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2629584 No.2629584 [Reply] [Original]

When I finaly stopped reading SSiB I thought, "wtf is with that?" So far, I have seen that the Watatsuki sisters are best described as Swiss army knives on steroids because Yori used a different attack for every enemy(not to mention she defeated Sakuya and Remi in 2 spell cardsand the only person to give her trouble was Reimu. Isn't there anyone in Gensokyo who can defeat Yori or her sister without tieing or having too much trouble? Also, on a side note, I don't know about any of you, but to me, Yori looks alot like Aerith and the sword/power makes me think of a Aerith/Sephiroth crossover.

>> No.2629589

The Watatsuki Sisters are actually Rue and Mint from Threads of Fate (no, not really).

>> No.2629597
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It's easy to beat them.

Challenge them to a spellcard duel, take a hit so you're on your next spellcard, and then actually cut them to piece.

>> No.2629604
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It's easy to beat them, just get some decoys to keep them busy while you steal expensive stuff from their storage. Shit is great.

>> No.2629608

Get a copy of SSiB, dribble on it, then rub out those pesky Watatsuki.

>> No.2629615

Wow, all of you are retards. So it's fine for one group of youkai to be hax, but not another? YOU FAIL LOGIC FOREVER! Aki Eda didn't write this story btw, ZUN did. Don't blame her excellent stories or drawing style, blame it on ZUN, and your immaturity.

>> No.2629618

Never really hated the Watatsuki sisters. I thought that they were actually kinda badass, but it just seems like they made the whole moon plan(remember, it took Remi like 10 chapters just to get there)worthless in just a few chapters. Maybe it was just Remi's plan that really was her downfall, I mean she wants to overthrow an entire nation and its army with just her, Sakuya, and a few faries?(Reimu and Marisa said that they never wanted to take the moon over anyways) Maybe if Remi brought Flandre or a few others they may have succeded and made SSiB ALOT more serious....but then again, Touhou is rarely serious, and Remi is the most un-antagonistic vampire I have ever seen in fiction.

>> No.2629623

Remi just did it out of whimsy. She wasn't that serious about conquering the Moon.

>> No.2629634
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>>Don't blame her excellent stories or drawing style

>> No.2629636
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Yorihime didn't even throw a single bullet in the whole fight, she just deflected everything with fancy godpowers, it was bullshit. Also, if you stopped in the middle, I suggest you shouldn't continue.

>> No.2629645

Yes, you like penis.

We know, so please don't bother to poorly photo manipulate an image of Ran to showcase it. It's just a desperate cry for attention, and pathetic.

>> No.2629649

True, Chen is more suitable for such a picture.

>> No.2629654

I hate Yuyuko. Why is she such a lazy bum that's easily bored with important shit? Actually think about something aside from your own interests for once and get work done.

>> No.2629662

She hates anyone that disagrees with her. Always thinking she knows what's best for all of Gensokyo.

>> No.2629658

Yuyuko probably hates you too.

>> No.2629666

Nah, Yuyuko just knows how to stay laid back instead of spending her entire (un)life shitting bricks. That one VISIONNERZ edit of her going "Just because you're playing the game doesn't mean you have to care~" is actually pretty fitting, I think.

Besides, the ENTIRE REASON Yukari got away with it is because Yuyuko knows how to keep it real.

>> No.2629670


Hahaha. Hi, newfag. I didn't make that. It's been posted to this board for over a year.

>> No.2629684

Yuyuko and Youmu just TOOK IT EASY the entire series

Yukari and Ran just TROLLED EVERYONE the entire series

The other touhous just DANMAKU AND GOT TIED UP the entire series

Then at the end everyone except the moonbitches drank legendary sake


>> No.2629690

>you shouldn't continue

Didn't read all the way to the end, didn't you?

>> No.2629705

Hm, did I miss something?
The last thing I read on SSiB was POOL PARTY @ SDM
Please, tell me it doesn't end that way.

>> No.2629710 [DELETED] 

Yorihime is basically the Touhou equivalent of Gilgamesh in terms of her abilities - she can summon any of the 8 million, which means that she has the ability to counter nearly any sort of opponent she faces. I can't say I like her, but it makes sense that she'd be able to defeat the opponents with which she was faced.

-Sakuya (The ability to see through her time manipulation power removes one of her biggest advantages)
-Marisa (Magic originated from the Moon)
-Remilia (Vampires have enormous power but enormous weaknesses too)
-Reimu (Same power, which was why she was closest, too bad she's lazy)

If she'd gone up against someone with no obvious weaknesses (like Yuka) or someone with a similarly versatile power (Yukari) the results would be more favorable.

>> No.2629709

Yorihime is basically the Touhou equivalent of Gilgamesh in terms of her abilities - she can summon any of the 8 million, which means that she has the ability to counter nearly any sort of opponent she faces. I can't say I like her, but it makes sense that she'd be able to defeat the opponents with which she was faced.

-Sakuya (The ability to see through her time manipulation power removes one of her biggest advantages)
-Marisa (Magic originated from the Moon)
-Remilia (Vampires have enormous power but enormous weaknesses too)
-Reimu (Same power, which was why she was closest, too bad she's lazy)

If she'd gone up against someone with no obvious weaknesses (like Yuka) or someone with a similarly versatile power (Yukari) the results would be more favorable.

>> No.2629715

What are the sister's powers? As in, the bullshit explanation ZUN usually gives to their stuff?
Manipulation of god powers?

>> No.2629742

Her fan can create the destructive force of an atomic bomb with a single sweep and she's blessed with remarkable luck.

>> No.2629777



And that's it.

>> No.2629838
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lol, Touhou powerlevel thread.

When will people learn that it really doesn't matter if one Moonbitch can spontaniously summon any god she wishes to win, or the other has a crazy moon technology that can purify entire cities, EVERYONE in Touhou cheats.

Directly comparing their strengths is pretty pointless in Touhou, their powers are loosely defined and may even contradict themselves depending on which manual/book you read. As if that isn't enough, it's a fairy tale setting where pretty much everyone can use some degree of magical/spiritual/divine power to do things that aren't even part of their power set (for example, REPLACING THE MOON, STEALING SPRING) so everything depends on what role each character is in for the current story.

Hell, I've completed PoFV with Cirno before, beating all kinds of bad ass characters. There isn't any actual out and out statement saying it's NOT what happened, just the combined assumption of the majority of the fans. Not like a the specifics of the flower incident are covered well enough to debunk the crazy idea.

Point is, it's a light hearted fairy tale setting our lovable danmaku game is set in and it's creator doesn't take it very seriously. The events in SSiB don't really amount to much (like most of Touhou's plot) and in many respects it could be taken as ZUN trolling the fans who take his work way too seriously.

Take a step back and support whoever you fancy, but don't argue your Touhou is infinately more powerful then my Touhou, in all probability it really doesn't matter.

>> No.2629855
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>> No.2629871

