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2665067 No.2665067 [Reply] [Original]

Blizzard plays FSN: http://www.wowhead.com/?item=10758#comments

>> No.2665073


>> No.2665075

It's not as though Excalibur is probably the most well-known sword in the world or anything like that.

>> No.2665077

Fun fact: Excalibur is not exclusive of typemoon.

>> No.2665084

Geoffrey of Monmouth played FSN: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excalibur

>> No.2665085

Obvious troll, etc.

>> No.2665091

Yeah, I'm sure they just decided to use Excalibur out of the blue.

FSN was released around the time WoW was being developed. They were obviously playing it and the idea popped into their heads for this item.

>> No.2665092

really stupid troll or really stupid
either way, stupid

>> No.2665093

reported for dissing king Arthur

>> No.2665102

That actually pretty clever...

>> No.2665115

A western company using a sword from western literary tradition? Impossible! Clearly, the only possible explanation is that they reimported it from Japan.

>> No.2665117

Back in my days people used to put some effort into trolling.

>> No.2665135

Hey guys have you heard of that one cup Jesus drank from the day before he died? They call it 'Holy Grail' in the bible lol. The fags who wrote that must've gotten the idea for the name from FSN.

>> No.2665161

Holy Grail is from Japan

>> No.2665170

It's a pretty punny name.

>> No.2665172

funny stuff

>> No.2665178

Oh God, WoW is such a shitty game. I read those comments and raged, then cried, then suddenly felt strangely indifferent.

ordinary people > /j/ust /p/edo fags > WoW scum

>> No.2665181

How did they even come up with this name?

One of the devs must've been high as a kite.

>> No.2665184

HInt: Look at what drops it.

>> No.2665190

nice try but you could have done better at trolling /jp/


>> No.2665198

>ordinary people > /j/ust /p/edo fags

Excuse me?

/jp/sies are far above ordinary people because we see beyond their normalfag ways and how they're being taken advantage of by following the norms. We're smart enough to avoid their 3D PIG DISGUSTING race for meaningless dominance and live as the wise hermits instead.

>> No.2665204

This was a great sword. High crit and attack speed. Too bad it didn't have any good effects though.

>> No.2665205

That's not my point. How does a pun like this even pop into their mind in the first place?

>> No.2665211

Bur/Boar. It's pretty standard for puns.

>> No.2665214

how the fuck does a sword go from being a katana to being "LOL LETS ADD FIRE AND A BUNCH OF RIDICULOUS EDGES"

>> No.2665227

That's what I dislike about game aesthetics. Why can't they keep things simple and elegant. They have to add crazy things everywhere! I guess it's the metal version of lace. Metal lolitas, pretty much.

>> No.2665228

I'll just leave this here

>> No.2665234

You guys are dumb.

80% of Blizzard's employees are weeaboos, this is pretty common knowledge to anyone who's played ANY of their games. Even moreso these days since everyone and their mother watches anime. It's not a long shot to assume that one of their employees played FSN.

>> No.2665238

Fuck you. Monster Hunter is awesome.

>> No.2665248

It was shown too early in the morning so I missed every episode. From what I've seen in the game, it has too much grinding.

>> No.2665250

Give them a break, you can only do so much with a sword when you have to make 10,000 of them.

Look at Armageddon, they can still design nice weapons if they try.

>> No.2665252

>I'm pissed because i can't accept that there are WoWfags that have girlfriends/families while I'm stuck here with my fat ronery self without even a virtual life to call my own.

>> No.2665259

These shitty MMOs are the only thing that sustain you NEETs, why do you bother acting tsundere towards them?

>> No.2665261

Vanilla WoW: balance of simple and over the top designs (Hanzo sword / Thunderfury)


Wrath: More down to earth designs but every weapon LOOKS EXACTLY THE SAME

>> No.2665269

But I don't play any MMOs

>> No.2665270

>I read those comments and raged

You're not one to talk, faggot.

Also, are you trying to say that any other site, much less /jp/, is any better? Every corner of the internet has it's share pf dipshits.

>> No.2665271

>We're smart enough to avoid their 3D PIG DISGUSTING race for meaningless dominance and live as the wise hermits instead.
Well said, good sir!

Now back to my Touhou rape doujinshi.

>> No.2665285

Calling an MMO shitty is fucking pointless. There will never exist an MMO that is universally good.

>> No.2665322

Oh the irony.

>> No.2665379

Don't forget how hideous their first tier sets are for WotLK.

My goddamn armor has RAMS on it. What the hell?

>> No.2665482

I hate that they recycled Naxxramas.
I raged more at what they did with Death Knights. Rather then a bad-ass kvlt scourge faction, we get: "CRAAAAAWWWLLLLING INNNNN MY SKIIIIIIN".

>> No.2665725

Eh, not really. The DK starting zone was pretty badass, especially the battle at LHC.

>> No.2665856
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DKs aren't emo. That said, WoW as a whole sucks. I'll stick to my Mabinigger.

>> No.2665950


Yes. It was just SO good up until then. Then suddenly:

"... hang on? I'm a fuckin' paladin?"

Nice going, Blizzard. Nice going.

>> No.2666055
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I liked better Higurashi in Guild Wars

>> No.2666064

Keiichi: "You know...ever since this festival began, more and more people have disappeared from town."
Shion: "Don't you know about the legends?"
Keiichi: "What legends?"
Rena: "He's not originally from here, so he wouldn't know."
Shion: "It's said that on the night of the festival, a great celestial beast comes down from the heavens..."
Shion: "...and that it's hungry from its long journey."
Rena: "That's why they prepare a feast in Cantha!"
Shion: "So that the celestial being doesn't eat them instead."
Keiichi: "You can't be serious! So what about the people who are disappearing?"
Shion: "You guessed it."
Rena: "You know Keiichi, with the way you've been eating lately, you might look pretty tasty to a celestial being..."
Keiichi: "Wait a second...can't it be that the real reason people are leaving..."
Keiichi: "...is because they are going home to see their families?"
Rena: "I don't know. Sounds like a stretch to me."
Shion: "Highly unlikely..."
Keiichi: "I get the feeling you guys just keep me around to amuse yourselves with."
Rena: "Ding ding ding! We have a winner!"

>> No.2666076

Mordred was here arthur is a faggot

>> No.2666164

Burning crusade was fucking terrible. The only good thing that came of it was more fap material.

>> No.2666657
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Weapon scientists play FSN
