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2639558 No.2639558 [Reply] [Original]

I have a problem /jp/.
I have tried to play Seacats, I really have, but the art is just horrible. With the animu coming out soon, should I man up and play it or should I not bother and just wait for the animu.

>> No.2639563

Learn Japanese if you haven't already
Wait for the PS2/PS3 port

>> No.2639562

Play it already, you gigantic faggot.

>> No.2639579

>Play it already, you gigantic faggot.

>> No.2639582

You think the drawings in the sound novel look bad? Wait till you see the anime's art. It's just horrible.

>> No.2639595

>sound novel
I do not understand what you are talking about good sir.

>> No.2639605


>Umineko is a murder mystery game described as a "sound novel" by 07th Expansion.

>> No.2639630

I'm more concerned with the lack of voicing, I could still enjoy it without but I'd rather do >>2639563 and get the whole improved package.

I don't mind waiting, but it's going to be impossible to avoid spoilers. Might end up watching the anime first.

>> No.2639634

From what I've seen so far in terms of character designs and such the animu looks VASTLY improved over the novel.

>> No.2639636

They're just annoyed because the anime art is "generic".

Generic > shit.

>> No.2639641

stop being a faggot and play it, the anime won't even come near

>> No.2639646

drawing: an illustration that is drawn
sound novel: a synonym for visual novel

>> No.2639652

More like half of the cast look nothing like they do in the sound novel. Suddenly all of them are pretty boys. I want chubby George and Maria back.

>> No.2639670

Anime gonna suck.
I foresee no tsurupettan and marisa. They are also gonna cop out during the halloween.

You hear it here first.

>> No.2639677

>You hear it here first.

>> No.2639693

OP stop being a shallow idiot and just play the damn thing.

You get used to the art by the end of Ep1.

>> No.2639694
File: 68 KB, 550x750, umiTV-george.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, maybe George isn't chubby in the art (I mean he looks that way to us but...) he is definitely described in game as "...average" and "below average" by Shannon and George himself.

This motherfucker here looks too good for that description, I'm sorry. Unless glasses suddenly make you unattractive, because that's about the only flaw his animu portrait has.

Man the fuck up and the play games. I guaranfuckingtee you will enjoy them more than the anime because the anime is going to leave out a lot of details. It will take away so much of the speculation and that's part of what makes it awesome.

However I do admit the eventual console ports sound nice if the story remains untampered and it gets voices. Maybe. Depends on whether or not I like Daisuke Ono's Battler.

>> No.2639692


>They are also gonna cop out during the halloween.

Oh they so better not.

But fuck, I just realized a problem with translating that scene...
How will they transition

>> No.2639715


I'm afraid to look under my own foot!

Ah, that was one of the best scenes.

Mind you I was still hating Rosa and enjoying the apparent trauma she was in.

>> No.2639734

That was pretty stupid. All of her siblings were killed and she was thinking about turkeys. Fuck.

>> No.2639744



>> No.2639745

Lots of the killing scene will be toned down for sure.
I wonder how are they are gonna do the rosa scene with eva beatrice.
They should just made an OVA instead to keep all the violent scene in it.

>> No.2639747


Why would you hate Rosa? She's just misunderstood.


Turkeys that had bloody 'maggots' crawling out of it. She thought they all looked like that, which is entirely reasonable if she was traumatized by it as a kid.

>> No.2639756
File: 61 KB, 648x505, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-related question - is there a reason that Lambdadelta always ends her sentences with "alright?" Or is it merely bad translation?

>> No.2639758


A.... 50+ episodes OVA?

I mean sure it worked for LotGH but that took like a decade to release completely.

Honestly I'm thinking Umineko is going to have to be 70+ episodes if the Answer Arcs keep Higurashi's trend of being longer than the Questions.

>> No.2639760


>Why would you hate Rosa? She's just misunderstood.

Didn't like her brutality towards Maria.

Mind you, that fixed by the end of Ep 2.

Still continuing, by the way. Sakutaro and all. Screw that doll, she fought to the goddamn death for you, Maria.

>> No.2639767


She just wants to know if you understand.

>> No.2639783

Considering we only get the 2games/year from ryubrokishi, I don't mind waiting for 10years for it.
I rather they take their time to perfect it.

>> No.2639791

>Why would you hate Rosa? She's just misunderstood.

She's a negligent mother who leaves her (possibly autistic) daughter home alone while she gets wasted, fishes for men and goes on vacation to hot springs. Yes, she's a single mother with difficulties at work, but that doesn't excuse everything she does, especially when you also add in the whole public humiliation and beatings that she inflicts on Maria multiple times.

She got what she deserved at the Ep. 2 Tea Party.

>> No.2639803
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If it's like the Higurashi animu, the show is going to be awesome at first when things are mysterious and the animators are allowed to use all the cool tricks up their sleeves, but then fall flat on its face when things start getting explained.

>> No.2639800

It's like ~nanodesu or ~desu or ~kashira.
A "moe" speech impediment.
anonymous, man up and play it

>> No.2639802


>> No.2639807

she probably constantly ends her sentences with something like ne

>> No.2639812


But child abuse is fun!

And I can't blame her for leaving Maria home and going to do other things. I'd leave the annoying brat behind too.

>> No.2639815


You clearly haven't read Umineko because
>but then fall flat on its face when things start getting explained.

JACK SHIT has been explained, and what little HAS been explain always gets explained in LOUD SHOUTING AND POINTING AT WITCHES mode.

>> No.2639824

>Implying that the first season was good and second season wasn't

You best be trollin'

>> No.2639829

Oh boy oh boy, I still can't wait to see how they do red.

I'm probably going to rage to the point of hemorrhaging when I see it, unfortunately.

>> No.2639846

Well the 2nd season wasn't that much better than the first season.
QUALITY animation toward the end there bro.

>> No.2639850
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The second season was like watching a strange Japanese take on Scooby-Doo.

>> No.2639901
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I want Beatrice to ruin me for marriage.

>> No.2639902


Not that much better, aside from the pacing, the story, the characterization...

Oh wait. Guess it was a lot better.

And the only 'scooby doo' episode was 23. Not the whole season.

>> No.2639919

For me the only difference was nipaa characterization.
She was portrayed as a useless whiny damsel in distress in season1, I am definitely sure that wasn't the case in the VN.

>> No.2639933

>aside from the pacing, the story, the characterization...

These were rather subpar throughout the series, as anybody would expect from anything done by Deen besides Marimite. Season 1 was simply better because the ambiguous atmosphere expected of the question arcs allowed them to focus more on the horror scenes and throwing out clues than the things you mentioned.

>> No.2639948

The art grows on you, just ignore it for now and trudge on. Once you get to the murders it'll be easier as the story will draw you in.

>> No.2639960

Would you really? She'd skip out on town and leave you waiting for her, forever. ;_; Why won't you come back Beatrice.

>> No.2639963

I seriously wouldn't bother with the VN, it's overhyped to high hell and the art IS terrible.

I'm sure the VN's music will also be in the anime so you're not really missing out on anything. The music isn't anything amazing to begin with, it's just unusually good for the genre.

>> No.2639982


>> No.2639989


>I'm sure the VN's music will also be in the anime

I'm like 90% sure it's licensed, meaning 99.99% chances it won't be.

Is it not licensed?

>> No.2640012

If the studio got rights to make an adaptation of the anime, couldn't they do the same with the music? I know that Kyoani used the original BGM in their adaptations.

>> No.2640017

It was confirmed a couple of weeks ago they'd be using most of the VNs music, just remixed.

>> No.2640018

I heard they were going to rearrange the music. I'm hoping for some Tsurupettan.

>> No.2640029

>it's overhyped to high hell
Nearly everything is overhyped, regardless of its quality. Umineko is worth reading though.

>the art IS terrible
It's not good, but it's demonstrates considerable improvement over Higurashi and it isn't generic (something which the anime can't claim)

>> No.2640056


>but it's (sic) demonstrates considerable improvement over Higurashi

So, it's shitty... but less shitty than Higurashi.

>it isn't generic

I'd take "generic" over shit any day. That's just me, though.

>> No.2640102

I'll take characteristic, even if not too well-drawn, drawings over generic eye-candy where all the characters look the same and their appearance has nothing to do with their personality.
Umineko's sprites actually have emotions to them.

>> No.2640106

>less shitty than Higurashi.
>implying Higurashi is bad

>I'd take "generic" any day
Maybe you belong back on Gaia with the rest of the Naruto and Lucky Star fans, kid.

>> No.2640122


Maybe you should take these immature rhetorical techniques back to /a/, kid.

>> No.2640153
File: 94 KB, 450x600, rikawesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>She was portrayed as a useless whiny damsel in distress in season1, I am definitely sure that wasn't the case in the VN.

>> No.2640188
File: 202 KB, 594x841, rika awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you fast forwarded everything important.

>> No.2640799


But it was never meant to be a horror series in the first place, but rather a drama/tragedy with some comedy thrown in.

>> No.2641084

>horrible art

so what?

>> No.2642287

Why already so pessimistic?

I mean, the anime still isn't released and you cry already how awfull it'd become.

I am really excited and can't wait anymore.
Yeah I also think that they won't mention some details but which VN's adaption could succeed that?
They even use the same awsome OST. Honestly guys, it could have been more worse than that.~
