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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2640423 No.2640423 [Reply] [Original]

Good night, sweet prince.

>> No.2640427

And nothing of value was lost

>> No.2640432
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>> No.2640433

/jp/ - South Korea/General

>> No.2640440

And nothing of value was lost.

Too bad it wasn't the Northern counterpart though.

>> No.2640445
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Oh god, I fucken lol'd.

>> No.2640495

This is totally related to Japan. That's why I'm not reporting this thread as it does not fly in the face of the global rules of /jp/.

>> No.2640512


South Korea is right next to Japan. So it is kinda related...

>> No.2640522
File: 68 KB, 426x482, sakhalin_native.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sakhalin is right next to Japan. Let's talk about our latest trip to this beautiful land next.

>> No.2640538
File: 52 KB, 357x599, 357px-Sakhalin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For instance, did you know that Sakhalin has a population of 673,100 souls?

Wow, that's a lot!

>> No.2640551


Why doesn't Japan own Sakhalin?? It's not fair that Russia has so much land.

>> No.2640572

Just what Japan needs. More inferior races to discriminate against.

>> No.2640589
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>insinuating that russians are more tolerant than nippons

>> No.2640631
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>implying the Russians ever commited racial genocide

>> No.2640651


herp derp

go read some history kid

>> No.2640667
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>> No.2640668


>Implying that 56 to 62 million people didn't die in the USSR, 39-49 million for which Stalin was responsible.

>> No.2640683
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>Implying that contemporary history has always been reported free of bias.

>> No.2640697


Yeah, we all know the Holocaust is a big fat Jewish lie.

>> No.2640702

He's right tho, the genocide wasn't racial, it was mostly politic, tho.

>> No.2640713

ITT people who believe the jew's lies.

>> No.2640714


True, but a lot of minority nationalities were shipped off to camps en masse.

>> No.2640729


If that's the way international law worked, we'd probably have to give California and Texas back to Mexico.

Actually, that might not be such a bad thing.

>> No.2640734

It would cripple our economy, considering the oil industries in Texas and the overall wealth of both states as compared to their neighbors.


>> No.2640748


Oh. Yeah, that's right.

Why do you have to rain on my parade like that, asshole?

>> No.2640749

More reason why the US is the best country.

>> No.2640782


That's a completely different ball of wax. When the government of nation that is thought responsible of certain crimes, like in the case of Nazi Germany, is toppled its document all get automatically declassified and are free to be shown to the public as far as the occupying army can plunder them, thus allowing anyone to ascertain the actuality of the facts. As of today, everyone can look up on the Internet for scans or transcriptions of directives issued by high ranking Nazi officers and get a picture of their plans.

This doesn't apply to Russia, though. Not as a whole, at least.
Even following Glasnost not all of the old documents were disclosed to the public and much of the public apologies to this or that oppressed populace were delievered with more of an eye to restoring peaceful relations than shouldering the blame wholesale.

As a result, a good part of the history books printed in the English-speaking world still possess a tinge of anti-Russian propaganda carrying over from the Cold War days, that would brand them as ruthless genociders.
But make no mistake, with this I don't mean that there must still bad blood between Russians and Americans. It's just that due to the fact not every Russian document is available to public scrutiny, all the sources American historians must draw on come down to biased Cold War era reports filed by the Western Bloc.

So in short, what you English-speakers are still learning up to this day about modern Russia are not the actual facts, but reports based on the biased American worldview of Cold War. Unless another civil war breaks out and the documents are declassified, there's no telling whether they were responsible of such calamity or Americans just inflated figures for the sake of propaganda.

>> No.2640809
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>implying western sources are unreliable

>> No.2640818


Also its not like genocide is not a old european tradition, most people are not aware because for most part it was completed.

Only two groups really survived attempts at extermination and abroption, the Gypsies and the Jews.

>> No.2640824

He does have a point, you know.
But every good lie is rooted in truth, so the big picture--Stalin killed millions--is certain, even if the details are fuzzy.

>> No.2640831

>the Gypsies and the Jews

why didn't we let them finish the job?

>> No.2640854

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.2640875


>Lucky Star reaction image
>Green text

>> No.2640877


Not just Western ones. As a general rule of the thumb, as long as you don't have a comprehensive run of all the historical sources concerning a given subject, every report inevitably winds up biased to some degree.
Compare and contrast pre and post-war disquisitions on Nazi Germany to see what I'm talking about, for example.
One would assume that historians would take second-hand sources like American intelligence disclosures about the Soviet Union with a grain of salt when drafting their dissertations, but this isn't always the case.

>> No.2641067
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