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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2622477 No.2622477 [Reply] [Original]

i think there is a very strong correlation between someone who looks at naked pictures of cartoon children/wants to fuck cartoon children and someone who looks at pretty underaged girls in real life/wants to fuck underaged girls in real life.

my general argument is MOST people who like lolicon hentai would, if given the chance, fuck a cute, perky and sexy 12 year old, IF it was legal and IF it was socially acceptable.

however, most lolicon hentai lovers deny this because, well, who wants to admit wanting to fuck little girls in real life?

and dont give me the "but little girls are annoying and dirty, not like cartoon little girls"

some are "annoying and dirty", but a lot are not, and those cute underaged girls are the ones you would fuck (IF if was legal, and IF it was socially acceptable)

>> No.2622487

I like Cirno.

>> No.2622494



>> No.2622495

I dunno, I'm a lolicon but I prefer some breasts on my 3D girls.

>> No.2622496

I would fuck a woman regardless of her age as long as I loved her and she'd love me back.

There's a difference in liking underaged girls and wanting to fuck them.

>> No.2622497

Of course I would, IF I wasn't a dork incapable of social relations, even with children.

>> No.2622504

Real girls just arent as good as lolis.
Would I fuck a real kid if it was legal, probably not I prefer something more mature.

>> No.2622505

12 years old ARE UNDERAGE!??!?!?!!????????????????????????????????????????????????


>> No.2622506
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Anime isn't a cartoon, you're going in my little black book. Also, bully police.

>> No.2622508

Do what you want
Let other people do what they want
Get the fuck out of others business unless it effects you directly
Your daughter is 12 and gets molested, fuck up the offender
Your neighbors daughter is 12 and gets molested
its her parents problem to fix it
You molest and get away with it, the people directly involved failed to do anything about it.
Their problem.

>> No.2622515


>> No.2622516


having sex with an underaged girl does not always mean "rape" or "molestation"

>> No.2622518


>> No.2622521

It almost always is.

>> No.2622523

I didnt say that it did cock fuck, i said that if people had a problem with the going ons they should take action
And actually it does in every single situation

>> No.2622528

The exceptions youa re talking about are ones that you dont get caught in, its still very much against the law, and in a free country you can do what you want to
Deal with it

>> No.2622525

Shit thread, nice picture.

>> No.2622530

It's still a horrible thing to do to a minor. As much as a pedophile as I am, I still understand the fact that such acts will probably derange a kid for life, and thus restrain myself.

>> No.2622531


>> No.2622534

that is the longest torso I've ever seen

either that or her thighs are really fucking short

>> No.2622537
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>youa re

>> No.2622538

we're getting off the main topic.

the topic is that i am claiming "there is a strong link between someone who looks at naked pictures of cartoon children/wants to fuck cartoon children and someone who looks at pretty underaged girls in real life/wants to fuck underaged girls in real life"

>> No.2622548
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>ITT Investment Banker pretending to be a pedophile to fit in with /jp/ers. Truth be told, Investment Banker is a casual otaku. His powerlevel is arguably worse than the average /a/non. He only knows about a handful of Visual Novels and he's never beaten any of the Touhou games on hard mode.
Hey IB, I'm the one that created this pasta about you. Today I'm going to take it all back. At first I thought you were a troll from /r9k/ or /b/, but I guess I was wrong. I also believed your pedophilia gimmick was all you had to offer, but I eventually realized this is just one of your various personas. Overall you're an ok guy/persona and I hope you continue making these threads.

P.S. Thanks for the onion link from yesterday.

>> No.2622553

I look at 2D girls but not 3D girls. There, your theory just has a flaw in it.

>> No.2622564

Flaw theory.
I mean I love playing eroge and raping girls.
It doesn't mean I will do it in real life.
However if it is not illegal, I might think about it. We still can think rationally.

>> No.2622573

I feel the same as you, lnvestment banker and !pEdo1cv6Ig
I'd fuck a good looking children too.

>> No.2622582


I love lolis and real little girls. I look only at loli because it's legal where I am. I'm sure there are others like me, but I'm also sure that not all loli lovers like real lolis. There is so much more to be desired in a fake little girl, and that appeal is usually lost when brought into reality. Also, I don't think most children are developed enough physically and psychologically for a relationship. Maybe they are at 12, but only maybe.

>> No.2622584

the only think makes difference between lolicon and pedophile is that the target for their boners are either their palm or underage children.

>> No.2622585


>> No.2622595

I r43p l0l1z all the time IRL!!!

>> No.2622598

>Why do you always lobby for /l/ on /jp/? You DO know that the topic of /l/ has the miraculous ability of attracting morons to any given website. And if you don't believe me try taking a gander at notfourchan's /l/ or 7chan's /cake/ board.

>/jp/ already has enough topics as it is; /l/ would only attract legions of /b/tards to the last good board on 4chan. And I don't believe you're always in a constant state of pedo. Once you've orgasm you return to a normal state (no different from any of us).

I've made hundreds of post trying to convince IBP to stop posting. I guess I have a strong dislike of people that are only capable of going off-topic. But IBP is not that bad and these threads remind me of the old /l/ threads we use to have on /a/.

I guess offtopic threads like this are good every once in a while, they bring some variety to /jp/'s static board topics.

>> No.2622597


its not the sexual act itself that causes most of the damage to a child's mind, its our shame culture. The whole you need to keep it secret, like its something wrong(granted it IS against the law so technically it is wrong.) And even if they enjoyed it and felt positive feelsing, once the government gets involved, child psychs will drive into her mind that she was raped and taken advantage of until she comes to believe this viewpoint.

>> No.2622600


i said there was a strong link, so there might be a few people such as you who convinced yourself that you cant find sexy children in real life, sexy.


simple concept really: if a 12 year old girl who you find attractive offered you sex AND

sex with underaged girls was legal AND

sex with undeaged girls is not morally wrong

then would you fuck her?


i like to fuck girls who are good looking. some people prefer skinny girls, some people prefer fat girls, some people prefer older women.

i just happen to like younger girls. it's not like i want to fuck another species!

>> No.2622608

my general argument is MOST people who like lolicon hentai would, if given the chance, fuck a cute, perky and sexy 12 year old, IF it was legal and IF it was socially acceptable.

however, most lolicon hentai lovers deny this because, well, who wants to admit wanting to fuck little girls in real life?

No they don't. Your argument is now invalid.

>> No.2622610


here's the simple question for you too:

if a 12 year old girl who you find attractive (cute, pretty and/or sexy) offered you sex (intercourse, or if you dont want to break her hymen, handjob and blowjob) AND

sex with underaged girls was not illegal AND

sex with underaged girls is not morally wrong

then would you fuck her?

>> No.2622612

>simple concept really: if a 12 year old girl who you find attractive offered you sex AND
>sex with underaged girls was legal AND
>sex with undeaged girls is not morally wrong
>then would you fuck her?

Yes of course. I mean during the my grandparent time, people get married at 12-13.

>> No.2622617

Your general argument is worthless without data to back it up.

No, I don't care what you think, because what you think has nothing to do with rationality.

>> No.2622626

Yes, yes, I'm a pedophile... but it's not like I'll ever act on it.

>> No.2622627

Perspective, motherfucker

>> No.2622635
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also someone would say "but you have no proof or studies to back that claim up"

well how can there be proof?

whos going to admit to wanting to fuck children in a non-anonymous survey?

whos going to put their name on a survey to find out in the first place?

what i do have is an internet poll for a pedosexual/ephebosexual forum.

the results are clear: people on that forum who want to fuck adult women, teenage girls, preteen girls

and people who want to fuck adult women AND teenage girls but NOT preteen girls

make up about 66% (2/3) of the poll.

obviously this shows that despite being illegal, people want to fuck teenage girls.

moreover, about 40% of the respondents expressed a desire to want to fuck PRETEEN girls.

while pedosexuality might not be at that high a rate in overall society, this still indicates the amount of people who want to fuck preteen girls might be higher than everyone wants to admit.

>> No.2622639


>if a 12 year old girl who you find attractive (cute, pretty and/or sexy) offered you sex (intercourse, or if you dont want to break her hymen, handjob and blowjob) AND sex with underaged girls was not illegal AND sex with underaged girls is not morally wrong

Where do I sign up?

>> No.2622651
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1242456151536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One question IBP. Why do you waste your time trying to discuss these things with /jp/ers? You can find better written and more thought provoking discussions about pedophilia on tor. Tor is like /r9k/, minus all of the moralfags and idiots.

>> No.2622657

>looks at pretty underaged girls in real life
>wants to fuck underaged girls in real life

There is a huge difference between these two. Just 'cause you look doesn't mean you want to touch, you know. Or does saying a plant/animal/inanimate object looks pretty mean you want to engage in sexual relations with it?

>> No.2622662


Me thinks the "maiden" doth protest too much

>> No.2622671


trying to justify pedosexuality to tor-users is like trying to justify homosexuality to gay people.

i'm preaching to the converted.

no, what i want to do is to show the anti-pedos and the people who sit on the fence that:

-we can attempt to justify pedosexuality using rational debate
-that the pedophile stereotype in the media is misleading and perhaps even false
-and that pedosexuality is higher than what most people would admit

>> No.2622694


Correlation does not imply causation, gtfo underage fag

>> No.2622696


you do know that 4chan had an /l/ board too right? Even "not"4chan really was 4chan for quite some time.

man I miss /l/, there were some great threads and translations back then.

>> No.2622701


i didn't conclude there was causation.

i simply said there was a strong link between someone who looks at naked pictures of cartoon children/wants to fuck cartoon children and someone who looks at pretty underaged girls in real life/wants to fuck underaged girls in real life.

to put it another way: there is a strong link between living in America's south and voting for George Bush. ask a southener who he would vote for and there is a good chance he will say geroge bush

similarly, ask a lolicon hentai user whether he would fuck a good looking 12 year old girl AND IF it was legal AND IF was morally acceptable thing to do, and chances are he will say yes.

>> No.2622715


OPs statement is basically

"If you could do what you want, would you do it"

>> No.2622725

except, you're wrong, or since i can't speak on the behalf of every lolicon, i can at least say not every lolicon wants to have sex with a real loli

i would prefer someone around my own age and also >>2622495

>> No.2622736


From ancient times to as recently as the 1600's, Shakespeare's time, girls were married off when they were 11 or 14. Shakespeare's famous love story of Romeo and Juliet would be pedotastic according to today's standards.

Consider also that the 11 and 14 year olds of today are hitting puberty much earlier than before (debate still rages on why, but hormones suspected)... and they were basically marrying 8 or 9 year olds.

Attraction to young girls is natural and healthy.

>> No.2622737

of course i would. But i havent seen any 12 years olds who i find attractive, so that argument is rather stupid..

>> No.2622741

I said I was a pedophile on Total War Center forums and I got banned for good.

>> No.2622754

There is also a strong correlation between men and rapists. Gay people and earthquakes too.

>> No.2622762

IF it were socially acceptable i would murder the entire human race.
Let me go out on a limb here and say that people are more under the control of convention than they'll readily admit.
If we're talking about the minimal amount of social rejection necessary to defeat pedophilia then we've already fallen below it. I suggest we start burning people at the stake publicly for coming within shouting distance of any minors.

>> No.2622763


It's one thing to be attracted to a underage girl, and another thing to specify/look in particular for a young girl. That's just too creepy in real life.

>> No.2622766
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Wouldn't you be better off making these threads on /a/ or /v/?

95% of /jp/ers are lolicons, though I'm not sure how much of us are pedophiles. /jp/ers by nature hate 3D related things. Trying to convince /jp/ to like 3D kids is like trying to convince /jp/ to fap to 3D adults.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is, they don't reject CP because of morals, they reject it out of principles; ie they don't care if it's a 3D kid or 3D adult, they only want 2D.

Yeah, and the topic of /l/ was too mature for them to handle. Eventually /l/ collapsed on its own stupidity.

moot had a number of reasons for getting rid of /l/. I don't care what you believe his reason was; I believe he banned /l/ because of the various cp threads. Let's look at it this way, a) moot never wanted /l/ in the first place and b) the feds can commandeer his server if they believe it contains cp. I think the cp raids were the straw that broke the camel's hymen... um I mean back.

>> No.2622774

women should have breasts, and they should have a menstral cycle (which you can fuck with via the pill).
