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2659475 No.2659475 [Reply] [Original]

How come we only ever get old and shitty vns and eroge translated, instead of new and GOOD stuff?

Pic related(No, not a troll. Had enough of that shit thanks to all the newfags).

>> No.2659509


>> No.2659502

I disagree. I think more old VNs should be translated.

>> No.2659514

Because translators translate the shit they actually like, unless it's something extremely popular.

>> No.2659549

I wish translators wouldn't bother with really awful, useless hentai games. Yeah, I really care that Wacky Lesbian Genderswap Cosplay Adventure 4 is halfway done.

>> No.2659567


>> No.2659562


Those usually get official translations.

>> No.2659575

Ever17 was an old VN when it got translated.

>> No.2659578

This thread..!

sauce plz

>> No.2659580

Obvious /a/ immigrant. Ever 17 wasn't fan translated.

>> No.2659588


>> No.2659596

That's not what I'm talking about though.
What I mean is this shit in general, even companies. Just see the shit mangagamer picks up, peach princess isn't doing much better either.

>> No.2659600

If you hate what translators translate then learn moonrunes faggot

>> No.2659608


New VNs aren't better than old ones... in fact, I'd say they're getting worse.

>> No.2659612


>> No.2659614

They're business and they translate games they can sell. If you hate what they're choosing so much, then open up your own company. Licensing, wages, bank debt, etc...

>> No.2659611

I don't for pretty much the same reason most of us doesn't, it's too troublesome.

>> No.2659621

Well, then it would be nice if they actually translated something old that is good. Instead of shit like ZyX games.

>> No.2659629


Mangagamer picked up Suika... didn't they? I'd say that's pretty good.

>> No.2659637

>If you hate what they're choosing so much, then don't buy from them.
Fixed. Companies have to please their customers in order to stay alive, so obviously someone likes what they're translating.

>> No.2659639

Personally I didn't like it at all, though.

>> No.2659640

Well then you have no right to bitch

>> No.2659658

I'd say it's the other way around, if I knew moonrunes I wouldn't even have to bring it up in the first place.

>> No.2659664

....because old games are easy to hack.

While the modern ones require too much programming effort, which the translator fags clearly don't have. Not to mention both programmers and translators are well known for elitism, so it's not that surprising we can't get something good.(Also, most programmers don't even bother nor care about eroges, seeing them as weeaboo shits.)

>> No.2659671

You faggots demand everything for nothing, most of you don't even pay for the VNs and you act like the world owes you them in English. Go learn Japanese or shut the hell up, you bunch of toddlers.

>> No.2659675

But since you don't want to learn moonrunes then you have no right complaining about what translators want to translate

>> No.2659690

I never said I didn't want to learn moonrunes.

>> No.2659707

Then go learn it's not like you can change your ways now

>> No.2659711

Like I said, it's too troublesome. And definitely too time consuming. I would never make it.

Gonna sleep now, good night /jp/.

>> No.2659714
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I actually buy most of the VN's I play, surprisingly.

>> No.2659724



>> No.2659758

I like the "Don't like? Then do it yourself!" argument. But it doesn't prevent it from being retarded.
Don't like this movie? Fuck critics, become a producer and remake the movie yourself!

>> No.2659770

lies and slander

>> No.2659774

We're talking free stuff here. You may complain if you pay for it. If you don't, we don't want to hear your shenanigans.

>> No.2659782
File: 21 KB, 550x475, hieuheauhhaue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, the Butt supports the industry. I buy anime and manga too, actually.

>> No.2659795

Entrepreneurship runs on the 'do it yourself' mentality. Why sit on a bunch of great ideas when you can put it into action? Know better games to license? Set up your own company and rake in the cash.

If you know better, then do better.

>> No.2659811
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>Implying Umineko is old and bad
>Implying Chaos;Head is old


>> No.2659828


To make money from that sort of thing I assume you'd need to know people? Who the hell does Anon know?

If it were that easy, Witch Hunt and a bunch of other translation groups probably would have made similar arrangements.

>> No.2659829

May I provide an example of the problem with this kind of reasoning?

(Based on an old MSpaint pic which I didn't save):
Ice cream suddenly becomes extremely scarce and expensive. Obtaining it proves to be a difficult and frustrating endeavor.

At this juncture, a stranger approaches you and asks you if you'd like some ice cream. You quickly accept, but when he hands you the cone, you find that he's taken a dump on it before giving it to you.

Isn't this the exact same thing you see when translation groups spend half a year on an installer or make egregious errors in spelling, grammar or editing?

Are we "ungrateful" for complaining, then?

>> No.2659848

>Are we "ungrateful" for complaining, then?

>> No.2659860

It's a little curious that the VNs I've played translated by amateurs have far fewer mistakes than those handled by "professionals" (Hirameki, I'm looking at you.) And it doesn't really count as a VN, but Ar Tonelico had a bit of kana left in the dialogue. Then again, maybe it's because these people are working on a deadline.

>> No.2659873

>Isn't this the exact same thing you see when translation groups spend half a year on an installer or make egregious errors in spelling, grammar or editing?
>Shit ice cream cone
Not really.

>> No.2659878

actually it's more like giving a starving ethiopian child a loaf of bread, and the child then bitches about it being stale.

>> No.2659896

It's not like Japanese is impossible to learn, and if you're serious about visual novels you really should start learning it because you can play through most of the translated VNs in about a year. After that you're left with the shitty porn games.

>Then again, maybe it's because these people are working on a deadline.
Deadlines which they repeatedly delay.

>> No.2659898

That's why I told this guy >>2659600 to learn moonrunes so that he can play untranslated games and enjoy them instead of attemping to do anything as foolhardy as starting a business yourself

>> No.2659900


Horrible analogy.


More accurate analogy.

Just be happy that the translators are doing that shit for you, whiny little child.

>> No.2659909

Also a more appropriate ice cream analogy would be he gives you the ice cream but you complain because it's strawberry when you wanted chocolate.

>> No.2659932

Add moe and you'll realize that you're ungrateful.

>Being the pathetic NEET that you are, you're too lazy and unskilled to bake cookies and store bought ones are beyond your purchasing capabilities.

>However, one day, a loli approaches you, sees your desire for cookies, and offers to bake you some cookies. You quickly accept. However, it takes six months for her to finally give you the cookies. Some are burnt, some are undercooked, and some are badly shaped.

>Are you "ungrateful" complaining then?

Yes. Yes, you are!

>> No.2659937

If I'm not paying for the product I honestly don't care much at all, but sometimes I am, and that old "They'll buy what we publish no matter how shitty the localization" mentality is a little insulting in those cases.

>> No.2659947

No because about a month in I'D RAPE HER

>> No.2659960

Since when are translators moemoe, though?

>> No.2659992

All someone has to do is put a little effort in and they can enjoy everything that comes out of Japan. They don't want to, so they should get down on their knees and beg like the dogs they are, and thank whoever is nice enough to go out of their way to spoon-feed them with no complaints. It doesn't matter how shitty it is.

>> No.2659996

Because America doesn't see a market niche in VNs and eroge.

>> No.2660002

I'm sure the Sonozaki twins are, which is why nobody complains that the episodes are taking much longer to translate than they took to write in the first place.

>> No.2660003

Well, you need to discard one dimension first. Once you do that, everyone is moe. There's mute moe, hikki moe, insane moe, tourettes moe, ...

Just reduce everyone to their basic elements and enjoy your incoming heart failure.

>> No.2660019

They don't exactly count as 'loli', though, considering one is a Masters student and the other has a PhD.

>> No.2660025

All of you seem to be ignoring the fact that whenever a translation project is taken up, it deters other groups from taking up the same project, even if they're faster and will do it more conscientiously. That's why anyone with experience in this holds these groups to at least some standards, so that all of our time isn't wasted. When you spend all of your time sucking translator's dick and purposefully ignoring their shortcomings, you get bullshit like NNL demanding broken support discs, six month installers, and Haeleth.

>> No.2660035


So you're saying that if someone offers to do something for "free" (rather, it's being done for attention instead of money, making it not free), anyone should fellate them even if the final product is absolutely awful? Are you translators?

>> No.2660036

Thankfully just about everyone's given up on Haeleth, so it's more than likely narci2 will be released without whatever the heck he was doing with it.

>> No.2660044

>So you're saying that if someone offers to do something for "free" (rather, it's being done for attention instead of money, making it not free), anyone should fellate them even if the final product is absolutely awful?
>Are you translators?
No, I wouldn't go out of my way to help someone who can't help themselves. Give a man a fish, and all that.

>> No.2660046

Of course not.

Just don't bitch about it.
There aren't only two extremes - there's a large spectrum of possible actions you could take between them.

The point is, if you want to read VNs, you're going to have to learn Japanese. There is no way around this. English translations of VNs are just to get more people into the things, and if they are interested they'll learn the language themselves.

>> No.2660070

Let me frame my question differently. Do you think that you can be thankful for a product (in this case, a translation) while criticizing its shortcomings? Or is that "ungrateful?"

>> No.2660074


The great majority of VNs don't seem to be all that interesting, reading through some of their descriptions. I wonder if there really is all that much else out there that's worth learning a whole language for.

>> No.2660078

There are so many VNs needing translation that it's not a big deal if one translation project ties up a title. Other translators can just work on something else.

>> No.2660109

It's not just VNs though, it's everything. Learn Japanese and you can play untranslated games, read untranslated manga, watch untranslated anime, enjoy shitty Nico videos, etc. I don't see why most of us "high-powerlevel" weeaboos don't just learn the language if we're so obsessed with otaku culture.

>> No.2660112

The best VN ever written, Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Uta u Shoujo, is from 1996 and still hasn't been translated, so maybe we should have more 'old and shitty' VNs translated.

Would be really, really nice if elf rereleased this though.

>> No.2660123

Why the fuck hasn't YU-NO been translated yet? It really boggles the mind.

>> No.2660129

A remake of Yu-No would be a dream come true.
But it's still pretty playable with an emulator

>> No.2660132

Enjoy every popular VN having a bullshit placeholder that just dicks around while insulting anybody that criticizes them.

>> No.2660142

It's really fucking long.
Longer than anything translated so far, be it FSN or Clannad.

>> No.2660147

There are VNs longer than Clannad? I'm amazed.

>> No.2660148

There was a straight port to Windows included with the shangrila multipack, but not a proper rerelease. I prefer playing it on pc98 anyway.

Things that are in Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Uta u Shoujo:

- 50 hours to complete the game the first time through. If you read fast.
- The longest VN script ever until W.L.O was written (13 years later)
- Yuri
- Quantum mechanics
- One of the best uses of the whole multi-route VN system, even better than Ever17's
- A lot of crazy shit happens, and it all comes together and makes sense in the most fucking awesome way, giving it possibly the best conclusion out of anything ever written EVER

>> No.2660149

VNDB says it's only 30-50 hours long, FSN and Clannad are 50+ hours. Unless it's wrong, which is possible.

>> No.2660157


>> No.2660165

Some shitty eroge from Akabeisoft 2 (useless without Loose-boy), only thing notable about it is that it's really, REALLY long.

>> No.2660182

Never going to happen. Higurashi is the only VN currently in that situation.

>> No.2660201


Why the hell hasn't Higurashi's translation gone beyond its first part, while Umineko is being translated so swiftly? Is there some retarded drama I don't know about?

>> No.2660209


>> No.2660220

Stop asking and go away.

>> No.2660222

It's actually a lot better than you probably think. Yes, it doesn't hold a candle to Looseboy's work, but it's definitely by far Akabeisoft2's best NON-looseboy work and is pretty high above the average. It's funny, well written, doesn't get boring (so while you spend ~70 hours to clear it, it's not a huge slog) and if you like バッカプル shit (I do) you'll love the game.

>> No.2660232

Umineko has a competent team that actually WANTS to translate the game.

>> No.2660252

Hello, World is.

>> No.2660293

VNs longer than Clannad include:

- Extravaganza
- Little Busters! EX
- Fate/stay Night
- Hello, World
- Seinarukana
- W.L.O

>> No.2660300 [DELETED] 

Actually, no/

>> No.2660318

You forgot the disclaimer: amount of text only. In terms of playtime, Clannad is at least longer than F/SN and probably some of the others too, 'cause of the format.

>> No.2660337

>Hello, World
Is this game any good? I remember downloading it a few years ago. Never played it, though.

>> No.2660345

Depends how you read it. If you take the optimal path through the story and make use of skipping whenever possible (for all of the games), it is shorter than all the games listed. If you just attack the game normally, Clannad will be longer than Fate/stay Night and Hello, World but MUCH shorter than Extravaganza, Seinakurana or YU-NO. (which are long partly because they are very difficult to complete unaided).

>> No.2660349

I liked it quite a lot. TakaJun wrote a review for it: http://yandere.gray7.com/?p=240

>> No.2660353

It is quite possibly Nitro+'s best game.

>> No.2660364
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Yea fuck you translators, what am I supposed to do with Saya no Uta and Tsukihime? That shit is like ancient. How am I supposed to look cool in front of my Japanese friends when I'm this behind the times?

>> No.2660368
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adorable robots crabs

>> No.2660408

The older the VN gets, the more popular it becomes until it becomes translated.

>> No.2660454
File: 86 KB, 800x600, 66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know that Taka-Jun wrote a review of Hello, World.
I disagree with some of the things he wrote though, while I agree that Junko is the best, Chieri, Mika and Kaoru were also awesome and Natsumi was stupid but funny, Wakana is just cool.
And of course you can't forget Haruka, she carries the second half of the game.
The female cast as a whole was great

Damn, I guess it's replaying time, still have to get Wakana's ending.

>> No.2661565
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I never knew. Well, there goes any shot of translation.
