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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2636922 No.2636922 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't girls carry around parasols anymore? Last time I checked, it was still sunny as fuck in many parts of the world.

>> No.2636947

Because girls are more concerned about looking like a slut than looking refined and cultured.

>> No.2636950

Because they're sluts. Sluts don't have enough class to carry parasols.

This thread is now about women being sluts.

>> No.2636958

Because it's retarded. And you're retarded.

>> No.2636959

They're just not the in thing anymore.
Same reason men don't wear curly blonde wigs, I suppose.

>> No.2636967


I wish suits were still in for casual wear.

>> No.2636973

Same reason we don't wear hats anymore.
Well, most of us. I got me a Fedora, if only to satisfy the desire to have a silly hat. Looks good and is comfy, wish it had a resurgence like in the 30's.

I've seen girls with parasols. People tend to criticize them as snobby and elitist. So there.

>> No.2636976

Well, they got umbrellas

>> No.2636977

We invented sunscreen.

And tan became popular.

>> No.2636981

Those were retarded alright

>> No.2636992

But I like snobby and elitist girls.
And I wear a suit.

>> No.2636993

>Why can't women look like my 2d waifu

Anon... now I understand this may come as a shock to you but their is a place outside the internet called the real world. It's a good place to visit every once and awhile.

>> No.2636994


My aunt makes my cousin bring an umbrella whenever it is sunny out. She doesn't want her to get a tan. She always says "Do you want to look like a huk gwai(Nigger in Cantonese)?" to scare her to use the umbrella to block out the sun.

>> No.2637001

Get out of /jp/

>> No.2637004


Snobby and elitist girls would make the perfect tsundere. She would constantly complain about you having shitty style then she'll take you to a tailor and say "I-it's not like I'm doing this for you, I-I just can't stand people looking so boorish."

>> No.2637005


Same reason why men no longer wear top hats, jodhpurs and monocles.

>> No.2637013

That's quite racist

>> No.2637016

Well to be fair, it shouldn't matter that girls don't carry around parasols anymore. Because /jp/ never leaves their room.

>> No.2637019

I'd wear a monocle alright

>> No.2637020

I still use monocles.

>> No.2637027

Most of us study, so we actually go out.

>> No.2637031
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>actually go out.

>> No.2637036
File: 52 KB, 704x400, 1221935699956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because aristocracy went out of style when all of sudden all these peasants want their freedom. Bollocks to that I say.

>> No.2637038

That sure refutes my argument.

>> No.2637042

I'm saying you're a liar.

>> No.2637045

I could be offended. Except I don't give a fuck about race issues, so there.
Pale asian girls can be attractive, so I'll give her that. It would be delightful for her to get a dark boyfriend. In fact, I think she will in a couple years, if only to break against the family repression. You know how teenage girls get.

Sorry if this bothered you.

We're discussing style in here, we already know that most girls don't care for this stuff.

While we're on this, what about long skirts? They can be pretty attractive when not those hippie throwback messes that were popular a few years ago.
Also, in this thread, male anons that wear ties. Makes me feel powerful.

>> No.2637047

Sure did, get out of /jp/ and be ashamed

>> No.2637054


Yeah Asians are like that. But don't worry, if they are here in the US that racism pretty much dies out at the first generation.

>> No.2637055

Perfect waifu, I agree.
Tsundere ojou-sama <3

I'm pretty glad that style is out of style, though, since I'm a pretty boorish guy.

>> No.2637060

You know it's true.
Make a survey here and you'll see.

>> No.2637066

I still see people where hats nowadays, but its mostly teenagers.

I find 30's mens fashion to be so darn sexy. Hats, suspenders, oh boy.

>> No.2637067

Yeah, long skirts, actually, the whole Renko outfit is quite appealing.

>> No.2637074

What types of "hats" are you referring to?

>> No.2637075

That parasol looks like bloomers.

>> No.2637081

>>While we're on this, what about long skirts? They can be pretty attractive

Long skirts = ugly legs.

That is the rule of thumb, not always true but usually the main reason.

>> No.2637083

And your face looks stupid, your point?

>> No.2637084


>> No.2637085

It's not so much that some of us "go out" (brrr) but that we don't want to.
I'm savoring my basement while I can, I'm going back to university this fall.

>> No.2637086

That's fucking stupid, I love long skirts on girls.

>> No.2637087

tophat-like hats, classy ones.
I guess they find it 'cool' to wear them?

>> No.2637092
File: 461 KB, 600x839, 1237183400980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we still dressed like this.

>> No.2637095

Never seen anyone wear them but some really weird guy who I think was on drugs or something.
I'd like to wear one though.

>> No.2637107


Someone wore that to my senior prom. Other than that I've never seen anyone else wear one.

>> No.2637109

The stuff they wear in Baccano is what we should all wear today.

clothes of the gods

>> No.2637111


I am not a girl but I guess the reason they dont is because they are impratical for usual day-to-day.

They work when they want to get on and off fast so they are common in the summer as beachwear.

>> No.2637119

Fuck yeah

>> No.2637121

Pants = Uglier legs?
Actually, the most common complaint I see among females when I question them about what happened to skirts was that they believed they didn't have legs good enough for skirts. Seems the titillating exposure of ankle and calf is better than zettai ryouki when performed in the correct manner. And most women just lack the confidence to pull it off.

>> No.2637124

I want a parasol so bad, but I can't find any for sale in real stores. If I do come across something on the internet it's either some gaudy looking lace thing, or from some lolita shop with the brand name printed all over it. I just want a plain, frilly parasol like Yuka and Yukari.

>> No.2637137

Most people just put on sunscreen lotion rather than deal with carring a parasol around with them.

>> No.2637139

Motherfucking classy!

You know, I'm going to do it. Start wearing 30's inspired clothes. Perhaps some Victorian gentleman as well, with some modifications for comfort.
Not right now, tropic is too hot for that, but when I get to a more temperate weather.

>> No.2637143

But long skirts are practically pants.

>> No.2637148

Perhaps modification is in order. I'll look around if there are guides. The steampunk crowd ought to have something on it.

>> No.2637150

In the Philippines I saw a lot of 'high-society' women carry parasols. But lol flips.

>> No.2637159


They sell the European styled and the Chinese style parasols in Hong Kong. Alot of young girls don't want a tan and use both sunscreen and a parasol so they look white as snow for the classic Asian beauty look.

>> No.2637160

I salute you good sir

>> No.2637162

Please do keeps us informed

>> No.2637169


No, they are not ...its hard to trip on your pants but its possible on a long skirt (I even seen it), also pants are unlikely to get caught up and rip without the people wearing it notice.

Also there is the wind, if the idea is hidding the legs a sudden gust of wind is going to end it, pants on the other hand are not even going to allow a "upskirt".

>> No.2637199

I wish this as well.

>> No.2637217

Sluts prefer jeans. because it's a slutty way to show your slut off obviously. I had an argument with my twin sis and told her off for wearing shit. I said "Thank bloody god you didn't follow me out looking like a whore". Harsh I know but Ive told her a billion times that T-back + jeans + shitty mini shirt is disgusting and is attracting the wrong type of guys. Modesty fuckers don't you know it? Than she accused me for acting white. Since when did dressing like a slut and a garbage become a black thing? Since BET that's when.
This so fucking badly. But they're expensive to buy. I'm 6'4 and it's like 50 dollars for one pants, not to mention vest, top hat, walking cane, kerchief, decent white shirt, tie and monocle.

>> No.2637238

>top hat
>walking cane
Please don't take it too far, you'll just look like you're dressing up.

>> No.2637250

Predictably, all guides consist on taking a umbrella and sewing in the frills and lace. Most of the time going far overboard.

Found this that it's close to what we want.

This can be a bit gaudy, but more victorian.


Someone sewing their fix to an old umbrella. Could be exploited to do what you want, but a more detailed guide would be better.

>> No.2637256

The top hat and monocle bit was a joke but the principle still stands. For my entire freshman year I had a wardrobe with two pin striped pants suspenders and a couple vests. It's amazing how casual you can get with those and still look awesome. I stopped when it go freakishly hot. I live in Texas and the place gets like hell in the summer so I only dress that way during the winter/fall. It's fucking amazing how much more confident you feel when wearing nicely ironed pants and a polished shoe.

>> No.2637265

Holy shit for one pair of pants?

>> No.2637285

Just as dakimakura. They charge what they want because, seriously, what are you going to do about it? Sew your own? And they laugh their potbellied laughs, tapping the floor with their canes.

>> No.2637298


Just as I uttered the words "This parasol is gorgeous", I realized why my parents think I'm gay.
Fuck it, this parasol is awesome. If far too expensive.

>> No.2637305

>Perfect for the lady adventurer out and about in the world, to protect from rain or shine.
You're not a lady, are you?

>> No.2637308

I'm not going to buy it for myself, of course.
Can't a man appreciate stylish fashion without being gay?

>> No.2637312

Well, I like it too, but you said it as you would use it.

>> No.2637313

>Perfect for the lady adventurer out and about in the world
So...it's a parasol that doubles as a shotgun?

>> No.2637322


>> No.2637328

I just had an image of a Victorian lady with a parasol shotgun taking out zombies in a steam punk setting.

>> No.2637332

The Penguin agrees.

>> No.2637333

Fund this

>> No.2637339

That maid chick from black Lagoon has a shotgun parasol.

>> No.2637371


>> No.2637387

The best /jp/ threads are never /jp/-related.

Further proof that it's the source material and not the userbase that makes this board a steaming pile of shit 98% of the time.

>> No.2637426
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>> No.2637432

Holy fucking shit! If only it weren't so expensive..

>> No.2637450

Thought it would be more....elaborated

>> No.2637472

>Why don't girls carry around parasols anymore?
Why do girls act increasingly more masculine nowadays?
Why do all girls feel the need to be ultra fucking skinny to the point of anorexia?
What happened to girls who were feminine and had natural soft curves?
What happened to girls who were voluptuous and proud of it?

Read in an article that by today's standards, Marilyn Monroe would be considered overweight.

Females are just not attractive as they used to be.

>> No.2637473

The idea is cooler than the execution. Part of the parasol blocks your vision. Would have to be designed so that it folds on a second axis. That way the top section of the parasol would slide out of the way when you start to use it as a gun.

>> No.2637476

Maybe you're just old fashioned, grandpa.

>> No.2637493

Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.2637496

The idea is to have the umbrella as a shield, which would require some magic material

>> No.2637520


Kevlar is not magical.

>> No.2637530

Which is the reason why I like Touhou so much. The girls in it dress old fashioned with frilly attire and look more feminine and graceful.

>> No.2637538
File: 23 KB, 704x480, snapshot20090522215806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The umbrella wasn't bulletproof, the suitcase was.
And she uses the bullet holes to see and not fail in >>2637473

>> No.2637547

Try making an umbrella out of Kevlar

>> No.2637554

uhhh, that means she must get shot first?
Retarded I tell you.

>> No.2637557

But she is the Terminator, so it makes sense


>> No.2637558


You could make one of the sections clear or at least light in lace so you can see through it. You can even sew a crosshair on it and sight it to be accurate at 50ft.

>> No.2637561


Its not hard you know ...



>> No.2637562


Nope, it is /jp/ related. You're just too much of a troll to realize it.

>> No.2637565

Yeah...it's not really the best basis for a design.

"Hey, let's build a tank with no way to see or aim! They can just fire in the general direction of the enemy until the armor plating gets blown off."

>> No.2637573


>Females are just not attractive as they used to be.

Most men and women are, and have always been, hideous fucking things. The only difference now is that both men and women have insane ideals to live up to, and are enforced more than any other time in human history.

>> No.2637632


Uh, really, no. The amount of shit women were expected to do at say, a 1920s dinner table, is fucking ridiculous. At the best everything has become a lot more lax, at the worst their "responsibilities" have just shifted.

>> No.2637645

You weren't even alive during those times so I can't help but think that your views of the "glory days" of feminine beauty might be just slightly unrealistic and idealized.

>> No.2637678

Why don't girls wear girdles anymore? Last time I checked, women are still fat as fuck in many parts of the world.

>> No.2637683

If the parasole is a magic material it can also serve as a one way looking glass, on side being opaque and the other side transparent.

>> No.2637724

What does /jp/ think?


>> No.2637724,1 [INTERNAL] 

Ghost side bump

>> No.2637753,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dammit anon, it's ゴーストモード

>> No.2637745

Too expensive for something that looks made out of a corpse bag. Could be just the angle of course.

>> No.2637753

What the fuck are you talking about? Fucking MILLIONS of women carry parasols...
{in Asia}

>> No.2637769

Too much, far too much.

>> No.2637776

It's like the Penguin but female

>> No.2637782

There are only 2 girls in touhou who even carry them, and one IS a parasol.

>> No.2637787

And without the deformation thing, important.

>> No.2637793

I count 3

>> No.2637805

Yuuka, Yukari and Kogasa.....2

>> No.2637815


Remi carries one as well, when she goes outside.

>> No.2637830,1 [INTERNAL] 

Always had trouble with katakana

>> No.2637830

Yeah well, sometimes. That's 4

>> No.2637834,1 [INTERNAL] 

Shame on you, being on /jp/ and not knowing that.

>> No.2637834

If Maribel can do it, anyone can.

>> No.2637837

haha awesome!

I got me one of those boat hats like from FLCL.

>> No.2637846

What boat hats?

>> No.2637847


>> No.2637851

My mom's old pictures of her when she was a school girl in Hong Kong had her carrying a parasol. Whiteness was considered beautiful.

>> No.2637852


>> No.2637854

is it called a Bucket Hat?

>> No.2637855



>> No.2637860

so consesus is that China is superior?

>> No.2637862

We don't live in Asia, for one.
I would like to see pictures of girls using parasols in a modern setting. That ought to be interesting.

>> No.2637864

Who the fuck cares about Asia?

>> No.2637869

asianophobics and asianophiles?

>> No.2637870


>> No.2637876

People who have left their home nation at least once

>> No.2637878

No china is just a bunch of ugly asians trying to hide the ease at which they turn brown as pacific islanders under the sun.

>> No.2637881

oh so that's what its called

I wear it whenever I can. I live in the south, so you're supposed to take your hat off when you enter a building. Since I'm always inside, I can't wear it much.

>> No.2637885

>Yellowness was considered beautiful.

>> No.2637891

Oh now I remember, shit is retarded

>> No.2637895

Those aren't stylish at all.

>> No.2637897

Because they want tans. Which are pig-disgusting in this girl's opinion.
Also, they're no longer "in". Their era passed many, many years ago...

>> No.2637908

Agreed, but that's for normalfags

>> No.2637915


fellow /fa/gs? =D

>> No.2637934

It's not my fault I'm brown...
But yeah, there's a backlash after everyone and their dog abused of those fake orange tans. Disgusting.
Whaletail is diminishing as well. The 00's truly were awful.

>> No.2637937

Fuck off, at least its not a sombrero.

>> No.2637946


>> No.2637952

Oh god, thongs...


>> No.2637958

Sombreros are awesome.

>> No.2637962


>> No.2637972

I agree but these fags'll just attack you for it.

Upon looking at it though, I'm so getting a damn fedora.

>> No.2637987

What's a fedora?
Yes, I so lazy I can't even google.

>> No.2637997

The headgear of a true man.

>> No.2638013

Just post an image of it and move on. I'm also too lazy to type so make it quick.

>> No.2638024

They're not bad in hot weather, as any straw hat, but not my thing.
Prefer this, but it tends to give off a bad image.

Get a good fedora hat that compliments your head, and you'll feel the confidence boost. Do it before it becomes the hipster thing to do.

>> No.2638028

/jp/ - Conservative /fa/

>> No.2638039


>> No.2638046

Also, are you AoC by any chance?

>> No.2638047
File: 32 KB, 354x450, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not fit to wear something like this. You're like most kids nowadays, lazy and wants everything in a silver platter.
Tell you what boy, come around in 5 years. Maybe by then you'll have learned enough of what being a man is about.

>> No.2638049,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hats and long clothing. The world needs more of them!

>> No.2638049

Dude, it's 4 am here, shut the fuck up

>> No.2638062

I'm anything but MR. COOL, but even I know that fedoras in this day and age are pretty much the epitome of social retardation. Nobody has ever pulled it off. Nobody. You'll just get laughed at. It's not even my opinion. It's just how society works today.

>> No.2638071


No matter how hard I try, I can't stop reading that with a ridiculous 1930's style voice.

>> No.2638079


This is not new, every time the subject comes around, /jp/ anonymous prefers the style of yore. Wonder how this discussion would go in /fa/

>> No.2638105

Bullets would go right through an umbrella made of Kevlar.

>> No.2638108

I hate you for making me brought this up.
Justin Timberlake did it right. There.
Of course a fedora is not fit for everyone, but it's a step up from not being socially retarded as you put it and simply go with the current flow of skinny jeans.
Motherfucking skinny jeans and converse shoes.

Anyway, it can be done, but it depends on facial structure. Read this for starters

I say that if it makes you look good and feel good, it's more than right. Current society my ass.

>> No.2638111


I've noticed that too. /jp/ is pretty conservative in terms of fashion. We like frilly dresses, evening gowns, parasols etc. and for men we like suits, hats, ties, overcoats and what not. I wonder how we got like this...maybe this is just an aspect of our rejection of modern society? We can't fit into modern society to we yearn for the good old days.

>> No.2638119

the reason is "nerds"

>> No.2638123

Good enough reason. I'd add that being so self critical is part of that, along with the perspective that being outside the regular comings and goings of people brings.
It's hard to notice how horrible everyday fashion has become when you're hip deep in it.

>> No.2638126

It's just because it's fucking awesome.

>> No.2638148

... a period of time /jp/ probably never experienced. Geez, what you describe is nothing short of a hipster attitude, and I'm not a hipster.

>> No.2638152


I thought hipster attitude was "I hate the mainstream and don't want to be a conformist so I'll wear old fashions because I'll be better than everyone else". Seems like /jp/ anons genuinely like the older fashions.

>> No.2638163

Imprinting, perhaps. I've probably experience 'old fashion' a lot more than 'new fashion' because of the things I did when I was little. I watched and read quite a bit of period pieces growing up. Add that with the novelty value and presto!

>> No.2638166


I honestly wish it were socially acceptable, even required, to wear a hat like it was a century ago. Though if you really want to be classy and social these days, it seems like a shirt and jacket without a tie is the thing.

>> No.2638184

I think that's actually a trilby.

>> No.2638219


Actually, it's kind of the same with me. I blame it on my mother taking me to The Nutcracker when I was very young and getting me hooked on Tchaikovsky and other music written by guys who've been rotting in the ground for a long time.

>> No.2638233

Hmm, yeah, it's a shame it's not socially acceptable to indulge in odd fashion penchants. I'd love to see the unusual outfits people wear.

I can see it now: a street filled with people wearing outfits from every era and country, going about their daily lives like it's nothing. TIME WAAARP

>> No.2638234

I was raised completely in the modern style. i never had any exposure to this stuff until I was like 20. However, I've always loved hats, especially awesome ones like fedoras and panama hats etc...

>> No.2638252

Let's do the time warp again~!

Ah, the silly things we've enjoyed in our childhood. Post unrelated.

>> No.2638253

world would look like Gensokyo

>> No.2638260


What about the magic and the youkai?

>> No.2638268

The LHC's got that covered

>> No.2638276

I'm sure some people would wear animal ears.

I'd just avoid the ones who wear full fursuits.

>> No.2638335


Well I'm off to fanime tomorrow. I wonder how many shitty cat ears/cat ear hats I'll see...If it's over 100 I owe my friend a bottle of scotch.

>> No.2638384 [DELETED] 

Seriously, who else was brought up on The Nutcracker and Alice in Wonderland and Peter and the Wolf as a kid? I blame most of that for my current inclinations, even if I'm wrong about that.

>> No.2638752

so the LHC is going to make a tunnel to gensokyo?

>> No.2638800

>You weren't even alive during those times so I can't help but think that your views of the "glory days" of feminine beauty might be just slightly unrealistic and idealized.

Why must one had to have been alive in those times to still appreciate it? We have movies, internet etc that make it readily available. Go look at late 50's and 60's era playboy playmates (inb4 3D pig disgusting etc). Go look up what is usually referred to as "vintage women" They look more feminine than today's women.

>> No.2638877

Because a selective representation isn't enough to accurately judge the time period. It's like thinking everyone alive during the Enlightenment was a genius because you read the writings from the philosophers and scientists of the time.

>> No.2638889

I saw two corean girls with a parasol the other day.

>> No.2639046
File: 247 KB, 720x774, 2159_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still do OP, very much still in fashion and has been for some time. Not sure why the fashion died out in the West.

>> No.2639046,1 [INTERNAL] 

I love Yuka.

>> No.2639094

As a man, I want to wear a cape.
I fucking love capes, goddamn.

>> No.2639110
File: 59 KB, 532x550, 7b66086fe808a3c966a6bb843b20478f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top hat, cane, _and_ a cape. The Count was oozing with style. Not to mention his crazy shirts.

>> No.2639115



If anyone does a Touhou anime, it MUST be Gonzo, for this reason alone.

They should also do a Tsukihime anime.

>> No.2639214

I guess part of the reason why I like Touhou is because of the extraordinary clothes.

I've always had a light tendency towards more "frilly" clothes, my whole family thinks I'm a bit strange in that department. But, yeah, I'd love to see if girls were to wear more of these old fashion stuff, still it has to come naturally. It would have to be a reflection of your inner self.

My mom used to wear hats and I always stole it from her to wear them myself. I liked it.

>> No.2639214,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not into yandere, but there's no denying her youkai moe~.

>> No.2639214,2 [INTERNAL] 

lol racism police, fucking pc shit.
