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2660941 No.2660941 [Reply] [Original]

Suika would make the best drinking partner ever

>> No.2660944,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2660944

Too bad I don't drink.

>> No.2660958

i'd spend my rest of life with her

if you know what i mean

>> No.2660972
File: 868 KB, 1169x827, 2df8c4d35a9eabe94d4d000ebb168e40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother figure to boot.

>> No.2660979


Alcoholic mothers aren't that fun...

>> No.2660988
File: 130 KB, 443x600, 1239076587640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it called when Suika and Yuugi form a band?

A symphoni.

>> No.2661002
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Definitely not, no.

But then again, how many families do you see where all members are rampant, unstoppable, permanently drunk and constantly foraging for more?

>> No.2661013

mom/older sister/BRO/waifu all in one man. Can't seem to find anything better.

>> No.2661014
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Maybe on occasion, but that girl would be the death of if I were to drink with her on a regular basis. She just seems like she'd be too hard to keep up with.

>> No.2661017


>> No.2661501

suika is hot

>> No.2661514
File: 103 KB, 750x891, mikotouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suika would make the best fucking partner ever

>> No.2661523

If Suika/Yuugi bears a child, it will be half-oni, so the alcohol will not affect it as much as if it was a human.

Also, please post more Oni Miko Suika.

>> No.2661530

/jp/, how come this is all you think about half the time? I think it's quite hypocritical that you guys always bag on "normalfags", but some of the first posts in Touhou topics solely focus on getting into their panties and having meaningless sex with them.

It's all just one guy posting this, isn't it? I hope it is.

>> No.2661538

I don't think normal people want to fuck cartoon/video game characters.

>> No.2661540

That's because /jp/edos just talk about sex all the time. Normalfags actually have sex and it's disgusting.

>> No.2661551

And what exactly is normal about sexual fantasies with 2d girls?

>> No.2661563

Wouldn't you guys rather settle down and just have fun with Suika as a close friend, waifu, or something, instead of a sexual partner? I think going to festivals at the Hakurei Shrine, lazing around with the only oni above ground, complaining and bitching about how hot is is, and maybe visiting the Youkai Mountain to cool off at the waterfall would be ten times more satisfying than having sex with any Touhou.

>> No.2661576


Yeah, but all that stuff plus sex would be better, wouldn't it?

>> No.2661581

Or how about all of that while having sex?

>> No.2661582

Perhaps, but again, who the fuck would call that "normal"? It's still an impossible fantasy, sexual or not.

>> No.2661583

One does not simply walk into Youkai Mountain.

>> No.2661588

No, fuck that. Sex is filthy and disgusting, and people lost control of themselves when engaging in it.

>> No.2661592

No, because you'd have to sacrifice time to do one or the other. Doing both at the same time is not an option.

>> No.2661599

I think he's just getting annoyed because people are viewing his waifu in a sexual manner.

>> No.2661621
File: 424 KB, 708x708, 8d53ce783ec754cb8c0496f1dc12541b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not even me.

I guess I just don't place sex very high on my priority list at all. I guess I just think the pleasure of just taking it easy with Suika is greater than any pleasure sex could possibly bring.

When you've got an oni with you, you can simply walk anywhere.

>> No.2661633


You typically do have sex with waifus you know.

>> No.2661638


No, no. You alternate between taking it easy and having hot oni sex. That way, once you get bored of one, you indulge in the other.

>> No.2661693

No thanks. It's okay, I won't try to convert you guys any more.
