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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2660594 No.2660594 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize you were going to die alone? Was it when you got into Touhou? Or perhaps earlier when you first started on anime?

>> No.2660613
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I won't die alone. I have my waifu.

>> No.2660615

I will die alone, but at least I will enjoy my life as it is, without stupid responsibilities full of shit.

>> No.2660618

I figured I would die alone long before I knew much of anything about japan.

>> No.2660620

You'll die and she'll be alone then.

>> No.2660638

When I realized my parents have been saving a seat at the dinner table for me to bring a girl home. It's never been used.

>> No.2660640

Your parents will never understand you.

>> No.2660648

I don't plan on dying anytime soon.

Always live for tomorrow, Anonymous. Those waifu robots will be out before you know it!

>> No.2660660

I won't die alone.

I will die in the midst of a great battle against the repressive forces of the future world government, screaming at the top of my lungs in my Mecha as I fight off wave after wave of the empire's cruel machines.

At last, I smile as one photographic lens of the robots focuses upon my face, and I grin up at it. Is that awareness creeping across it's apparently static face? Perhaps so...

I explode to the awe of my comrades, taking the robotic horde with me...

I will be remembered.

>> No.2660666
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>> No.2660668

I go back and forth through periods of being in denial and re-realizing how obvious my eventual ronerydeath is. Willful denial is a powerful thing.

My most recent realization was sometime within the past couple of months. I still haven't transitioned to the "that's ok, I guess" stage.

>> No.2660674

When my mother started asking me if I was gay and saying how she was okay with it if I were.

>> No.2660679


She'll never be alone. She'll always have Kaguya.

>> No.2660693
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>> No.2660758

When my mom started making preparations for an arranged marriage for me. I don't want to marry some mainlander girl just for her to get citizenship and bring her family here...

>> No.2660768
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All living things die alone.

>> No.2660786
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In middleschool

>> No.2660803
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>> No.2660805

/jp/, today is my 23rd birthday. My mom came over today, and the only present she brought over was a box of condoms. Then she asked me why I haven't introduced her to any special girls yet.

I took a slight sigh and told her I didn't need the box of condoms. She replied "Well just take them anyway, for whenever you need them". I told her "No really, I don't need them. Just give them to my brother, I'm sure he'll find use for it. He is 17 after all..."

My mother gave me an annoyed look and asked "You are practicing safe sex...right?...". I knew she wouldn't get the hint unless I told her, so I said "Look, I haven't even kissed a person yet, much less even date one. I really don't need them, they'll just expire with me."

She continued on "But they expire in 2011..." I just said "Exactly" and she looked down at her bag that she brought it in and said "Oh okay then. Well, I just came to drop this off and say happy birthday anyway. I'm just going to drop by the bathroom before I leave." So I went to my room while she went on with her business. About 5 minutes later she comes into my room to tell me she's leaving. She hasn't been into my room since I moved in, but she always knew I was into anime stuff anyway (or "that korean stuff" as she says).

She laughed a bit and said "You told me you didn't have anyone special, but here you are sleeping with her every day." I looked at what she was pointing at, it was my Miyako body pillow on my bed. I said "Oh yea, right" and gave off a obviously fake laugh. So after that moment I walked her out the door and made sure she got out safely to the taxi before locking the door.

I looked on my table and saw the bag she brought the box of condoms in. I opened it up to find a Miyako figure inside also along with the condoms....
/jp/, how the fuck did she know about my waifu?

Pic related, it's not the same Miya pillow I have but it suits it's purpose.

>> No.2660812
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I realized it about a year after I got out of the military. Life had settled down after that period of peace that I gained after a four year cycle of war and preparing for war. I was smoking a cigar late one night after getting home from work, with only the hum of my computer and that H Upmann Vintage Cameroon as my company. I got to thinking about how long it had been since I had hung out with someone, or went to the bar. The last time I heard from one of my old service buddies, or even my father. After a long puff, i breathed out, knowing that cancer awaited me somewhere down the road. That was when I knew I would die alone. I sighed, and said at least I have my Aya.

>> No.2660814

I always knew.

>> No.2660816
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You could have posted a pic too, anything, even if it was completely randomly picked. Geeze, so fucking lazy, anonymous.

>> No.2660825

when I bought lucky star figurines

>> No.2660827


Sorry bro, but I dug this one out of the archive and couldn't find a pic.

Does anyone have the rest of WASSHOI messagens? I'm in the mood for depressan.

>> No.2660836

yeah, me too.

>> No.2660845

Around the time I graduated high school, the realization hit me.

Didn't bother me back then, doesn't now.

>> No.2660847

When I got into figs. This is basically a complete acceptance I will die alone and a virgin.

>> No.2660864

When I realised I was going to die alone anyway, I realised something much more important.

I've got nothing to lose. Since that day, I've been preparing an ultimate scheme which is sure to shock the world.

Look forward to it, /jp/.

>> No.2661451

yeah , i am looking forward to it!

luckily i never got anything sex related for my birthdays, i just turned 25 a few weeks ago. my parents do know that i am collecting figurines, watching animes and playing vns. but to them its just a gaming/collectors thing. they never ever considered that i am serious about this whole 2d>3d thing.
i also never kissed a girl or anything like that, but thats okay you dont touch things you are disgusted with. its like i am hating 99% of all humans living in this world anyway.

that said, everyone will die alone, at least i can take my figurines with me in the coffin.
the only difference between normalfags and us is how many people will come to the funera,l and if the people are really grieving over your death.

heaven or hell

>> No.2661454

Back when I played Nintendo games by myself all day.

>> No.2661461

When I spent the summer of 08 doing nothing but playing VNs, anime, doujins and rpgs. I didn't go out with friends once.

>> No.2661507

Same here. I didn't even meet up with any of my old high school friends the whole summer.

That was when I realized I was a hopeless weeaboo, but I think I knew I was going to die alone long before then. I always had a suspicion that I was different from normal people and would never have a girlfriend/wife/family. It was just a situation I couldn't picture myself in no matter how I imagined it. I think it was probably when I graduated high school that I knew for sure that my suspicions were true, and every day that I grow older only serves to further cement that reality.

>> No.2661522 [DELETED] 

Best forum for intelligent discussions: http://www.AnonT4lk.com/ (4 = a)


>> No.2661566

You'll definitely die alone if you keep thinking that way. Have fun with that, I guess.

>> No.2661650

So my high school was this bilingual school, which is why I'm able to post in english today and so on. As part of the tired exercises to get you talking and composing in casual english every Monday the students had to go around and tell what they did that weekend.
The same stories, of going out with friends, parties, drinking that varied in details around each one. But invariably when it came to my turn I would say the same, every Monday for 3 years.
"Played Playstation, watched some TV".
It's what I did. It was easier to say that too, didn't have to think of a response and could nod off listening to an old walkman.
Of course the teacher was worried about me. Everyone in that class was, they stared at me befuddled. How could a person live like that? I just shrugged and went on.

Anyway, the day I realized I would die alone was the night after my first date with a girl 4 years my junior. Walking her back to her place, realized that I didn't care. Couldn't care. All I did was follow a script and smile on cue. Of course I was a perfect boyfriend, her mother approved of me the moment I gave her girl a small gift and said "I just like to see her happy".
It's all void and meaningless for me. Never called her again, even as she tried desperately to cling to me.

>> No.2662648
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When I realized that I'm an only child.
Parents don't really care what kind of girl I bring or when since I'm still in school (lol, 7th year Senior). But I don't doubt that they'll start asking questions when I graduate.
Hell, they've made suggestions every now and then. But I really don't care.

I guess it stems from being horribly betrayed or just not finding someone who isn't a bitch. Meh, I can keep myself entertained. I've been doing just fine since birth.

Can't even seem to find anyone decent at this point in life and I don't really care all that much. I mean, yeah, it'd be nice but at this point it's all just speculation to me since I've never been on a date. I mean, yes I do have female friends but none that I would date cause they're either taken or are REALLY not what I'm looking for.

I mean, I'm not asking for much. Decent sense of humor, sarcasm and a proportioned body with a decent face.

Pic related as it is what I do most nights. Except I use a laptop and I'm on a real bed.

And she's my NEET waifu

>> No.2662665

Most of you guy's are too young to be worrying about this. For now.

>> No.2662666

In Junior high. Grade 8.

>> No.2662669


Nah, any age is a time to worry. Unless you're out doing things instead of waiting for miracles to happen which they never do

>> No.2662685

You'd be surprised

>> No.2662694
File: 215 KB, 530x750, 4d83decbcbbc10c121efe7cee0cedae7e2feabbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When did you realize you were going to die alone?

Is there any other way to die?

Death waits for no one. It is not an appointment that you can prepare for in advance and ready yourself beforehand.
And no one can die for you.
Neither can someone die with you - regardless of whether you are surrounded by onlookers or all by yourself, it is your body that will expire and no one else's.
You alone will feel the cold fingers of death reaching through your ribs and closing around your heart.
And it is impossible to maintain one's dignity or one's bearing while dying. Your body systematically shuts down, and you lose control over your bodily functions. Your bowels relax, your limbs convulse.

>> No.2662695

Why worry about a waifu if you have no job or are being paid so little you can't start a family together? Take the ronery, turn that into something that makes you money, so you can become ronery men with large disposable incomes.

>> No.2662697
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When a human baby slides out from between its mother's thighs all pale and cold, do you think that Death considered it too young to be taken?

Do you really?

>> No.2662703

When my mom asked me if I was doing anything with friends for my 18th birthday and I said no. Instead SRW Z just came out and I spent 18 hours of my birthday playing that. Setsuko....;_;

>> No.2662710


I'm >>2662648, and that's the excuse I'm using for now.

>> No.2662714

>pale and cold

I always thought the baby would be warm atleast, being it just came out of the womb.

>> No.2662716

You are born alone and you die alone, everything in between is just filler to make you forget that fact.

>> No.2662719

>When did you realize you were going to die alone?
Long ago. Why is that such a bad thing to die alone?

>Was it when you got into Touhou?
Underage B&, Touhou (post PC-98) didn't exist when most of us realized we were going to die alone

>> No.2662720


Not if it's stillborn

>> No.2662744

Why not? Wouldn't the mother's body temperature keep it relatively warm for the most part?

>> No.2662750

ah the thrill of a chase, good to relive that again

once you have it, it becomes worthless

>> No.2662786

Women are all cold on the inside. You should know that already.

>> No.2662838

I realized I was going to die alone at the same time I realized that I LIKE being alone. I do enjoy company, but being with others tires me out, for some reason.

My sister said to me the exact same thing, except I believe she said that to prove our intimacy.

>> No.2662930

Dude, I totally have plans too. I don't know if they'll intersect with yours, they may even counteract. Given the nature of this board, I kind of doubt it but...

...the spring of 2020... Watch for it.

>> No.2662942

That happened long, long before I even started to pay any attention to computers.

>> No.2662953

After I started dreaming about Touhou every night.

Took me a while to realize.

>> No.2662983

Hey that's fortunate enough, I'm really into touhou and can count the number of touhou related dreams I had on one hand. Most of my dreams are just about old friends and times when I wasn't ronery ;_;

>> No.2662984

If you ever get a job working with people who are dying, you'll quickly realize that you could live your life surrounded by friends and family, but still die alone.

It's not something we should waste any time worrying about; Just live your life, and try to enjoy whatever time is granted to you.

>> No.2662989

I was about 12 or 13; it was long before I got into anime. I'd known for as long as I could remember that I didn't fit in well with the other kids, so when I realised that I would never have a proper girlfriend, it didn't come as a shock to me.

I've never been that sad about it because I've never known anything but roneriness; it's normal to me and I've accepted it, just like not being able to see is normal for someone born blind. Or maybe you could say I've come to terms with the fact that I'll always be alone in the same way that most people come to terms with the fact that they'll die. It's inevitable, so there's no point worrying about it.

I haven't asked a girl out in years. I'm not afraid of girls saying no any more, I'm afraid of them saying yes.

>> No.2663001
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Yes, well said.

>> No.2663107

Anonymous departed from this world quietly in his sleep one night, gently slipping away into eternal slumber. He died peacefully, tenderly embracing a dakimakura of his beloved waifu. He is laid to rest in his casket with his waifu still in his arms; it would be too cruel to separate them, even in death. Sadly, his parents had long since passed on, and he no longer had any real friends. There is no one left with whom to share his final earthly moments, save for his figurine collection which some kind soul carefully arranged around him. His inanimate onlookers silently offer one final prayer to their lifelong friend. And in the end Anonymous was happy, for he wouldn't have wanted anything more.

>> No.2663123

That was actually pretty sad. And now i realize how sad it is to find something so comical sad.
Well done, anonymous.

>> No.2663317
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>> No.2663420

I no doubt will; but that said, I just asked a girl I like to dinner and a movie. She said 'yes', so let's see if we can both enjoy the experience through all the hyperventilation.

Let's see if something comes of this....

>> No.2663438
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And the grave

>> No.2663444
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>> No.2663446

>Most of my dreams are just about old friends and times when I wasn't ronery ;_;

Oh god same here ;_;
Highschool dreams

>> No.2663543


I get those dreams too. I dreamt last night of the first girl who ever approached me, who I was too scared to try a relationship with...

>> No.2663557 [DELETED] 

http://www.AnonT4lk.com/ (4 = a)

Bookmark today and visit at least every hour for the rest of your life.


>> No.2663561

Seriously? ;_;

>> No.2663589

This guy's parents must have been awesome.

>> No.2663628

After I graduated from college. I had 1 girlfriend during college and after breaking up I did try to find another. However, I slowly realized that the time I was happiest was not when I was with a girl, or my friends, but when I was alone.

So after graduating and getting a job, I spend all my free time alone with the occasional visit to my parents. They've occasionally asked if I socialize with the people at work, but I told them I don't simply because I don't want to. They are pretty understanding, even if they might think it is strange.

So having made my realization, I've since been happier than ever before and pursue my hobbies in earnest.

>> No.2663633
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I think I've never actually thought otherwise, it was pretty obvious to me since my early years that I'll be a lone old man. After I've grown up it took some time to come to a conclusion that it's not that bad. And now I'm not really thinking about it anymore. Well, except for occasional plans to freeze myself until better times, of course, but that's just a generic immortality wish etc etc.

Never had a girlfriend, don't even have a waifu, don't intend to have any sort of intimate relationship with anyone. Though, to be fair, I have an anima and it's well enough for me.

// Maybe I should apply for Century King...

>> No.2663638

And, of course, I treasure the time when I'm alone. Sometimes a little socializing is nice, but I'm quickly tired of it and seldom enjoy it.

>> No.2663662

I thought I would but then BAM! Thaigirl. I'm set for life.

>> No.2663705

Way back when I was in highschool. Been going between denial and acceptance for most of my life now.

People tire me out.

>> No.2663709
File: 62 KB, 527x609, darks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I love it when people make up stories to make themselves seem like sociopathic badasses.

Darks frowns upon your faggotry.

>> No.2663710
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Everybody enjoys his death alone.

>> No.2663728

This girl that I liked, and who liked me in kind, refused to go out with me on the grounds that we wouldn't make a good couple. Why? According to her, everytime I'm with someone, even with her, I'm sad, tired, or bored. She pulled the whole 'I will do anything to make you happy, even if it makes me unhappy' thing on me.
Come to think of it, I kinda miss her, but then again, afterwards she dated a chav, got knocked up, and is currently treating an alcohol addiction. I guess I really miss my image of her then. How I always viewed her..

Still, she's right, I've never really been happy around other people and all my (2) other relationships ended in failure because I got bored of the girl. After the initial lovey-dovey moment, there's no fire that keeps me interested.

>> No.2663737

More like sociopathic mess.
Don't you think we'd like to be part of that, to get into a real relationship instead of being a bored leech?

>> No.2663741


Speak for yourself. You get bored? I haven't been bored for several years now.

>> No.2663744
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>> No.2663746

But she's a stupid bitch. What she says doesn't count.

>> No.2663751


She isn't a stupid bitch. But that episode was pretty annoying. I usually am a big fan of moralfaggotry but pointless whining about war like that I don't care for.

>> No.2663754 [DELETED] 

You're trying too hard to fit in
lighten up

>> No.2663763

In high school, girls had no time for me because I dressed plainly and had no money. Now that I have a decent amount of money and I dress pretty well, I'm not about to spend it all on them. Women are materialistic and shallow. The only reason I would ever want to get into a relationship with a woman is so that she could bear my son and carry on the family name. A borrowed womb, if you will.

So unless I actively seek out a relationship with one, it's entirely possible that I'll die alone. And I'll have no regrets.

>> No.2663771

... Glass Moon?

Anyways, I suppose it was the moment I realized social contact no longer made me feel happy, but made me depressingly aware of my own inadequacies instead.

I don't mind being alone. It's easier than having to deal with people, really.

>> No.2663793

>Women are materialistic and shallow.
Not all of them are like that. And the normalfag guys are as materialistic and shallow as the slutty women. I would say that 5% of people, regardless of gender, are worth spending time with. And yes, it's sad that the rest 95% are worthless and better off dead.

>> No.2663794

>carry on the family name.
And face FULL
of course.

>> No.2663801

I've never met a woman that I would include in the 5%. It's entirely possible that they exist though, sure.

>> No.2663806


>> No.2663819

The number of women I've met that fall in that 5% can be counted on one hand. They're like the "shiny Pokemon" of humans; you may not ever find one, but they're out there, waiting for someone to put forth the effort to claim them.

>> No.2663857

/jp/ - Ronery threads/General

>> No.2663861


The thing with that type of women is that they're usually the kind you have to actively draw out of their shells. They aren't just sitting there baring their souls to the world like the majority of the vapid, shallow bitches you're presented with in everyday life. Even if you meet one of those 5%, you probably wouldn't know it unless you actually put time and effort into getting to know them and breaking down their barriers.

That's just IMO based off of my experiences though. I agree with the general 5% estimate of non-shitty people in the world in any case.

>> No.2663866

>...the spring of 2020... Watch for it.
What the fuck? That's too long, I can't wait 11 years for that. I'll probably have killed myself by then.

>> No.2663879

True enough. The latest one I only found by chance, and through 4chan, interestingly enough. If I ever had any intentions of getting a 3D waifu, she looks like the only candidate I would even consider at this point.

>> No.2663888

I went through college without making any friends or even coming close to getting a girlfriend. I kissed a girl once, but she was horrifically ugly (really, I'm not particularly picky, but she was horrible). The first three years I'd actually put in some clumsy effort, but had fallen flat on my face at every opportunity.

It took me until my final year to realise I probably shouldn't make any more embarassing efforts, preferring to reject the aspirations that had been pressed upon me from a young age by the mass media, and embrace a lifestyle that felt altogether more natural and fitting for my personality.

That said, I think it's a shame. I made friends easily until early teenhood, where expectations of your behaviour are completely transformed by your peers and commercial influences. This, combined with the alienating experience of life at a large state school, stunted my socialisation somehow. But it's just stunted, not ruined - at least that's what I sometimes tell myself when confronted with the idea I might still be living like this into my 30s and 40s.

>> No.2663908
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>> No.2663931

That's it, /a/.

You've finally destroyed my last thread of confidence in men. It seems, deep down, all men think of women as inferior, as objects.
To them, sex is nothing but a degrading process to the woman. If she's not a virgin, she's just sloppy seconds. But that's not even half of it. Men also hold contrary standards for women.
If she's had sex, she's a slut, but at the same time, all men expect her to spread her legs for them.
To a men, women are conquests. Veni Vidi Vici. Once you've gotten what you want out of them, it's done. You've dominating that one, on to the next.
And the blame is placed on the woman. Either she deserved it for acting contrary to the male's desire, or she should have had more dignity and not allowed it to happen.

I will never sleep with a man. No matter how nice they seem, even if they truly appear to be a good person. /a/ has taught me that deep down, all men feel the same way about women and sex. I'm not even sure men are capable of love, any more. It seems all they have is desire to conquer unknown grounds, and despair when the ground is taken from them by another conqueror.
I have a vibrator and I have my friends. I will not let myself be a victim of this crusade.
I don't think women are better than men, /a/. I don't hate men. I just know I can never trust them. Not after the things I've heard here.

>> No.2663937
File: 426 KB, 823x945, 9bdafdc30e4242578b7181d3c53a559c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die alone?!?!
I would sooner kill myself then to die a fate so unbefitting a man!!!
Party later at the funeral home. With blackjack and hookers. [/spoilers]

>> No.2663939

So basically the best way to find a worthwhile woman is to get some radar, buy a suitcase full of insect repellant, and then go watch them rustling around in tall grass?

>> No.2664706

If it were that easy, /v/irgins wouldn't exist.

>> No.2664728

Why did you have to go and bump this piece of shit thread?

>> No.2664775
File: 11 KB, 243x251, Mal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When l first heard it from firefly, for some reason it just really struck me.

From then on l just thought 'fuck it', who cares what others think and started watching anime, playing games, and stopped doing the things l hated like going to clubs, and other over-crammed places.

Never been happier.

>> No.2664784

Huh, what about Firefly?

>> No.2664798

in some episode Inara was telling Mal he could die alone.

mal replies "everyone dies alone"

>> No.2664803

Ah, yeah sorry. I remember now.

>> No.2664858

It's not okay, man. You need to man up and go meet some people. It's what life is all about, and you will be truly happy for the first time ever.

>> No.2664957

I always wished to die alone. But my girlfriend is 16 years younger so no chance in hell.

>> No.2664961

Go back to bed, Grandpa.

>> No.2664974

I`m 27 years old.

>> No.2664980

I stand by my post.

>> No.2664990

Pics of girlfriend or it didn't happen.

>> No.2665017
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>> No.2665025

I get to jap girls to come all the way to Norway to fuck me. Otaku Power FTW.

>> No.2665217

Probably when I declined a girl asking me out because I'd rather spend my weekends alone. For whatever reason, having people around really spoils my fun and relationships only restrict my freedom.

>> No.2665416

The day I realized people are a waste of time

>> No.2666025

I'm afraid of women. I'll never have the courage to approach one and if a woman approached me I would be to scared to respond.

This situation can't be resolved. That's why my waifu is so important to me.

>> No.2666058

I feel sorry for you guys. I just got back from playing some football in the club with my girlfriend. I bet you guys could get gfs if you tried hard enough too dont give up theres a girl out there for all of you dont be too picky either big girls need love too.

>> No.2666209

You should read Girl Saurus and Girl Saurus DX.

>> No.2666246

I knew I'll be alone all my life for as long as I can remember. I don't even feel at home in ronery threads, it's like watching a group of children stare through the window of a bakery, while you've long since settled to rummaging through trashcans. I'm just too ugly, shy, boring and have spent too much time (read: all my life) isolated to even dream about it changing.

At least I can enjoy my vns. I guess it's fine. ;_;

>> No.2666276

>I'm just too ugly, shy, boring and have spent too much time (read: all my life) isolated to even dream about it changing.

Pretty much this. I'm not as pessimistic though, well sometimes I am. You've got to strike a path somehow. Even if you're sitting at home.

>> No.2666689

>I'm just too ugly, shy, boring and have spent too much time (read: all my life) isolated to even dream about it changing.

Also same. Though in my case read ugly as sort of fat and getting worse. So I've gathered a bit of cash (seeing as I'm unemployed and still living with my parents that wasn't so easy) and started going to the gym to work myself until I drop. Surprisingly I don't lack motivation once I start something the only reason I didn't start by now being that I was too lazy/not in the mood to go outside, also because all my time was spent watching animu or playing vns.

Anyway I'm not hoping for a miracle but I thought a change in my ronery lifestyle would be nice... though working out alone is kind of depressing. Eh at east I have my waifu waiting for me at home which makes it a little easier.

>> No.2666766


Dude, you can use the ribbed condoms to make flesh lights.

>> No.2666767

don't want to insult any 1 but , did you try to go to talk with some 1 about your problems and how to change your life to a better?

Not all girls are bad i am together with my girlfriend for 3 years and this hole 3 years we had never any serious fight , we live together 2 years.

>> No.2666772


>> No.2666777

>playing some football in the club with my girlfriend

I don't think you have a girlfriend. Enjoy hugging your ball to sleep.

>> No.2666783
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 1176516769265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any 1
>some 1
>change your life to a better?
>this hole 3 years

>> No.2666790


also having a girlfriend =! ronery

>> No.2666791


Because he said the truth , you moron?

>> No.2666807

Enough out of you. All people are horrible and you know it.

>> No.2666811
File: 50 KB, 704x384, 1243030594399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2666846

Fellow Norfag here, Explain please?

>> No.2668895

I did this last week...I think I like her at least.

I don't know actually...I guess we had a fun time with one another and she said yes to a second date...

I don't know what I'm doing, /jp/. I feel like I'm only going through with this because it's "normal". Maybe I felt too guilty because of the nights spent on Anime marathons or the hundreds of dollars on dolls.

I really have no fucking idea.
