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File: 126 KB, 750x1050, Japaneseweedsmoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2647068 No.2647068 [Reply] [Original]

Why is weed still such a huge taboo in Japan?

>> No.2647074

Because Japan is shit.

>> No.2647079
File: 18 KB, 307x297, 6kgmka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2647081

lol, gb2/v/

>> No.2647083

cus japan is too good to have shitty stoners.

>> No.2647084

Are you new here?

>> No.2647086

You obviously haven't been to Akihabara then....

>> No.2647108

If the US loosens up the weed laws, which I believe will happen soon, then Japan will follow.

Japan got pretty brainwashed during the 80's with Reagans administration in office.

During my stay in Tokyo, there was a huge demand for just a little plant. Every one lives so close together though, so growing a plant for personal use is an impossibility because there are so many snitches in Japan.

>> No.2647115

This isn't /jp/-related. Reported.

>> No.2647126

What? No big eyed cartoons make it not Japanese related?

OP is discussing laws in, guess where? JAPAN!

>> No.2647127

If I remember correctly, Japan banned hallucinogenic mushrooms only relatively recently. That is, "within a decade", but still. Don't think weed ever grew to be terribly popular over there.

>> No.2647130


>> No.2647131


You're not that bright... are you?

/jp/ - Japanese porn games and mediocre doujin STGs

Get with the program, jackass.

>> No.2647136

True, but I believe this will change very shortly. The youth is gaining more and more American resemblance.

>> No.2647142

Cannabis has been an integral part of Japanese culture since the beginnings of its history. Cannabis is a sacred herb to the religion of Shinto, and was also used and praised by ancient Zen poets and Buddhist monks. Japanese merchants dealt in coins which had square holes in the center, and were carried on strings of hemp. The Japanese five yen coin still has a hole in it, left over from this practice

>> No.2647143

Because Glorious Nihon is simply too Glorious to contain any of you subhumans.

>> No.2647144
File: 32 KB, 512x341, laughing4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /jp/ is about Japan

>> No.2647154

This is also becoming more evident to Japanese youth who have a taste for ancient and modern culture.

>> No.2647159

They had a weed convention here recently.

It was fun, but all the chicks who do weed are such sluts. I mean, even more than usual.

Vid related:

>> No.2647168

Yes, I believe OPs pic is from that parade also, which was trailed by about 3/4 of Tokyos "police" force.

What a joke.

>> No.2647186

Thank you for the link, I was searching for a vid like this all day.

>> No.2647197

#10 had huge tits

>> No.2647211

japan's a very conservative society. a japanese guy i knew thought it was crazy that me and some friends had some beers in the public park once...

>> No.2647219

Dude, all the bitches that i know to be tokers are sluts. This is a universal fact. Remember the happy hippies your parents told you about? Weed and acid all day, fucking like rabbits man.

>> No.2647226

I guess, but I'd like to think that some of us can keep our pants on regardless of the substances we consume. I mean, I know I do.

>> No.2647244

Im not saying that every female who happens to enjoy the herb goes around sucking dicks for a roach, but they are more prone to spread the free love, if you know what im saying? Ganja is considered an afrodisiac in some cultures, after all.

>> No.2647251

But that's only because you are a fat unattractive loser of a fujoshi who needs the toke to lift the gloom of your eternal depression.

>> No.2647258


Well, I like to consider myself a gentleman no matter what I consume, like the Victorians who used to do opium but maintained a certain degree of decency regardless.

>> No.2647259

Junkie circlejerks are not /jp/-related. Reported.

>> No.2647267

/jp/ - reported

snitches get stitches

>> No.2647284


Why do the Japs not realize this?

>> No.2647311


Why do you people hate on free love? Why do you want to hate? It isn't about scoring drugs, its about a simple connection.

You can be a closet shut-in pasty whiteboy nerd with a hard-on for doujins and frosty marijuana, and somewhere out there, a 30-something fujoshi businesslady who likes to smoke fat blunts at the club and has a fetish for whiteboy nerds, has nothing in common with them, and can't find any who accept her love of the plant.

Marijuana is about meeting people, and every single hikki fuckwad on this site fails to see that every single time there is a thread about weed. Enjoy being lonely. I have my foot in society.

>> No.2647316
File: 23 KB, 249x275, touhoweed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should satisfy all the reporters in here.

Now it's "/jp/ related".

>> No.2647325

Hey, hey, hey
Smoke Weed Everyday.

>> No.2647331

>Marijuana is about meeting people

Huh. I must be doing it wrong.

>> No.2647332
File: 408 KB, 640x480, 1239480485495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2647347

>It isn't about scoring drugs
Yes it is. You stoners just try to make up reasons for why it's so great and should be legal.

>> No.2647354

Japan never had the 60s, that's why.

>> No.2647368

That's because back then, people were smart enough to realize that sex is awesome and not something to be ashamed of like the majority of christfag Americans today.

>> No.2647379


Enjoy your STDs and accidental pregnancies.

>> No.2647391

Enjoy your loneliness and half-humanity.

>> No.2647396


I'd do away with the other half if I could, humanity is a disease.

>> No.2647400

Come to think of it, we have the hippies to blame for all this AIDS shit nowdays. God damn suburban white youth, always fucking up things for the rest of the world

>> No.2647406

I was about to say that you were likely being sarcastic as only an idiot would actually believe that.
The current views on sex in America is the inevitable backlash of free love after hippies realized that ACTIONS ACTUALLY HAVE CONSEQUENCES HOLY SHIT and ENJOY YOUR AIDS.

>> No.2647414

Having lots of sex doesn't automatically mean you'll get on STD. But, whatever, enjoy your christfag abstinence-only mentality.

>> No.2647443

go back to digg

>> No.2647447

Yes, actions have consequences. But not always for you personally. Feels good, man.

>> No.2647450


>> No.2647471

What's with all the normalfags?

>> No.2647474

maybe we don't want to come down to the level of ugly Americans

>> No.2647475

Wow, you're a 'tard.
Yes. There is only wanton slutiness and abstinence. CHOOSE ONE.

>> No.2647495

You're finally getting it.

>> No.2647503

4chan is based in silly dualisms. We can't see anything beyond black and white.

>> No.2648672

Weed =/= sex

The Japanese youth is slowly embracing a plant that gets you a little buzzed, as opposed to treating like crack cocaine.

Logic is something the Japanese are very good at, and to treat weed the same as heroin is far from sound logic.

Soon the Japanese government will not be so strict.

>> No.2648701

Nothing wrong with abstinence.

>> No.2648713

I want to believe

can't wait to grow my first 100% Japanese weed.

>> No.2648717

And just to throw it in there, we don't like nigras around these parts.

>> No.2648724


Then scientists will put robots in it to make the high better. Robo-weed, motherfuckers!

>> No.2648725

I lash out at people who do weed quite a lot because they usually spout platitudes.

Truth be told, everyone cracks sometime though, there's nothing wrong with doing it in moderation imo.

>> No.2648729

Yeah weed is still a big no no and taboo in Japan.
On the campus i know just 3 guys who smoke weed and they even begged me to tell this to no 1 that they smoke weed.
Most Japanese girls hate guys who smoke weed

(The campus where i go is in Osaka)

>> No.2648736

was it supposed to be funny?

>> No.2648746

Closet normalfags from R9K invading /jp/?


>> No.2648745

>Most Japanese girls hate guys who smoke weed
Most people hate druggies.

>> No.2648755

You just have a public image of people who do weed from movies and stuff. The times I've done it, it has been me and 2 other 'loser' friends maximum. It's just about relaxing. You'd be surprised how many fellow virgins do weed, especially at big universities.

>> No.2648768


I don't smoke weed , or use any drug.
I got no interested in it :)

>> No.2648783

Calling bullshit, the Japanese drink themselves silly in public parks during hanami every year. Public drunkenness is more acceptable there than it is in the U.S., by a long shot.

>> No.2648803

Hey, janitor... you missed a spot.

>> No.2648806

What exactly do weed smoking sluts have to do with /jp/?
