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2655201 No.2655201 [Reply] [Original]

So I was reading reviews for the 1st volume of the official localization of the Haruhi light novels and every reviewer that isn't familiar with this brand of Japanese entertainment seems to take issue with Mikuru getting molested.

That's silly. Mikuru is an idiot. She deserves to be molested.

>> No.2655219

I agree with them. I hate it when anime girls start groping each other. If a guy tried to check the size of my penis, I'd beat the shit out of him.

>> No.2655225
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Why is Mikuru such a dunderhead?

>> No.2655234


That reminds me of the scene in MGS 2 where the president grabs your dick out of the blue.

>> No.2655232

Mikuru is a slut who deserves to be molested

>> No.2655228

Mikuru was made for molesting

>> No.2655229

Couldn't agree more with you anon. Mikuru is a terribly annoying character.

>> No.2655244

>>2655219 If a guy tried to check the size of my penis
This happens a fair amount in animu and mango as well...

>> No.2655239

I want to molest Mikuru.

>> No.2655247

We had a thread about this on /a/ the other day and we agreed Haruhi was a cunt, when she was complaining about Mikuru during the filming of Adventures of Mikuru or whatever that thing in the first ep was, she PUNCHED mikuru in the back of the head, kyon, being inured on mikuru's useless ways and pathetic moeblob passiveness rushes in to defend her but it left me thinking.... Haruhi actually punched her - she's a cunt, she said something like "Mikuru's my toy I can do what I like with her."

What a whore. Seriously.

>> No.2655248

Mikuru is a good girl who shouldn't be harmed in any way.

>> No.2655252

You obviously haven't been around many bros. Dudes flashing their balls and comparing penis size and touching all over you... I need to hang around better people.

>> No.2655255
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But she's so moe.

>> No.2655256


Please don't tell me that is the actual cover

>> No.2655259


How does dunderhead know what time travel is?

>> No.2655265

Mikuru is the most fucking irritating moeblob in the universe, to the point that I'm expecting some sort of JUST AS PLANNED reveal that it was an act all along.

The reason Haruhi molests her is of course that Kyon is the real omnipotent force, and Haruhi is just his jungian shadow that he projects all his unconscious wishes into. Kyon wants to see Mikuru molested, but also wants to maintain moral high ground: therefore he unconsciously creates an annoying dyke to do the molesting for him.

>> No.2655267


It is and you love it.

If you hate yourself you can get the hardcover which features the original art.

>> No.2655263
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I have some bad news for you.

>> No.2655268


Because she is from the future where even dunderheads know how to time travel.

>> No.2655269

I actually like the cover very much

about time they used a conservative cover, instead of something with spread legs and panties.

>> No.2655271


At the same time, it's always Kyon going on wacky adventures across the time-space continuum.

>> No.2655276


>spread legs and panties

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

>> No.2655278

Just did an amazon search on remembering how unreliable 4chan is, only one I found looked like the original artwork.

Shame I already read it a while back, I might pick up some of the later volumes if/when they get released.

>> No.2655280
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Kyon being the cause of it all would actually turn Haruhi from a supreme annoyance into a tragic character. All she ever did was what was required from her, she gets all the blame and in the end she doesn't even get to be a real person.

>> No.2655285


Well, Amazon.com does not have the paperback yet.

>> No.2655286

>something with spread legs and panties.
I'm pretty sure none of the Haruhi covers had anything like that.

>> No.2655293


Same. It kind of looks like something I wouldn't be embarrassed to buy in person.

Not that I care much about that anymore.

>> No.2655295


You got it backwards. They don't have the hardback yet.

Check for yourself, bropal.

>> No.2655299


But it's the paperback that has that cover.

>> No.2655302

Enjoy watching Anonymous living in his own delusions and stereotypes.

>> No.2655303

Mind showing an example of these reviews?

>> No.2655307
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Actually they have both... it says "other editions: paperback"

And this is the image we get for that one.

>> No.2655315


That's the cover to the manga, I think. Stupid Amazon.

>> No.2655321

Does Kyon ever beat the shit out of Haruhi? Ever?

>> No.2655323

Link to said reviews?

>> No.2655329

He was about to slug her once, when Haruhi got Mikuru drunk, but Itsuki stopped him from.

>> No.2655330

No that's the manga cover

>> No.2655376
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I would appreciate it if you guys wouldn't be so mean to Mikuru.

>> No.2655380
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>> No.2655415


>> No.2655436


That was a solid right hook. I'd give him a perfect 10 just for the target.

>> No.2655445


After the bitch slap, he raped her. Then she decided she wanted to be his love slave. Since she was a slave, Mikuru was demoted to animal. Kyon fucks them both.

>> No.2655489
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>Mikuru was demoted to animal.

>> No.2655530

>take issue with Mikuru getting molested

But in a "the titular character is not the moral pillar of sociaty" way, or in a "you can't show that in christian kids books" way?

>> No.2655537

You actually read Amazon comments? Unless it's for electronics I don't see the need to.

>> No.2655540

agreed. almost got me there, till i noticed the art style

>> No.2655545

>reviews for the 1st volume of the official localization of the Haruhi light novels and every reviewer that isn't familiar with this brand of Japanese entertainment seems to take issue with Mikuru getting molested.

>> No.2655573

I just went to two Barnes and Nobles and neither of them had this! How new is it?

>> No.2655576


Nope. I read a few from Barnes and Noble. One was an official review by some guy and there was a particularly lengthy and douchey customer review.

>> No.2655603

Hardcover is online only.
Look for fruity orange cover.
It's about a month old.

>> No.2655628

>Readers may be occasionally weirded out-Haruhi repeatedly force-strips a club member-but those who get into Kyon's woe-is-me narration will be entertained.

>The playfulness and visual joy of the genre, however, are accompanied by slapstick, dubious-consent sexuality. Manga and anime fans will find it familiar enough, but readers unfamiliar with the genre will be less comfortable with scenes-all played for laughs-of girls unwillingly dressed in sexy outfits and groped.

>The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was like advanced piano music with varied and meshed 8th notes. At first glance it's complicated and messy without a steady rhythm and offset beats, but with closer deliberation every bar is unique and trying to be heard. These group into weird stanzas with odd chords. It creates a pounding and crazy pace that entices you to speed up. They grow in strength and the contradictory notes battle to be the loudest. Herpaderp a durr a derpy dumb.

Hot damn, that is douchey.

>> No.2655632

mikuru = shit

>> No.2655637

That's disappointing. I wanted to read it tomorrow.

>> No.2655652

Dear lord.

>> No.2655655

I could have enjoyed it if they hadn't treated Mikuru worse than Haruhi though seeing Haruhi get smacked was well worth it.

>> No.2655664

The cover looks like some hipster fag shit. Tons of emphasis on "The Melancholy"

>> No.2655675

I'm more annoyed by the fact that the title read "The OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA Melancholy".

>> No.2655677


More like they take issue with women getting molested for laughs. I'm not sure where that fits.

>> No.2655683

Is it okay when men get molested for laughs?

>> No.2655689



>> No.2655690

Oh, and for anyone who hasn't seen the paperback in real life, the pink-green-orange stripe isn't part of the cover.
It's that weird trendy thing books do nowadays where the cover doesn't completely reach on the front. The color stripes are on the first bound page.

>> No.2655697

You can molest me anytime

>> No.2655698


I hate that

>> No.2655736


Can't molest the willing

>> No.2655744

So is this stuff any different from the typical "teen fiction"?

>> No.2655755
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I don't know. I don't read teen fiction.

>> No.2655760

I don't exactly know what you're talking about, but Hatchet was the shit back in middle school.

>> No.2655801

Every read the sequel, "Brian's Winter"? Good stuff.

>> No.2655811

Fuck yes, I remember these books.

>> No.2655812

Yeah, that was great too. Brian's Return sucked ass though.

>> No.2655820

There was a third one? What was it about and how badly did it suck?

>> No.2655823

Holy fuck, I didn't know there was a third one.

>> No.2655848

Brian runs away, iirc.

>> No.2655862

Well, it was mostly about him failing at readjusting to society so he basically just went back. I haven't read it in a long time, but the best part was when he went bear paws on some other guy.

What drew me into the Hatchet was the survival scenario, but this book didn't really have any. It was too normal for my tastes. I'm sure if I went back and read it now, I'd have a better appreciation for it, but back then, I kind of felt gypped.

>> No.2655877

Oh wow. According to Wikipedia, there are five books in the series. I have some catching up to do now.

>> No.2655916



>> No.2655953

Yes, five. Wiki it.

>> No.2655984
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>> No.2656029

Links or the reviews were never written!

Are you retarded? Wiki says nine.

>> No.2656085

I like the cover design, except for the messed up order of the words.

>> No.2656101

I was talking about the Hatchet series from Gary Paulsen.

>> No.2656153


That's bullshit. What genius thought that up?

>> No.2656185

Oh, god I remember the Hatchet. We used to have reading sessions back in 5th grade of that shit. Probably the first book that motivated me to check out the sequel heh. Fun times, yeah... ;_;

>> No.2656230


And immediately after this, Kyon is physically restrained by Itsuki so he doesn't punch Haruhi and destroy the universe.

>> No.2656285


Hmm, saying this makes me realize that maybe Sighs of Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is going to make for some awesome anime episodes after all.
