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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2665219 No.2665219 [Reply] [Original]

Keep your VN shit in this slow as shit, shitty ass board.
Don't bring it to /a/ you and your shit were kicked out for a fucking reason faggots.

>> No.2665223

We don't want it either. Maybe /v/ would like it?

>> No.2665240

Reverse psychology

>> No.2665258

are you frustrated?

>> No.2665260

I think OP is just upset because he realised what /a/'s mentality is.

>> No.2665280

/v/'s been all over that shit

after they all ragequit tf2 is been nothin but animu cripples there

>> No.2665297


>> No.2665300

Just keep your vn shit in this board, not like we shit up 3D your board with Bleach threads.

>> No.2665312

Tell that to /a/, we don't even like KS

>> No.2665315

No, but we get occasional shitty k-on threads. And besides, you guys can have KS. It's a gift.

>> No.2665319


>> No.2665325
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>> No.2665331

lol u mad?

>> No.2665332

I fucking hate /a/. Fuck it I'm not going back there anymore.

>> No.2665339

I like KS and don't see what all the fuss is about.

/jp/ is just bawwwing because it's becoming popular.

In before hurrdurr devs.

>> No.2665342

> /a/ sucks


>> No.2665354

Also, I would like for a MOD to check the IPs in this thread and tell me how many samefags posted.

>> No.2665356

Keep your K-on and Haruhi shit in /a/ motherfucker, then we'll talk.

>> No.2665359

I hate KS and don't see what all the fuss is about.

/ksdevs/ are just bawwwing because it's a shitty vn.

In during hurrdurr devs.

>> No.2665360

/jp/? more like /mad/

lol u mad, fags?

>> No.2665364

onoz someone mentioned KS ... it must be a KS Dev! Quick get out the rage and butt hurt like a faggot.

>> No.2665367

Its fun to watch 2D fags hate on each other

>> No.2665369

The "HURRDURR KSDEV" "conspiracy" is actually the worst part of this fuss.
I don't mind KS, I don't even pay attention to the threads, but when every single one of them starts derailing because of said posts, you know there's something wrong with someone.

>> No.2665371

I'm a KS dev. This is not funny.

Now I have no choice but to leave _that_ picture in the game.

>> No.2665377

If KS devs like you would stop replying to all the KS threads it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.2665380

I really don't see what the big deal with KS is. It's like any other VN. I said it in /a/, and I'll say it here, if this game hadn't been made by white people, nobody would care about it.
That being said, KS shows considerable talent on the part of the devs (minus the music, anyway), especially for something with roots in 4chan. It'd be interesting to see what they could do with sci-fi or fantasy.

>> No.2665395

It gets too much attention for being a shitty VN written by someone who failed English class. It's the same reason Naruto is hated, no one would care about it if it didn't get undeserved praise.

>> No.2665396

I don't understand why KS gets so many threads when all it is, is a demo of the first act of the game.

>> No.2665398

What do you expect to happen, we are slow enough here that some bored shit likely has nothing better to do than to troll every single one of them. Wouldn't surprise me if the "HURRDURR DEV" fag is all the same guy either.
If we stopped acting like butthurt shits and just reported or minimized everythhing that we didn't want to read and moved on we likely would have a better /jp/. However we don't and we get a lot of threads all over the board full of butthurt faggotry.

>> No.2665406

Well OP, it's not our fault that people are stupid.

>> No.2665413

>written by someone who failed English class
Point me some mistakes out if you are that confident about your own english.

>> No.2665421

Coming in to defend your writing skills, eh?

>> No.2665423
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hey OP, i'm just going to do it more since it annoys you so much


>> No.2665428
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>> No.2665430


>> No.2665431

Assumed as much.

Don't bitch if there's nothing to bitch about.

>> No.2665441

KS Dev here, we're cancelling everything in recent light of this thread.

It seems no one can appreciate our hard work so we're not going to bother. We'll keep updating about future projects that will hopefully not be barraged by whines and sage.

>> No.2665476

You know, you really can just ignore the "LOL SHITTY WRITING" retards. As someone with a degree in English who found nothing particularly wrong with KS's writing grammatically or stylistically, I was curious what they thought was so wrong with the writing, so I put them on the spot and asked them to point out things they thought were wrong. The best they could do was say "cerulean is a wannabe writer word and nobody thinks like that."

>> No.2665498


>> No.2665570

>/jp/ is just bawwwing because it's becoming popular.
And yet we hated it before the demo was released when the other boards didn't even know about it.
