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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2629882 No.2629882 [Reply] [Original]

R-Rumia-chan...when did you pick up such a disgusting habit?

>> No.2629896

Nobody can see her anyway

>> No.2629900
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Smoking is not good, dear Rumia...

>> No.2629902

It's not really seeing cigarettes that's disgusting.
It's smelling them.

>> No.2629906


And never comes out alive.

>> No.2629911

What's wrong with smoking? Smoking women are sexy.

>> No.2629913 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2629918

Well, if you are close enough to smell them, you are dead already, so it's ok.

>> No.2629919

Smoking is moe.

>> No.2629922

No they are not, I hope they'll have lung cancer soon

>> No.2629923
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>> No.2629927

I think /jp/ doesn't like smoking because they can't afford it.

>> No.2629932


Touhous can't get lung cancer.

>> No.2629939
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The fuck you just say?

>> No.2629944

Yeah. Because they don't smoke.
and >>2629911 was saying that about 3d women, surely we don't care what happens to them?

>> No.2629950
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yeah seriously, let's cap him

>> No.2629961

Smoking hot.

>> No.2629965
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Touhous smoke plenty. You just pretend they don't because you either fell for those DARE programs or you are a straight edge asshat.

>> No.2629967
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>> No.2629975

I'm sure my grandfather, and both uncles were faking that silly death from lung cancer. Who could die from something so cool?

>> No.2629977
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I wonder if she can just give the cancer to myon

>> No.2629986

there are worse habits. like daily enema

>> No.2629995

To all the anon who think that smoking kills:
Everybody dies eventually. At least we enjoy our method of death.

>> No.2629996

Clean intestines is worse than dirty lungs?
I mean sure, the ACT is worse, but the result is not.

>> No.2630000


At least they died how they lived, like motherfucking badasses huffing on a cigarette on their deathbed.

>> No.2630004


Enjoy your anal fistulas and fissures.

>> No.2630007

You have to be a badass.
Only badasses can smoke and not die from it.

>> No.2630009

lung cancer is painless

>> No.2630024
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Takeshi and I love to smoke~

>> No.2630028

Coughing up a lung is painless?

>> No.2630039

Prescription morphine.

>> No.2630049

unless you cough with blood

>> No.2630058

Smoking is for faggots. So I assume you guys do weed too huh?

>> No.2630065

Kissing a person who smokes is like kissing an ashtray. At least that's what I believe. And it does not look sexy.

>> No.2630066

what are we 10 year olds?

who gives a fuck if someone smokes or not?

>> No.2630070


Wishful thinking, how cute.

>> No.2630072
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>> No.2630075

We (non-smokers) do if they are close.

You stink. You pollute. And you are paying to get some nasty disease later on.

>> No.2630076

my asthma does

>> No.2630079

I really hate the smell of tobacco smoke.

>> No.2630080


Weed is for losers. Japanese people smoke cigs and they aren't losers. They invent the things we love. There must be some correlation.

>> No.2630081

Ashtrays have a fundamentally different texture and anatomy than a human mouth.

I bet I just blew your mind.

>> No.2630082
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>> No.2630091
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Well... although it's safe to assume smoking wasn't the cause, the guy did die prematurely aged at 42...

Also, Rumia could do and has done so much worse. Darkness is eternal.

>> No.2630105

I can't believe it.

>> No.2630106

blah blah blah liberal crap


agreed its not a great smell but if a person's not blowing smoke in your face you really don't have to deal with it unless its off the wall shit like the flavored stuff.

>> No.2630116

If it's in the same building as you, you need to deal with that whole threat of lung cancer thing. No biggie though.

>> No.2630141

Illiterate monkey. Spew phrases all you like, that doesn't change facts or makes you smell any better.

>> No.2630145

smoking ruins my favorite restaurant
yeah, i really want your raspberry flavored smoke taste in my mouth when i'm eating lasagna

>> No.2630151

>Smokers were found to be more than eight times more interesting than those who do not smoke.
>Smokers were found to be on average 76 percent smarter and 93 percent more socially confident than non-smokers.
>Smokers also had a more thorough knowledge of current events both national and international.

And some from the other side...
>ASH spokesman Paddy Krochrott said the study was a "joke".
"Who cares if smokers operate on a socially higher level than those of us who don't smoke," Mr Krochrott said.
>"They will die of lung cancer and throat cancer and tongue cancer in the end.
>"Being interesting and smart means nothing when you're dead."

I love this one
>non-smokers were 18 times more likely to look if you told them their fly was undone when it wasn't.

>> No.2630153


How fucking close are you to be able to taste the smoke on your tongue?

>> No.2630155

Smoking looks fucking cool.
That's all. It looks cool.

>> No.2630160

Most of /jp/ will kill themselves while they are young so don't feel bad about smoking ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

>> No.2630170

Taste is linked to smell.

>> No.2630171

You could always move to the non-smoking area with all the screaming children and overweight parents who gave up on their dreams.

>> No.2630172

I don't like smoking because I prefer to control and cull bad habits. When I can control my mind, what's the purpose to having addictions?

>> No.2630178

Men look cool while smoking. Women look trashy.

>> No.2630179

Secondhand smoke can cause harm in many ways. In the United States alone, each year it is responsible for:

* an estimated 35,000 deaths from heart disease in non-smokers who live with smokers
* about 3,000 lung cancer deaths in non-smoking adults
* other breathing problems in non-smokers, including coughing, mucus, chest discomfort, and reduced lung function
* 150,000 to 300,000 lung infections (such as pneumonia and bronchitis) in children younger than 18 months of age, which result in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations annually
* increases in the number and severity of asthma attacks in about 200,000 to 1 million children who have asthma
* more than 750,000 middle ear infections in children

>> No.2630185

Just like with everything. Man it's good having a penis, no matter how unused it is.

>> No.2630186

On me, nothing looks cool. It would make me look even more retarded, like that's even possible.

>> No.2630189
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Dying isn't what I find terrible about smoking. Everyone dies, indeed. What I find terrible is that, even if they wanted to, many could not quit. They're not in control of themselves. Part of them is a slave to a chemical.

That, to me, is disgusting.

>> No.2630190

There are 2 types of people in this thread:

The straight edged posters who think that smoking is bad and kills people, and in acting responsible they hope that women will find their responsibility sincere and maybe go out with them.

The others smoke to make themselves look cooler and maybe they could finally attract a women.

Wanna hear the punchline?
Both are still alone.

But at least the smokers still look cooler.

>> No.2630192

Maybe this will get you. It's likely that second hand smoke is linked to an increased chance of breast cancer. Enjoy your one-boobed touhous.

>> No.2630196

I smoke and I'm still perfectly in control of my mind. I can quit anytime I want to, I feel no sense of addiction to them.

>> No.2630202
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Only if they don't smoke stylish cigarettes.

>> No.2630204

Smoking actually is a pretty good conversation opener with people. At social events I can get a conversation started by asking someone for a light. Otherwise I'll be in the corner alone.

>> No.2630205

Where do you guys get that smoking makes you look cool? From TV? Most of the guys I've seen smoking looked pretty shitty and useless. Stoner douchebags that need to smoke something in public but can't smoke weed because they don't want their parents to kick them out.

>> No.2630209


Nicotine moe~

>> No.2630215

I thoroughly believe all non-smokers are as immature as your average /n/ poster.

>> No.2630217

>>attract a women

murrrr us non-smokers are so inteligend

>> No.2630220

Then why you smoke in the first place? If we put away "cool" side

>> No.2630221

other side of the building for that old baba's flavored smokes
she's one of those people that wears so much perfume they look like a slick leather handbag too

there's no non-smoking section in this place, there are only about 15 booths
small, old place

>> No.2630222
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I tried my best.

>> No.2630224

I once tried taking up smoking because I started going to a new school and wanted to be a social normalfag. I ended up hating everyone I met, dropped out and became a NEET for the next year.

>> No.2630225


>> No.2630229

Just so you know, a smoker posted that.

>> No.2630233

My lesbian sister smokes and she gets more bitches than I ever will. Actually, I've never gotten a girl before...;_;

>> No.2630240

playing the devils advocate is great all of you instantly assume the poster is a smoker.

>> No.2630241

Smoking is a shitty way to take any drug.

>> No.2630245

Because I enjoy it. When I started I didn't start to become addicted, I started because I enjoyed it. I would have a couple smokes with some friends, and then after they left there was no need to smoke. But when we'd hang out again, I'd have a couple more smokes. I never started as a person who smoked to smoke, I smoked as a social thing, and I still enjoy smoking with other people, like another poster said earlier, smoking is sometimes a good conversation starter.

>> No.2630246

Be a man, barge in and rape one of her bitches. You don't need to smoke for this.

>> No.2630247

You should try dressing up as a girl.

>> No.2630255

The weeke/n/d draws near.

>> No.2630262
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no shit Sherlock

So what's /jp/'s brand of choice?

>> No.2630263

Oh quit bitching about smokers, /jp/. Most of you are obese which is just about as unhealthy.

>> No.2630267

Smoke because other do.. smart

>> No.2630270

I always thought that most of /jp/ was deathly skinny. Anyway, why do we care about smokers, we're indoors all the time anyway.

>> No.2630271

Can't we all just get along?

>> No.2630277


>> No.2630280

To be honest i hate it, just because of popularity.
-Oh wow, everyone smoke, i shoud try it too, it looks so cool bla bla bla.
Ofcourse they'll never tell you that.

>> No.2630284
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it may taste like shit, but if you just let it burn for about 5 minuets before you smoke it its like a fucking cream soda

>> No.2630287
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I like cloves, though they're really a love it or hate it thing, what does the rest of /jp/'s smokers think of them?

>> No.2630297


Though I did buy all these random US brands like 555 and Lucky Strike when I was in New York.

>> No.2630301

Smokers piss me the fuck off. Go smoke in desolated areas where people AREN'T likely to pass by if you're going to do it, you disgusting cancerous pieces of shit. Fuck you!

>> No.2630310

All types of smoking have a negative impact on one's health and cardiovascular fitness, so that's why I personally do not smoke. I'm very obsessed when it comes my hobbies (such as video games, music, fitness/diet, and anime).

It doesn't bother me at all when others smoke though. People are free to do as they please. I'm not sure why someone would do it for social reasons though. I thought that's one of the things most /jp/ users don't care about. Plus we have no one to be social with as well.

>> No.2630311

Oh right, I forgot to mention I also smoke pipe, though I don't have it on me. Also, I was thinking of getting a Kiseru. Anybody on here have any experience with those?

>> No.2630316
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>> No.2630332

Metal pipes suck. They heat up really fast.

>> No.2630336

I smoke a bit, mostly to qualm the nerves, seeing as I'm going through a stressful period.
But I only do so in the privacy of my room, where nobody can be harmed by it but myself.
And I'd be quite annoyed if anyone were to learn that I smoke.
Still, unhealthiness aside, I can't really deny that there are positive effects to the thing.

>> No.2630369

I actually stopped a while ago, but the girl I'm interested in right now smokes, so yeah...

>> No.2630383

>the girl I'm with
Cool story, bro.

>> No.2630389
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Mild Sevens and Cafe Cremes cigarillos.

>> No.2630393

Interested in, not with. Probably not getting her. No need to cool story me.

>> No.2630399

You're not a cool bro if you don't collect her cigarette butts and smoke her unfinished cigs.

>> No.2630405

E-cigarette smoker here.

Enjoy your lung cancer, normal smokers.
Enjoy being totally uncool, health nuts.

>> No.2630416

Only i smell massive underageness when i read that word?

>> No.2630424


Did you purposely pose your Rei and Asuka figures like that or did they come in a yuri pose like that?

>> No.2630425

Looks like someone doesn't get the joke.

>> No.2630427

If you say so. So, what's the new trendy word for "cool" those days, so we can amend our ways?

>> No.2630434

what the heck are e-cigarettes

>> No.2630437


It's like a E-peen...but smellier.

>> No.2630441

Maybe I'm lame, but marlboro reds.

>> No.2630452

How does the E-cigarette work, again? Like, does it actually supply nicotine and other cigarette stuff in the smoke, or is it more like a smoking prop for people who want to look "cool" smoking without actually having to?

>> No.2630453

good choice, lights are for women and pussies.

>> No.2630461

Eh, smoking. It's not a habit/taste I feel like acquiring. No significant pros, notable cons--meh.

>> No.2630494

You sir, I like. You don't want to smoke, but you still don't act all butthurt when other people say they smoke. Everyone else that's here needs to follow this anon's example and just take it easy.

>> No.2630602


>> No.2630603

>>2629995 Everybody dies eventually. At least we enjoy our method of death.

If you want to kill yourselves by smoking fine. Just tell your family to stop suing doctors for malpractice damages for your own stupidity.

>> No.2630612

>>2630284 it may taste like shit, but if you just let it burn for about 5 minuets before you smoke it its like a fucking cream soda

Or you could just drink a cream soda now and not waste 5 minutes.

>> No.2630653

Yeah, it does supply nicotine. Nicotine and nothing else (save some artificial aromas, maybe), diluted in water vapor. You get your drug, but with no additional ill side-effects.

>> No.2630664

Agreed. If I wanted to taste cream soda, I'd drink cream soda. I smoke for the tobacco flavor. Because when I smoke I love the natural flavor of tobacco, not that shitty Marlboro flavor that has all of that added shit in it. Real natural tobacco is where it's at.

>> No.2630802

Don't have a nicotine addiction myself but Occasionally I smoke hookah with friends, it taste good.

>> No.2631305

A whole thread about smoking, and no mention of Revy...

>> No.2631338

Smoking cigars is where its at kids. Smoke a Gurkha and tell me its not the best thing you have ever had. You can't. Except for if you smoke CAOs or Rocky Patels, then maybe.
