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2632550 No.2632550 [Reply] [Original]

So I just got done watching the Tsukihime anime after being told it was so terrible. I've never played Tsukihime, but have played Fate/stay night and Melty Blood and read up on the Tsukihime world. That said, why is it so hated? It seemed mediocre, too fast paced, but it wasn't god awful like many anime adaptations. Is it less that it's bad in it's own right, and more that its terrible compared to the game itself? If so, I'll have to set some time aside to play through the game and see. If not, why's it so despised? Also in before the "there is no Tsukihime anime".

>> No.2632554


>I've never played Tsukihime

Well THERE'S your problem.

>> No.2632565

>Also in before the "there is no Tsukihime anime"

I wouldn't worry about that. GET OUT.

>> No.2632572


Here are the reasons why the Tsukihime anime sucked:

1. Bad animation, they pretty much BUTCHERED the character designs. Many of them, especially Akiha, look like men which is just vandalism. Also, WTF no 7th Holy Scripture for Ciel, just some faggot trident...

2. Horrible pacing, it truly was. It tried to take too much from other routes and blend it all together with the Arc route whilst adding their own original content like the theme park scene, which was terrible.

3. Characterization. Shiki is supposed to be a calm and somewhat aloof and relaxed individual. The anime made him into a soppy faggot. Arc wasnt moe, she was almost robotic, completely ruining all of Arcs appeal.

4. Trying to do too much with not enough episodes.

Everyone please feel free to add to this list of fail.

>> No.2632576

Are you a Geass fag? If so, I can make an analogy.

Imagine if Geass has been redone like this:

-Cut two seasons down to 12 episodes.
-c.c's favorite food changes from pizza to hamburgers
-Shirley has like 2 episodes of screentime

And unrelated to the analogy, Roa got killed with just one stab unlike the awesome extended battle.

>> No.2632580

>Shiki is supposed to be a calm and somewhat aloof and relaxed individual
Oh, well that would be shitty, yeah. From the anime, I got the impression he's a pussy version of Shirou. It's good to hear the game version is not as retarded.

>> No.2632585


There is ONE good thing about the anime though, the OST is great.

>> No.2632588

Yeah, actually I remember thinking the intro song was pretty cool.

It's about the only thing I remember about the anime.

>> No.2632591

It's a mediocre anime on many levels, some mentioned already above. as far as an adaptation goes, imagine everything you can do wrong in adapting something, add a few more, and rather than butchering several of them completely you manage to strangle all of them to death and still end up with something that comes across as mediocre... imagine the source material that could survive that kind of mauling and you should be able to understand the moonfags' dislike for how badly it was thrashed in translation.

>> No.2632592

I've never seen Geass, but I get your point. I remarked to a friend today that the Nero battle was basically "Imma kill you Arc." "No Shiki's gonna kill you." "HOOOOOAHHHH!" *stab* "Bwuh?" "Sry, forgot to mention, he killed me." The end. Seemed really retarded. 12 episodes is too short for nearly any story.

>> No.2632594

Eh, it was alright.

>> No.2632595


>Roa got killed with just one stab unlike the awesome extended battle.

Wait, that's what happened in Arcueid's True End.
Well, he and Shiki talked a bit then Shiki killed the hallway, THEN the one-stab-KO.

>> No.2632598

Maybe you should play the game first, huh?

>> No.2632605

I intended on it eventually, but seeing as how Fate only had three paths and took me over 2 weeks of playing it at night to finish, and Tsukihime has 5 of them, I don't have the time to commit to it right now. I decided to give the anime a shot instead to hold me over.

>> No.2632610

Oh, not to mention the PLUS+DISC and the sequel, which I'd assume would add even more time.

>> No.2632614

At least if you do play the game, it'll seem that much better.

>> No.2632616


Well, they are alike at a base level, but Shirou takes his ideals to an extreme level in order to validate his life where Shiki is just glad he can live another day.

They are both as devoted to the woman they love in any route, both going to extreme lengths to protect them and getting hurt/killed in the process.

Shiki in the anime though is just a fag. He is a bit like Fate Shirou until Shirou got some sence punched into him. The anime presents Shiki as a completely unlikeable character, where in actuality, he is rather easy to like. I imagine this is what pissed of T-M fags like myself off the most.

>> No.2632628


Fate is actually a lot longer than Tsukihime. Those 3 routes are FUCKING HUGE, probably the longest VN routes made. Tsukihime routes take maybe 6-8 tops.

>> No.2632629

I'm not very fond of the "no Tsukihime anime" meme, since it originated from Beast's Lair and was brought over to /a/ in late 2005/early 2006 by the newfriends who used that forum.

I still rate the anime a solid 6.8/10 though. That's my highest score for a Type-Moon related adaptation. Old /a/ enjoyed the show anyways. We even had streams of the anime sometimes; people even liked it and they wanted to watch more.

It's fine if you still do the Tsukihime meme thing since this isn't /a/ anymore, but let the record show that my Newfriend Alarm goes off whenever I see it being used.

>> No.2632631


>solid 6.8/10
>highest score for a Type-Moon related adaptation

Oh you....your troll-fu is growing weak with age.

>> No.2632636


I find it hard to put into words exactly what I think of you and your posts, so I just won't say anything about them.

>> No.2632641
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As an anime in it's own light, it's not really that bad. The one thing they really succeeded at was creating an atmosphere almost as absorbing and haunting as the game. Also, the OST, which is fucking fantastic.
The problem is that the VN itself is a masterpiece, and the anime comparatively is a total disgrace.

>> No.2632646

What about Kara no Kyoukai, even if it's sometimes too slow paced in some parts?

>> No.2632647
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>since it originated from Beast's Lair and was brought over to /a/ in late 2005/early 2006 by the newfriend
hurp derp people who use forums besides 4chan are permanoobs amirite guys? Hardcore bros never browse anything but 4chan.

>> No.2632652

Dammit, I meant Nero.

>> No.2632653

Yes. That sounds about right.

>> No.2632655

Japan had used "no Tsukihime anime" before we had.

>> No.2632661


You were in /a/ when the meme first appeared, right?

It basically transformed /a/'s general opinion of the show. I prefer it when people watch things and form their own conclusions, instead of simply going by popular opinion and never watching anything to begin with.

That's why current /a/ is so terrible.

>> No.2632659


Pay no attention to the troll. Its what it wants.

>> No.2632667

sacchin had a large part in the anime.

hence why it sucked

>> No.2632670

...Well did he at least get to eat the hotel?

>> No.2632674


The DVDs still sold well, though. Perhaps they are tsundere for the show.

>> No.2632677


thing is, whenever anyone posts "LOL NO TSUKIHIME ANIME" they are always follwed by multiple posts telling them to knock that shit off. People do it to troll.

>> No.2632679

> Sacchin had a large part in the anime.
Yeah, no. Don't troll with this.

>> No.2632681

All you get to see are some vague bodies that are too dark to see (must be a TV thing) and 30 seconds of people screaming. It was just meh.

>> No.2632687

she was in almost every episode

>> No.2632695
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VN Sacchin is a fucking badass.
For some reason they reused her character design in the anime on another character also named Sacchin. I don't know who that person was though.

>> No.2632694

This is pretty much the response I expected. The anime is only average on its own (with no VN experience, like me) but only becomes terrible and looked down on if you actually know the source material. Understandable, and I guess the only solution is to find room in the near future to play through the game when I can find some time. Thanks guys. Feel free to continue bashing it now, hearing your opinions on it is interesting.

>> No.2632690

Maybe it was good standalone, but I'll never get that experience. Instead, I just got shitty Arc, man-face Everybody, Pasta-lover Ciel, and mopey-retard Shiki. It's hard to focus on the anime itself when your favorite characters are all being butchered to hell.

>> No.2632701


Except Haruhi, Toradora, K-on, and all the other main shows that /a/ has a positive general opinion on are all legitimately good shows that have earned their status by being paragons of the anime industry. How can they not be good with all the merchandise they sell and their sumo-sized fanbase?

>> No.2632704

>intentional logical fallacies

>> No.2632705

do yourself a favor and set a couple of nights aside to just play through the game, uninterrupted. With the alt. soundtrack.
Really, you won't regret it.

>> No.2632706
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>Haruhi, Toradora, K-on
>all legitimately good

I think its about time i paddled some taste into you.

Also Popular =/= Good

>> No.2632712

Alt soundtrack? I got the Tsukibako box set of Tsukihime, PLUS+DISC, and Kagetsu Tohya, is it included in that? Or is that something else?

Also, to complete all routes in all three of the above, how many hours/days would it really take? I remember in UBW sitting at my desk for like 14 hours straight and only getting through 75% or so of it before needing food and falling alseep.

>> No.2632714


>> No.2632718

>>With the original soundtrack.


>> No.2632719
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I bet you don't like Tsukihime or FSN either, right?

>> No.2632721


no, not at all. Some elements of the mainstream are awesome and deserver their recognition.

The 3 shows you posted however DO NOT. Haruhi to a less extent as it is vaugely watchable and has some sense of plot. The other two though.....worst pieces of overrated moeblob shit to come out of japan for a while.

>> No.2632724

fuck you
some anon put together an alternative soundtrack for it. It's on /rs/. It's way better than Ever After or the original soundtrack. Called "tsukihime alt compilation.zip"

>> No.2632731

>>Haruhi to a less extent as it is vaugely watchable and has some sense of plot.

That's why they randomized the chronology when it was aired on TV, right?

>> No.2632727


One the contrary, I loved them. My two favourite VN's. I played them before visiting /jp/ or 4chan and got them through recommendations so the popularity they have wasnt a deciding factor in me watching them. Still they deserve the praise they get and the popularity they have earned.

K-ON and Toradora havnt. They are just plain shit.

>> No.2632737

Can't comment on K-ON as I haven't bothered with it yet, but Toradora is pretty mediocre. Haruhi is decent though.

>> No.2632741

well thats just like, your opinion, man

>> No.2632746

>moeblob shit
I'm going to assume that you didn't even watch the show and just hate it because it's the cool thing to do.

>> No.2632749


I watched it online and in the linear order. I do think that scrambling up the episode release orders was the biggest act of pretention i have heard of for a while.

Still, when watched in order, there is a vague storyline. Emphasis on the word VAGUE.

>> No.2632756


No, I watched it to about episode 15 when things started getting silly and forced. Maybe the word moeblob was wrong, but shitty relationships, a shit tier Tsundere turning dere-dere to a shitty degree and the fucking annoying plot really put me off.

>> No.2632759

Downloading now, I'll take your word that it's better than the original/Ever After. I still need to get the music files for Kagetsu Tohya, since I never bothered ripping it or whatever you need to do, is there a similar alternative soundtrack for it? Or a /rs/ for the normal ones, if not.

>> No.2632761

Toradora wasn't moeblob shit. It was a wannabe teenage drama shit. It's like I'm watching gossip girls or something. (not that i ever watched gossip girls before)

>> No.2632765


Yes that is true. This is just my opinion, and I respect yours and everyone elses except when they are used to troll.

>> No.2632774

The part in the game where you kill arcueid is just the best, and I'm not saying I hate Arcueid I just love that scene altogether....The anime however did a FUCKING HORRIBLE version of it. That alone makes me hate it

>> No.2632776

Popularity and quality have nothing to do with each other. A thing can be popular or unpopular and good or bad in any combination. So please shut your fucking mouths about that. K-On is a bad show because it's Lucky Star with instruments. If three people in the whole world had watched it, it would still be a bad show.

>> No.2632780

Haruhi is probably the most annoying character every created, so I couldn't make it very far in her own show.

And the second season = dropped before watched.


So what type of music is it? Some broskies Last FM playlist? That doesn't sound very appealing. That might work for someone who isn't a video game music fan, though.

>> No.2632790


What this man says is correct.

>> No.2632803

Am I the only person who liked the original Tsukihime soundtrack? It does get repetitive but just about all of the songs are good, which is pretty rare for a VN soundtrack.

>And the second season = dropped before watched.
Thanks for the Twitter update ZUN.

>> No.2632811

Makes sense to me. Whether we understand it or not, if something is that popular then it has to be what most people consider 'good'.

>> No.2632812

I tend to be more lenient and positive when watching an anime, though I do agree with people that say that the VN is usually better than the anime.
An anime adaptation of a VN can still be good though, I liked the AIR, Kanon 2006 and Higurashi animes, although I would prefer the VN's over the animes I still think they're quite decent.

Even I can't defend the tsukihime anime though.
The show is mediocre and badly paced, what with only twelve episodes for whatever reason.

This is before you even compare it to the VN, which not only makes the shows inherent flaws stick out even more but shows just how inconsistent and, dare I say, completely unrelated much of the shows content was.

Seriously, it had FILLER in it.
A twelve episode show that already had too much content for them to possibly get in had an episode thrown in about them going to a carnival.

I haven't watched it anytime recently so I don't remember if any significant actually happens in that episode, but I'm going to go ahead and say "probably not" just because what show it is.

>> No.2632821


That implies that what most people consider good really is good. Aren't we supposed to be elitists here? For shame, /jp/.

>> No.2632822
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Reminds me of that one thread where someone used a soundtrack where the ero-scene BGM was replaced with the Benny Hill theme.

>> No.2632824

Read the manga.
Anime is below average. They didn't give the most awesome character any showtime.
At least Nanaya is potrayed correctly in the manga.

>> No.2632827



Here is my T-M anime tier:

Kara No Kyoukai > Canaan (probably) > F/SN > Shingetsutan Tsukihime

However the Tsukihime manga is FUCKING EPIC.

>> No.2632829

This means K-On is good, Katawa Shoujo is good, Naruto is good! I knew it all along.

>> No.2632830

I liked it and even used it.
I tend to dislike remixes as they always seem overdone to me.

The alternate start screen music after you finish the game, easily my favorite track.

>> No.2632834

The problem is people caring about what others think. I don't need a hive mind to reinforce what I think is good. I enjoyed Haruhi and Lucky Star-probably not to the same extent of some people but a good time was had and I would watch again if a second season was aired. Do I have shit taste? Maybe, but I probably enjoy some of the anime you like as well and what does that say about your tastes?

>> No.2632839

Here is the best version of the Tsukihime music, VN or anime, that you will find.


>> No.2632838

Oh boy, so you guys enjoyed the shonen fighing Tsukihime manga instead?

I'm just gonna go with this bro's post. >>2632636

>> No.2632842

Yep. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it inherently bad.

Of course, if you're anything like the retarded masses who wander the internet these days, you probably don't understand the difference.

>> No.2632848
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This is you.

>> No.2632852
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>shonen fighting

Are you even trying anymore? 0/10

>> No.2632853

Yes! Exactly!

You, sir, have reached Nirvana.

>> No.2632860


Hey, thats actually pretty fucking good.

>> No.2632864


>> No.2632875



The original Tsukihime music sure was nice.

>> No.2632901

no she was the same character without the vampiric aids

>> No.2632926

Well, I downloaded that mix that was recommended, and figured out (aka stopped being lazy) and ripped the music off the Tsukibako discs (which is supposedly the original BGM in higher quality) for Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tohya. I'll see which one I like more. And whenever I have a week off or something, I'll devote some time to playing through them all. I'll probably hate the anime afterwards as well, heh.

>> No.2632938

Hmmm, interesting. Makes me want to actually try some of the Tsukihime music. I played the game with no music since I heard it was poor.

>> No.2632966

shingettan would've been decent if it wasn't a vn adaptation, works ok standalone but for anyone that read the vn before it should be a huge disappointment

air and kanon2006 had great adaptations, kanon2006 even surpassed the vn at some points imo, personally i think it's a bit unfair to compare two of the best adaptations ever to random slabby vn anime like tsukihime

>> No.2632991

This is why I never take /jp/'s advice. Tsukihime has a good soundtrack. Definitely preferable to no music at all.

>> No.2632995

I don't know who you guys heard it from.
But the music during the H-scene is faptastic.

>> No.2632996

Tsukihime was my first serious VN since forever so even without music I was still roped in and finished it in a weekend. But yes, the soundtrack is definitely decent.

>> No.2633004


I didn't have the version with Yakkety Sax. That was really disappointing.

>> No.2633005

You mean >>2632822?

>> No.2633012

Yeah that's probably my favorite track.

>> No.2633014
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>> No.2633044


What's sadder? Ever-present-feelings or Homesickness?

>> No.2633057
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>> No.2633618

Those are some nice arrangements, but for the main theme I still prefer the Ever After arrangements.
