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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2595058 No.2595058 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of games does /jp/ play besides VNs and Touhou?

>> No.2595064

Melty Blood.

>> No.2595077


>> No.2595082

halo 3

>> No.2595081
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Japanese Dominoes

>> No.2595093

RPGs, lots of them.

>> No.2595149
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I like first-person shooters.

>> No.2595159


>> No.2595162



>> No.2595173


>> No.2595297


>> No.2595304

FPS games

>> No.2595310

RPGs, sims, and random independent games.

>> No.2595316

JRPGs and western stuff like fallout 3

>> No.2595325


>> No.2595330

cave games

>> No.2595342

TF2 and L4D mostly. I haven't had time nor desire to get into anything else.

I guess I did beat Mega Man 9, but that felt less like an accomplishment and more like punishing myself.

>> No.2595346

Team Fortress 2

>> No.2595358

Everything except FPS games.

It's usually STGs and JRPGs though.

>> No.2595372


>> No.2595391

Lots of RPGs, Starcraft, Age of Empires 2.

>> No.2595397
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Games of pretend.

>> No.2595398

I used to play everything but sports games. I haven't played any non-Touhou video games in ages though.

>> No.2595411

What game can we play together?

>> No.2595418


Did this ever get any more to it besides that one comic?

>> No.2595422 [DELETED] 


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>> No.2595423
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FPSs TF2 L4D Halo Quake 4 FC 2
RPGs Neverwinter Nights II Deus Ex (Yeah, I still play it) Mass Effect Diablo II WAR (Was playing WoW, but quit due to the community)
RTS: C&C RA 3 Tiberian Wars, AoE III

etc etc

>> No.2595441
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Recently just P4, L4D, meltan, and a little bit of Mabinogi. I'm not some huge gamer but I do play a lot of shit, just not much I'm bothering with lately.

>> No.2595455


I ran a Hakurei_Reimu over with a tank. I'm Mima-sama

>> No.2595456



>> No.2595463

2142 is shitsux, BF2 is fine though. I was excited for 2142 until it finally came out and was complete garbage. ಠ_ಠ Who knew it was so easy to fuck up cool shit.

>> No.2595466

I own all current-gen consoles, and indulge in PC gaming from time to time.

Right now I'm hooked on Metal Gear Online. Playing as Hakurei_Reimu, the Wonderful Shrine Maiden of CQC.

She choke-slams people and cuts throats.

>> No.2595470

TF2, L4D, 2d fighters, blah blah blah.

Also it's getting quite lame seeing Touhou themed names on every single online game.

>> No.2595479
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My Steam name currently is from Galaxy Railways, BET YOU WONT FIND A LOT OF THOSE ON THERE

>> No.2595488

I know... But I still love it, I have to have faith that EA will change its ways and not drop support on it.

Even with its problems, it's still a very enjoyable game.

>> No.2595496

Did you ever play BF2? Same game (obviously from the name and the fact that its the same shitty EA that makes them both) but a lot better.

It's just a modern warfare version, but it's pretty much awesome. 2142 was the same just...yeah, something about it really made it suck ass especially compared to BF2 for me at least.

I should start playing bf2 again ;_;

>> No.2595526

TF2 while roleplaying as a touhou.

>> No.2595564
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You're awful.

>> No.2595586

/jp/ had a steam group a long time ago, but not many people seem to be on anymore.

>> No.2595595

Huh? It's gotten bigger lately.


>> No.2595598

I'll probably join when I get a new laptop.

>> No.2595605
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Ace Combat.

>> No.2595607

Also /jp/ Starcraft crew.

>> No.2595614

How is this any better than the other metathreads?

>> No.2595635
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I thought killer7 was pretty awesome.

>> No.2595639


There's a /jp/ StarCraft crew?

Where? Do they just play Melee or UMS? If they play UMS, do they play Type-Moon Arena? How about Omega Fighters?

>> No.2595644

Presently, Henry Hatsworth.
Good show.

>> No.2595647

I was just sort of saying. Though on the IRC server that hosts the swr and iamp channels (mizuumi) there is a starcraft channel where people can talk / set up matches. Not sure how many of them play UMS though.

>> No.2595660


Type-Moon Arena's really well made apart from slight imbalances (Kurokiri Satsuki (NOBODY KNOWS WHO HE IS [He's not Sacchin]) is omgwtfhax while ORT is kinda weak for being ORT) and gratuitous translation (lol Arcueid Blunstud).
Omega Fighters is kinda awkward on control but is fairly balanced if you can keep up with it. The only /jp/ related character is 4th Berserker, though.

>> No.2595672

Suda 51 is a good man.

>> No.2595678

Sounds odd. I haven't played UMS in ages. I don't even play much anymore anyway, I just like watching the pro leagues.

>> No.2595694
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>I just like watching the pro leagues.

>> No.2595703
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>I don't even play much anymore

>> No.2595705


UMS is so much better than Melee, though.

So many more things to do.

Battle maps are awesome. Extreme-tier battle maps like We Are Friend and Omega Fighters are supremely awesome.

>> No.2595709

Maybe I'll play some for fun soon. I haven't play since it was all the xmen and like...ff7 themed RPG UMS' which were all terrible.

The tower defense style ones were a++
