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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2620829 No.2620829 [Reply] [Original]

Why do japs sexualize children?

>> No.2620833

Why not?

>> No.2620836

>Why do japs sexualize hand-drawn images of humanoid characters that resembles children?

>> No.2620849

You honestly don't think they sexualize real children?

>> No.2620862

We do, but the point is this: >>2620833

>> No.2620865

Saying 'they' as though you are not surrounded by similar people.

>> No.2620871


>> No.2620884


Waiting for Investment Banker to come on?

>> No.2620897 [DELETED] 

Don't we sexualize all the other age groups? It would be wrong not to sexualize children.

>> No.2620911

Do you mean sexualize the young girl archetype of the mind set in general? The former I can understand since a vessel is a vessel, but the latter is just plain sick.

If an old couple that has been married 50+ years is allowed to go back and become 10-year-olds, you KNOW they'd be having sex at least 4 times a day.

>> No.2620938
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>> No.2620949

They sexualize themselves.

>> No.2620958
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>> No.2620967
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>> No.2621000

Pissing up noses.

>> No.2621013

Feels good, that's why.

>> No.2621045


well i do believe there is a very strong correlation between wanting to fuck animated children and wanting to fuck real children.

as for the original question, you might as well as why we sexualize women. becos we can and because we want to fuck whatever we are sexualizing.

>> No.2621055

>strong correlation between wanting to fuck animated children and wanting to fuck real children.

Yeah maybe, if real children were anything like the animated little girls...

>> No.2621060

Because its the fruit on the tree that nobody can reach, and as thus needs to be displayed in detail.

>> No.2621067


I love underaged girls for many reasons and my age range is anything from 8 to 30 years old. The perfect loli age for me is around 10-12 years old. She still has no pubic hair or breasts but her overall body already has some sexy form.

Flat chests: I love their smooth bare chests with 2 cute little nipples. I like to gently squeeze their breast area so that it looks they do have breasts, then I suck their nipples, pretend breasts and all.

Bald hairless pre-pubescent vagina: God's gift to mankind. Unlike women's vaginas, little girls vaginas are completely hairless and look like beautiful flowers, not fish. My penis would usually be too big to insert into their vagina so I just place the head of my penis onto her vagina and make short and gentle thrusting motions. Alternatively, I like to just use her vagina hole to caress my penis up and down, from the base to the tip. The friction alone is enough to make me cum.

Her little mouth and little fingers: Like her vagina, a little girl's mouth is not enough to take the whole of my penis but they can take enough. The combination of her inexperienced mouth around the tip of my penis and her hands clutched around my shaft is heavenly.

Her carefree and innocent personality: Unlike a woman, a little girl is not bitter, jaded or cynical. Her desire for money hasn't come around yet so she only has one thing that motivates her: curiosity for the unknown. The look of a girl's face when she sees an erect penis for the first time is a mastercard moment.

And that's why I love little girl lolis. What about you?

>> No.2621084

Do you have to be so blunt and honest about it?

>> No.2621092


when it comes to girls, i think 11/12 years old is the perfect age.

speaking as a pedophile/ephebophile, i don't like toddlers so anyone under 6 is ruled out.

girls between 7 and 10 still resemble babies too much and they might still have the remnants of baby fat (which i dont like) so apart from some exceptions, girls in this age group are ruled out.

girls over 13 have already been exposed to materialism/consumerism and are starting to learn the harsh realities of life and will become mean/jaded/cynical/man-hating for it. in terms of looks, girls between 13 and 17 are good but their personalities are starting to wither away.

females over 18: nothing more needs to be said.

so what are we left with? 11 and 12 year old girls = PERFECTION.

they have delicious flat chests (or at most 2 little bumps with exceptions like saaya irie), skinny legs and slim bodies, and in terms of facial appearances, they look more adult-like than baby/toddler-like. unlike older age groups, they are still innocent, playful and sweet in nature.

you don't need to pay money to keep her around, all you need is love, a friendly attitude and something to talk about (teapots, cute puppies and kittens, etc)

>> No.2621175

did i answer the question?

>Why do japs sexualize children?

>> No.2621186

depends; are you Japanese?

>> No.2621195


no why?

>> No.2621197

I for one appreciate the frankness of this fine gentleman. It's a breath of fresh air from all the crowd of hypocrites and closetfags we live with these days.

>> No.2621201


I was going to quote "cool story bro", but then I saw who wrote this, and lost the desire.

After all it could just be another copy pasta.

>> No.2621203

well, given that the question was
>Why do japs sexualize children?

You answer may not necessarily answer the exact question.

>> No.2621209


people are always saying how "sick" pedosexuality is while not offering logical reasons for it.

whether pedosexuality is right or wrong, i at least offer an insight as to why a pedosexual might want to fuck a little girl.

some people like skinny women, some people like chubby women, some people like older women, some people like females who are slightly below the age of consent.

pedosexuality as a sexuality is no more deviant than anything else.

>> No.2621212

If you have ever feeld attracted to girls under 18, even if you where a child, your'e a pedophile.
That's what those people really belive.

>> No.2621220


well as for why they sexualize children, that's because little girls have sexy features like flat chests.

as for why it is the japs, that's because sexuality in japan is more liberal than america in part due to their culture and in part due to the lack of religion which promotes violence but discourages sex.

>> No.2621225


society doesnt care about real definitions. they just make things up.

>> No.2621743

>something to talk about (teapots, cute puppies and kittens, etc)
Fuck yeah, I love teapots.

>> No.2621761

Why does anyone sexualize children?

>> No.2621767

because it's awwwwwwright

>> No.2621772


>> No.2621795

Children are cute.
Children are also stupid and spoiled. They are annoying as hell and never know when to shut up.

Flat chests and hairless pussies are fine, but any kid under 16 is just plain annoying. 16-18 is when women become mature and start to understand life. 18+ women are fine and educated (most of them, at least) and will definitely have more in common with you.

tl;dr not all grown women are jealeous materialistic bitches. Learn2choosewomen.

>> No.2621808

>not all grown women are jealeous materialistic bitches.

Do you know where you are?
You might as well be trying to explain evolution to puritans in the 18 century.

>> No.2621813

in real life WOMEN CHOOSE YOU

>> No.2621814
File: 141 KB, 1024x766, 1242745500450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16-18 is when women become mature

Also I don't know what Japan's issue is. little kids are creepy. Maybe it's cause you can't tell the difference between a 12 year old and a 30 year old there, so they just go "fuck them all and let the law sort it out"

>> No.2621837

Because little girls are fucking hot.

>> No.2621909

because it's innocence that turn them on

>> No.2622003

I think the worst part of modern society is how they unsexualize children. It has gone so far that people basically pretend it is impossible for anyone below the age of 18 to be interested in sex.

Kids masturbating? You must be kidding, nobody below the age of 18 knows they have a sexual organ. It is just pedo-nonsense posted in youth magazines by 30 year old pedos.

Love stories in school? Pffff. Kids don't know what love is, they just pretend to like people to imitate adults and TV. And this love, that of course never happens, can never be between a child and an adult either, because you can only like someone exactly of your own age.

Luckily at the age of 18 the magic sex fairy descends and grants the ability to feel love and be interested in sex. Of course to preserve the balance of things the sex fairy also plants a curse that prevents the person from ever having feelings for children.

Or at least that is what the vocal people think.

>> No.2622018

OP should shut up and start posting more pics

>> No.2622029

>Everyone should shut up and start posting more pics


>> No.2622047

Little children are kind annoying and sometimes creepy... I think most "loli" type imagery really evokes cutesy acting teenagers and young adults. Real little girls rarely have personalities like animu characters.

>> No.2622053

I don't know what's more repulsive, the institutional paedophilia of Japanese culture, or the fact that Japanese culture somehow provided inspiration for /jp/.

>> No.2622075
File: 50 KB, 957x316, loliped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2622148

you mean... they're an idealized version of reality which often has very little relation with reality? shoking,

I agree with you to an extent. The idea of pedophilia laws are intended to protect younger minds from sexual influences of people significantly older than them (and if you don't think a 25+ year old has a mental advantage over a 10-15 year old, you're deluding yourself), but to me the problem tends to be, as you described, the hard line in the sand at 18.

This has been improving in some respects as some have switched to a sliding scale when the older of the two is under 20/21, but is still generally restricted to a year or two in either direction, which can still lead to ridiculous situations and legal expectations for people who really shouldn't have to deal with that stuff.

Also we could try the whole raising your own damn children if you're so worried about them instead of pushing forth laws to make society do it for you, but that would be hard, wouldn't it?

>> No.2622157

It's just another fetish, It's deemed offensive to the general public but many share the desire. People say it's wrong on the streets because they're forced to. If they don't they might be looked down upon. Japan just does what many people might find offensive to the natural world. They just don't care.

>> No.2622167

you can download the full set here:

>> No.2622170

Imagine if this thread was passed around a govt board meeting....

>> No.2622184

Nobody needs to "sexualize" children -- they're already sexualized from birth. All normal humans are. When I was 8 years old, I was already playing with my dick and trying to look up girls' dresses. So was everybody else.

This idea that anybody under 18 has to be "sexualized" (as if that were a bad thing) before they can like anything but clowns and balloons is a stupid leftover from the Victorian era.

>> No.2622195


This site would have even more publicity.

>> No.2622227

What? Pedophilia on Japan is lower than in the most of the whole world. Bring in a 3D discussion on a 2ch ero board and you'll be flamed as if there are no tomorrow.

>> No.2622276

Not the guy that asked for it but thanks. This site has some nice stuff.

>> No.2622285

>Why do people(men) sexualize women(whores)?
Also, athens thread

>> No.2622346
File: 321 KB, 960x1355, 1229445193be3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture explains why.

>> No.2622411

is anyone a member of http://littleangelshentai.net/forum/ ?

you're kidding yourself if you think most lolicon hentai lovers dont want to fuck children who are sexy.

>> No.2622424

>clowns and balloons


>> No.2622437

Speak for yourself. I get off to loli (anything drawn nicely enough as well) but can't get off to junior idols or other skimpy clad girls. I'm not just saying that. Saying some pedophiles like loli is one thing, saying everyone who likes loli is another.

>> No.2622445


i didn't say everyone who likes loli hentai likes pedosexuality

i said MOST

you're kidding yourself if you dont think theres a link between wanting to fuck animated little girls and wanting to fuck real little girls

>> No.2622450

ITT one really loud obnoxious pedophile thinks he can speak for everybody. Sorry kiddy fiddler but you're sick as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

>> No.2622458

This thread is so full of socialized bullshit and sterotypes it has become complete fail.

The percentage of Japanese who actually are into Anime/Manga is very low compared to the total population. So assuming every Japanese person is the same is like saying every Russian is the same.

2D=/=3D If you haven't figured that out already what are you still doing here?

>> No.2622463

I still don't get it, you're going to have to post more.

>> No.2622466

>>i said MOST
Same thing. You add a modifier with nothing to back it up except your experiences. Did you conduct an opinion poll with other people who like loli? Do you have statistics to back it up? No. What's your qualification besides your own life experiences? Why the fuck should I believe you when you say "Most" and not disregard it as opinionated bullshit? Huh?

>> No.2622469
File: 103 KB, 300x500, 1241694112978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I too late for a religion thread?

>> No.2622470

>>The percentage of Japanese who actually are into Anime/Manga is very low compared to the total population.

Adding to this there was a poll that showed that majority of Japan don't even watch or have acces to anime.

ITT we generalize.

>> No.2622473
File: 136 KB, 745x874, Religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2622479
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>> No.2622482

Loli is bad. Help making the world a better place and stop fapping to loli.

>> No.2622532

Fap to loli make the world a better place human kind deserve it

>> No.2622551

Waku waku bon bon?

>> No.2622554

>children who are sexy.

there is no such thing as "sexy children"

>> No.2622562


ACTUALLY, look up the definition in the DSMV. by his attitude and how he seems to be living a healthy life, he wouldn't be classified as a pedo.

>> No.2622645

because with kids, sex isn't just throwing a hot dog down a hallway

>> No.2622665

kids do eat hotdogs

>> No.2622674

with their hallways?

>> No.2622683


there are several problems with conducing a pedo poll:

-no-one is going to admit desires to fuck children in this social climate
-no-one is going to put their name on a study that may potentially prove to show pedophiles in a positive light

asking for scientific proof of anything regarding pedosexuality is futile: no-one even wants to touch the subject unless they want to denigrate pedosexuality and pedosexuals (anti-pedos).

>> No.2622685

the size of a hallway.

>> No.2622697

remember that the UN says that every person under the age of 18 is a children and pretty soon all western goverments will implement internet censorship under the following guideline: NON ADULT CONTENT ONLY

someone needs to restart the economy right FFFFFF

>> No.2622744

>every person under the age of 18 is a children [sic]
but you can still be tried as an adult for crimes if you're older than about 12, HOORAY AMERICA! USA! USA! USA!

>> No.2622811

why was my pedosexuality therad eleted?

>> No.2622838

Not enough morning musumes or disabled girls. You have to cater to Janitor-san's whims.

>> No.2622844
File: 76 KB, 519x600, HAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not all grown women are jealeous materialistic bitches

>> No.2622847


Probably because while /jp/ is the only good place to talk about pedo and loli topics, it still isn't counted as Japan-General content.

I still think the world needs a grand poll about "What age were you when you first started to think about sex" just to see if it is 100% 18+ or if society is built on a lie.

>> No.2622866

why are you all speaking about 18+?
Here its legal to fuck 16 years old teens.

>> No.2622875

All kids are sexy, you damn bigot.

>> No.2623010

15 is legal here...

>> No.2623344

Which countries is 14 legal?

>> No.2623380

quick, start talking about your dry orgasms when you were 13-12

>> No.2623398

people get sick of things and look for alternatives.

Eat too much bread, you get sick of bread.
See too many busty babes, you get sick of busty babes.

>> No.2623421


12 is legal in Mexico, Philippines

13 is Spain and Japan

>> No.2623428

i used to think it was over when i precummed.

then, one time, i decided to keep going and BOY was i in for a surprise.

>> No.2623960

lets talk about pedosexuality in this thread then

>> No.2624013


well, go on....

>> No.2624108

>Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
According to the DSM, everyone suffers from at least one mental disorder, Dr. Phil.

>> No.2624127

20+: "Independent" meaning they know how to seek men for money ("You're cute. So what do you do for a living?", etc) and success ("Give me the promotion or I'll tell everyone you assaulted me."). Body begins to deteriorate.
16-19: As they're exposed to more and more of the real world. They see how money is a necessity, thus an obsession for money begins to develop.
11-15: PERFECTION. Her body is beginning to develop and she's calming down. Some become sluts, too bad. Others are great to know.
4-10: Screaming little shits.

11-15 is the sweet spot.

>> No.2624187 [DELETED] 


i like flat chests.

>> No.2624206


don't we all.


according to the DSM-V, I doubt if anyone is a pedo according to its fucked up definition. Even Mr. Investment Banker.

>> No.2624215

I ment anyone here.

>> No.2624242

There's no love purer than the love between father and daughter.

I hope I can experience it one day.

>> No.2624402

>why are you all speaking about 18+?

I chose it because it is the age where you are considered old enough to take all responsibility. Before that you are constantly rated "stupid" in various degrees.

16: Smart enough for a car and sex, too dumb for beer or marriage.

Of course that pales in comparison to how they treat adults these days.

30: Old enough to watch Saw with torture and death, too dumb to handle lolicon without becoming a sex predator.

Thank god we have laws so we do not attempt something too advanced for ourselves.

>> No.2625329
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>> No.2625335

So pure, I'm going to die.

>> No.2627123


>> No.2628917

