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2615001 No.2615001 [Reply] [Original]

Do any Touhou characters speak English?

I don't know Japanese too well. If none of them know English how will I talk to them when I reach Gensokyo? ;_;

>> No.2615008

Oh how correct you are Marisa.

>> No.2615055

Yukari, Moriya shrine bitches, probably SDM crew

>> No.2615934

Anyone who studies magic probably does.

>> No.2615957

Wouldn't Remilia be more likely to speak French, if not one of the East European languages?

>> No.2615965

Only if you have an english patch.

>> No.2615968

I know the universal language of music.

I'll just have to steal a bass guitar from someone.

>> No.2615972

Yes, because when I think arcane magic, I think english. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.2615975

More likely Italian. Sakuya would speak French. Patchy English. And Meiling Chinese.

God, Gensokyo is full of wops.

>> No.2615978

What the Christ is going on with their hands?

>> No.2615996


>> No.2616245

Obviously Marisa's either a Mudokon or Nightcrawler.

>> No.2616271

I can speak Latin; what are the chances I'll be able to chat with the people in the SDM?

>> No.2617006

I'd imagine someone called "Alice Margatroid" would be likely to speak english, just a guess though.

>> No.2617061

If Remilia isn't talking out her ass about being a descent of Vlad Tepes I'd think the usual household language would be Romanian.

>> No.2617083


>> No.2617092

she is, though

>> No.2617133
File: 213 KB, 500x1800, 1211086021521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To find the answer to this question I turn to that great fount of knowledge, Japanese Walfas fanart.

>> No.2617162

Dollmaker of Burcuresti
Emphasis on Bucuresti

>> No.2617168

I would think that Alice would have run into English before at least if not already know it. Or am I reading into her song title a bit much.

Patchy, Remi, Yukari, the Moriya shrine girl, and Rinnosuke would likely know it.

>> No.2617203

Actually, now that I think about it, Wallachia (Vlad Tepes' kingdom) and Bucharest are both in Romania.

Go phone CERN, they've built the large hardon collider in the wrong spot.

>> No.2617227

When I last visited Bucharest, I never had problems finding people who spoke English (at some level or another). Nice place too, I kind of want to go back.

>> No.2617298

Yeah, but SDM are canonically emigrants. You can't emigrate to your own country. Therefore Gensokyo is outside Romania.

>> No.2617305

My vote is that Alice possibly does, Akyuu probably does, Patchouli might because of how damn learned she is, Remilia might also but the chance is smaller, same for Sakuya. Sikieiki probably does too, if only to help in her duties. You never know!

Oh, and Yukari probably does just because she's f'ing Yukari.

>> No.2617326

Depends WHEN the SDM migrated. 200 years ago they would have known French, 20 years ago they would know English. Both are pretty much givens.

>> No.2617336

Yukari likely set in motion the events that caused English to come about. She is the lord of change. All hail the true form of Tzeentch.

>> No.2617338

Don't worry, there's an universal language everyone understands: Rape.

>> No.2617369

MOKO!! speaks a perfect english.

>> No.2617526

Unlike you?

>> No.2617554

Isn't Komachi multilingual, because of her job? Celestials probably know all languages, too

>> No.2617571

she knows english and spainish being mexican and all

>> No.2617593

All spiritual beings communicate through directly expressed feelings, not language. Think a thought to yourself without using any words -that's what it feels like. Expressed feelings are sometimes seen as bursts of magic. This is the case with Lilly White, who gives up dialog for MORE BULLETS.

>> No.2617620

So if they all speak different languages, how the fuck are they communicating with each other? And why haven't they killed each other yet?

>> No.2617623
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Who needs language when you're as sexy as me?

>> No.2617648


The only thing Touhous understand is Danmaku. There is no need for words in Gensokyo...

>> No.2617730
File: 31 KB, 385x477, Tom Hanks (Forest Gump) 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forest Gump : The Gensokyoan people's have no real possessions and no real religion too.
Dick Cavett : It's hard to imagine.
John Lennon : It's easy if you try, Dick.

The Dick Cavett Show Interview
