goes)

>> No.26674573

If Inamori already have schedule for week why is it not on entered into youtube so I can see it on the schedule scraping sites

>> No.26674577
File: 269 KB, 404x451, 1600596490579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that amelia is responding to superchats, how long until the $300 gosling gives her another akasupa?

>> No.26674575 [DELETED] 

So, it was on her clips? Fuck

>> No.26674576

okay im buying in on the fucking 'mega folder' narrative lets goooooo

>> No.26674581

Maybe not us collectively but defo some of the retards.

>> No.26674583

Everyone is aware of the "dox" that would lead to nothing substantial. She was some literally who. You tards keep trying to play it up as some big deal.

>> No.26674585

too deep for me

>> No.26674586
File: 1.90 MB, 1656x1439, 1600047767782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia, please dominate me...

>> No.26674587
File: 140 KB, 840x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I don't get. It wasn't even close which is weird considering the second stream was a guerilla one with less viewers. Its not even because she won since at the end I think it actually went up by 300

>> No.26674589

I will do my part by buying Mori merch.
Hopefully she publishes a vinyl album one day, I'd hang that on my wall.

>> No.26674591

She's 100% doing it to fuck with people. She's probably having fun doing it too.
Also, it seems like she still uses it. And anything is better than (possibly) finding another more personal one, if it even exists.

>> No.26674592

I bet she lurking here and see some anon complain about it

>> No.26674594 [DELETED] 

link or shut up

>> No.26674596

When are /pol/niggers going to realize nobody sane obsesses over current events like they do?

>> No.26674599

I really want her to go full Artia and bully her chat, shit's hilarious.

>> No.26674603

She only responds to superchats that say something meaningful or interesting she can respond to. She's never responding to anything ray0 writes.

>> No.26674605

Hearing her casually swear kinda turns me on, it sounds wrong with her upbeat and peppy voice but in a good way.

>> No.26674606

he already gave her $100 more. it was yesterday, i think?

>> No.26674612

do you stalker reps anonchama

>> No.26674614

If some more nendoroids or something come along in the near future I might get one or two. I'm assuming any day now the dam will break and GSC will announce a dozen at once.

>> No.26674616

The website fucked up, it didnt count the supers for the first like 2/3 of the stream.

>> No.26674619 [DELETED] 

Are you braindead? I don't wanna get banned again.

>> No.26674621

Ame is totally feeding into this shit though
>ara ara at the end of streams
>retweeting lewd art and liking lewd comments
It's only going to get worse from here on out.

>> No.26674623
File: 898 KB, 2894x4093, 9hpdkk6mj3n51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like FPS is where the money is at. The guerilla apex stream and the valorant stream had way more than the slime one. I think more by almost a $1000

>> No.26674625


Awesome. Now they can experience Sushi butchering clips too!

>> No.26674626

Kiara on suicide watch.

>> No.26674630

What happen to ghostrider bro? he stop giving SC to holoEN

>> No.26674631


>> No.26674633

Idk about the your first question since I don't play many games but I agree with your thesis. That's a theory I've also had lately, is that if the streamer sucks at the game (or in general for most games) but can make cute noises, it's cute and funny and most will enjoy it.
It's also nice to see chuubas be good at games too like those you mentioned and I'd prefer that over them sucking.

>> No.26674636

she has the best taste in games out of all the hololive girls you mmo-playing, gacha-rolling, super mario bing bing-wahooing faggot

>> No.26674637

Amelia, if you're continuing Ashtray just use a mouse instead. No need for this level of suffering.

>> No.26674648

Meh, it's just for liking non holo stuff I guess.

>> No.26674652

Why are some posts being deleted in unison? and wtf is Ooo? I was asleep when it came up

>> No.26674659

That first stream has to be a glitch. Either i'm crazy or I counted more donations than that.

>> No.26674664

I love amechan but her FPS streams is a kin to watching paint dry and only gets interesting when it cracks up.

She needs to step it up or she will be the same vagillion fps vtubers out there.

>> No.26674665

Gura has 17 videos!
Set language to japanese

>> No.26674667

Astonishing that there are still anons ITT that don't think she knows exactly what she is doing

>> No.26674668

have a shark scream

>> No.26674671


>> No.26674672

i told myself i would do my sleep reps but i can't stop listening to gura's songs

>> No.26674673 [DELETED] 

Someone with a huge following threatened to dox her for attention. Please endeavor to read between the lines a little next time.

>> No.26674674

lurk more

>> No.26674676 [DELETED] 

Literally every american foid has #BLM in her twitter bio and posts about how she wants to cut off her family for voting against marxism.

>> No.26674677 [DELETED] 

Like I said, Amelia the perfect girlfriend doesn't exist. She just hid Sachi too well last time.

>> No.26674682


>> No.26674684

>the water makes me feel like i'm trump
what did she mean by this?

>> No.26674686

>tfw you put it in the wrong hole

>> No.26674687


>> No.26674690

>near future
More like far future. Even the initial branch only has 2 of them. And both only announced recently.

>> No.26674693

She doesn't bite hard

>> No.26674696

Retweeting lewd is normal, though. She was a literally who before, of course she's grateful for all those fanarts.

The Ara Ara~ is tricky, I acknowledge that. It seems to me like a one-time joke that she can't escape now because everyone will be waiting at the end of the videos.

That's why I'm asking to at least reduce the numbers of hornyposts here. It's really messing with her.

>> No.26674697

Because it goes against the rules?

>> No.26674698


>> No.26674700

Yeah I swear she got 500 at least just in the first half of the stream.

>> No.26674702

Mori's taste is vastly superior in both anime and games, I would have to try hard to think if anything to improve there.

>> No.26674709
File: 786 KB, 1139x635, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26674710 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 400x400, artia heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They didn't go archive diving to get the mega and import it before it was taken down

>> No.26674711

i don't think moonmoon is stupid enough to do that

>> No.26674722

I'd love to believe she's innocent but the content her roommate used to make kind of leads me to think that she knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.26674723

There was at least 10 people that donated $100+ in her earlier stream, I think the numbers got fucked up.

>> No.26674724

I checked it midstream, pretty sure it wasn't tracking until a bit in

>> No.26674725

i really like it personally, i'm not sure why

>> No.26674731 [DELETED] 

Yo can someone give me the rundown on the moonmoon narrative? I love Wat and Moon so much I need to know this shit.

>> No.26674734
File: 90 KB, 179x298, 1600413860156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674736
File: 625 KB, 500x281, 1584531425023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autotune gura

>> No.26674743

>before it was taken down
but it wasn't

>> No.26674745
File: 639 KB, 937x900, 1576726721446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's downtime anons, time to post your reps!
What have you done today, or what are you planning on doing? Any projects you have in mind?

Don't forget your health and and hygeine reps too anons! I'm about to go do some exercise, take a shower and brush my teeth before I begin working on my coding, music and art.

>> No.26674746

It's all about the dynamic. A really good streamer sets up a meta-narrative for viewer-streamer interaction, and their emotions at the game get filtered through the narrative. If it's done right the stakes feel high even if you're just dicking around.

>> No.26674748

Doesn't exist, narrativefags are failing us

>> No.26674749 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 590x480, 154087045547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Brazen

>> No.26674751

Thanks anon

>> No.26674753

It all ends up the same anyway. The two parties in the US have various wings of the party which cover different parts of the political spectrum, and other governments form coalitions to create a majority whose in power and an opposition. It's literally the same except in the US if you're a socialist you wear a Democrat pin and if you're a libertarian you wear a Republican pin whereas in Europe everyone just wears their own pin.

>> No.26674756

kinda weird cause I do think nendoroid is probably one the better thing to have as a merch

>> No.26674754

Because it was her first monetized stream in EU/JP hours. NA simps have already been bled dry this week but the other timezones are fresh and content-starved

>> No.26674759

Yeah, that's its use, pretty much.
Although she did like a picture of Shion not too long ago.

>> No.26674767

3D modeling some shit

>> No.26674768

If you want to throw shade, throw it at the shark, the absolute worst EN streamer bar none with absolutely zero engagement with chat OR the game less HER filters come undone.

>> No.26674769 [DELETED] 

Moon said that Watson's roommate was the same person because watson's roommate made a tweet related to him saying "Vtubers are probably ugly"

I don't think he did it intentionally. He probably saw it somewhere and said it.

>> No.26674772

This is your vtuber tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olnm66Uxy8U

>> No.26674773 [DELETED] 

>before it was taken down
What are you talking about? I just checked, it's still up.
Unless you meant deleted here on the boards, but that happens to every doxxfag post.

>> No.26674776 [DELETED] 

Nothing that bad. He just went retard mode and said a story about how a vtuber clipped his reaction on twitter about a joke that they're ugly and that he felt bad since it didn't seem like a joke. Problem is he said it was watson afterwards, so not really a dox, but still dumb.

>> No.26674779

Wanting to draw stuff today but still scared it'll come out bad

>> No.26674781

The pink one......

>> No.26674783

She can escape the ara simply by doing anything else, but yes, she's pretty locked into the end-stream gimmick now. It could just be a MOTD.

>> No.26674784

Currently in the process of mixing my entry in Calli's contest

>> No.26674786
File: 28 KB, 509x121, 1584567790388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shion yo...

>> No.26674787 [DELETED] 

>mega folder
You fucks came up with yet another stupid narrative while I was sleeping?

>> No.26674788

I think her manager has to be bald from pulling his hair out by now.

>> No.26674789
File: 34 KB, 225x217, 1593661023600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the comments. It's 80% EOPs. At least go find clips that Nips actually watch.

>> No.26674791

my bad, it was the s*nz*w* one that was taken down.

>> No.26674792

I miss her...

>> No.26674795

that only means they're doing erp online since they need an outlet come on man

>> No.26674798 [DELETED] 

It's not a narrative, just a collection of videos.

>> No.26674799

She won a game and went to the bathroom

>> No.26674801

Didn't she say she was playing it on the Switch?

>> No.26674803 [DELETED] 

unironically lurk more newfagchama

>> No.26674804

Knowing that Amelia is a degenerate gremlin deep inside is really hot for some reason.

>> No.26674809

Still working on learning Japanese. Worried I might fall into the "reading is better than listening" trap like I did when learning a different language

>> No.26674812

I appreciate the boldness but please keep it down

>> No.26674813
File: 243 KB, 720x704, 1600624146147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok its one thing to not obsess over fans figuring out your online identity because that's just gonna happen but its another thing to so brazenly flaunt your irl identity. Is she retarded?

>> No.26674814

>next pentacollab hosted by Ina
will it finally be a good one?

>> No.26674819

You fucking sick fuck

>> No.26674821

Those are my favorite things too but I only have one of them.

>> No.26674822 [DELETED] 

One anon was downloading all their clips and uploading on Mega. I think that he did for both Amelia and Gura.

>> No.26674823

>The pink one
Y-yeah I miss Pink Guy too

>> No.26674824

I spent 2 years using duolingo before coming to this board. I was constantly frustrated with my lack of progress but always thought it was my fault and not duolingo's.
I stumbled upon the daily japanese threads and I feel like I'm genuinely improving every day, unlike with Duo where I literally only managed to memorize hiragana and even then barely so. It's incredible.

>> No.26674827

>zone out during supacha thanks
>InTheClouds donated like fifty times to Wattson

Mein Gott...

>> No.26674829

Either the meidos are johnny on the spot or the mods banned him and chose to remove all his posts.

>> No.26674830
File: 287 KB, 846x362, 16003842207701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fateshit is the main priority.
Surprisingly, they even have Ruby's Nendo from RWBY. Would be made the next summer.

>> No.26674831

Ina will win again

>> No.26674833
File: 304 KB, 692x530, Attention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Narrative Posters your attention please
>Your attempt to seize control of this general is going to fail
>You are valuable anons and we wish you no harm
>However, if you do not return control of this thread to your /hlgg/ masters we will be forced to take action
>You have 1300 posts to make your decision

>> No.26674837

Kiara in it
Shark still a mute

>> No.26674840
File: 195 KB, 400x400, 1563597826662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674843

Shark had some garlic bread tonight it seems.

>> No.26674846
File: 4 KB, 128x128, 1600217932556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gives all members $100 and whoever rolls the least amount of SSRs gets tentacled raped

>> No.26674848

ah right, now that's a whole other thing

>> No.26674849

gonna be trash, Ina can't win the golden Yagoo if she's stuck hosting

>> No.26674850

What's the purpose he did that?

>> No.26674851


>> No.26674853

Someone else called Tristan donated like 5 times in a row and it was weirding me out hearing her say my name so much.

>> No.26674858

It depends on if GSC changes its mind on priorities/pipelines, when they decided to start doing Kancolle ones they did like 20 in a year.

>> No.26674859

If they can't get more than 5 score Ina will get the golden Yagoo

>> No.26674864

Figfags, when are we going to be thrown a bone?

>> No.26674865

I hope they bullshit a reason for her to get it just to keep the joke rolling

>> No.26674867

imagine the smell

>> No.26674870

I can relate to this. Haven't had any time to jerk off lately.

>> No.26674871
File: 19 KB, 550x255, smugsmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674872

>go through thinking, "Is it here? is it here?"
this is great

>> No.26674875

>thread going to shit
Why does shit like this always hapoen during SEA hours?

>> No.26674877
File: 137 KB, 828x1308, 1576235756809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674880

Me neither. I blame the deprivation of sleep.

>> No.26674882

>Her grandmother was a chain-smoker
Hmm I wonder.

>> No.26674890
File: 289 KB, 557x557, EhuHr81X2kAQ73ti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674894


>> No.26674898

Graduation soon boys fuck yeah

>> No.26674902

KDKW is the major investor and shareholder of GSG, anon.

>> No.26674904

Its the fucking best when it suddenly leaks out from her. Really hoping we get more especially on her csgo stream where she'll feel comfortable

>> No.26674910

>chronic damage in her esophagus
to much knot?

>> No.26674916


>> No.26674921

Kiara looking kind of fat here.

>> No.26674922
File: 327 KB, 681x504, abayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674926

Do you do it as much as her though? She does it at a pretty insane rate

>> No.26674927

I was away for a while
what happened to the chicken narrative?-

>> No.26674930

It happens during no streams hours

>> No.26674936

>an actual disorder
Yagoo strikes again.
He only hires women with various disorders.

>> No.26674940
File: 113 KB, 400x400, 1600138234658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We keeki'd it to the curb

>> No.26674945

Does this mean FPS actually gets more money?

>> No.26674951

When can I sell my narrativecoins?

>> No.26674955

He deleted it himself.

>> No.26674956

every few minutes

>> No.26674957

You mean Kicky Ricky'd?

>> No.26674960

I'll put all my Watsoncoin on Amelia's disorder not being of the physical variety

>> No.26674961
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, he sold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26674965
File: 667 KB, 2260x1941, 1600255267006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ina like this tweet, does this mean ina will do FFXIV fan meet too? should i get FFXIV too so i can play with her?

>> No.26674967

Not particularly. Winning the chicken dinner is what gets money.

>> No.26674968

It still lingers

>> No.26674975

she's a total ohimesama

>> No.26674985

The way she says this is really satisfying and I honestly can't explain it.

>> No.26674991

FF14 is free up to StormButts now, I think you can play for free.

>> No.26674994
File: 56 KB, 585x543, 1600309166554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should've never bought them, narratives are for bored losers that can't enjoy the streams for what they are and have to insert their headcanons into everything because there's no insertion happening for them otherwise

>> No.26675007 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.68 MB, 4000x4000, 1600675178667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vore pic, don't open

>> No.26675012

Nah, Motoaki likes psychological disorders. Women like Shuba is an exception.

>> No.26675015


>> No.26675016


>> No.26675024

it's cute, thx

>> No.26675027

this thread isnt salvageable just prune it

>> No.26675028


>> No.26675030

I don't even follow the shark not interested to lolis. I only follow
>mori for being a cringe fest
>ame chan cause why the hell not
>picked up kiara recently for the mario64

>> No.26675043

It's dead hours there's nothing to talk about, just leave.

>> No.26675045
File: 28 KB, 650x163, something.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26675050

>Dead hours again
Will we survive the night friends?

>> No.26675051
File: 477 KB, 688x500, 1599497198940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't enjoy a story if its fictional
What do you even do for fun, faggot?

>> No.26675053
File: 127 KB, 810x1132, Architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26675056


>> No.26675058

Verry funny moona

>> No.26675061

What if thing hid coded message in their @ thing

>> No.26675062
File: 131 KB, 472x444, peakcomf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that fuck tribalfags and numberfags, Ina believes that you will enjoy each girl for their uniqueness!

>> No.26675063

asscoco subs are up already, IKUZOOOOOOOO

>> No.26675064
File: 107 KB, 500x376, 1500440511420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every time Amelia ends her stream

>> No.26675065

We can still post images though.
How many (touhou or otherwise) threads are allowed to live based purely on that alone?

>> No.26675068

Just you wait until that one week every few months where no gacha events are happening, Ina will stream up a storm.

>> No.26675071
File: 53 KB, 596x177, pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26675072

Isn't it funny how Ameliacucks always try to deflect with "MUH SHARK" when their twitch whore gets called out?

>> No.26675074

I ordered my new pc parts and webcam to stream:
B-550m microatx mobo
750w gold ps
c922 cam

>> No.26675078

I remember it like it was yesterday

>> No.26675080

*with restrictions

>> No.26675082

that's such a dad joke, moona.

>> No.26675083
File: 354 KB, 582x417, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this better

>> No.26675084 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 383x209, 1592068191844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys stop narrative posting for a week?

>> No.26675085

When the night ends it's not over
We fight through to get closer

>> No.26675090

Nice bro. I just picked up the newegg deal for the 10700k+z490 a couple hours ago

>> No.26675091

Nah just moon it, Moona.

>> No.26675093
File: 330 KB, 2940x1500, Coupon Ara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redeemable only right before the stream ends

>> No.26675092

good post

>> No.26675099

Go back

>> No.26675101

>using discord
please stay out

>> No.26675102
File: 47 KB, 597x578, moonachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong image ...

>> No.26675103

Was hoping this would get clipped.

>> No.26675106
File: 13 KB, 382x156, hachaama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hachaama doesn't give a fuck and is doing a collab with HoloEN on Pornhub live, RIGHT NOW!

>> No.26675107


I dunno. From the collab stream it seems that Calli isn't as mean to Kiara anymore which ruins the dynamic.

>> No.26675111

>goes from complete panick to easygoing yeah
I love the samezuno.

>> No.26675116
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1600567584503.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is bird an actual cunt, a tone deaf autist, or both, or neither?

>> No.26675120 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 463x453, 1600398436684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26675131
File: 526 KB, 1414x1000, 1600588823110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth to watch Amelia's astray stream and apex stream? I didn't get to watch them because I was at work

>> No.26675137
File: 67 KB, 544x136, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's going to graduate soon
fuck you doomposters from the thread during her last stream

>> No.26675140
File: 129 KB, 770x714, kiara.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kiara destined to always be the jobber of holoEN?

>> No.26675144

Says the butthurt cumbud tribalistfag, I'm merely stating an opinion the shark isn't interesting to watch, I never said I enjoyed amelia sooner play either retardchama

>> No.26675146

i agree, but they can't help themselves.
inb4 someone sends an anonymous marshmallow to one of the girls about this place and the narratives

>> No.26675150

at the start mori kinda did it but since the other talents developed their own personalities it wasnt as big of a thing which i honestly prefer.

>> No.26675156 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck, Amelia’s face is really in this mega folder

>> No.26675158

Her astray one was ok but her apex one was really good. Her inner gremlin kept coming out. If you can stand the game/like the game then watch it for sure.

>> No.26675163

Looks like this retard was wrong because we don't need EN translated, and we're still narrative posting.

>> No.26675165
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 1600389105892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26675166

I felt that.

>> No.26675167

Apex is the usual Apex but it's nice to see some of her inner gremlin coming out. Astray was one of her weaker streams, comfy enough but she was out of her element.

>> No.26675168
File: 1.31 MB, 1228x1024, 1574962266045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writing for hentai game.

>> No.26675175

Considering that she is employed at a fast food place, yes.

>> No.26675177

doxfags and discordniggers get OUT

>> No.26675184

Anything interesting happen overnight? t. euro with a healthy sleep schedule

>> No.26675185
File: 15 KB, 483x86, 1591416652223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26675186


>> No.26675187
File: 136 KB, 441x673, Jitomi_Monoe_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else watching this Magnemite-looking chick?

>> No.26675189 [DELETED] 

I told you, her face cam is there. Amelia looks strange but cute in real life

>> No.26675191

i haven't thought of that!
that's why the aqua hololive resistance was pure kino even in boring minecraft!

>> No.26675192
File: 232 KB, 1125x1127, UHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona's and Iofi's thighs

>> No.26675193

Damn dude how do you live without food?

>> No.26675194
File: 6 KB, 550x255, canigetauuuuhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26675195

that's a good deal, shame it doesn't fit my case

>> No.26675196

I just hope she doesn't graduate life

>> No.26675199

holy fuck not only is amelia face in this mega folder but also videos of her fucking her dog and crotch cams while she was streaming. There is literal pussy juice leaking through whenever she goes ara

>> No.26675200
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x1079, j8zzmiwwgtm51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26675205

Only one ara? Fuck, I'm gonna need two of this coupon.

>> No.26675207

>inb4 someone sends an anonymous marshmallow to one of the girls about this place
It's not like Calli or Amelia don't know about this place...

>> No.26675208
File: 256 KB, 1920x1152, 2b2cbcde-911d-4dfd-92b0-6d9b7427019c-2060x1236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POV me killing gura

>> No.26675211
File: 88 KB, 680x337, 1600666523546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your Holo EN menhera ranking

>> No.26675212

if its artificial it wont last long, and its kinda awkward anyway.

>> No.26675215

Is her face a big deal? It's on google images if you know what to search for

>> No.26675217
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, 1600334212868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, i'll check out astray since i'm in the mood for something comfy

>> No.26675218


I have no idea where the whore joke even came from

>> No.26675219

did she put it off by an hour? i thought it was supposed to be 50 minutes from now.

>> No.26675221

>btfo'd by discord....
i dont feel so good bros

>> No.26675224

who designs all the art, backdrops, and props they use on stream? themselves?

>> No.26675225

dont know anything about her except that one clip about her liking tunnels

>> No.26675229

He only paint us as the bad guys because this is the only narrative posting he can read. Japs do the best narrative postings.

>> No.26675230

the collab stream

>> No.26675232

I love Amelia so much. In a charming kind of way

>> No.26675233

I'm sure one of the goslingfags already mentioned this place to amelia in her marshmellow stream

>> No.26675235

*clap clap*

>> No.26675237

750w is overkill unless you're using a 3080 or 3090 though

>> No.26675240 [DELETED] 

dammit stop making me curious

>> No.26675242
File: 40 KB, 211x185, 1600566667524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she called iofifteen, when io is not the 15th moon of jupiter?
also that's hot, except risu

>> No.26675246

I would but I'm really burned out for the day and I want to play some vidya atm.

>> No.26675249

How can you view supacha? is it a chrome extension

>> No.26675250

>2k in the normal stream
Lol. Not a single Holostar or Roboco are graduated due to financial reasons. (only Trap graduated due to personal reasons) and they earn way less on the streams.

>> No.26675258
File: 69 KB, 495x478, EiPMfm2WkAQ3E53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reason why ina take a break is because her today is her roommate birthday

Good girl

>> No.26675262
File: 161 KB, 991x1380, 1600639614319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe

>> No.26675264

holo stars make their revenue through merch

>> No.26675267

So no streams tonight either? Just based Ame?

>> No.26675268

If Cover chucked people for not being wildly profitable they'd have set Holostars ablaze a year ago. I've never understood this argument.

>> No.26675269


>> No.26675274
File: 5 KB, 432x576, 1451158167982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainsaw without chain

>> No.26675277


Pic sauce

>> No.26675282

I fucking hate this dumb ass over-emotional chicken

>> No.26675283
File: 58 KB, 1080x284, Screenshot_20200921-091026~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26675284
File: 176 KB, 512x512, 1593528678548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they make less merch revenue than the others too.

>> No.26675293

It's expensive water

>> No.26675296

Ina is a lesbian and watson is a wholesome slut
By the fifth collab Watson will be eating out Ina during the collab and Ina is going to have to do her best not to moan during the stream

>> No.26675297
File: 103 KB, 1200x600, 1590391660405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody will make up a new Kiara narrative soon enough brother

>> No.26675299

Mori getting that many subs while doing nothing.. so this is the power of corny rap

>> No.26675300

Has Kiara passed Nene?

>> No.26675304
File: 69 KB, 306x331, 1520635228797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the point of the anime avatar? Seems like all it can do dynamically is mouth movement, eyelid movement, and the vague direction of the entire body. They can't turn their head, or move their eyes around, or even move their arms around without pressing a button to swap the art out manually. What's the point?

>> No.26675305

you cheeky cunt

>> No.26675306

Please understand, she literally cannot put the chicken down

She cannot put the chicken down and it makes her weep

>> No.26675307

don't be baited by numberfags, anon
i too get the dopamine surge when the chuuba gets a lot of cash and subs but it doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.26675308

sadly its not very clear, from what I found

>> No.26675318

Indeed she's a good girl, but there's no need to give it attention, better to let her enjoy it quietly. Remember, newfags don't know how to shut the fuck up.

>> No.26675319

You have to find it yourself anon, but today is her roommate birthday according to her roommate twitter

>> No.26675320
File: 5 KB, 353x54, CHOCOBALL NEKO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori already passing Hololive Global.

>> No.26675321



>> No.26675322 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 680x424, Eh2gdyKU4AAThb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's actually cute and fits her voice. Thank god I can reconcile her face and the voice.I can still watch the streams.

>> No.26675323

I wish that Mori penetrated me with her scythe.

>> No.26675325
File: 2.59 MB, 1518x2028, 1600401099303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what stream did she say this?

>> No.26675326

Not quite, a thousand subs (give or take) still separate them.

>> No.26675327

Nene is 200 so yeah

>> No.26675331
File: 652 KB, 638x536, 9vqb5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny but cozy!

>> No.26675332

ah you meant the public info, I didnt look at that
her roommate's twitter is still inactive

>> No.26675334

Go back

>> No.26675337

at least Haachama dont lurk in here absorbing all this information

>> No.26675339

i think i should make that a ritual post, thanks

>> No.26675341

jesus christ, mori

>> No.26675342

So? the power of lazy cunny is at least twice as strong

>> No.26675345
File: 2.05 MB, 400x406, 1600358967917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she get to rest and have a comfy day

>> No.26675343

That's cheating.


>> No.26675346

they can do all that stuff if they choose to use their 3d model (and have the setup at home to do it).

Ange for example commonly streams with her 3d model: https://youtu.be/dGPb60iHyuk?t=36

>> No.26675348


>> No.26675351
File: 46 KB, 295x77, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26675353
File: 81 KB, 398x414, calliope_comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calliope made the nicest "aww" sound during their recent collab, I clipped it with the relevant context! It happens near the end of the clip.


>> No.26675352

Bigger than Kanata's entire house.

>> No.26675355

I genuinely find narrativeposting grating, I don't know what it is about it.

>> No.26675357

Hey Yagoo when the fuck can we get a plague doctor girl huh?

>> No.26675358
File: 35 KB, 807x201, plF2wKe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26675361

>that Slime
Dragon Quest Builders stream when?

>> No.26675362

“The most sublime act is to set another before you.”

She's getting extra exposure from the contest.

>> No.26675363
File: 203 KB, 1447x2046, EiXjtgmU0AAulPL.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26675365

Idk about holostars but roboco and all 3D talent/gen 0 makes more money than half of the hololive girls. Their main income comes from Japanese TV/billboard/poster/radio ads and appearance.

>> No.26675369

anime looks better than generic whores

>> No.26675371

Super nenechi? more like jobber nenechi

>> No.26675373

If you know you know

>> No.26675383

>They can't turn their head, or move their eyes around

>> No.26675385

Nene... don't turn to soaplands... onegai...

>> No.26675389

Amelia > Gura> Ina > Mori >chicken

mic quality

>> No.26675390

Korone probably dont, considering how introvert she is. she cant even muster enough strength to collab with 5gen after the ban was lifted

>> No.26675392
File: 495 KB, 581x857, 1600576923375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Gura's set up smells like a fish market.

>> No.26675395


Better voice and design than Pikamee but I never watch her stuff.

>> No.26675397

Gonna ask her about dragon quest

>> No.26675408


>> No.26675409

I hope she get a better house after this

>> No.26675413

The sauce, give it to me.

>> No.26675418

I could see this being true

>> No.26675422


>> No.26675423

So just like anime then.

>> No.26675424

We already know it is because english is a bigger demographic and not everyone can be a winner, but you can't help but feel kinda bad

>> No.26675425
File: 202 KB, 1066x1165, 1600469387556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatcha gon do bro

>> No.26675428

Kek, thank you anon

>> No.26675433

i'll treat that as if it wasn't bait.
the anime aesthetic is a big money maker, i believe it's common knowledge.
now, what kizuna ai does is EXTREMELY expensive, and if you want to make anime vtubers more wide spread you have to settle for cheaper stuff, like live2d and facerig, which results in less fidelity.

>> No.26675436

i wonder if amelia doesn't "play the game" when it comes to supacha and the like out of principle or ignorance. if the former i seriously respect her for reducing her own income so that she can be the sort of streamer she wants to be - not many people would have that strength i think. if the latter someone really ought to have a word with her manager because the damage she's done is essentially irreparable. the people who give the most are lonely otaku with disposable income who are looking for a surrogate girlfriend, and her monetisation stream shattered that illusion for them. even if her popularity increases from here, i'd wager most otaku whales already watch hololive, and she's cut off from their money forever.

would be happy if someone who knows more disagrees with the above because i really want her to succeed

>> No.26675438


>> No.26675440
File: 190 KB, 1000x750, Ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a fucking Cintiq?

>> No.26675442

There's no fucking way that thing runs Doom Eternal lmfao. What if she just boots up Doom 1993 and pretends.

>> No.26675444

They'll settle at these average numbers:

Gura: 35-40k
Mori, Ina: 20k
Amelia: 15-20k
Chicken- 7-12k

Does that sound right?

>> No.26675448

I'll be honest, that looks pretty comfy.

>> No.26675461

Would a person even be able to survive a session with Nene?

>> No.26675462

would be much better
decino collab when

>> No.26675463

Looks like it, but you have to remember she said she spends all her spare money on her hobbies and it's months and months of saving. Give her a break.

>> No.26675468
File: 411 KB, 2048x2048, EiKKEi5U0AAtmHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know who you're talking about, sorry

>> No.26675472

Gura 18K
Watson 10K
Ina 8K
Mori 7K
Kiara 5K

You're really optimistic about them keeping these numbers for longer than 2 months

>> No.26675473


>> No.26675476

>hell yeah brother
I love this retard so much

>> No.26675477

Nene announced she's joining HoloEN, though.


>> No.26675478

Go be a tranny somewhere else

>> No.26675479

Go take a walk anon, who fucking cares

>> No.26675480
File: 204 KB, 850x1202, 1582420593890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you doing just basic box modelling for practice, something a bit more complex, or do you plan to use the models for stuff?
Don't worry about bad art anon. Every day you do art good or bad, makes tomorrows art more likely of being good. If you don't have a set style yet and are afraid of low quality, maybe try a style today that is more forgiving like painting instead of things that require line work or equivalent structural things.
Nicu. Are you a beginner, or used to making music? Will it just be mixing or are you gonna add your own raps in too? I'm a total beginner to mixing and singing, but I'm gonna try out both.
As long as you keep pushing forward you will make progress, do try and make sure you keep up the more efficient methods tho as you say.
Keep it up Anon, /djt/ is good for making sure you go down the general right path but remember that a lot of them can be shitposting dummies.
With all this vtuber stuff going on I'm considering streaming myself, just to see if it can increase my social skills tho and not for much else. Good luck Anon
Your own game? Is it Holo related?

>> No.26675482
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>> No.26675483

hey what happened to the FGO grinding?

>> No.26675481

Smaller Cintiqs are much more affordable. Ina has a reason to spend on the bigger version.

>> No.26675488
File: 140 KB, 1200x1386, 1600658207498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon kun

>> No.26675489

Nene's chink design is a weak link. Too many people hate China.

>> No.26675494


Anon what are you referencing from the superchat stream? I only saw the last 20 mins or so but it seemed fine to me.

>> No.26675495

She's playing it on her PS4, dummy.

>> No.26675498

ina ina iiiiina

>> No.26675499

If you like Ina you literally just want an androgynous tall hikki asian boy, but with a vagina as your partner.

>> No.26675505

what is every HoloEN girls preferred penis size in a partner?

>> No.26675509

I wish I had a childhood friend Artia who would always bully me for picking Mercy...

>> No.26675512
File: 55 KB, 680x567, 1600216556312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character modeling, i hope sometime i can do complex one too

>> No.26675513

hell yeah nigga

>> No.26675515


>> No.26675517

I think she just really likes streaming games. She was a poverty tier streamer before so I'm pretty sure she doesn't care about

>> No.26675521

I wonder if she stumbles into the same issues Kiara had with the capture card.

>> No.26675526


>> No.26675528

citation needed

>> No.26675529

We ready for Haachamachama dominance? The REAL 5th HoloEN?

>> No.26675530

I seriously don't think she thinks about it this much.

>> No.26675532

There is no narrative posting. Worse thing that's happened is people not watching the stream and assuming shit. It's like trying to explain what happens in a manga/anime to speedreaders/speedwatchers.

>> No.26675533

Gura: 30-35k
Mori, Ina,Amelia: 20k
Chicken- 15-19k

>> No.26675534

Bros.. I hadn't slept at all. I stayed up to 4am to watch Ame. Then went to bed when the first stream was over. But I woke up 30 min after she started her Apex stream as if my body was telling me to not skip the stream. And so I slept half an hour.
Is it gonna be okay if I go to the gym without having slept?

>> No.26675538

neither; shes ESL

>> No.26675540
File: 2.37 MB, 2654x1800, ninomae_ina_nis_hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not holo sadly. It's a kickstarter game from nihon filled with all kinds of cute milfs. Shouldn't be too hard to find. I might actually write a vtuber character in there too, since I think it might be a really fun idea.

>> No.26675541

Wait, I thought chuubas have their character birthdays at the same time as their actual birthdays.
Why is it different for Ina

>> No.26675547

Just take a long walk instead of going to the gym.

>> No.26675548

the vagina is optional but yes

>> No.26675550


The first collab stream right?

>> No.26675553

I'm the biggest chicken copeposter in the thread and even I wouldn't say chicken can maintain those numbers as she is now

>> No.26675554

She needs to move in with me..

>> No.26675555

Civia got 4k, kiara won't be that low

>> No.26675556

did you know, manager-san that the world's #1 most supachatted girl spends a lot of time reading supacha? yeah. it's nice that watson's trying to repair it before it's too late though.

>> No.26675561

Finally the thread pace has died down.

>> No.26675562
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>> No.26675564
File: 61 KB, 500x495, 1597671687756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is looking forward to Gura's Comfy October Horror Streams?

>> No.26675565

Amelia Watson LA Noire stream when?

>> No.26675566


>> No.26675571

No the second one with the seiso by intelligence chart. People didn't get her "I'm horny" reference and really didn't understand that seiso is just about vulgarity not immeadtly whore.

>> No.26675574

Not bad. Chicken resisting is also adorable here.

>> No.26675578
File: 568 KB, 1536x2048, EibOt0pUMAEe1qv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26675580

none of them have birthdays as the same day as their birthday. Do you really want to spend your real birthday streaming to losers instead of celebrating with your friends?

>> No.26675584

Its different for all the ENs. Gura specifically mentioned hers is the theatrical release date of Jaws.

>> No.26675585

Kicky Ricky...

>> No.26675587

She's 5'9 which is pretty tall for a korean lady

>> No.26675596

post epic holoEn memes

>> No.26675597

Fuck I can't tell if this is photoshop

>> No.26675599

thank you for restoring my trust anon... I fear that every catbox link I click on is just mikocchi...

>> No.26675600

Yeah but Civia gives you kisses.

>> No.26675601

Is Gura really the first actual loli hololive?

>> No.26675604

if this is true then wao

>> No.26675605

yeah that's what i hope man. just the thought of her wondering why her numbers are lower than the others thinking it's something to do with her personally makes me sad. i prefer to think she knew what she was doing and decided that she'd rather just play games than pander to that crowd

>> No.26675606
File: 102 KB, 422x442, 1586448801530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking me, I still have a hole left in my heart from the SBFP shitstorm
It won't be the same, but if Gura can fill that hole then brilliant

>> No.26675610

>Do you really want to spend your real birthday streaming to losers instead of celebrating with your friends?
I thought chuubas are introverted NEETs. Do they actually party with friends?

>> No.26675613

Finally you can buy hentai manga with Gura.

>> No.26675616

let's do a /jp/ vtuber collab when everyone is up and running

>> No.26675617

cute, where is it from?

>> No.26675618


>> No.26675620

Seeing what happens on Twitch during streamer's birthday? Yes, you do.

>> No.26675621

Same for Gura

>> No.26675626

do you have brain damage

>> No.26675627
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1600086725091s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her playing the kusoge last stream was actually kino especially when she started narrating in 3rd person

>> No.26675628


>> No.26675629
File: 492 KB, 3038x2648, peko peko peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26675631

Actually I think she's ETL

>> No.26675632

Spade Echo...

>> No.26675633
File: 11 KB, 400x419, 1593536857287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that is realistic height..... Mary mother of god Gura's short.

>> No.26675637
File: 94 KB, 680x382, Inspector No Moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture has strong first season Tsunemori vibes.

>> No.26675641
File: 75 KB, 680x680, EiZ8Lq_UMAAfVPF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26675645
File: 1.15 MB, 1061x707, 1600410836225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did a decent job with superchats today, she actually properly said everyone's name and read out a few of their superchats.
She came up with a unique idea to make supachat streams more interesting in her first one but I think everyone agrees it wasn't very good. Her manager definitely talked to her about it because she tried to make an effort in her valorant stream but also rushed through it really fast because she didn't want to infringe on an other holos stream.

I think she did it out of ignorance but yeah it did permanently damange her relation to some gosling posters. I'm not even an ameliafag and I was very disappointed that she didn't read out a single superchat. If she did something like what mori has she would have earned at least double what she has so far.

It seems like her manager has made her aware of it though and she's making more of an effort now.

>> No.26675647
File: 1.20 MB, 1500x827, 1600668949808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Narrative gamers, why the fuck does no one duo collab with Ame? Everyone else has done a 1 on 1 besides her. What's going on?

>> No.26675648

Having the strongest deja vu right now. Could swear I saw this image years ago.

>> No.26675651

No way.

>> No.26675652

You don't know about Aqua going clubbing?

They are either streaming as their "real" person or they also make up a birthday.

>> No.26675653


>> No.26675657

first season is only season

>> No.26675658

And Mori's is 4/4 because death.

>> No.26675660

streaming on your birthday is literally streamer-monay-scamming 101. everyone if more inclined to give you money as a birthday present if you stream on your birthday, just about everybody on twitch does it

>> No.26675661

You've been here for years now, anon.
Wake up.

>> No.26675672

I just realized that everyone has some kind of weapon except Amelia.

>> No.26675678

Her weapon is her mind

>> No.26675679

I've actually wondered how much the avatars are made to match the people voicing them.
Do they have a bunch of stuff pre-done and just slot voices they think will fit or do they cast the idols and then commission avatars they think will fit them?

>> No.26675680

Well its not a scam. Its not like they're doing anything shady. It just happens to tick certain boxes in peoples brains that make them want to donate.

>> No.26675681

Super Best Friends Play?

>> No.26675684

>was very disappointed that she didn't read out a single superchat.
She read the norfposter one.

>> No.26675688

damn 5'9 that is tall

>> No.26675689

She has a death ray that focuses the power of the sun to obliterate anything in its path.

>> No.26675691

incredible based anon
first movie is also acceptable

>> No.26675694

Amelia has drugs.

>> No.26675698

She can burn ants with her magnifying glass

>> No.26675701

What does that have to do with have the character's birthday on the same day as the actor's real birthday?

>> No.26675703


>> No.26675708

She has her surgeon sim collab coming up but I do wonder why she hasn't done any 1on1 collabs.Would love to see amelia and mori together

>> No.26675713

needs Hana's dad.

>> No.26675717

She's a sex bomb.

>> No.26675721

Shitstorm was the best part of the day after school for me as a kid during spooky month

>> No.26675723

ok this changed my view on Kiara a little bit

>> No.26675724

Looks genuenly comfy. I love small efficient spaces.

>> No.26675727

Avatars are made after they're chosen in the auditions.

>> No.26675729

3D was discussed to death but how will NA based ENs go about partnerships? They would need to do recordings and shit.

>> No.26675730

I really, really hope her playing Alien Isolation catch onto other Holos

>> No.26675738
File: 41 KB, 480x480, a1d42864b0c453ffebee4fa57f9a40a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a total beginner to mixing
Make an Asian lo-fi.


>> No.26675742

This is sort of like asking what's the point of poetry if we can write stories instead.

>> No.26675745

beleeb it

>> No.26675749

Is season 2 that bad?

>> No.26675750

Dead Space please

>> No.26675751

I'd rather watch them, also at least they have personalities

>> No.26675753

>Excuse me but RIP hit 1m views just a little over a day ago
>Already at 1.4m
Our girl is killing it!

>> No.26675754

mori's the only one who has done 1-on-1 collabs so far and they're across the pacific from each other, so there's probably timezone problems

gura and ina are in the right timezones but feel less extroverted compared to calli and kiara, so they're probably still adjusting

>> No.26675759

wish i hadn't asked now because it seems people agree. i had hoped you'd all call me a newfag who doesn't understand idol culture or some shit and i could sleep easy

>> No.26675763

seems like Ina is doing really good for no streaming experience, her old youtube is just drawing timelapses

>> No.26675769

Live Again at 500k now as well.

>> No.26675774 [DELETED] 

Is she just fucking with her username for. The luls now or what? Ooga, heeehoo.

>> No.26675777

I think they might adjust the models for that to an extent, mainly for motion capture 3D models they use for performances. It would be awkward if Rushia was much taller in her 3D debut than in the streams.

>> No.26675778
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>> No.26675781

>did permanently damage her relation to gosling posters

>> No.26675782

Ina has a 1 on 1 with chicken coming up this week.

>> No.26675784

Urobuchi didn't work on it like first one and the guy who did completely missed the point

>> No.26675788

If it makes you feel better, we don't really know how people are going to react. Western culture is very different from Japanese culture. We don't have any of that idol shit considering all pop stars sleep around and date and its pretty common knowledge and no one cares. So for all we know shit might not be a problem at all.

>> No.26675795

Sounds like it would be a big cringy shitfest, not exactly sure about that but depending on how the cards fall things could line up for something similar

>> No.26675796

I thought her roomie streamed before?

>> No.26675797

This. All you fucking retards going "lol graduation soon" haven't the faintest fucking idea what you're talking about.

I get a lot of you are new so let me break it down - there are hololives that have been around for 2 years and were capping out at 50-100 viewers per stream most of that time. Maybe like $5-20 in SCs. They're still fucking here, every, single, one. The ONLY ones that graduate, do so for some kind of scandal, so far not because of "poor" performance.

Even then, just getting the most subs or peak viewers does not guarantee jack fucking shit. Fubuki is the #1 holo, almost 900k subscribers yet was near the fucking bottom in SCs out fo the JP pantheon. Similar kinds of stories all around. Rushia, who was near the bottom of the top 10, was way ahead of most of the rest of them until Coco started surging. And right now, the ENs are making way fucking more money still than the majority of the JP ones. It used to not be assumed you could just live off only the Holo base pay+donations - many holos have other gigs going, like how Mori works at a store etc. That's normal. It's not failure, it's the absolute norm, and only a handful of them have ever made so much that it can be assumed they quit their other jobs. And even then, it seems most of the HoloENs probably will be able to at minimum cut back their hours if not quit their day jobs depending on how long these things sustain.

>> No.26675801

Gamer bottle

>> No.26675802
File: 69 KB, 250x250, out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26675806

She streamed drawing before.

>> No.26675807

boy she sucks

>> No.26675808

She has her syringes and her mind.
They probably wanted to give her a gun but thought against it.

>> No.26675811

Her roommate did a few drawing streams on Twitch but she deleted all of them now.

>> No.26675816

She has her magical watch

>> No.26675817

Who was she in her past life?

>> No.26675820

I'm actually into that shit, might give it a go in that style

>> No.26675822 [DELETED] 

Man I sure love me some ImpartialEphemeralMooseTBCheesePull

>> No.26675824
File: 126 KB, 219x362, 1598294928639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be hearing from the NenePro legal team, fucker.

>> No.26675830
File: 308 KB, 640x1077, slimelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slime girl
this activates my almonds

>> No.26675836

She is me, I am you

>> No.26675837

Fuck off.

>> No.26675838

She streamed drawing on twitch before but didn't really talk.

>> No.26675851

>like how Mori works at a store
does she still?
>going to the store
>Mori is your cashier

>> No.26675852
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x1600, 1596410027345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daughter in the streets
Wife in the sheets

>> No.26675853
File: 46 KB, 1325x228, 1598885924364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are hololives that have been around for 2 years and were capping out at 50-100 viewers per stream most of that time. Maybe like $5-20 in SCs. They're still fucking here, every, single, one. The ONLY ones that graduate, do so for some kind of scandal, so far not because of "poor" performance.
And this too.

>> No.26675855

For the last time, it's HER

>> No.26675856
File: 35 KB, 680x316, 1600282717797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her weapon is sex

>> No.26675858

Donald J Trump

>> No.26675860

Man, at this point you literally just have to lurk for one fucking thread considering every single thread the doxfags come out.

>> No.26675864


It's true though. Why the fuck would anyone ever think it's a good idea.

>> No.26675872

Holy fuck. Is that OC? If it's not, source.

>> No.26675873

Defolt cute!

>> No.26675877

Make sure you all wish Ina a happy birthday

>> No.26675878

that's a massive collab hosted on the general channel of nijisanji you tard
I'm surprised there are idiots that even supachatted

>> No.26675879

I like her video about tunnels and hiking mt fuji. Would watch more if I wasn't EOP. Her voice is good.

>> No.26675881

>It's not failure, it's the absolute norm
Yet retail is the one thing that will absolutely make you into a fucking sociopath and you will despise humanity.

>> No.26675885

Not me

>> No.26675887

Reminder to not fall for Coco antis narrative, There are OG numberfags before the split thread happened.

>> No.26675889

The trick is to dissasociate. If you pretend everyone around you isn't human its not too bad.

>> No.26675890

she's low tier god

>> No.26675893

Are Mori and Polka the only two holos confirmed to still be working shitty part time jobs?

>> No.26675896
File: 345 KB, 1080x1121, Screenshot_20200921-045322_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken in 2hrs

>> No.26675899

avatar would at least look a bit similar to the roommate especially the eyes, from what I've seen by lurking around

>> No.26675903

Don't sleep now, Euros.

>> No.26675905

Bird says she's streaming in 2 hours

>> No.26675907

Why are there so many doxfags holy shit. Literaly every thread someone reveals personal info

>> No.26675909

I don’t buy that

>> No.26675911

Not gonna lie i'd stick my dick in that cat's throat and the fact that it's a dude makes it even hotter

and even more the fact that he's a low life makes it even more hot

and the fact that he could read this makes this EVEN MORE HOT...

>> No.26675913
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>> No.26675914

That was a sponsored stream that was supposed to have SCs turned off and get $0.
The $103.50 is only there because Maimoto is a boomer and forgot to turn them off before starting.

>> No.26675915
File: 6 KB, 239x211, artia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching Artia vods on twitch in the downtime between holoEN streams and what the fuck I love this stupid twitch gremlin

>> No.26675917

I wanna cum deep inside the chicken.

>> No.26675921

I don't think she's in it just for the money. She's made more than enough hints about how she used to be a depressed weeb gamer anon and that her intentions are to make people happy. But I think she genuinely wants to avoid sad and serious stuff.

It's probably for the best that she shattered some goslingposters bubble anyways. whether it was intentional or not we'll never know but it's for the best that they build themselves up using amelia as assistance rather than the other way around.

It's still only been a week so we'll never know how things will turn out, just look at the transformations pekora and haachama have gone through. Amelia is still doing well and has a lot of dedicated fans so there's nothing to worry about.

>> No.26675923


Old message, but I was of the thought that Gura really enjoyed TABS after she got into it.

>> No.26675925

>Artia remembers her past life when drinking Fuji water

>> No.26675935

Is anyone else starting to get tired of these translator channels leeching off the girls? I understand with the JPs but all they're doing with the ENs is just slapping on some shit subtitles

>> No.26675937

Seems you havent seen old /hlg/ like pre-haachama and 25th

>> No.26675940

Ya guys think Mori listens to Viper?

>> No.26675942

Haachama in an hour

>> No.26675945

yea, people mentioning their birthday is trying to scam you. make sense. its once in a year celebration, let them have it.

>> No.26675947

Hope EN's new member finishes before that

>> No.26675949

I am already saying to myself that I will ngmi. But fuck me, HololiveEN rekindled my art reps after my touhou interest has died down.

>> No.26675950

If they don't run ads I'm OK with it.

>> No.26675951

Thanks, Anon. Not a numberfag, but this post still makes me appreciate how far they've come.

>> No.26675954

Holy shit, the 25th is coming

>> No.26675957

I'm a translator. That's a really hard work, you fucking moron. So fuck off.

>> No.26675962

none of those niggerdit memes ever makes me chuckle....is there's actually any funny holos meme out there ?

>> No.26675963

You can go ahead and fucking blame youtube. Even if they aren't doing it now they would in the future because youtube are cunts and removing CC.

>> No.26675966

why does she call herself your boy

>> No.26675968

Gura about to hit 400K within the next hour
her debut stream has reached 1 Million

>> No.26675970

I swear theres a translator channel out there with a fucking patreon

>> No.26675979

she's become too powerful

>> No.26675981

REMINDER: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=07ofZ6uYDU0

>> No.26675982


rapper slang

unrelated but, are you autistic?

>> No.26675983

yeah i think you're right, thanks man

>> No.26675989

Free Flow Flava makes absolute masterpieces now. And he is not even Asian.

>> No.26675990

Oh yeah real hard work trimming a fucking video and putting some text on screen, fuck off faggot

>> No.26675992


>> No.26675993


>> No.26675995

You're on a board full of perma-NEET wastes of life. And this thread has pissed a lot of them off, so they can spend all day reposting the same shit thinking they're clever.

>> No.26675999

cause she's my boy and were cool

>> No.26676001

Clipping has been around since the dawn of streaming, what are you on about.

>> No.26676000


>> No.26676002

Gen 2 is just going to be 4 lolis of different fetishes.

>> No.26676003

Those clips are how new blood is roped into the rabbit hole, so not really. Think of it as free advertisement.

>> No.26676009

Good job anon. Keep up your reps, doing it alongside girls like Ina or during other calm streams or even supachat readings are nice times to draw

>> No.26676011

It's more of a "ya Boi" then a "your boy"
It's just a term used to refer to a friend, nothing about gender.

>> No.26676013

Nene!? Nene?? Nene?

>> No.26676018

There's actually a couple that do that

>> No.26676020

Who is your favorite HoloEN?
Mine is Artia

>> No.26676021

why are you pretending that transcribing and translating is just "putting some text on screen"???

>> No.26676022

I went to type holo in the search and typed help instead.

>> No.26676023

which of the girls are religious?

>> No.26676033


They're all godless heathens

>> No.26676034


>> No.26676035

I was thinking about disabling ads in my videos but because of you I'll make sure that every video will have at least 10 ads or more. Suffer, cunt.

>> No.26676036


>> No.26676040

That's what Im doing. Its a fucking good feeling and my tablet no longer dusty.

>> No.26676045


She's interacted with the chat multiple times since her first supa, what?

>> No.26676046

Anyone who is on 4chan and doesn't run adblocks is a certified moron.

>> No.26676047
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>> No.26676050

hnggh lets just see how this turned out

>> No.26676053

That's literally what you're doing with the EN girls, what's the fucking point of making those subs when people already understand them

>> No.26676058

>Anyone who is on 4chan is a certified moron.

>> No.26676060

They're not leeching more than doujin artists leech with parodies. They're a perfectly healthy part of the (ugh) community which allows people to get gatewayed through parallel means. Without them Hololive would have no highlights or have to spend time and money making their own.

>> No.26676061 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 400x469, gigayagoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26676064

I think they're doing us a service translating in reverse for JP, better than just going "welp we're useless now" and helps JPs understand things a bit better and why we think the way we do.

>> No.26676065


>> No.26676067
File: 33 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One girl from the 3rd generation of HoloEn.

>> No.26676069
File: 95 KB, 290x191, 1600341444323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good being a numberfag

>> No.26676070

You're just proving him right in being a leech

>> No.26676071

Shark ate Shion

>> No.26676072


Going to be a painful month's wake for Calliope's next work.

>> No.26676074

there are unironic homosexuals in the closet itt so of course they do.

>> No.26676076


>> No.26676078
File: 500 KB, 1731x1711, Eiay0MAVoAUaCRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26676077

so its better to not put anything at all? sounds like something a lazy fucker would say

>> No.26676082
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 1599917849194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and?

>> No.26676083

>he thinks YAGOO would actually pick snzw

>> No.26676085

i think i must be missing something here. are you saying people are making EN -> EN videos? I thought you were complaining about EN -> JP

>> No.26676087
File: 1.76 MB, 2894x4093, EiKNCgGUcAEWmb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

np dude. I was feeling something very similar just the other day so I get what you're feeling. If you feel like that again just take some time off these threads and thinking about hololive and spend it on something else. Trust me, you'll feel a lot better afterwards

>> No.26676089
File: 50 KB, 679x960, Moona Hoshinova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona. She's Muslim.

>> No.26676090


>> No.26676092

Odds that Haachama's stream is going to be a bait&switch?

>> No.26676093
File: 3.29 MB, 3527x3541, 1600140320739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna have some garlic breath for a while.

>> No.26676094
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>> No.26676097

was just about to post that
should be the next OP

>> No.26676103



>> No.26676104
File: 119 KB, 225x474, SHAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck me, calm down shark

>> No.26676105

REMINDER: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=07ofZ6uYDU0

>> No.26676107

I'll make sure to report your vids to cover so they can claim monetization.
Remember, you did it for F R E E

>> No.26676112


are you ready for some bird, anons?

>> No.26676114

The USDA is so BASED!

>> No.26676122

where is this from tho? all I could do now is replay from the catbox I got here.

>> No.26676126
File: 443 KB, 720x720, Usada bin Laden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26676130
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>> No.26676131
File: 118 KB, 901x407, ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I unsubscribed from her

>> No.26676143

Yes the EN videos, I think it's good when translators are doing it for other languages but it feels unnecessary for the ENs

>> No.26676147

Don't talk in the chat

>> No.26676148

her YT content arent actually controversial or problematic, not sure if she do twitch tho.

>> No.26676149

sorry but

>> No.26676153

usada bin laden. wow.

>> No.26676156

The best way is probably to derail narratives you don't want to get traction by creating more interesting ones or modifying existing ones.

>> No.26676157

danke schön stream lets fucking IKUZOOOOO

>> No.26676160
File: 386 KB, 1600x1200, 20200921_050313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this duo

>> No.26676161

she sounds like choco

>> No.26676163

10k to 15k, like most holos

>> No.26676166
File: 146 KB, 1452x494, 1231231232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26676167

>superchat stream
eh I might put it on in the background but it will probably be boring.

>> No.26676172

This is really good where did you get this?

>> No.26676174

He did though

>> No.26676178

AAAAAaaaaa hey whats up

>> No.26676181
File: 186 KB, 680x763, teamates who do their reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf are you retards going to do in these threads all day
doing my reps

>> No.26676183

Ahh anon that's the best part

>> No.26676186

that just makes me want to see them collab to see how quickly they can confuse the chat.

>> No.26676189


>> No.26676192

>does nothing
>still BTFO'ing the rest of the gen and all of Hololive

Man, all this is proving is Cover massively, massively fucked up not putting in a loli sooner.

>> No.26676198
File: 57 KB, 200x258, 1598864355012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will beat you with 30 shoes for your insolence.

>> No.26676213
File: 215 KB, 1500x1500, 1600656592267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>themed around mythical creatures, including:
>the detective researching them,
>an eldritch horror,
>an immortal phoenix,
>an apprentice to the Grim Reaper,
>and... a shark
A really old shark, but still, that ain't so mythical.

>> No.26676218

Is that thing alright?

>> No.26676219

it's a boy though

>> No.26676221

Bangsat lo

>> No.26676222

wish it looks a lot less messy tho

>> No.26676227

Can EN get their 3D models now please

>> No.26676232

Atlantis is pretty mythical, anon

>> No.26676239

My beautiful autistic halal wife.

>> No.26676242

but shes from Atlantis

>> No.26676243

i eat 30 arabs for breakfast
t. israeli

>> No.26676247

Hot, now that I realised that no wonder im attracted to her voice. would always like to watch Choco but I cant stand listening to something I dont understand

>> No.26676250

No, it's real.

>> No.26676256

Good ol' yuri style.

>> No.26676259

Well Atlantis is mythical, and cosplay or not (the tail looks like cosplay), she does seem to have actual sharkteeth, so does seem to be some kind of sea creature.

>> No.26676260

she looks cute in that ngl

>> No.26676264
File: 88 KB, 569x925, 1597974130391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26676267


From her itunes/google play/amazon

>> No.26676268

Megalodon qualifies, if sea tales count.

>> No.26676271

How do I make good oc without art or music reps

>> No.26676275

I zoomed cause it looks good but then the teeth

>> No.26676276

Aren't pigs forbidden in Islam?

>> No.26676278
File: 114 KB, 443x1228, IMG_2503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26676282

But anon, she is not an Arab, she is Indo.

>> No.26676283

As much as I appreciate the Holmes & Watson theme, I feel like a New England detective would link up well with Ina as well as make more sense with Amelia's accent.

>> No.26676286

She's basicaly a mermaid

>> No.26676291

>read it as pasta life

>> No.26676293

We're waiting till after 5th gen gets them at the minimum

>> No.26676301

God I want to mating press this samegaki

>> No.26676302

It enables shy woman to stream.

>> No.26676306
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>but then the teeth

>> No.26676308
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>> No.26676309

you can't

>> No.26676310
File: 388 KB, 540x540, 1600237536386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26676316


>> No.26676320

imagine if EN got their 3d before 5th i would be laughing to death

>> No.26676319

song's name?

>> No.26676322

How livid would /hlg/ be if EN got them first

>> No.26676326

See ya there anon

>> No.26676328

No wonders these threads are so bad. Kill yourself kike

>> No.26676332


>> No.26676333

do your writing reps anon

>> No.26676336

Hazy Skyscraper

>> No.26676338
File: 61 KB, 995x323, 1600392926094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26676344

Korone has Okayu.

>> No.26676348

I don't think my dick could take it.

>> No.26676353

Huh? Is this from her past life? What’s the name of the song?

>> No.26676354
File: 1.27 MB, 951x720, MortalCoilCity-ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a successful experiment that escaped from Atlantis

>> No.26676356

I like reading the nip translations and seeing how things change up from the original English.

>> No.26676357

feelin dank

>> No.26676360

you could make normie memes or become a writefag

>> No.26676364


>> No.26676365

Is it really HER?

>> No.26676375


>> No.26676380

Why are you guys worried about Amelia's SC? This is to be expected if you don't read SC and really, playboard was bugged from time to time. Her $700 stream will see more number if you use a proper script.

>> No.26676387

Who is the it and what is the her?

>> No.26676388

They are about to be livid when they don't have to scroll the top subbed channels to see Gura on it

>> No.26676390
File: 76 KB, 249x161, poggers dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the EN girls do the Ahe-Ahe challenge?

>> No.26676391

She's actually a drunk cowboy who thinks she is from Atlantis.

>> No.26676395

hazy skyscrapper, it's even on her youtube

>> No.26676400


>> No.26676402

Now this is a narrative

>> No.26676406

we're eating duck tomorrow bros

>> No.26676409
File: 430 KB, 437x525, 1600427244408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We would be drippin' in shitposts

>> No.26676412

Go to her roommate's youtube's playlists. There are songs from her that are in playlists but not listed on her channel. I think it is because she used a service to upload her music to multiple platforms.

>> No.26676415

There is always room on the fridge, anon. You can just dabble in something for fun or like the others said writing.

This stupid thing took me half a day because I had to watch tutorials and stuff to figure out how to animate. Now that I know how it is done it would take less than half an hour probably, not counting the drawing part (which wasn't exactly high effort either).

>> No.26676417

They need to stop with the superchat streams.

>> No.26676418

>what kizuna ai does is EXTREMELY expensive
What does she do? Motion capture & face capture which gets rendered afterwards (or live)?

>> No.26676422


>> No.26676425

Holo ID girls

>> No.26676430
File: 20 KB, 476x126, 1582058720750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26676431

Expect at least one loli in every new batch from now on. It's a good day to be a lolicon.

>> No.26676433

just don't watch them, they're clearly labelled.

>> No.26676434

photoshop reps

>> No.26676436

What the fuck is that noise even from

>> No.26676443

I fucking hate this indon meme.
t. neighbour

>> No.26676446

>I spent the whole day listening to deja vu 'cause I got more deadlines than days left in September h e h _(:3/ L)_
Gacha is completely destroying the squids life.

>> No.26676447

yum yum

>> No.26676449

She hires a netrunner to render her on the interweb.

>> No.26676453

>now, what kizuna ai does is EXTREMELY expensive
In 5-10 years it would be not.

>> No.26676454

with an angel and oni as potential side dishes!

>> No.26676459

even if I don't watch them they still decrease the amount of other streams

>> No.26676460

>passes the kusogaki without even doing anything

This shark is too strong...

>> No.26676468
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, 1600504594539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you come to this thread during dead hours because you think it's some happy little community don't (you) fag?

>> No.26676470


but times 3

>> No.26676477

It evens out the issue of different expectations for men and women streamers.

>> No.26676478

no I come here to shitpost

>> No.26676480

I still don't understand the Live2D => 3D thing.

Live2D models are in general more expensive than 3D.

>> No.26676483

She can't beat her Korean blood.

>> No.26676484


>> No.26676486

do you really honestly think Shark getting all these subs is a positive at all? I know some of you are mentally ill and obsessed with numberfagging against people in the same couple but such growth in two weeks doesn't seem healthy.

>> No.26676487

Where’s her roommate’s playlist though?

>> No.26676491

time to start your music/art reps then

>> No.26676497
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, ninopain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was a happy little community, yeah

>> No.26676502

shark doesn't do anything and is not strong
it's sharkfags who are, they are the ones smashing that subscribe button

>> No.26676507


What? They are numbers on a screen dude.

>> No.26676508

you hate everything- even yourself

>> No.26676514

Chumbuddies are the worst numberfags in Hololive.

>> No.26676518
File: 520 KB, 1446x2048, 84276777_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be nice to each other, okay.

>> No.26676522

Please, I am sure Shark will be able to handle it perfectly fine

>> No.26676524

couple = company*

>> No.26676528
File: 2.78 MB, 2480x3508, 1600362961592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there still no good art of Amelia's ass? How am I supposed to masturbate?

>> No.26676531
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1600668443828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was, but those days are long gone.
I just want to do my art reps with fellow anons.

>> No.26676532

yes, anons are my only semblance of a friend

>> No.26676533

lmao I don't even watch her

>> No.26676538

>but such growth in two weeks doesn't seem healthy.
Nah, that's just S*nz*wa subscribers making a comeback.

>> No.26676540

It doesn't really matter in the end.

>> No.26676541

Could you tell me more?

>> No.26676546

No it doesn't. This is the same stupid logic everyone comes up with. Just because she is doing super chat reading doesn't mean if she wasn't she would be doing something else instead.

>> No.26676548

it's not gonna be tomorrow, but it will happen soon
half a mil by the end of the month

>> No.26676550

they arent when you take into consideration that you would need a character sheet for the 3D model in the first place. 2D is also less strain on pc for streaming, plus it becomes an event to celebrate. not to mention actual good tracking in terms of 3D and how available that would need to be for the talent

>> No.26676558

Fuck no, I hate you niggers. I only come here for clips and info

>> No.26676561
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1600028623660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your friend

>> No.26676566

...it's afraid.

>> No.26676569

what site is that ?

>> No.26676570
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1600477564663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a problem?

>> No.26676578


>> No.26676581

post the rest pls

>> No.26676583

I come here because I'm addicted

>> No.26676588

Hillary Clinton

>> No.26676589

what on earth goes through the mind of a reserved artist like ina's that they decide "hmm today I will apply to be a vtuber".

>> No.26676595

Just wait till Ina's next drawing stream and they'll all suddenly come out of the woods again

>> No.26676598

What's the difference?

>> No.26676601
File: 472 KB, 800x1156, 1600600168199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only here to post Artia
