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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 107 KB, 600x600, fandomsecret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2653614 No.2653614[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2653622
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>> No.2653636
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>> No.2653641

Keep it in the archives.

>> No.2653650

sugoi hanashi aniki

>> No.2653654
File: 337 KB, 1152x864, ChinInHand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653666
File: 31 KB, 338x450, 986402~Close-Shot-of-TV-Host-Merv-Griffin-Resting-His-Chin-on-His-Hand-While-Staring-at-Something-Posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653676
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>> No.2653681

/b/ here. Everybody knows /jp/ is shit. It's worst board on 4chan, as unanimously voted by every other board.

It's only a matter of time until m00tle deletes it.

>> No.2653686


>> No.2653690
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>> No.2653691

Hopefully he does. /jp/ deserves to be deleted.

>> No.2653696
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>> No.2653699

>/b/ here

>> No.2653702


I hope he doesn't mind /a/ getting crapped up with Touhou threads, then.

>> No.2653697

moot already said he won't delete it because he wants to keep his precious /a/ pure.

>> No.2653706

> /b/ here. Everybody knows /jp/ is shit. It's worst board on 4chan, as unanimously voted by every other board.
Has there really been such a poll? I think one should be conducted if that's not the case. The results would be most interesting.

>> No.2653707

Katawa Shoujo has been stamped as /a/ material. So much for purity.

>> No.2653713

sup, /camwhores/

>> No.2653721


Cool. Now get out.

>> No.2653728


Get the fuck out of here so we don't have to deal with fucktards like you anymore.

Makes browsing /jp/ so much easier.

>> No.2653736
File: 2.57 MB, 1500x2100, Scott_Hand_On_Chin_5x7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2653740

Lol OP has a faglist.

>> No.2653745

You act as if /jp/ is any better. We have attention whores like Pygmalion running around all over the place. The only difference is that the attention whores on /b/ post pictures of themselves more often.

Although I REALLY don't want to see what any girl browsing /jp/ looks like

>> No.2653755

You know well how stupid people can be, OP. Sadly, nothing can be done about that. Those awesome moments we had in the past will never come back.
All we can do is ignore them.

>> No.2653757

Gentlemen, please calm down.
Ignore the obvious troll and move along.
Ancienneté Oblige.

>> No.2653759

And there are a lot more of them. A whole lot more.

>> No.2653763
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>> No.2653770

I like touhou, I like VNs, I like to be the little girl. I get all of this on /jp/. It's the board just for me. Please don't call /jp/ shit.

>> No.2653772

Summer has started.

>> No.2653778

I like how this thread got deleted on spot during the supposed "shitty weekend /jp/" and how you fags are getting trolled.

>> No.2653779

>Those awesome moments we had in the past will never come back.
That's exactly the problem, /jp/ has never had any awesome moments.

/b/ can be seen as deteriorating, as it is nowhere near as good as it USED to be. Ditto for /a/.

Those boards are all falling from high points. /jp/ has never had a high point, but continues to sink; with no redeeming features and no contributions to anything.

That was the main reason (not word for word of course) that people voted /jp/ as the worst board on 4chan, closely followed by /b/ of course.

>> No.2653780

True, but /b/ moves so fast that it's at least somewhat easy to ignore them. The attention whores here plague threads that will stick around on the front page for hours.

/jp/ is just a slower /b/.

>> No.2653781

Three weeks ago, bro, three weeks ago.

>> No.2653784

Stupid meme.

Stupid trolls.

Myself, I don't believe Pygmalion is an attention whore. She (???) just posts whenever she (???) feels like it. Unless, of course, you're one of those ANON IS LEGION XD BURN THE TRIPFAGS retards.

Why has "trolling" gotten so popular these days? Why does such a stupid thing like trolling even exist, actually?

By the way, meta-threads are stupid too. Stop with them.

>> No.2653792

Is that fandom secrets or whatever it is called?

>> No.2653797
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>> No.2653799


The only picture I've seen is the one purported to be Meru.

I don't care to see any more photos like that.

>> No.2653798

When every thread on the front page is a guy posting his penis, they aren't.

>> No.2653795

you're face is stupid

>> No.2653807
File: 656 KB, 800x800, Gaiafagsecret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, why is this shit still here? Fucking reported.

>> No.2653810

I'm sorry but all of our tripfags are fucking stupid. Hell, even /g/ tripfags can get fags told occasionally but here? HURR DURR DERP DERP

>> No.2653812

Now that is quality content. Please continue.

>> No.2653815

Pygmalion is fucking annoying. She throws out the "I'm a girl" thing once in a while, then goes for a few weeks complaining about people saying stupid shit like "will you go out with me", when she continues to mention her gender.

And when she's not creating drama and shitstorms, she's dumping danbooru images in an irrelevant thread.

She's not the MOST annoying tripfag, but she's definitely up there.

>> No.2653817
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>> No.2653822

what's with the same person here?

>> No.2653822,1 [INTERNAL] 

Deleted, but maybe it was for the better. The thread would probably just end up turning into a cancerous chain of trolls trolling trolls.
Not that it wasn't that already from the start.

>> No.2653822,2 [INTERNAL] 

Good thing you didn't just bump this POS into the ghos-OH WAIT!

>> No.2653822,3 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, I have a feeling I've seen this before somewhere...
