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File: 114 KB, 1280x800, niconicodougasuiteII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
265851 No.265851 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently there's a second Nico Nico Douga Suite.

合唱 ニコニコ動画『裏組曲』2nd Track


Enjoy your Dennou Coil and Mouska.

>> No.265856

Awesome, I love these things.

>> No.265977

Maybe to many people spam or whatever I liked the first one bettah

>> No.265992
File: 36 KB, 360x200, 1206073874090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say TOUHOU HEADS?!

>> No.265993
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'Cause I think I heard someone say Touhou Heads!

>> No.265998
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>> No.266001
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>> No.266004
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>> No.266006
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>> No.266008
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>> No.266011
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>> No.266015
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>> No.266019
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>> No.266020
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>> No.266024
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>> No.266028
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>> No.266032
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>> No.266034
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>> No.266037
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>> No.266040
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>> No.266043
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>> No.266045
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>> No.266044


look what you did.

>> No.266047
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>> No.266050
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>> No.266053
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>> No.266057
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>> No.266058
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>> No.266059
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>> No.266063
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>> No.266065
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>> No.266068
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>> No.266072
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Game over.

>> No.266083

That's all folks!

>> No.266086
File: 21 KB, 360x200, 1206074450931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.266096

Is that me or is this one totally crap by comparison with the first one?

>> No.266103

If I see that fucking Reimu Head ONE more time...

>> No.266110

Link to the first one please? I thought this one was awesome.

>> No.266112


I just listened to it, and yeah, it really is. The song selection isn't great and the voices are flat.

>> No.266116

   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-''":::::::::::::`''>   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
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>> No.266123


I have to agree, this one didn't have the good song selection that the first had, and it just seemed like they had way too many people singing at one time through most of it.

>> No.266124

Where did this all come from?
(the touhou heads)
Because it confuses the hell out of me

>> No.266127


Now, this is good stuff.

>> No.266131
File: 79 KB, 360x200, 1206074790723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.266133

Can someone post the link to mp3 of off-vocal version?

>> No.266137


Personally I liked this rendition of the first one the best... though some of the others were good too:

>> No.266165

Yup, it's a mystery.

>> No.266158


no one knows

>> No.266161

Can someone please explain to me the phenomenon that is the "touhou heads"?

>> No.266167


>> No.266177


>> No.266180

Is anyone up to date on the musical suites? As far as I know there are 4 so far:

Kumikyoku Niconico Douga (the original)
Ura Kumikyoku (posted by OP)
Shinkyoku Medley Nijigen
Lantis Kumikyoku

Are there any others?

>> No.266206

Started a wikichan article on the touhou heads.
Have fun.


>> No.266310

Search ニコニコ動画物語.wav

There aren't a lot of sung ones. The best one is the one where some guy took the original song sources, changed the key, and put 'em in.

CHANGED THE KEY, and put 'em in.

The others ones that follow a similar method... >_<

Only subtitles: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1270133
Sung: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2154789
The only one I know that takes the sources but doesn't go off-key--you can tell that one, because it has hilariously bad drawings. White scrawls on black.

>> No.266335

> >_<
Excuse me sir, that kind of behavior is not tolerated nor allowed around here. I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from such actions in the future. I'm letting you off with a warning this time.

>> No.266362

I'm sorry, sir. I've been distracted lately--I'm tired, and I really need to have some sleep--ah, I'll do my best not to let it happen again.

>> No.266368

That's quite alright sir, it happens. You should probably go get some rest.

>> No.266422

I feel someone should mention that this video is about 25 and a half minutes long.

>> No.266446

Subtitles only that are a bit easier to read: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2154789

>> No.266471

I think all the good singers have been busy with the lantis kumikyoku, so of course this one sucks.

Get J or isaji or boku or gazelle or nayuta singing and ANYTHING is awesome.

Also this wasn't made by the same guy that made the chorus version of the original kumikyoku. In fact, the last thing that guy made was a chorus of dango daikazoku.


>> No.266536

And that Dango Daikazoku chorus is AMAZING.

Everything the man does is great. He just blends all the voices so well.

>> No.266572

Why Mimi? Why not Sora, or Kari? Or...hell, a girl in Digimon actually worth a damn?

>> No.266603

Avatars for these things are chosen for a wide variety of reasons. But everyone in the OP's video is so bad I don't care enough to look into why for any of them.

>> No.266608

/r/ MP3's of good nico mixes....

>> No.266655
File: 66 KB, 584x629, 1206080260970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one.

>> No.266686


Oh god. I want them all.......

Care to zip and rapidshit them?

>> No.266724

1. rapidshare can't handle 1.12 gig files.

2. they aren't ALL mixes; it's my nico music folder.

3. I really need to update it sometime, checking for new songs by awesome people and finding other awesome people.

>> No.266763


I'm looking for this one mainly, and any other absolutely great ones.

>> No.266820

Well, if you just want kumikyoku-type stuff, that's a much shorter list.

I don't think I actually have any versions of .wav saved, though. I remember when it first came out, and I also remember nobody that didn't suck ever singing it. Maybe that's changed since I last looked, though.

I do, on the other hand, apparently have like 25 different versions of the original kumikyoku.

>> No.266878


I dunno.... give me your top 10 then, anything, doesn't really matter.

Also, how does you save them?

>> No.266956

a greasemonkey script. That doesn't always work.

Or getting really lucky and the person that made it uploading the original mp3 somewhere. A lot of people that make music for nico do this. Some (J) don't.
