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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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26093307 No.26093307 [Reply] [Original]

Must know words: https://quiz-daisuki.com/?s=%E9%9B%A3%E8%AA%AD%E6%BC%A2%E5%AD%97
Resources: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/
Jap bookmarks: https://pachimon.github.io/tools/JapBookmarks.html
Books provided by 2ch users: http://2ch.club/jp
Books provided by nsnippon: https://archive.org/details/@nsnippon
Grammar guide: http://guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar
Guide for making mpvcards: https://github.com/Ajatt-Tools/mpvacious
Check native pronunciations: https://youglish.com/japanese
Official DJT study room: https://app.element.io/#/room/#djt:g33k.se
If your question doesn't get answered, post it in the room.

Previous Thread: >>26046493

>> No.26093349
File: 45 KB, 213x123, kupaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26093365

What a great OP.

>> No.26093390

what does it mean

>> No.26093419

>he doesnt know

>> No.26093420


>> No.26093459

forgot to link to the Mass Immersion Approach website

>> No.26093509

mia is a worse version of ajatt, created solely for making money.

>> No.26093527


>> No.26093559

even if 40,000 thousand words are a must know that's only just under the amount of words natives can recognize with kanji as a guide. not what you'd expect from listening and even then ultimate anki fag quiz only has just over half that. who knew that anime was so big brain

>> No.26093581

sorry to drop this ばくだん but ajatt was also created solely to make money

>> No.26093625

more than half of the words in freq lists dont deserve to be counted as separate words though

>> No.26093661

You guys are fucking bakas. The only way you will ever learn 日本人 is with my method and my method alone.

>> No.26093685

not at first. only when katsumoto had lost his job in japan he started introducing paid stuff.
on the other hand, MIA from the beginning revolved around matt's patreon account.

>> No.26093723

I am making a new attempt to learn Japanese and achieve fluency before I visit, with my goal year being 2025. Three years ago I started learning but quit when I suddenly forgot everything. I believe the issue was that I relied too heavily on Anki without using other resources. When I fell apart, I had gone through most of Core 2k and was planning to read a children's book once I finished adding cards to the deck. Now that I am returning, I found that the Kana returned to me very easily, but I am hesitating to jump into Core 2k after my previous failure. At the early stage of starting Core 2k or partway through, how did you balance Anki with other material to reinforce learning?
>tldr: I fucked up learning years ago and am trying again, how should I balance Core 2k with other things at the early stages?

>> No.26093733
File: 217 KB, 497x480, 1599229980557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you actually pronounce ふ ?

>> No.26093754

mia spiritually encompasses all the tips matt gave prior to the patreon that diverged from khatz orthodoxy. so anon, shut the hell up. matt even said he started the channel to "highlight the good/useful" shit from ajatt because the website sucked ass and was full of bullshit.

>> No.26093759

shit matt started taking money from the very beginning before he even had the balls to pretend he was bringing anything new to the table lol

>> No.26093834

just quit right now if you have no plans to read visual novels because "its not my thing." best thing you can do to learn japanese is develop an excitement about otaku culture without judgement

>> No.26093844

open your mouth a little bit and relax it
bring your lips in just a tiny bit to constrict the airflow a little
say hu
refine it by comparing to natives

>> No.26093878

bare your front upper teeth and place them on your bottom lip. curl your top lips. say FUUUUUUCK as loudly as you can.

>> No.26093897

if now was 2017 i'd agree with you. but since then matt threw away almost all mentions of ajatt from his posts and videos. he also changed his advice from closely mimicking ajatt to less effective/watered down. many good videos today are either hidden or deleted, and replaced with clickbait à la `white guy speaks perfect jap`

>> No.26093953

yeah pretty much this. i used to hate linnies but found a few enjoyable ones (though vns as a whole are the best, they took me all the way from 0)

>> No.26093986

despite all of that he still has old video up where he talks about ajatt and if anyone asks him he'll say mia is heavily influenced from ajatt. he's not obligated to bring it up every video particularly when he thinks the name was tranished by khatz being a scammer immoral piece of shit you stupid prick. get this concern trolling the fuck out of here.
>and replaced with clickbait à la `white guy speaks perfect jap
he doesn't like making that content but if he wants to grow his channel those videos are perfect. blame consumers

>> No.26094000


>> No.26094035

Previous threads
>>26046493 #2509
>>25996170 #2508
>>25949602 #2507
>>25913192 #2506
>>25862788 #2505
>>25816036 #2504
>>25781552 #2503

>> No.26094060

I love visual novels and already have a strong passion to learn Japanese due to otaku culture. Last time I spent every day over the course of six months learning, but I really fucked up by limiting myself to just Anki. I had this autistic idea in my head that working all the way through Core 2k before reading anything would help me really understand everything when all it actually did was cause memory burnout

>> No.26094084

lots of matto haters say the same shit like he changes his mind too much or he recommended something dumb 5 years ago

but if u cant just look at a method and take the obvious good parts and ignore the bad u are either stupid or just care too much for no reason

>> No.26094089

>the ultimate cultist on suicide watch
i wonder how much money you've donated to the 便所飯 guy.

>> No.26094148


>> No.26094230

ajatt already has all the good recommendations. why do i need to listen to another e-celeb who has only made the method worse? yes, mia is more normie-friendly, but this fact shouldn't attract people who are willing to dedicate more effort to learning japanese than an average office Stacey.

>> No.26094241

i dropped anki for like a year after massive burnout and just read vns with a dictionary every day and sometimes watched anime

>> No.26094313

ya man for anyone out there looking at this, reading or listening from day one is the key, i started reading eustia after 6 months of core and tae kim. literally made no fucking difference all i new were a few verb conjugations and i didnt understand anything. i thought i was doing something that i shouldntve done because i "wasnt ready".

now a year after that i can read and listen to plenty of shit comfortably. i didnt even start sentence mining until a couple months ago, i progress way faster now but i owe it all to just starting reading

>> No.26094439

VN's are for chronic masturbating weirdos. The rest of us just read normal content and learn from that much more effeciently.

>> No.26094463

what is this alleged normal content

>> No.26094499

even more important than reading every day is to find something you really enjoy even though you suck cause the plots so fuckin thrilling you want to finish the next chapter
and if you lose that interest then find something else to try reading instead

>> No.26094527

yandex reverse-image searched that pretty much hentai manga someone posted last thread which directed me to rawmangas.net and i started reading a lewd manga feels good

>> No.26094547

Yeah anki by itself isn't learning a language. It's merely preparation and you should only do it for a month or 2 max. Words don't exist in a vacuum.

>> No.26094550

you picked the wrong language if you arent a chronic masturbating weirdo

>> No.26094583

exactly what i said where u need to take the good stuff and throw away the shit, except its even easier now cuz matto has pretty much done that for people. it doesnt take a fucking genius.

someone reading mia gets 80-90% the same message and its easier to digest. if you have already digested ajatt for your own use, then guess what, you DONT have to listen to another e-celeb. have fun

>> No.26094598

glad im a ln enjoyer

>> No.26094669

>watch too much matt
>get recommended dolly
>watch one video that has an interesting title
>she references other videos of hers all the time
>they're all really good and bring up good points even if she says dumb stuff sometimes
>end up watching over 30 videos and want to see even more because she has great clickbait title and images
What the fuck? Dolly is actually a good source? I thought you guys were just fucking around.

>> No.26094698

i don't fuck around bucko now clean your room

>> No.26094708

there's legitimately no need to spend that much time on grammar learning. seriously japanese grammar isn't that complicated

>> No.26094771

24/7 news and weather forecasts. That's all you're allowed to learn from.

>> No.26094789

is there a manga or vn about that

>> No.26094800

sorry i dont learn i acquire

>> No.26094839

would probably be terrible to be honest
the speed and words would kill you
i can barely understand news in my first language

>> No.26095073

>I am making a new attempt to learn Japanese and achieve fluency before I visit, with my goal year being 2025.

>> No.26095212 [DELETED] 
File: 548 KB, 1250x834, 1599617427867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La japan BLM

>> No.26095260

who are the signs for

>> No.26095316

if you are saying I should stick to the /int/ thread because I plan to travel there, fuck you. traveling to Japan is otaku as fuck. But if you are just pointing me there because of the helpful OP, then thanks

>> No.26095350

Girl on the left (blackish shirt, tan skirt, circle glasses) is kinda cute. Knowing that she was enslaved by the BBC hurts.

>> No.26095375


>> No.26095381



>> No.26095486
File: 86 KB, 908x601, int djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traveling to Japan is otaku as fuck
No, that's what normal /int/ does. /jp/ is for consuming content. You don't need to go to Japan to consume content.

>> No.26095558

impossible language

>> No.26095578


>> No.26095584

cant comprehend why japan let negros in

>> No.26095643

it's sad but i don't think it'll ever get too bad

>> No.26095854

i leave this thread for a year and i come back to see if anything's changed and you retards are still talking about ass immersion approach
annual reminder to leave this thread for your own sake

>> No.26095875

This >>26095212 was an actual NEWS stupid jannies

>> No.26095924

theres trouble in paradise what better time to talk about matto than now

>> No.26096004

i can't stand the thought of leaving this thread for a prolonged period of time, let alone a year. too much memery has happened here in that time and i don't want to fall behind.

>> No.26096035

every time i leave for a month or two i miss so much

>> No.26096272

retardo power

>> No.26096282

i looked through the last thread and it's exactly the same as it was a year ago. quizmaster autism, jamal making fun of him, nukemarine being a failure, matt/mia/ajatt autism. it's the exact same shit.

>> No.26096338

There's a debate on the classification of watermelons both in Japanese and in English.

>> No.26096436


>> No.26096540


>> No.26096699


>> No.26096764

remove all other scripts from the scripts folder because i had a script conflict

>> No.26096765 [DELETED] 


>> No.26096843

if ur gonna reply without @ing dont halfass it with some digits like some punk bitch

>> No.26096933

has matt done anything new with mass lately
what does mass immersion even mean anyways
i feel like i read more japanese in the dictionary than i do japanese

>> No.26097052

i only have this script

>> No.26097055

I don't even read english books, how will I ever read japanese

>> No.26097112

That means you're a blank slate that can be shaped into a Japanese book reading specialist.

>> No.26097119

shut up

>> No.26097679

i should've studied russian or german instead of this shit

>> No.26097706
File: 524 KB, 642x450, 1586791176095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey windows users
do you like so-called "anime cards"? are you annoyed with the process of creating them?
well then check this out https://streamable.com/y0duvy

instructions are at the top of the file. tl;dr you add a word through yomichan then ctrl c+v sentences into mpv.

remember to set config for
>anki field names
>ffmpeg path (you'll need to download this)
>prefix (just change 'User 1' to whatever ur anki username is
and also make sure curl is installed

audio clip padding and fade are optional and don't need to be changed.

reminder: this plugin has the subtitle -> clipboard built into it, so you can get rid of your wareya one now
script is here: https://mega.nz/file/bkViAaia#BQ9tRlYNeh4pLkgyoP2F1F5SFyBL24eZhBvQtsdgqsU

just put @anacreon in your post if you have bug reports

>> No.26097726

studying german or russian isn't nearly as fun

>> No.26097774

oh also you can now use control+t to toggle the clipboard inserter, idea kudos to quizmaster

>> No.26097800

how much do I need to learn before I can post on 2ch?

>> No.26097819

make sure you have curl installed and it works
ensure the card browser in anki isn't open
idk you may have to start posting screenshots of ur setup

>> No.26097829

great work!

don't know don't post there
it's a terrible website

>> No.26097979

srsly? you don't even speak russian and keep telling this bullshit. have you watched russian youtube, for example? it's full of high quality content.
zero if you want to start on /int/
around 2k vocab if you want to read other boards.

>> No.26098024
File: 52 KB, 370x364, 1528035070911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so-called "anime cards"
i prefer sentence cards

>> No.26098035

>use control+t to toggle the clipboard inserter
you mean it toggles whether or not the subtitle is placed into your clipboard?

>> No.26098054

card browser is not open
both curl and ffmpeg are added in path environment and work on cmd

>> No.26098089

do you use windows?

>> No.26098113


>> No.26098137

>you don't even speak russian
i do although i'm not great at it, and the reason i looked into learning russian is because i wanted to improve

>have you watched russian youtube, for example?
yeah a bit

>it's full of high quality content
i've seen very little high quality content

>> No.26098262
File: 33 KB, 510x285, 1553997580665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, if you used GNU/Linux you could follow the mpvcards guide from the OP and have everything set up in seconds.

>very little high quality content
lol wrong

>> No.26098297

yogafan is just yoga shitposting now that hes without a job and has more free time

>> No.26098320

can you believe spamming your selfies on a learning thread after getting the boot from matt lmfao fuck off yoga

>> No.26098328

what are some russian youtubers you like?

>> No.26098477

navalny live
Ilya Yashin

off the top of my head

>> No.26098532
File: 1.41 MB, 577x5605, quizmasterDESTROYSyoga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is mary gonna have to put down yoga AGAIN?

>> No.26098614

yoga is not enslaved by matt anymore, so he's gonna revolutionize the japanese learning community.

>> No.26098717

behold queef's great invention: core2k cards with a hint field

>> No.26098755

the hint field is really good
i'm going to write out a big section about it on the new site so people learn to appreciate and use it properly

>> No.26098906
File: 82 KB, 624x444, 1497031436040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad bad bad
just put sentence on the front.

>> No.26099041

german is neat if you like older /lit/, sadly there's no /dgt/ to shitpost in

>> No.26099051

sentence on the front is bad man i'm afraid you just haven't understood anything

>> No.26099058

even made matt's css better...

there's nothing this loonix guy can't do

>> No.26099117


sentence cards suck? ahem what about stevijs? you'd probably trounce him on the discord quiz, but in actual acquisition he destroys you.

this will be proven in his upcoming interview with matt.

>> No.26099212

yeah dude, no one could learn languages before you came up with the concept of vocab cards... humanity was hopeless until you showed us the way. no one has ever learned a language by reading sentences, u gotta do isolated vocab study, queef showed us this

>> No.26099236

uh no clue who that guy is and what he can do but even if he did well that doesn't mean sentence cards are good merely that he managed to achieve what he did in spite of doing sentence cards, shouldn't you be a programmer or something? this amount of logical thinking should be doable for you say you got 10000 input units and sentence cards are an amplifier of 1.1 but anime cards an amplifier of 1.5 you'd still see sentence cards "work" but obviously they are not what you should recommend

>> No.26099250

russians have their own DJT tho. here https://2ch.pm/fl/res/494284.html
that's why they rarely post here unlike quizlet who's here every single day.

>> No.26099259

>shouldn't you be a programmer or something?
i'm a retard you've got me confused for someone else. but the one thing i have is an eye for talent and i can see stevijs is the real deal

>> No.26099295

your cards look bad

>> No.26099335

what i said still applies, hell it even doubly applies if you think about all the failures there are among sentence card users which is the vast majority of them lmfao

>> No.26099349

they don't have to.
in the past people (including m**t) used white on black cards with no audio and no pictures.

>> No.26099451

> failures among sentence card users
wow, it's the first time i read something like that. but i've heard tons of stories about word cards users sucking after X years of studying.

>> No.26099453

you've no way of telling how many failures there are between anime card and sentence card users as a %. what we can do is look at success stories. there's a long line of successful sentence card users. but for anime cards? heh well the jury's still out on that one but it's not looking good considering guys like stevijs exist

>> No.26099520
File: 94 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200826_133843_746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote small script for dead-simple anime downloading.

Video here: https://streamable.com/0yq0m1

Sources here: https://github.com/Ajatt-Tools/manyame

Download windows pack, contains all precompiled binaries: https://github.com/Ajatt-Tools/manyame/releases

>> No.26099627

>there's a long line of successful sentence card users
never seen one

>> No.26099799

i'm one of them.

>> No.26099814

for core 2k/6k deck, how many new cards / day did you do?

>> No.26099847

Japanese lesson.


>> No.26099862
File: 458 KB, 498x280, Open a まど already.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool script. Shame you got the wrong Hime Goto though :^)

>> No.26099897

Is a lot of anime on IRC mainly? Is nyaa really inadequate?

>> No.26099962

from 10 to 25. but as i progressed, i learned less core cards and more mined cards. these days i only pick a sentence or two from the core deck when i can't find good example sentences.

>> No.26099995

not him, but nyaa sometimes has no seeds.

>> No.26100038

i recommend doing 20 and reading the newspapers daily
i forget the names but bookmark them
asahi or something like that
theres something else like with an a too hopefully other people remember and can tell you

>> No.26100177

wtf is this nigga hacking into ab

>> No.26100234

Torrents are good, but not very convenient personally for me. I like old and unpopular anime, so it is not very convenient to find seeds. Plus, looking for files, clicking, adding and removing torrents are extra motions. I wanted simplicity. Btw, XDCC has all the anime you're looking for, just transmitted over other networks, directly.

Thank you fellow anon! :3

>> No.26100236

now post that in japanese

>> No.26100256

i enjoyed that BTFO but that was a lot of time wasted not watching my animes

>> No.26100316

mary is a legend for this

>> No.26100324

boku wa ichiban tsuyoi gaijin ni naritai

>> No.26100354

what font

>> No.26100366


>> No.26100411


>> No.26100425


>> No.26100484


>> No.26100774

how do you feel about the daily advancement in translation AI that will make all your hard work pointless?

>> No.26100795


>> No.26100806

deepl still shits itself trying to translate spanish into english so i don't have high hopes

>> No.26100832

i feel like english kills my boner while kanji makes it stronger

>> No.26100860

dont care for me its about the fun of the language otherwise i would just read english subs!

>> No.26101005

Some day soon, hopefully, but right now DeepL fails miserably whenever I put some sample Japanese in.

>> No.26101046

>hard work

>> No.26101297

i forgot ciaran is awake at this time

>> No.26101387

What an ugly card.

>> No.26101519

sentence cards are the correct play

anime cards were "created" for the quiz, qm barely reads and certainly doesnt listen

also why does mary got a stick up the ass

all the "efficiency" fuckers can eat my ass

>> No.26101529

Having the sentence in the hint field (with the hint button being the same colour as the background) on the front of the card is pretty based. Especially for new cards as it lets you try and work out the word naturally before getting shown the answer.
Having the sentence shown every time is awful.

>> No.26101569

Is there a list of words that share the same kanji in Japanese and Chinese?

>> No.26101622

i'm viet monkey, is it easier for me to learn nihongo then english speakers

>> No.26101644

the worst japanese i've ever read came from chinese people so i'm gonna go with no

>> No.26101711

what the fuck is this op?
fuck off back to re ddit

>> No.26101727

all the viet dudes ive seen are handsome and short are you the same>

>> No.26101763

vietnamese borrowed a lot from chinese. Japanese did the same. because of this when you learn jap you should encounter lots of words that you already know.

>> No.26101817

nice op. why do you think it's bad?

>> No.26101907

you're the biggest failure in this thread, champ. you've yet to achieve self awareness.

>> No.26101931

i'm 5 foot 11

thanks lad, I only have just learnt hiragana and so far it has nothing in common with vietnamese, maybe kanji is where i'll find familiar words

>> No.26101942

for most people, a supportive environment is important when you're learning a skill thats difficult or time consuming. so having people who encourage you and celebrate your successes can mean the difference between going far and giving up

>> No.26102055

vocab card fags say "but the real learning happens from input" but also be like "i have to recognize every single word in any context first try"

if u can understand a sentence that is good enough unless u are trying to pass the dumb discord quiz, why are you acting like you HAVE to know the definition or your vague out of context view of the word

ok yeah people who have 2 hours of sentences do way too much(doesn't take a genius to just add less) , but vocab ankidroning is even worse, it's not even language just scribbles on a screen. there's no way u take in the full context and sentence if you say your reps are faster. if you can't process the sentence fast enough, maybe you have something to improve there...

i swear y'all feel pride in the fact you have a card for every single word you see, it's kinda pathetic

also fuck off if you are already so good at nip responding to me, why are you still doing anki fucking losers go do something with your life

>> No.26102101

cuz i like chinese houses ? why are you doing anki you can learn japanese from just reading more lol

>> No.26102108

i don't think it's in common like that, but with chinese, jap, and korean, some words sound vaguely familiar

>> No.26102188

if sentence cards take you too long, there's the good old auto-reveal addon
i assume most people here already know about it

often people use it for a day and then disable it. but try to actually stick to it and you'll get used to repping faster. it won't help beginners though, because beginners can't process words and grammar fluently enough. the addon will just make them more miserable.

>> No.26102204

it doesn't because the japanese language and the english language are inherently very different things and not compatible with each other

>> No.26102224

there is no metric you can show me by which i have failed learning japanese, you can only point to single mistakes i made which doesn't mean much sorry bro i know japanese whether you like it or not

>> No.26102262

anime cards are simply faster letting you get through far more reviews in a shorter time, meaning you get to spend more time with enjoyable content while keeping all the benefits
there is no reason to do less efficient sentence cards except wanting to adhere to the cult principle that they would somehow be better

>> No.26102342
File: 41 KB, 363x233, 1546745933565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who hurt you mary

>> No.26102401

i think more people should be discouraged from learning japanese

>> No.26102445

no, discipline is

>> No.26102490

did you comprehend what he said

>> No.26102495

vtubers are pretty cool, and good for listening

>> No.26102499


>> No.26102622

if only vtubers were entertaining

>> No.26102623

now draw anime yoga

>> No.26102639

there is no metric by which youve succeeded either lmfao

>> No.26102645

dont post these anymore

>> No.26102660

we should all forget about yoga now that hes been ousted

>> No.26102705

jcat, kanken, that other html5 test and i'll take jlpt sooner or later, in other words every objective metric there is
besides that me having full comprehension of everything :)

>> No.26102805

youve sure memorized a lot of words haha

>> No.26102841


>> No.26102902


>> No.26103219

yeah but who is making the same amount of vocab cards as sentence cards

you're trying to compare the two as if they are used and made in the same situations but it really ain't like that. sentence cards are just on another level that you're too autistic to understand

you got here in spite of it not because of it no matter how hard u may think. of course u can make it being a word autist with enough input, yes faster than just input. but truly you have to be an autist to hoard words and think you're acquiring language better than someone who reviews language they've encountered. its actually making me laugh how much of your self worth is tied to this shit. try getting a job writing actual code before thinking you're any smarter than the stupidest sentence chad out there

long live yoga

>> No.26103355

Here's a protip for free.
use 〇〇 cards to review 〇〇

>> No.26103489

maru ga suki

>> No.26103570

Newby here.
Going through Joyo cards and learning sentence structure basics with japanesepod101.

Do you generally recognize kanji easier than when you have to write it out?

>> No.26103593

Sentences are recalled from the first 2-3 words, after that it's autopilot for the rest of the sentence. Nothing is really learned.

>> No.26103883

all my cards have at least one ○

>> No.26103904

thats the wrong fucking maru

>> No.26103989

discipline is fake

>> No.26104030

remembering the sentence after 2-3 words turns into an advantage for vocab cards since it reminds you of the context immediately after you were trying to recall the meaning of the word
vocab cards really are based

>> No.26104035
File: 25 KB, 540x540, EhZtO3IXsAEcoSd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step 1, バーガー

>> No.26104065

protip if you're at a point where you're agonizing over the right format for japanese flashcards you're rearranging deck chairs on the titanic

>> No.26104090


>> No.26104109

more like if you have 20000 idiot cards and dont know japanese youre rearranging chairs on the titanic

>> No.26104136

1000 sentence cards then 9000 vocab cards then ditch anki and only acquire from input + dictionary

>> No.26104145

In general recognition is easier and faster than production. Production can help with recognition especially with kanji. So if you're having trouble with recognizing kanji even after learning about radicals then go for some writing practice.

>> No.26104163

"know japanese" basically means whatever you like when it's convenient to you, idiotic even arguing about it

>> No.26104171

or write the kanji once and then just read more

>> No.26104221

just means having a natural grasp on the language when speaking and not messing up easy words in obvious contexts when reading
both which you have failed at

>> No.26104378

i repeat my point
>"know japanese" basically means whatever you like when it's convenient to you
there won't be anyone who knows japanese left if you make them read for 9 hours and clip every single thing, and you are just a loser who can't do anything but talk shit from the safety of the thread without having a clue or the guts to put himself out there
as for the talking point, i've never talked to anyone in japanese and don't really have plans to, does that mean i will never learn japanese no matter how good my reading becomes? the answer would be yes, again just whatever is convenient to you
put me together with a native speaker for an hour or two and i will likely be speaking fluently after that

>> No.26104401




>> No.26104425

i mean everyone makes dumb mistakes but only some people have a massive and fragile ego
>put me together with a native speaker for an hour or two and i will likely be speaking fluently after that

>> No.26104541

aren't you the guy who didn't know 勝手に or あいだ after mining like 200000000000000 cards

>> No.26104577

misreading something once doesn't mean you don't know it, doubly so if you've read it a dozen times correctly before

>> No.26104610

It kind of does.

>> No.26104686

i'm watching vTubers to improve my listening, do you guys watch vTubers?

>> No.26104706

i'm getting kind of sick of your literal retards
you really are scumbags

>> No.26104728

i had to stop or i would have fallen in love but it was a good resource

>> No.26104910


>> No.26104950


>> No.26105014

misreading something "once" you literally got to 間 and sat there in slack-jawed bewilderment wondering, earnestly, if one of the most common words in the japanese language was read かん in that context, repeating it several times in complete confusion
almost as if you had never encountered that word outside the context of a fucking flash card

>> No.26105344

Relax buddy you sound angry

>> No.26105463




>> No.26105531

>and i started reading a lewd manga
which one

>> No.26105800

probably have a messy bed go clean your room

>> No.26105952
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>> No.26106262

if you want to download an entire season its faster to use nibl since u can download them all at once without typing out the show and episode 12 times

>> No.26106300

>put me together with a native speaker for an hour or two and i will likely be speaking fluently after that
lol dumb arrogant pigdog

>> No.26106973


>> No.26107110

how many anime have you read so far this month djt?

>> No.26107411

ye but queef is supposedly beyond native level

>> No.26107657

Any good j-doramas released in the last ~10 years?
Let's use Nodame Cantabile (or lower it to Kekkon Dekinai Otoko if there's nothing) as the definition of good.

>> No.26107681

just grade it like any other card

>> No.26107844

desu i bet he'd still read better than this guy https://streamable.com/sdu1ch

>> No.26108081

Don't really remember it well enough to answer that properly, sorry. Maybe a few imagined sequences/daydreams, but nothing over the top?


>> No.26108283


>> No.26109085

Try imagining what her head shape is under that hair. She looks like the elephant man. NOT KAWAII.

>> No.26109229

I hate all of you

>> No.26109475

Are we a mind inside a body or a body with a mind?

>> No.26109509


>> No.26110326

what's your problem?

>> No.26110334

lmfao what a salty clenching bitch you are. cant even let the guy feel some satisfaction cause you suck so much dick at japanese urself

>> No.26110718

well apparently he wrote that didn't he? this chant seems to be original one unlike the tubal cain and kei ones which were taking from some old shinto rituals and kojiki

>> No.26111012

jamal's evaluation of quiz's fluency is based off quiz's ability to read, yet jamal insists george is fluent despite george not being able to read a children's game.

i did it. i realized jamal is a hypocrite. no one (you) him until he apologizes

>> No.26111359

i haven't been here in a while but from what i remember jamal places a lot of value in functioning in japanese society and in conversations with real japanese people which is why he considers george fluent despite him not being able to read the title of a dragon quest game and he considers quiz and matt and others like them to be hopeless losers despite them treating understanding japanese like a combat sport. i dunno for sure though you'd have to ask the man himself.
but even on quiz's own terms the only thing he is "capable" of is reading and he is extraordinarily bad at it

>> No.26113998


>> No.26114093

i could almost read all of this
no idea what that yojijukugo at the end says though

>> No.26114111

imagine roughly shoving your hot rod into that cute mouth fuuuuuuck

>> No.26114255

ate too much bros...

>> No.26114259

lol'ing @u for blue balling urself reading pg vinnies

>> No.26114319

it's got sex tho not sure what you mean

>> No.26114354

that game looks like it's pure ecchi jokes, 0% humor or pure cuteness
then again, maybe you're that guy

>> No.26114355

you're worse than an rtkiddie

>> No.26114365

he prolly thinks it's pg cuz manko is censored in that screenshot lol

>> No.26114415

whats the file size

>> No.26114464

oh i see
yeah lots of eroge do that

3.4 gigs

>> No.26114468

౦0o 。 (́。́ )y~~

>> No.26114469

lmao so you want to read a "pg vinnie" now huh

>> No.26114530

whenever i think of "porno" i think of disgusting old men with beards and moustaches and thick eastern european accents

>> No.26114694

those proportions are weird as fuck wtf

>> No.26114754

this shit is so fuckin good

inb4 anti rap crowd

>> No.26114811

but i don't see the point of getting good at japanese unless i also get to read/watch stuff that's got nice characters and dynamics

>> No.26114901


>> No.26115016

it means youve never really liked a 2d

>> No.26115226

i like me a vinnie
simple as

>> No.26115370

all the screenshots of vinnies u guys post are just a frontal shot of 2d whores, is there anything more visually interesting in them? with manga u get the story and characters and sick art too if its a good one

>> No.26115654

ln/anime gang keep winning

>> No.26115689
File: 222 KB, 749x449, 2439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they've also got lots of pics of those 2d whores having intercourse and the occasional flavor cg during comedic or very dramatic scenes
but yeah the main point is obviously the text and the visuals are just there to set the scene and make it slightly more immersive

>> No.26115719
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>> No.26115814
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, 144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of vinnies with nice art

>> No.26115827

imagine talking shit about vns while you think muv luv is the peak

>> No.26115862

dies irae is pretty cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsgrZa3H0iY

>> No.26115865

post some then

>> No.26115871

thanks for reminding me that i hadn't finished this

>> No.26115900

this is a confusing post

>> No.26115936

might watch the deen fate stay night

>> No.26115946

does jacking off count as 運動?

>> No.26115954

yea thats a cope

>> No.26115983

watch prisma illya instead

>> No.26116025

i get the appeal of moege where you spend months interacting with girls, having fun with them, wandering around town, looking at skies, and other stuff, and then get a few h-scenes near the end of each girl's route, but i don't get the appeal of games that are mostly ecchi or games that have h-scenes just a few days in after meeting the girls
then again, i don't really get the appeal of long-ass chuunige that are supposed to be like something somewhere between epic novels and manga but mixed in with lots of romantic sol scenes regular 'ge style, but maybe it's just because i'm not 16 years old anymore.

>> No.26116062
File: 1.12 MB, 999x999, 84262135_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

チルノの日 2020

>> No.26116174

>>>/bant/ is that way
this is the e-celebs and rtk thread

>> No.26116192
File: 155 KB, 1368x1039, egs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may not like it but these are the best vinnies

>> No.26116228

i'm mostly fine with this except for higurashi or anything written by ryuushitty for that matter

>> No.26116232

switchchads win again

>> No.26116256


>> No.26116359

i have fond memories of the higurashi anime but for some reason people on this board tend to see it as inferior to the sound novels despite the fact that their soundtrack and character designs are inferior.

>> No.26116375

m-masada bros?

>> No.26116382



>> No.26116427

the anime made it not a 120+ hour slog therefore it's bad

>> No.26116430

i thought nips had good taste???

>> No.26116619

gintama is 4

>> No.26116768

you probably won't get shit, ISPs only care if you're pirating the latest marvel movie unless you're in japan then i guess you're fucked

>> No.26116783

Following an extensive report by the DJT Investigative Committee it seems that proof of the underlying cause of the recent and controversial MIA split has come to light, take a look


>> No.26116787

japanese biggest zumi is how vanilla themed doujins still make out the majority

>> No.26116822

no sorry kimi no na ha is not in the top 10 greatest anime ever made. that site is busted

>> No.26116925

mfw djt is just now discovering the uses for キャップ

>> No.26116929

made in abyss was atmospheric and i got invested in the characters in part because of their traumatic experiences but it also doesn't belong in the top 30.

>> No.26116934

in canada
so i wont get served a cr notice? is it really risk free
i can't afford to get busted because the notice letter won't reach my hands first

>> No.26116963

i need to make inverted dpz.jpeg memes because 929 deserves one

>> No.26116969

you are already a "normie"

>> No.26116984


>> No.26116995

kimi no na ha is basically recycles tropes from previous works stitched together, presented in shiny modern packaging to milk retarded zoomers such as yourselves.

>> No.26117005

it's not good

>> No.26117025

if you're dopamine depleted

>> No.26117041

no such thing i've just watched much better anime

>> No.26117052


>> No.26117080

i don't quite get what dopamine has to do with not enjoying some dime a dozen teen melodrama shit

>> No.26117085

i felt a lot but i don't rate series based off feelings or else i'd have to rate some of the cheapest and most shallow bullshit highly. it's about the lasting impact, not whether or not something can get a tear out of me for example. fuck fleeting emotions.

>> No.26117179


>> No.26117181

like you could show me a video of a puppy being saved or some shit and i might cry a tear of joy but i'd give it a 2/10 compared to something epic like lotgh.


>> No.26117189

are you afraid your parents will find out you were downloading nukige

>> No.26117191

for me it left no lasting impact and was not enjoyable

>> No.26117256

im not joking

>> No.26117265

youre a dumbass and its not interesting that you like garbage

>> No.26117318

im more intelligent than you for sure and i also have better taste which makes me more human than you

>> No.26117336

no chance

>> No.26117360

its a near certainty no need to make guesses

>> No.26117412

me2 except i dld majikoi which isnt as bad

>> No.26117462

>It's merely preparation
It's neither you retard, it's a tool that helps you remember things you learn.

>> No.26117464

cant expect much from dumb otaku who read eromanga

>> No.26117492

i never tried to argue im more intelligent i just asserted i am

>> No.26117519
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>> No.26117523

>you said you were learning japanese right? i got a letter from the isp today tell mommy what お母さんは俺専用!~あなたの初めてを…母さんが貰ってア・ゲ・ル~ means

>> No.26117535


>> No.26117601


Lots of PS4 onions gameplays in Japanese.

>> No.26117764

is there a $10/month vpn where you get unlimited data

>> No.26117786

nordvpn is like 5$ per month rn

>> No.26117787

why would you need unlimited data for nukige, you must be wild

>> No.26117943

whenever i tried free vpns they ended up sucking real hard not sure what the state of them is these days but it was easier to buy a cheap paid one that just werks

>> No.26117967

>having the hint button be the same colour as the background
what's the point of that?

>> No.26117998

downloading vinnies through vpinnies

>> No.26117999

you want a kid prolly in hs or smthing living with his parents to first learn coding and stuff so he can jerk off to nukige? lol you guys sure piss me off

>> No.26118032

to the anons living with their parents, do they know you're learning japanese?

>> No.26118053

Can someone please explain the difference between 注目 and 注意? When do i use which?

>> No.26118061

Have a syntax question that I can't find an answer to, please help.

I saw:
translated as:
the kind of genius that i hate.

Can you explain the syntax to me?

>> No.26118069


>> No.26118071

if you only want to download like two or three games per month you can use windscribe it gives you 10 gigs per month for free

>> No.26118099
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>> No.26118111

yeah they do
they don't even know otaku culture exists tho so they think it's great

>> No.26118203

look at all these tough guys with their free 20 gig vpn secrets lmao

>> No.26118216


>> No.26118219

love when someone starts speaking chinese and my mom asks me if i can understand it

>> No.26118272

wow u sure are smart for watching matt videos lmao

you dont get banned for using a vpn on 4chan, you just cant post while it is active cuz one could easily avoid bans that way

>> No.26118275

love it when all i hear is white noise and people ask me if i understand it

>> No.26118280

you don't get banned for having a vpn on it just doesn't let you post

>> No.26118286

dont watch mutts videos retard go drown in ur moms diarrhea

>> No.26118294


>> No.26118335


>> No.26118351


>> No.26118354

lol i thought everyone in this thread had their dl game down
really makes you think how many scrubs are here lurking too afraid to ask

>> No.26118361
File: 35 KB, 572x380, 1570542229704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26118381

benefit of being a thirdworlder is not giving a fuck about downloads lol when i was younger the main way people not in the know got games was to go to brick and mortar stores that were just pirating shit and burning it onto cds

>> No.26118383

feels good to live in a country where nobody cares about cr

>> No.26118399

kee air inn
kya air inn

>> No.26118401

nobody ever got fined for using sukebei.nyaa

>> No.26118450

my isp sent a notice recently but that's because i downloaded some bethesda publisher games. i don't think i've ever gotten a notice because of anime from nyaa but now i'm nervous to find out since it'll be a 3rd strike.

>> No.26118468

what was your first strike a bout?

>> No.26118685

i doubt jamal dls shit in the past years all he does is post here for fun

>> No.26118700

wtf no he plays games on emulator all the time also he played a vinnie this year

>> No.26118702

he's said before he uses secret irc servers

>> No.26118925


>> No.26118928

that's chinese

>> No.26118979
File: 360 KB, 1268x713, sub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub says he is saying this but i can't hear it except for the name in the beginning.

>> No.26118980

@canada anon what r u trying to dl

>> No.26119019

nah its literally kee-ar-en

>> No.26119240

i think it's supposed to be silly first and foremost.

>> No.26119249
File: 5 KB, 379x73, 1582850756304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26119283


>> No.26119356


get kearon to vocaroo it and you'll see

>> No.26119357

i check back after a week and you guys are still bullying karubin.
let him rip already.

>> No.26119370

for me korean is just incomprehensible japanese. i cant tell the difference between the two to be honest.

>> No.26119417

because you also can't understand japanese?

>> No.26119479

the game ive wanted to play the most for a few months now is グリザイアの果実
i think it's licensed which is why i'm somewhat afraid, so i will use windscribe
but i can't find it on nyaa

>> No.26119486

man this guy just looks like a little shit

>> No.26119514

died from consuming toxic waste

>> No.26119517

for me it's entirely different and then once in a while i hear and recognize a chinese loanword i know from japanese.

>> No.26119525

man it's not even in japanese, completely pointless

>> No.26119570

i never noticed omg lol

>> No.26119579

windscribe aint gonna save u from those cr strikes from dling grisaia lmao

>> No.26119619

really? what should i use then
btw i can't find it on itazura either

>> No.26119623

@ me when they rereelease Taimanin Asagi (especially episode 1) in 4k

>> No.26119631

why would it not?

>> No.26119665

i will download this and send it to you if you can prove you cannot purchase it

>> No.26119698

i can't purchase a vn, my transactions are all viewed

>> No.26119717

why because hes skinny lol

>> No.26119745

Try to pronounce "fhu"
Let it be breathy, don't necessarily try to pronounce the f or h sound distinctly.

>> No.26119822

ok this is hot

>> No.26119824

it's only like 6k yen on the switch e-shop

>> No.26119848
File: 14 KB, 246x246, 246x0w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your opinion of Duolingo?

>> No.26119849

but i don't own a switch

>> No.26119906


>> No.26119933

pretty smart business model of ur target customer base being people who want to pretend theyre learning a language so they can brag about it to their friends but give up on it within a few weeks. thats the biggest market segment in the space for sure.

>> No.26119937

no porn

>> No.26119990

don't stand between a man and his eroge

>> No.26120000

lol ok i'm uploading it, should be done in a few minutes

>> No.26120004
File: 66 KB, 907x985, 1469190280597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26120109

Same, I'm betting that he's actually speaking a dialect and the sub is the meaning.

>> No.26120119

wow thank you so much! i have wanted to play grisaia for so long
where are you uploading though?

>> No.26120168

theres a video of a guy that did it for 4 years straight everyday and he didnt 'really' know any japanese even after all of that, more proof that language requires a contextual bridge to actually be acquired into the language centers of your brain

>> No.26120422

you know a better place to upload shit without having insanely slow speeds or small data caps?

>> No.26120441

i buy on honto.jp but mostly physical and they allow my eu address to ship me stuff.
i think i had to setup a fake japanese address though at first, can't remember it was ages ago.

also no idea if you can crack that drm.

>> No.26120573
File: 210 KB, 304x304, 1596352103072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom zoom

>> No.26120581


>> No.26120588
File: 449 KB, 510x638, majikayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26120608

dopamine receptors: burned

>> No.26120610

yup jamal wins again

>> No.26120621

no and no it's not a good movie

>> No.26120624

so you've got no answer to my question, got it. expected that when i asked it but figured id give it a go.
same question for u 2 >>26120535

>> No.26120649

when are you uploading your jikoshoukai? youve been at this long enough you can put something together. since you have all of this advice at least do better than this 18 month mia'er:
oh thats right you cant even say nihongo after half a century, well good luck in the next epoch with your "method"

>> No.26120673

spotted the industry killing otaku

>> No.26120797

that's cool
btw where did you get it? just asking so i can be a little independent in the future

>> No.26120814

ero scenes are taken out + the dialogue is censored to fuck

>> No.26120853

we postin bangers now?


>> No.26120880

wasn't nausicaa that one anime movie about those giant namekujis attacking humans for some bizarre reason?

>> No.26120900

imagine paying 60 bucks for an eroge and getting no ero lmfao

>> No.26120913

otaku stay winning

>> No.26120931

can you guys help me say "I wish i could touch your soul" in japanese?

>> No.26120941


can't find non live

>> No.26120965


>> No.26120980


>> No.26121031

It's not letting me input my American zipcode. Methinks these two sites just hate Americans.

>> No.26121036

bet that's true of this movie too for real though lol

>> No.26121081
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>> No.26121188


>> No.26121256
File: 712 KB, 1434x1076, フルメタル・パニック! S01E09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26121290

picked up alcafus

>> No.26121299


>> No.26121368

yosh 2 hours of anime done now for 4 hours of manga

>> No.26121408
File: 526 KB, 1280x720, 月に寄りそう乙女の作法_FullVoiceEdition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is luna-sama so perfect

>> No.26121447

they are talking about the libido kamen youtuber who is active on the quizmaster discord

>> No.26121528

>id spend the whole day fapping to my own creations if i could make that

>> No.26121531


>> No.26121534

good posts

>> No.26121548

have you read the readme? it has way more options and works on GNU/Linux. doesn't support windows though.

>> No.26121597

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.

>> No.26121621

ive never really drawn anything in that style but i have a decent grasp of the fundamentals which lets u veer into almost any style so i could probably draw something respectable if i put some time and effort into practicing it.

>> No.26121628

shes gesturing to her manko and asking if you wanna go licky schlicky
thats my headcanon at least

>> No.26121629

i can visualize stuff extremely well but when it comes to painting i always fail miserably.

>> No.26121634

dont know what youre talking about also whos vinnie
wow thats a very sexy grip on that pencil thanks for pointing that out

>> No.26121639

this is such a mary style post lol

>> No.26121738

always disliked the sound of fotze and möse, muschi is fine though.

t. german

>> No.26121739

in serbian it's pička (pichka) or pizda (peezda) which are both pretty awful sounding. manko and chinko just sound funny to me. especially chinko, it's like they came up with a word for dick that reflects how small theirs are lmfao

>> No.26121838

those options are all gay though

>> No.26121839

this channel isnt great but it's somewhat watchable unlike the rest of jp youtube

>> No.26121872

do you remove kebab?

>> No.26121915

no that was my dads generation. speaking of kebab though i drove through the town which has one of the bigger migrant sorting centers yesterday and it was extremely jarring seeing shitskins comprising like 1/4 of the people walking around.

>> No.26121990

lol, i actually liked her the least out of all the girls in that game cause her head is fucking giant she looked like some alien, would be really cute otherwise though

>> No.26121997


>> No.26122026

you're right

>> No.26122042


>> No.26122052

i think she looks fine, she's also the most interesting character in terms of personality imo


>> No.26122193
File: 189 KB, 800x600, 588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is scary

>> No.26122197

sounds like he says something like 石原裕次郎とやってたんだよ

>> No.26122230

bad taste

>> No.26122298

was just making a post appreciating 2d dude, not mary wtf...

>> No.26122417

i didnt like this one either

>> No.26122418

always thought that meant ass though

>> No.26122711

my mom wouldn't do that she's a good person

>> No.26122824

wotd: 弧状列島

>> No.26123301
File: 370 KB, 640x480, 442884D0-572C-42FB-B3C2-0E943ACC2F3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26123323

nah u r just a faggot

>> No.26123357

Japanese is a lot easier, more systematic, and suited to being an international language than English. The Kanji especially make Japanese easy non-European language to learn due to the systematic formation of the vocabulary from 1000 to 2000 building blocks, via agglutination. Learn 2000 English words and you may be able to converse at kindergarten. You'll need a thousand more to join primary school (at the above the level of Japanese learners) and you'll probably keep learning about one thousand words a year till your 40's if you are an educated native English speaker. Learn 2000 Kanji and blam, you can read a Japanese broadsheet newspaper. There are no tones, consonant clusters (try getting a Japanese person to say "clothes"), very few irregular verbs, no verb conjunctions, and completely transparent spelling (unlike ghoti/fish English). The difference between "wa" and "ga" is a bitch but not as arbitrary at the use of "the" (The Times, Newsweek, The Kings Head, Macdonalds). IME/ATOK make kanji input easy and Rikai.com and Firefox "Furigana injector" make reading them, with auto-placed "rubi" readings simple too. There are no relative pronouns, so making the most of a limited learner vocabulary is relatively easy - just put the adjectival clause in front of the noun.

>> No.26123583


>> No.26123854

who cares about painting if you can draw
most art is colored after being digitized anyway

>> No.26123856

haven't read a single VN in my life.

>> No.26123861

*curbstomps ciaran into the pavement*

>> No.26123873

so whats ur purpose

>> No.26123883

you're tasting your own blood retard

>> No.26123891


>> No.26123923

dont even need to open the link to know the answer is yes

>> No.26123953

he's pretty much right
the most successful japanese learners are the ones who learned it by accident trying to read untranslated VNs and shit
the ones who go in with some kind of grand purpose have an extremely high failure rate or if they do achieve some kind of success they end up wanting to kill themselves like the MIA burnouts

>> No.26123983

>there's less than a thousand cuneiform signs
maybe i should make my own remembering the cunes book

>> No.26123993

i think you should play this https://vndb.org/v16039 first

>> No.26124022

>Learn 2000 Kanji and blam, you can read a Japanese broadsheet newspaper
i'm so mad right now

>> No.26124024

what is wrong with you

>> No.26124053


just cried

>> No.26124079

Why isn't there a "Remembering the Roots" for English learners?
"door" - d represents sturdiness, the two o's represent penetrability, and r represents the need for a doorknob to open it
except written in like Hindi or Arabic or whichever language ESLs use to learn English from

>> No.26124106

i've been reading ciaran as "see-ya-ran" and i'm not going to change my ways

>> No.26124123

just now or two months ago

>> No.26124144

In an alternate universe, we'd all be speaking Chinese instead of English, and be learning Romanian for the sake of Romanian erogames and novels about pure women getting saved from dirty Muslims by strong and mighty Christian warriors

>> No.26124179

"it's like part of their identity"

the tone in his voice as he says that. you can imagine the smug look on his face.

>> No.26124260

lol matt's been looking for an identity his whole life because he's a completely boring idiot with no personality outside of whatever dumb hobby he decided to pick up. he tried to make pen spinning his identity (lmao), then skateboarding, then japanese, then being the "i learned japanese and japan SUCKS" guy and then being a meditation guy and then being a language learning guru. pure projection on his part

>> No.26124305

you can find people's names being pronounced on forvo very easily

>> No.26124309


>> No.26124378

but that sounds so wrong

>> No.26124399

damn you sure know a lot about matt

>> No.26124426


>> No.26124459

you pronounced it wrong

>> No.26124461

played hanachirasu up until the 石馬 dump the other day and it was actually really cool
not even as hard as i thought

>> No.26124597

what a stupid example. of course a westerner who likes western tv isn't going to specifically refer to themselves as a fan of "western" tv. talk about redundant information.

matt really needs to get over his weird complex. he basically hates his younger self and tries to drag japanese media, society and everything else to do with the country through the mud as some bizarre form of self-redemption. "yeah dude anime is like cringe as hell. by the way, am i cool yet?"

>> No.26124607

no, he also comes here to post his ever increasing kanji count and talk about how he hates otakushit and moeshit so much despite the fact he likes chuunige which are pretty much battle shounen manga but with more rare kanji and voice acting

>> No.26124619

you forgot tim whose vocabulary is equivalent to that of a japanese newborn

>> No.26124645

and you who comes here to complain about how bad djt is over and over but never leaves for some reason

>> No.26124672

oh so ciaran is correct just because you say so? well i say no buddy.

>> No.26124682

when is nuke going to finish harry potter
it's more fun when he reads anime instead of novels

>> No.26124685
File: 28 KB, 470x357, 1538704119198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26124690

its pronounced ちゃらん

>> No.26124698

i'm a bong like the man himself

ciaran is a relatively common name here and as such i've known a ciaran irl

>> No.26124740
File: 1.34 MB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20200908-130051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty fun toilet reading material

>> No.26124743

ciaran loves battle shounen. he gave one piece a 6 and kny a 7

>> No.26124768

as for me i love


>> No.26124771


>> No.26124778

i can't read anything if i'm not on the john

>> No.26124788


>> No.26124799

ive only read about 4 so called chuunige in my life and they were mostly nothing special except muramasa which is undeniably very good

>> No.26124840

he looks so young
its crazy what time does to people

>> No.26124845

so in retrospect we can say with confidence that the techniques he proposes did in fact not work

>> No.26124872


>> No.26124876

jmal in tears

>> No.26124909

art is like 95% of the reason why i consume japanese media

>> No.26124981

why isnt nuke progressing i dont get it, he reads everyday for so long

>> No.26125002

getting btfod a bit whenever tokyo ghoul focuses on the cops, the dialogue and shit is way fucking harder lol

>> No.26125003

>he reads everyday for so long
he actually does not

>> No.26125011

how many characters a day does nuke read on stream

>> No.26125013

have you seen his streams

>> No.26125018

i also want to know what he's doing wrong so i know what to avoid.

>> No.26125024

yes that's why i can confidently make this statement

>> No.26125030

didnt know becoming japanese meant losing your soul

>> No.26125084

hey bros I tried the based mpv script and it works great, the only issue being that the audio that gets pasted (seems properly named) is mute. i have the folder where curl and ffmpeg are added to path. how can I fix this? thanks

>> No.26125088

nuke's too old that's the problem
by the time you hit 40 your brain's too fried to pick up a language as crazy as japanese, its also why jamal will never get better

>> No.26125090

i think what nuke needs are manga
just tons of fuckin manga

>> No.26125091

dude he streams for 2 hours on average 30 minutes of which are spent skimming the news, then he reads for a bit over an hour at snails pace with an audiobook while pausing after every line and finishes the stream with 30 minutes of free talk
not to mention that he doesn't even do it every day
he started harry potter near the end of july it is now the beginning of september and he has only streamed 16 times
he isn't doing shit

>> No.26125092

i know. it doesn't work all the time though. I tested it a lot. moreover, if your target sentence starts in the middle of a subtitle line you're screwed even if you have perfect timings. yes, it also happens often. and sub makers almost never put each sentence on its own subtitle line, that's why subs2srs produces crappy cards that your need to manually merge.
so, i think those 2 buttons have their place in the add-on.

>> No.26125100

@analcream support

>> No.26125105

nuke isnt that bad he makes a few mistakes here and there shit streaming for hour just like the greats of djt

>> No.26125108


>> No.26125146

i checked his second to last prison of azkaban stream. he read roughly 6500 characters.

>> No.26125153

even quizmaster is better than nuke dude

>> No.26125160

except nuke only started reading like this in the past two years and it's very sporadic

>> No.26125170

nuke dont take it personal bro

>> No.26125173

i got a confession i just copied from the dvds and threw in a few errors to make people think i transcribed it. i actually suck ass at japanese worse than nuke

>> No.26125176

I saw a video last year where Steve speaks russian on a Ukrainian tv channel. he isn't fluent in that video.

>> No.26125212

nuke spent the first five years of his nihongo career on rtk stories
the next five years he spent on theorycrafting beginer vocab lists
and now he finally started reading but unfortunately doesn't actually like japanese content so it still isn't going to save him

>> No.26125247

and he read about 6k characters in the third to last azkaban stream. and 8500 characters in the stream before that. and he only streams once a week so he's getting like 1k characters a day at best.

nuke if you're reading this you gotta bump that up to 50k a day minimum!

>> No.26125292

his fuck ups aren't even the issue even tho they are funny at times the issue is that he's not consuming enough compelling japanese content so it's impossible for him to get good before his 寿命 is going to 尽きる

>> No.26125302

give me a jrpg that's fun and engaging then because pokemon fucking sucks ass

>> No.26125354

oh shit growlanser has voice acting i might play it

>> No.26125366

never seen a self respecting ntrfag

>> No.26125378

well yea that'd be contradictory

>> No.26125382

nuke needs a study buddy

>> No.26125385



>> No.26125461


>> No.26125462

i do think nukes ability would skyrocket if he played even a single quality eroge

>> No.26125463

What if I told you you could get noticably ahead of the pack just by reading a volume of manga every day.

>> No.26125465

i wanna stab a smelly fishy vagina with my nose and inhale deeply so bad

>> No.26125480

yosh time to get nipponjin gf

>> No.26125495

id laugh at you

>> No.26125587

this is why eroge is the most effective form of immersion

>> No.26125591

nuke has fun pretending to learn japanese and shitting on drumpf every day meanwhile we're all miserable. wtf?

>> No.26125594

then what do you gotta do man wtf

>> No.26125625

hate this reddit fuck so fucking much.

problem with this site is that it doesn't have a view count so jamal can't flex on others

>> No.26125639

true thats a problem

>> No.26125647


>> No.26125648

can you find the actual mp3 file in your media folder and open it in vlc or whatever?

>> No.26125695


>> No.26125706

cant tell if mattos voice is shaking from being nervous as fuck or he already is doing some ciaran shit with the jap boys in that clip

>> No.26125751


>> No.26125778

>lol whats the joke here
the joke here is how ky u r

>> No.26125783


gtfo this thread if you can't keep up with lore

>> No.26125801

oh wait i don't think it got written down anywhere it must've been on one of his streams or something
anyway he had a job as a tour guide guiding some high school kids around and he was talking to one of them and for some reason he used the phrase ズッコンバッコン and he thought the kid wasn't offended but then the kid ratted on him and he got his ass chewed out hard and got fired
just a piece of deep matt lore 4 u

>> No.26125807

man anime sure was fucken ugly back in the day truly the dweebs entertainment

>> No.26125858

yeah wtf matto

>> No.26125865

>gtfo this thread if you can't keep up with lore
your entire existence is equivalent to walking around wearing white pants that you've shat yourself in, thats how little self respect u have

>> No.26125866

my 3 day ban is gone did you miss me djt

>> No.26125878

didnt even know u were gone

>> No.26125882

im sorry i don't remember the full details you'll have to trust me that this is actually something he felt comfortable sharing with other people
it was him and like a 16 year old boy and they were talking about girls or something and he said that and didn't realize how inappropriate it was

>> No.26125886

yea i do

>> No.26125891

yeah i quit reading djt for 3days because of your ban

>> No.26125946

you could make an account on this site you can sort by hits same as streamable and upload by api altho there's no thumbnails and shit

>> No.26125955

yeah definitely ffmpeg... make sure you got the latest version and whatnot, can use it yourself to try making clips

>> No.26125979

>i cant think of a context where this happens
it was probs during pride month and he was just telling the young man about his dads

>> No.26126021

sigh guess i have to find where he talked about this
*opens up matt playlist*

>> No.26126026 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 850x1199, __shichinosato_kofuki_toji_no_miko_drawn_by_ninopal__sample-432ac4ef14676d24516c47da7d0f21ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. I'm gonna take a break from DJT for the next few days. Dunno where to go, but I'm gonna just leave to do...stuff.
Maybe I'm just gonna masturbate to more futa and trap h-manga translated over to Spanish, but I'll at least be able to brag to myself that I didn't spend my time on DJT.

PS Matt is fukcin gay and putsch accent isn't rael

>> No.26126048


here's where matt shits on the n1 but still not fluent guy, uploaded before the interview

>> No.26126072


>> No.26126086
File: 156 KB, 227x292, 1568379605977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking goblin

>> No.26126114

is there a way to make forvo not log me out after 5 fucking seconds?

>> No.26126117 [DELETED] 
File: 927 KB, 724x1023, __toshinou_kyouko_and_ikeda_chizuru_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_cedar_artist__6294d8c289212f8fd5ba21d536d874d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and I hate niggers
PeeEs Brazilians will NEVER fucking learn Jpaanese

>> No.26126122

wtf is this one sentence
i dont understand shit

>> No.26126163

>tfw u sometimes watch matto vids from this thread and have to stop from reflexively disagreeing with shit he says that you already believed purely on the basis of how annoying he is in expressing it

>> No.26126200

grow up. you should never feel that way toward someone to the point it influences how you interpret the validity of what they say

>> No.26126222 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 850x1508, __tenma_gabriel_white_gabriel_dropout_drawn_by_trg_sain__sample-58ed532e115f7f22a9c9a9b7fc216790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and Anki is totally fucking useless. If you're not actually consuming media, no fucking amount of shit recorded in some gay flashcard with colors and audio clips will ever help you comprehend natives' communicative intention outside of going all "Oh, I just know all these words", which is far from actually attempting to infer another person's thread of thoughts from their words.

>> No.26126226

why the f*ck do you have a f*rvo account?

>> No.26126227

never read isolated japanese sentences in here they might be written by a gaijin and cripple you just scroll past them or ideally close the thread and read eroge instead

>> No.26126248


lmfao autist matt

>> No.26126270

you dont know japanese lol

>> No.26126277

1 of my fav matt thumbnails

>> No.26126322

to fuc*king get word audio when yomichan cant get it like q*****fucker suggested

>> No.26126324

we all know who the real cripple here is

>> No.26126342 [DELETED] 

you're not fluent

>> No.26126363

what makes you say that

>> No.26126423 [DELETED] 

really hate when uppercasers come here and spew common knowledge as if its some big revelation


>> No.26126428

this is 2 sentences glued together but only the real nihongo experts will be able to tell where to break it up

>> No.26126433

explain this nigga then https://twitter.com/HiagoXYZ

>> No.26126445 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 850x1210, __yamada_elf_eromanga_sensei_drawn_by_oyari_ashito__sample-8198670691611f100372312119881975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am penis, destroyer of wombs

>> No.26126446

thanks bro, turns out i am just retarded. i just had to fix the path.

>> No.26126476


>> No.26126491 [DELETED] 

this is a safe for work dude you almost got me fired

>> No.26126492

whats even the point of having a gf when u cant fuck her raw without being worried about pregnancy

>> No.26126515 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 850x1202, __original_drawn_by_furukawa_itsuse__sample-668d7eebff76ddf00292dd2863f3364b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people seriously browse 4chan at work?

>> No.26126532

glad u got it working, enjoy!

>> No.26126544 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 606x851, __drawn_by_e10__869ad1c4d93046008837d2791991ceaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna do some work with you manlet fucks

>> No.26126575

lol @hentaispammerdude u got shit taste

>> No.26126594

Should your initial reading content be something you've already read in your native language?

>> No.26126597

literally doesn't matter, as long as you are reading

>> No.26126599

fuck off

>> No.26126620

alright quit the cocktease just finish me off already

>> No.26126624

can we get someone to make a browser addon that converts all uppercase letters to lowercase

>> No.26126626

don't read. watch anime with subs for reading practice, without subs for listening

>> No.26126641

thats like a line of javascript just do it yourself

>> No.26126648

can you teach me to code

>> No.26126673

about to make a japanese learning thread on cc wish me luck gonna have to use uppercase to pass as a girl

>> No.26126705


>> No.26126735

ask /g/

>> No.26126774


>> No.26126784

crystal cafe

>> No.26126811

dr. reddit

>> No.26126823

qm's dad

>> No.26126828


>> No.26126848
File: 565 KB, 485x599, firefox_dGIHBg8EpO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i wasn't being sarcastic

>> No.26126855

so just looked for 5 minutes, is this literally just a chan where /pol/ shitters pretend to be women or something

>> No.26126875

just be yourself do what u want and stop caring about being better at japanese than anyone else then you can be happy too

>> No.26126881

you sexy bastard

>> No.26126884

no u cant

>> No.26126899 [DELETED] 

how is it common knowledge if half the posters itt are still judging progress by anki stats

>> No.26126913

>quickmaster rq
nanbyou ka no mA

>> No.26126930

yea u can
just look at uncle nuke

>> No.26126931 [DELETED] 

literally all of those people know that input is the most important thing, youre either being obtuse or are a retard either way go fuck yourself

>> No.26126949

nanbyou ka no ka...kan...kan? kan...dou..sa? ...nanbyou ka no ma

>> No.26126963

damn sick jrap bro

>> No.26126968 [DELETED] 

no they don

>> No.26126995

how do i get back on the anki horse bros, its so miserable doing reviews. ive just been using the vacation addon and postponing them every day for like 2 weeks now.

i dont mind doing new cards but even though my reviews take 15-20 minutes it feels like 3 hours. i know people will say dude just drop it lol but even if its placebo i find "learning" new words in anki makes it easier to acquire them in content. fuck my willpower is so weak.

>> No.26126998
File: 295 KB, 1481x841, 1583215251414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets gooooooooooooooooo

>> No.26127002


>> No.26127026

do u think a single japanese person has ever not acquired their native language due to "weak willpower"??? just fucking drop anki, it's completely useless

>> No.26127059

willpower doesn't exist. cut the excuses and just do it.

>> No.26127065

>willpower doesn't exist

>> No.26127083

>it's completely useless
no it isnt

>> No.26127117

update i sorted through the transcripts of all the videos in my matt playlist but i couldn't find the clip. i've seen it several times thoguh

>> No.26127135
File: 108 KB, 230x227, 1575328310813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>update i sorted through the transcripts of all the videos in my matt playlist

>> No.26127148

what are you trying to find? matt has deleted many of his good videos.

>> No.26127212
File: 1.57 MB, 900x1200, 1572968511541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26127271

aaaaaaaaa i want a cute japanese girlfriend fuck western roasties

>> No.26127286
File: 5 KB, 661x115, 1590640048307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26127313

wotd: 味醂

>> No.26127321
File: 15 KB, 791x232, 1514773545063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so inconsistent

>> No.26127362

high five bro

>> No.26127365

what's the best way to learn from vns?
should i look up every word i don't know and make sense of every sentence?
or is it better to focus on being able to read through a sentence with as little help from texthook as possible?

>> No.26127374

does anyone have a handy list of unique katakana invented for 外来語?

>> No.26127377

i got to 365 days but forgot to sync my deck to my phone and went on a 2 day trip with no internet so i broke my streak, tried rolling it back with that trick of changing the system time but it didnt work so i raged and deleted heatmap lol

>> No.26127380

wym? ive been consistently doing anki once a week for almost a month now. dno y dumbfuks think u need 2 do it everyday like sum kinda wageslave

>> No.26127384

just mouse over all that shit

>> No.26127404

good. you're a dumb ass for giving an iota of a shit about something as worthless as a streak in the first place, but luckily god bitch slapped you onto the right path.

>> No.26127428

it was just a neat thing to see when u load up the ol' ankeez you dumb bitch whats with the telephone pole up ur fucking ass

>> No.26127474

heatmap is literally cancer. if you miss a day you feel like shit and not doing it ever again

>> No.26127481

are you the guy who tried salvaging a previous streak break with a rollback? lmfao. but let's both forget about this and look forward to the fact you've been forced to not be a dipshit.

this is a warning for all you other plebs who give a fuck about your streaks. the day will come where it will end. and when you whine here i will savor it. i've got a raging boner in my panties just thinking about it.

>> No.26127484

ye thats kinda the point though so u dont miss a day

>> No.26127530

holy shit clench more

>> No.26127579

kinda hate the guy who invented clench here

>> No.26127625

kinda love clench guy

>> No.26127653

clench is amazing because saying it makes people clench even more. the perpetual clench cycle.

>> No.26127662
File: 14 KB, 621x341, clench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26127719

*grabs your tongue and pulls u towards me*

>> No.26127747

lol youre autistic as fuck you know that

>> No.26127830


>> No.26127839

i'm yoga's replacement btw, already working on a new project for anki. cant disclose more than that right now

>> No.26127888

analcreaming mamma mia!

>> No.26127912

damn matt with a new boyfriend already baka desu senpai

>> No.26127913

you're not in the archives who are you

>> No.26127932

Starting on kanji.. the journey begins here!

>> No.26128004

ur so cringe dude stfu

>> No.26128005
File: 112 KB, 1431x596, 1598095440983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26128006
File: 3 KB, 908x766, djt method.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26128015
File: 281 KB, 480x360, 1572120603231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26128029

>Starting on kanji

>> No.26128050
File: 1.49 MB, 1057x1500, 1591412922314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dotd https://exhentai.org/g/1089075/81894a0d33/

>> No.26128053

Well I'm not beginning on it. I just got the kindergarten moonrunes down this week.

>> No.26128056
File: 88 KB, 255x274, JPEG_20200518_050730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost forgot to nae nae djt before bed

*nae naes*

>> No.26128078

damn bro tell me more about this starting vs beginning thing

>> No.26128082 [DELETED] 
File: 397 KB, 500x288, 1583687093155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost forgot to get schwifty on djt

>> No.26128104
File: 769 KB, 857x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26128203

qt built for fucking

>> No.26128241

just acquired っつう

>> No.26128243

you can spot the miafags by their 1990s colored light yellow background on all their cards lmao

>> No.26128246

how do u read this

>> No.26128345

guess youre not gonna get a mention on animesharts.site anymore lmao

>> No.26128459

>and write is nice

>> No.26128582

i don't care how much you wank the family dog

>> No.26128589

youre the man

>> No.26129169

you can just talk to yourself

>> No.26129230

was about to say it'd be hot if the woman were attractive but then i skipped to the end and there's a younger chick with bigger tits so that's cool

>> No.26129252

wtf that's brutal

>> No.26129277

so yoga is at least still on the discord and providing support? what a swell guy.

or is he just trying to build his portfolio. either way cool!

>> No.26129316
File: 212 KB, 1160x585, mia kills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26129516

this shit just makes me feel sad.

>> No.26129674

my butthole clenches when i’m happy

>> No.26129707

by "audible levels" this retard probably meant he had it on full blast in his ears all day

>> No.26129771
File: 466 KB, 3490x3124, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard loses hearing after full blasting naruto full blasting naruto on earrape levels 24/7.

>> No.26129861

forcing myself to rewatch snk in preparation for season 4 and it's so fucking difficult to care about any of these shit characters.

>> No.26130015

why watch season 4 then lol

>> No.26130025

i can't talk about how bad a series is if i don't intend to finish it.

>> No.26130057

rewatching is stupid bro

>> No.26130069

kind of based i mean at least you know what youre talkin about

>> No.26130086

already switched to the manga and i almost smiled at the fact there isn't what i'm guessing was a shitty filler episode in the anime where eren's gear fucks up.

>> No.26130346

how do i get yomichan to work with textractor

>> No.26130411
File: 419 KB, 1040x615, こうご.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been like a year and i still always read it as こうご thanks to this stupid fucking thread

>> No.26130517

eotd: https://youtu.be/BLK6Z0m-8_8

>> No.26130580


>> No.26130598

picked up ?

>> No.26130719

why do dual audio releases even exist

>> No.26130856


>> No.26130884

why don't you put your trip back on mary? can't handle the criticism? lmao

>> No.26130890

i feel honored that someone would accuse me of being such a great man

>> No.26130893

lazy bd rips. same thing with subtitles

>> No.26130897

stop sucking your own dick and dumb faggot

>> No.26130920

dop crippled typotard

>> No.26130988

youre all pathetic gtfo this thread

>> No.26131200


>> No.26131285

so cute when djt kiddos parents interfere with their study by dragging them on vocation with them

>> No.26131303

analcream = clench reliever

>> No.26131377

shit i dont remember the last time i went outside

>> No.26131470

whens the last time your mum ordered pizza

>> No.26131508

i really hate being an extremely slow reader
it makes me feel like i might as well be reading in english because if i keep reading this slowly in japanese i'll die before i finish even 10% of all the stuff i want to read

>> No.26131536

same. i just look at it as an investment to be able to read slightly faster next month, and slightly faster than that the month after that. one day i'll read what i want to read at a good pace and i'm just building toward that.

>> No.26131577

i'm getting extremely demotivated

>> No.26131592

yeah, i need to keep reminding myself that when i was first learning to read as a kid it probably took me like half a year to finish harry potter books and that it's gonna be really slow going til i become "beyond fluent"

>> No.26131600

dont remember that either

>> No.26131623

it helps if you develop a strong enough autism to be repulsed by the thought of reading a translation

>> No.26131647

im already at that point. if its some shitter manga i dont care about i'll sometimes read the translation, but then i'll check and there's significant errors like 9 times out of 10

>> No.26131961

just use anki and memorize the useful counters whats the point in bitching about it

>> No.26131970

never ankid a counter and i never fuckin will wtf

>> No.26131989

keep sucking then
its raw brute force memorization

>> No.26132003

i dont see anything wrong with patiently acquiring counters slowly

>> No.26132007

by not watching stupid excel sheets like that

>> No.26132064

You shitpost with no life losers. Of course you don't see anything wrong with wasting your life because you have nothing better to look forward to

>> No.26132066

they made it so that it filters out low iq scrubs like you

>> No.26132070

i wasnt the one who complained lol

>> No.26132090

wouldnt that encourage me to make more flash cards not less ? instead of just readin more eroge and havin fun ?

>> No.26132169


>> No.26132171

whatever you say bud

>> No.26132189

if it was true, you'd be reading right now, but whatever you say bud

>> No.26132304

its shitposting time right now

>> No.26132491

djpt cant cope

>> No.26132566

n6ers whining about japanese gives me the biggest boner

>> No.26132674

i want to nakadashi a dekinai

>> No.26132699


>> No.26132723


>> No.26133225

eng subbed anime is where its at

>> No.26133285

yup. im getting so good at translating from it and will actually be able to put my nihongo to use for money unlike most here

>> No.26133286






>> No.26133394

Use italki. I meet with a japanese tutor once a week and we just practice having conversations about random topics.

>> No.26133406

you gonna get exploited by crunchyroll?

>> No.26134063

prob open one up

>> No.26134097


>> No.26134185

のか just marks a question in this context.

>> No.26134250

whys that one anon so obsessed with making money

>> No.26134265



>> No.26134307

Thanks, anon. Good night to you.

>> No.26134453

you can't, you're an animal. just live by your whims and instincts like god intended
there is no free will

>> No.26134457

recommendations for what to do after rrtk? is there any more decks to continue rrtk, it's pretty fun and the deck references cards which don't exist

>> No.26134557

maybe japanese

>> No.26134603

woah dotd guy is back

>> No.26134705

why does the sentence end with なくて? i thought that would only be used if there was more sentence after the word like "and"

>> No.26134819

comma before "like"

>> No.26135013
File: 124 KB, 645x611, 0qp2trvn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i doing wront with mpv when
file.js files do their thing but no file.lua files?

>> No.26135448


>> No.26136375

why do people itt think cure dolly is a man
sounds like a grandma

>> No.26136427

curedolly is a russian or slavic grandma playing out her childhood fantasies

>> No.26136871

what's hrt?
some new meme anki deck?

>> No.26137238


>> No.26137323

vns aren't reading either you're just playing videogames

>> No.26137624

i have nothing but respect for this person after seeing that room though.

>> No.26137635

is this correct @jamal

>> No.26137714

playin thru phoenix wright in japanese and already getting sad again remembering how much they fucked up the 4th game

>> No.26137784

where does the second sentence start

>> No.26137900

so 春風に唆された is modifying 桜?? damn thats confusing

>> No.26137905

i eat 2 volumes of manga per day, 3-4 if its something easy or extremely good on top of my 2 hours of daily anime. hope this is enough to shit on most of djt.

>> No.26138026

that makes sense
still a lot i don't understand in the third sentence then but oh well haha

>> No.26138071

i read an ln per day

>> No.26138095

never read a linnie so idk how much that is

>> No.26138271

that actually makes sense lol jamal sensei wins again

>> No.26138511

jamals wrong 春風に唆された桜の花弁が舞う is one thing, the break is only after 流れ
the petals are dancing being led by the spring wind

>> No.26138590

also it's not the backdrop for the above two dunno wtf he's talking about there. basically it's saying the little kids with their shiny backpacks are walking hand in hand towards a new hope of youth under the floating blossoms being led by the spring wind as the newly melted snow of winter floes along

>> No.26138637

yeah backdrop for the final sentence not the "above two"

>> No.26138705

i want to believe this but >>26138573 won't let me

>> No.26138711

japanese is kinda gay

>> No.26138775

so basically jamal was just looking at the line cuts on the page lmfao real sensei we got here

>> No.26138870

real question is how tf did jmal find that pic

>> No.26138938

he had it from the beginning and took off his trip to post that sentence.

>> No.26138973

stay safe bros and dont go to japan

>> No.26138990


>> No.26139100

real question is why havent u blocked jabum

>> No.26139158

ask away dude

>> No.26139168
File: 1.30 MB, 2304x2650, IMG_20200910_162209147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26139199

ill help you bro, and if i cant
qm can always call to that one emergency native

>> No.26139384

if sex ed taught me anything is that this dont always work

>> No.26139521

i think ive asked like 3 questions pertaining to actual japanese text here in the last 2 years

>> No.26139668

didnt think that would work lmao

>> No.26139687

i love jojo

>> No.26139774
File: 80 KB, 700x821, karubin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have deep respect for karubin.

>> No.26139837

wow that statement really means a lot from a guy that tried and became one of the goats at the thing he tried lol

>> No.26139842


Implemented batch downloads and fixed couple errors

>> No.26139871

Oops forgot:
https://streamable.com/0yq0m1 -- old demo
https://streamable.com/b0tgcj -- batch dl demo

>> No.26139932

good thing about xdcc is you can start watching when the downlaod starts

>> No.26139950


>> No.26139963

wheres the weed

>> No.26139975

seeing the thumbnail of these vids reminded me of the evolution animation from digimon tamers

>> No.26140013

Rly? Didn't know it, wow

Upd. Wow, it really works

>> No.26140042

>gaijin game

>> No.26140047

yeah it's a sequential download and not random chunks like with torrenting.

>> No.26140096

> pulling out virtually always work.
wtf are u smoking lol

>> No.26140123

great question anon, ill meditate on this

>> No.26140133

this interpretation is much more forced than the cherry blossoms dancing in the wind. 春風 is basically a light breeze and not warm it's not gonna melt snow. im sure any native would read it the first way

>> No.26140170

you get her to implant an IUD into her uterus a a sign of devotion.

>> No.26140211


what real plants do you like jamal?

>> No.26140262

most people do try, they just give up a week later

think of all the normalshits who buy gym memberships as part of their new year's resolution to get fit, then stop going before they get anywhere

>> No.26140267

Scripts are very useful. You can collect all the necessary programs and run all of them from one script. Automation is what Japanese language learning lacks.

>> No.26140272


>> No.26140302

it's a fact. are you retarded

>> No.26140337


fuck off

>> No.26140372


>> No.26140375

why jamal calls himself jamal
is he nibba??

>> No.26140406

that's what you do in japanese guess he's immersing too much.

>> No.26140423

fuck sex

>> No.26140453

he can't keep getting away with this

>> No.26140460

If case anyone else wanted to use Kobo Rakuten: unlike in the past, you actually need a Japanese credit card to buy Japanese books from Kobo.


>> No.26140630
File: 76 KB, 975x198, honto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this crackable?
have no experience with this stuff at all.

>> No.26140747
File: 41 KB, 1068x199, 1583071467743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu idiot

>> No.26140766

read 1/3 of a volume of manga in english cause the page order was massively fucked in the jp scans and holy shit its so fucking bad and cringe

>> No.26140916

reading is exhausting

>> No.26141162
File: 120 KB, 1417x362, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i acquired this word a couple threads ago and finally i see it in action.

>> No.26141228

I haven't bought e-books from Japan for over 3 years, but this shit is completely fucked up now.
Kobo doesn't accept overseas credit cards anymore, Amazon locked my account due to 'unusual purchase' and requires billing statement (which I can't provide since all info on my account was fake Japanese info), Bookwalker DRM still isn't cracked.
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.26141240


>> No.26141248




>> No.26141270

Download Calibre and deDRM plugin and find out. I only know that Kobo and Amazon DRM are cracked (and some more I believe).

>> No.26141313


>> No.26141333


>> No.26141502

im pretty convinced coughman is unironically racist to some extent

>> No.26141523

Do you cound cre2k/6k as input or just review?

>> No.26141526

do not care

>> No.26141536

its not exhausting for me but 90% of new stuff doesn't stick and that's what pisses me off

>> No.26141560


>> No.26141576

doesnt have the same punch, fail

>> No.26141587

didn't ask

>> No.26141592

does it mean she sticks her tongue down your throat?

>> No.26141596


>> No.26141642

you can't kiss with a tongue you kiss with lips try using a dictionary sometime silly

>> No.26141647

It means she can make her uvula move.

>> No.26141661

dictionaries are for nerds

>> No.26141681

reminds me of that manga posted here a couple of day ago

>> No.26141682

i will never find love

>> No.26141739

what depth r u talking about
its just saying its spring time and kiddies r going 2 skul with high hopes, aspiring sluts ready to hit the road to av lol

>> No.26141798

love is a spook, don't fall for spooks and let them influence your life.

>> No.26141806

you mean nigger?

>> No.26141817

i just said im not going to

>> No.26141831

im too much of dekinai to tell if this is sarcastic or not

>> No.26141832
File: 10 KB, 212x219, callin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26141904
File: 79 KB, 492x711, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'd never

>> No.26141908

no wonder she broke up with matto

>> No.26141921

realistically speaking how hard is that sentence supposed to be like should i feel bad if i f'd up the meaning on first read

>> No.26142004

waiting until i can read 20k characters a day without it feeling like a chore before i start listening to white noise again

>> No.26142033

yeah found it first >>26140159

>> No.26142124

lol they both are losers
imagine dating a loser girl

>> No.26142196

wish i could just skip 2 years ahead to when i know japanese. my life sucks so its not like id be missing anything.

>> No.26142238

yeah dno bros

>> No.26142242

i mean, you need a pretty high iq to fully understand death note

>> No.26142257

lmao what the fuck

>> No.26142420

ive been listening this on loop lately

>> No.26142551
File: 18 KB, 548x147, 1587609778680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26142607


>> No.26142608
File: 154 KB, 586x703, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26142626

whether it includes or not? and what's the ん doing there? this language is fucking tough

>> No.26142685

you have to take a deeper interest in media to want to rewatch it. if you're just there for pretty colors then there's not much rewatch value.

>> No.26142687

ive been listening this on loop lately

>> No.26142731

man this anime was ages ago.
only thing i rememeber clearly is the cat watching porn.

>> No.26142734

what if u just wanna watch the epic shit again cuz its epic

>> No.26142748

enjoyed the atmosphere of hl1 when i played it last year. gonna replay hl2 soon.

>> No.26142763

same, except for scrubs and malcolm in the middle, could watch those endlessly.

>> No.26142768

japan is truly a fuckin toilet

>> No.26142811

shit art style

>> No.26142843

it's hard to be infatuated with any fake ass jap women putting on cutesy acts when you know they're being forced into those roles to please otaku. if you don't cringe when watching seiyuu behind the scenes clips then you're probably very autistic and can't sense what's going on

>> No.26142865

live footage of young jamal playing videogames


>> No.26142878

stfu moe it's top tier art and animation and way better than shit like yuru yuri

>> No.26142897

jamals a skinny boy

>> No.26143053

great anime

>> No.26143177
File: 14 KB, 701x230, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak performance

>> No.26143271

if your dick gets hard you just haven't had enough experience yet

>> No.26143351
File: 226 KB, 688x515, cbb7feaa09cbea8fe696a5e7bbbf85b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born 1995
and here i am being a neet in a crusty apartment doing nothing special with my life, fuck.

>> No.26143417

Been studying for a week now and these particles being used for different purposes really fucks me. I'm trying to learn essential grammar as fast as possible but it feels like I'm not learning any of them.

>> No.26143571

wtf is wrong with japs

>> No.26143575

no talent

>> No.26143578

watch dolly sensei

>> No.26143612

me in the suit after a long day of crunching numbers

>> No.26143642
File: 13 KB, 236x280, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me the salarayman in the glasses doing lewd things to her in my mind.

>> No.26143693
File: 11 KB, 127x126, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26143721

what a waste he probably cant even understand kurt cobain's shakespearean lyrics

>> No.26143850
File: 64 KB, 154x298, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26144074

dno where the fuck that t came from bros

>> No.26144283

imagine having great sex then watching great anime while cuddling

>> No.26144290

That fucking sucks, it was only a few weeks ago that I was able to purchase a digital manga volume with my non-Japanese credit card and when I tried to buy something else just now, it returned the same prompt as you right before the final step. Fuck you, Rakuten. It's as if they don't want easy money. I've spent hundreds of dollars on digital content buying from their store and now all of a sudden they don't want to take my money?
Fucking bullshit.

>> No.26144339

never happening bro

>> No.26144397

Maybe it's licensing costs?
I don't know why but game consoles do the same shit with their digital stores.
But they have a workaround with gift cards for charging funds.

>> No.26144503

Anyone else have trouble hearing pitch accent? Sometimes I'll think a word has one accent and then later realise I misheard it. Other times I just can't make out the pitch at all.

>> No.26144551

>watching anime with other people
this is uncomfortable and cringe, especially if I have to cuddle

>> No.26144552

hows my pitch?

>> No.26144695


>> No.26144804

cuddling is great

>> No.26144842


>> No.26144920
File: 392 KB, 1350x1920, 00007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe it's licensing costs?
It shouldn't have anything to do with it because as far as Rakuten is concerned, I'm some random living in Japan that happens to use a credit card which does not match up with the personal details the account was made with. When the account was made, all of the details were bullshit. I even supplied them with the address of a cemetery in a town in 富山県 and the phone number was auto generated off a website. As long as the account was never used to purchase physical goods, it shouldn't have been an issue.
I just bought two manga volumes on Amazon's Kindle store and converted them to epub with Calibre. The image quality looks no different to Rakuten rips and this was a lot easier, so stuff it, I'll just use Amazon. Have a look at the quality for yourself if you'd like: https://gofile.io/d/VadnQG

>> No.26144962

v checking in

>> No.26144996

never read long uppercase posts simple as

>> No.26145007

even girls that barely know you would hug you as a greeting at some random get together where i live.

>> No.26145090

maybe he means handholdless bro

>> No.26145095

how do i know if "read" is past tense, imperative or first person present tense in this sentence

>> No.26145185

if it was "red" he prolly would have said "i've never" or i have never
so it is "reed"

>> No.26145188

yeah ive done the hug kiss on the cheek a million times since its the standard greeting here too, i meant handholdless

>> No.26145191


>> No.26145208

well any of those 3 interpretations encapsulates my sentiment on the matter so you're all good bro

>> No.26145214

what i like about japanese twitter is that they dont put their pronouns in their bios

>> No.26145237

do you really expect any of the losers here to?

>> No.26145272

i have a blue belt in bjj im pretty ass but even an "advanced" white belt can destroy someone who knows nothing so im all good in that regard i guess

>> No.26145342 [DELETED] 

ok niggers

>> No.26145417


>> No.26145498

tfw your life will never have the feeling of this song

inb4 that guy posts the naruto blue bird

>> No.26145500


>> No.26145509


>> No.26145550

that's the wrong blue bird, idiot.

>> No.26145575

green birds are better

>> No.26145604

>best ops time
jibun wooooooo

>> No.26145677

tfw fucked up by finishing cowboy bebop before watching the movie and now i have no desire to do so for obvious reasons

>> No.26145694

I'm a lonely girl so lonely girl

>> No.26145701

the movie is still great

>> No.26145704

cowboy bebop is trash

>> No.26145709

t. yuru yuri drone

>> No.26145733

Anon, i'm trying to make poem.
I'm trying to derive it from a star, 天記(Lambda Velorum), who marked end of summer.
Is 天記が録り溜める correct? should i use 録り溜めました instead?
also, said poem
>Heaven's records takes record
>Heat is gone
>Cold turn into discord
>World is done

>> No.26145740

that op was fucking great in German.

>> No.26145741

how many kanji are left to acquire after jouyou?

>> No.26145745

ops ive been listening to recently

>> No.26145791

thanks for reminding me this one exists.

>> No.26145828


>> No.26145832

cowboy bebop is so good, for that reason I will never watch the movie until I am at my deathbed. so I can at least have something to look forward to.

>> No.26145879

best ed

>> No.26145889

bebop and yuru ruyi are both v good

>> No.26145892


>> No.26145904

both are pretty bad actually though bebop is obviously better

>> No.26145931

love me some karaoke.

>> No.26145955

are you retarded

>> No.26145956

cowboy bebop is the perfect fusion of western and japanese culture. truly the best of both worlds

>> No.26145979

episodic "stories" suck dumbass

>> No.26146008

oh so you are retarded.

>> No.26146010


>> No.26146018

some of the more boring episodic stuff isn't amazing but the animation, voice acting and music still make them entirely watchable and fun and the good episodes are rly good. people here are just contrarian dumb fucks who hate it cause reddit likes it and as usual cant offer any reasoning beyond "it's shit"

>> No.26146035

I watched cowboy bebop 15 years ago and I don't remember SHIT except that slut with the hanging titties but I'm gonna say it's overrated as fuck.

>> No.26146041

>and as usual cant offer any reasoning beyond "it's shit"
robby and all his clones.. every time

>> No.26146045

>slut with the hanging titties
picked the fuck up

>> No.26146063

>but the animation, voice acting and music still make them entirely watchable and fun
no. no no no no. fucking christ no. who gives a FUCK about that shit without a great story to back it up? plebs maybe.

>> No.26146099

plotfags = plebs. they literally expose themselves all the time

>> No.26146109

thanks for proving my point retards lol

>> No.26146121

only good thing to come out of that catastrophic shaft trash.

>> No.26146140

a well time "haha" at the end of a post can make any djter clench

>> No.26146144

cowboy bebop was meant to be like a western cartoon which is why american ironic weeb plebs like it so much

>> No.26146165


>> No.26146181

never watched cowboy bebop what are the obvious reasons

>> No.26146199

main character dies at the end of the show

dont spoil urself and get pissy at me btw

>> No.26146232

daily japanese programming thread?

>> No.26146236

>plotfags = plebs
go watch a muted video of cool animation on youtube if that's all your stupid ass cares about holy shit

>> No.26146250

Yeah the jap obsessed with American culture said it sounds better in the language he doesn't understand and you actually listened to him lmao

>> No.26146255

i love this op but this is really cringe lol

>> No.26146265

naisyo desu :^3

>> No.26146280

the protagonist who you have no reason to care about because there's no story dies at the end

so sad lol

>> No.26146286


It's a distinction from int's /djt/.

>> No.26146295
File: 228 KB, 1023x646, trump man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single one of those are men.

>> No.26146301

yeah cuz he was trying to make an american cartoon not an anime

>> No.26146306

you're absolutely broken

>> No.26146310

b-but they have boobies

>> No.26146320
File: 366 KB, 488x720, 1592693072943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea im thinking sora amamiya is a 8/10 at least maybe a 9

>> No.26146352

applied for my first job today, feels bad

>> No.26146421

Bookwalker is a subsidiary of Kadokawa publishing and they sell their digital manga across multiple e-commerce sites. Think of Bookwalker as similar to Penguin Books/Penguin Random House.

>> No.26146431

its u

>> No.26146494
File: 1.51 MB, 1334x750, 1573298056639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can u hate cowboy bebop when it gives us things like this to laugh at lol

>> No.26146530
File: 513 KB, 600x400, 1579423879772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea im thinking he's based lmfao

>> No.26146539

>there were times when there wasn't even a thread up
no there wasn't maybe for like 5 minutes at most lol
we also had 2k reply threads a few months ago

>> No.26146563

people need to realize that when you're learning something esp something that takes a lot of effort and time like japanese, practice doesn't only involve the activity at hand - for example reading and processing text. your frustrations, impatience, self-criticism and other feelings and thoughts are also coming into play, taking up mental space, and ironically, likely distracting you from making better progress.

>> No.26146575

in a just world id get to smack you upside the head for wasting my time with this post

>> No.26146587

He liked the Hollywood Ghost in the shell movie

>> No.26146593

I like to believe that retards who watch seasonal and moe trash are the loud minority

>> No.26146607

delivering a spinning backfist to ur cranium would do wonders for my mental state

>> No.26146615

post your mal

>> No.26146618
File: 520 KB, 891x816, i_view64_2020-09-10_23-10-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help here? I don't understand the sentence and the use of わけじゃない

>> No.26146691

by loving otaku creations

>> No.26146692

give up

>> No.26146697

how is this allowed on youtube my pp is harder than steel

>> No.26146702

I think they also have a branch that sells books published by different companies (kinda like kobo or amazon), hence my confusion.

>> No.26146708

pisses me off that there are a bunch of scumbags itt with bigger dicks than me

>> No.26146711

by not getting upset at literal symbols and sounds like a weirdo

>> No.26146714

LMFAO jesus

>> No.26146729

otaku should be killed

>> No.26146738

take your time, don't compare yourself, and get off djt because its full of negative lowlifes who will only discourage you more

>> No.26146739
File: 16 KB, 886x67, burnout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26146742

It's an old Amazon account, right?
I made once an Amazon.co.jp account linked to a burner mail. Can't use that one because they want confirmation from that long dead mail address.
New accounts on the other hand want a Japanese billing statement from me.
What in the fuck.

>> No.26146771

lmfaooooooo this nigg for real or is this a fake screencap

>> No.26146774

look at the attached images, i cracked up at the included anime

>> No.26146777

none of that shit matters or solves the problem

>> No.26146790

probably just a joke

>> No.26146799

I already did last time

>> No.26146801

yea it's because of hololive or some stupid shit like that invading /jp/

>> No.26146806

filtering u so i never have to read another brown post

>> No.26146807

nope, but i can see why you would want that because of our current success

>> No.26146818

explains why i always ragequit after 20 minutes slogging through a light novel

>> No.26146847

That long list? What about it

>> No.26146882

but they already have hololive eng

>> No.26146900


dont forget to watch this every week or so

>> No.26146915


>> No.26146920

new re zero gonna watch echidna best girl

>> No.26146928

i won't

>> No.26146930

yes it does. and clearly you're one of those lowlifes so of course you'd disagree

>> No.26146945

fuck you. its epic and iconic, imagine being able to watch and understand galileo making a speech against the common beliefs of the time and you say "yawn" thats exactly what youre doing fuck you retard

>> No.26146953

nah disagreeing with you doesnt prove your point dipshit

>> No.26146969

if he actually interviews matt i might listen

>> No.26146981

its gay and uninsightful and i wish stupid newfags would stop namedropping krashen like anything he says makes a difference

>> No.26146990

if matt interviews him*

>> No.26147008

imagining all the antiwhite and socialist propaganda the academia jew krashen has forced on his students for the past 50 years

>> No.26147022

makes me sick personally fuck him

>> No.26147036

just checked his twitter fucking dropped i hate input now

>> No.26147053

you dont get it, krashen was fighting that fight alone and will likely never be vindicated because of academic retards. its literally a fight between common sense and cancer academia but there are retards like >>26147022 who think he was like everyone else in academia which couldnt be farther from the truth

>> No.26147102
File: 23 KB, 592x148, berinie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i love bernie now

>> No.26147220
File: 80 KB, 800x712, 9bd5a05ea0e48835cd2f3366c4b7012140f0bea7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i really want to drink a big ass cup of ドナ茶

>> No.26147243

the input hypothesis was a neo-marxist ploy all along

>> No.26147293
File: 76 KB, 626x640, 1547525891083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26147328

makes me wanna barf that shit is fucking gross

>> No.26147361


>> No.26147418

wow what a smart new and original idea

>> No.26147422

ok homo

>> No.26147436

yeah I hate coffee too

>> No.26147442
File: 5 KB, 750x300, Ehj64vNXkAEHZ3R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26147854

what show is this

>> No.26147867

i just imagine ciaran watching this as background white noise

>> No.26147921

makes me wanna coom that shit is fucking エロい

>> No.26148010


>> No.26148122

Bernie ran for president and then suddenly surrendered. after that dick move no one will believe him.

>> No.26148176

he's talking about pulling your pork

>> No.26148208

it's eop prime time but the thread is dead?

>> No.26148213

sounds painful

>> No.26148264

5 min of what?

>> No.26148290

yanking the chain

>> No.26148432

anyone have the screencap of the jap guy saying uuuooooooo child erotic or something like that

>> No.26148492

just google it?

>> No.26148616

fuck u ape
