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2630740 No.2630740 [Reply] [Original]

So I downloaded Katawa Shoujo last night and played through the whole thing in one sitting (well, one path of it anyway).

God fucking damn it.

I really want to keep playing this, but the finished game is probably at least a whole fucking year away at least. So mad.

>> No.2630746

KS demo is longer than most commercial releases.

>> No.2630745

This thread will be exciting and original.

>> No.2630747

Now you've done it....

>> No.2630748
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until it is canon

>> No.2630749

KS demo is the only visual novel I've really enjoyed playing.

>> No.2630752

I am a KS dev. Look at me guys, I post KS threads because I am a KS dev.

P.S. I am a KS dev.

>> No.2630753

Yeah. No idea how long this is going to take, but when you consider the depth of devotion they've put solely into the first act, it could be another two years or more.

>> No.2630754

Katawa Shoujo, not worth the money

>> No.2630760

Any news on the release date?

>> No.2630762


I thought it was a great game, i can't wait for the full game to come out. The only problem is how hanako acts. Shes to stereotypical they should change that.

>> No.2630781


Yeah, don't worry about that. Apparently in one of the endings she'll get fed up with the fued between Lilly and Shizune (forget her name, think that's it), take the blade from the paper guillotine in the library and slice one of her arms off at the elbow so she can't sign anymore.

>> No.2630787
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I was thinking actually that the rest of the game would take slightly less time to make because of two reasons:
1.Music, sprites, backgrounds, some CGs and such are already done.
2.They (allegedly) don't have as much drama and RESTARTING OVER EVERYTHING as they did before.

>> No.2630824
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I want to believe that, but they have to nut out the nuances of (at least) five romance stories. That also takes into account the reactions of all other characters, as well as some options to play them differently. Not to mention if you try and harem them.

Might be a while.

>> No.2630837

> So mad.

>> No.2630839


oh god damnit, now look what you've done.

hanako is river tam.

I hope you're proud of yourself.

>> No.2630852
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>> No.2630870
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Are you frustrated?

>> No.2630878
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>> No.2630889


I'm sorry, but who is this psycho-looking bitch? I haven't seen her about.

>> No.2630929
File: 195 KB, 650x536, Broken Glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her name's Michiru. She'll dice you with a kitchen knife. After she makes you rape her mother and sister.

>> No.2630962

Bitch from Violent Semen Inferno! She's the rapee who becomes the raper!

>> No.2630967
File: 123 KB, 522x750, Michiru Lament.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried to save her... God knows I tried...

I... *sigh* I guess my love wasn't enough.

>> No.2630999

We know, Anon. We know.

>> No.2631002
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>> No.2631026
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I loved her. What else can be said? Michiru was... she was the one. I haven't expected much from life. I'm a bad person. I kill people for money. But I always tried to do right.

Poor girl... she should have never gotten involved with me. I tried to save you, Michiru. I tried to help you let go of your anger. I guess to help you do that, I would have had to learn how to do it myself.

Sometimes... sometimes I wonder. I wonder just how much of my soul I have traded away. How many times I sold a piece of myself to do what had to be done, and keep going.

Maybe I don't have enough left for a relation ship. Maybe I don't deserve one. I've killed people, sold people, smuggled people...

Perhaps here, with Katawa Shoujo... things will be different.

>> No.2631029

Hey look, it's a mostly civil KS thread.

Hey look, even despite that there's nothing to discuss because it's a demo.

>> No.2631040


Fuck, you got me at the PS
But also, I was thinking about KS all day.

God damnit, it can't get released fast enough.

>> No.2631064

Not enough drama ITT
